Segment 1 - Class Overview
26:50 2Segment 2 - Button Layout: Top Deck Part 1
24:08 3Segment 3 - Button Layout: Top Deck Part 2
20:39 4Segment 4 - Button Layout: Back Side Part 1
22:16 5Segment 5 - Button Layout: Back Side Part 2
23:27 6Segment 6 - Button Layout: Left &Front Side, Bottom, & Lenses
19:14 7Segment 7 - Shooting Menu
25:59 8Segment 8 - Custom and Setup Menus Part 1
27:10Lesson Info
Segment 11 - General Q&A
before we get into some of your overall recommendations from Douglas Gottlieb, why not use Theo? I Detection? Focus for Portrait. It's I detection for Portrait's might work quite well, might work quite well. You can have very specific control if you just choose that small box. It's just boom very quick and easy with the I control. It might go to the wrong I or it might pick something else that looks like an eye, and in theory, it's nice having things done for you. But if once they start getting done wrong once in a while, it's like, Just give it to me I will do it correctly. That's kind of the problem I've had with it. What do you do if you photographing to people? And it focuses not on the person that you wanted to. You can't really redirect it very easily, and so that's why I like taking manual control of it. All right. Cool question from Shaun King. Back button. Auto focus Possible available on the M one, and if so, how can tell him again? Yes, and you confuse me by saying the m one...
because in the actual setting of the A t l button. There isn't I m setting m three is what you want to have set because what happens when you said it to em? Three. When you go to manual, focusing the CEO button on the back of the camera becomes a back button focusing system and you can actually do that as well in single, single focus and continuous focus. And if I recall off the top of my head, you need to have those set at S three and C three. If you wanted to do that in case somebody is going, what is he talking about? It is custom menu. A third item down called E e l Dash a fl and so custom menu. 1/3 item down said it to em. Three. All right, There you go. On their answers. Rich Els question as well. Fantastic two in one. Austin, who's been with us all day, says several of my menus were great out, notably the movie settings. Any suggestions on where to look Now I'm not sure exactly when he said these are grayed out. If they if they put their camera in one of the M S, A or P options that would should clear that up. These little conflicts of interest are always interesting cause you're trying to figure out what is conflicting with them setting the movie city. I don't know one option, and I don't like this option is to do a reset on all the cameras functions, which was at the front, so basically right in shooting Menu number one. You could do a reset on the whole camera on that would hopefully clear up any sort of conflict if you wanted to start fresh again. If you want to start looking for something that's conflicting with it, I'm trying to think if there's oh, if they have reprogrammed their movie record button to something else that may have affected it, expected it. That's my only quick thought. All right, Cool. Thank you. All right, keep rolling. Let's see you. Alison Ortner. I own the Olympus E. M 10 camera. I want to buy this course, which is which is closer to the M 10. This class that you just talked today or the e m five class that you have also done Well, unfortunately, I have not had a chance to go through the e m 10 camera as in depth as I have this one. I haven't. I have a class on the M five and now on the E. M one. I don't know that I'm gonna be making the class for the M 10. I asked the Olympus rep in our region, which is that camera closer to in function and operation and as far as kind of camera features. It's more similar to the E M five as far as its structure set up, they said. But they would probably be better off looking at the menu system in the new E. M. One. So this is the better class for somebody who hasn't am 10. From what I'm told, that is great. Let's see. So speaking of the m five, this is from Judy Stole earlier today. She has the M five, owns the Empire class and is pondering upgrading to the M one. Can you go through quickly? The pros and cons of that upgrade? She's not a pro, but she would consider herself and advanced amateur. Thanks. And you're the best seal instructor. Thank you very much. The big improvements that see the biggest improvement to me. I think is in the auto focusing system. So if you are gonna be shooting any sort of action, the Empire was very quick for static shooting. When it comes to continuous shooting, this gives him quite a bit more options. It does have a definite, more robust feel to it. I mean, it's got a much bigger grip on it. It's got a better viewfinder from what I recall, and it's got just a little bit more fleshed out controls on there. I really like the implied. I think it's a very good camera. I think this is a It's an upgrade. It's got the better. While the previous one was weather resistant as well, I'm trying to think, What are the other major feature changes between between the two and I'm not really thinking of anything that just striking me really, really strong. I kind of like the size of the in five is very small. This one really isn't that much different when it gets to hide them with its this larger grip. That was really nice and I really do like these control wheels on it. The ones on the E M five were pretty good. It's just that they've taken it up to another level here on this one. Great. So some thoughts. Thank you. Thank you. Very helpful. And a question from Mitch wanting Samora younger. No thoughts. I have the previous models of both one d and the loo. Mix em 43. Would you recommend if I was to upgrade one of the bodies toe up for the M one or the loom ICS G that you covered Jake Seven that you covered yesterday. He or she? Mitch has both blue mix like a and Olympus lens is the main use would be still. Let me get this straight. They're comparing. They want to get either this camera or the GX seven. Yes. This is the limits, G. But since said since that you covered yesterday, right. That's what we covered yesterday, right? There is a bit of a difference. This is a superior performing camera. I really cannot move away from that. Uh, the GX seven is smaller in size. And so if you say front, for instance, wanted to use, you know, their little prime lenses. And you wanted to keep the package really small in size the little Panasonic GX seven is gonna have near the same image. Quality doesn't have quite the same performance for shooting action and fast moving subjects, but you get the same image quality at less size, less cost. But if you want that horse power for doing lots of those different things, the autofocus performance, the frames per second for standard shooting here is good because the other one did shoot it 40 frames per second. But it was very limited as to how it could be done. Viewfinder is much better on this one. I was shooting the track event last week that I had mentioned before, and I was shooting some runners as they were coming around the track. And as they would come around one time, I switched to a different camera and I was switching between the cameras that I've done this week, which are the Fuji XY to the Panasonic GX seven and this one. And you know, it's like Fuji was okay and Panasonic I was okay. And then when this one came around, it was shooting much faster, tracking the subjects, and it was a much easier view in the viewfinder of those subjects coming around the corner And so this one was much better, you know, probably by a factor of two or three times mawr enjoyable to shoot the action with than the other mirror less cameras. So much better in the action in the action. There you go, people. Douglas Scott leaves again. Been with us all day, says John the E M. One versus the Fuji X T one and then get ready to duck. Well, I don't have my ex t won yet. I've held it, but I havent possessed it yet and the X t one looks really nice. They're gonna be very competitive cameras. I think the image quality on the Fuji is likely to be a little bit better. I think the feature set the number of features and the options in this OM one is going to be a little bit better. So see if there's some of those features that we were going through in the menu system that are critical to you. There's a lot of them that are gonna like that. I'd be kind of nice. That would be kind of fun. Which ones are critical to what you're doing? The new Fuji X t one and I will have a class on the Fuji X T one. We haven't set a date because I don't have a camera yet, but we will expect to have something, probably by August would be my guess. Ah, the viewfinder on that is phenomenal, which is really nice. They're both the same megapixels, but the viewfinder on the Fuji's nice. I really like a lot of the Fuji lenses, the look and the feel of the Fuji lenses. Although I like the cool. I like the variety here, but I think I overall all like the quality of the Fuji lenses a little bit better. To be honest with you, your life is not gonna be totally rocked completely differently, one or the other. They're both good choices. And so you're gonna have to look very closely at the 4/3 versus the A P S C sensor cause you can get into those smaller size lenses. And if you have an interest in those, these are quite a bit smaller, lighter weight and less money than the Fuji's. There is a much wider variety of prices that you're going to spend here then with the Fuji lenses, all of the Fuji lenses, for the most part, are kind of high end lenses. Well, there's a couple of lowing lenses, but most of them are fairly high in lenses. Well, that is really, really helpful. So thank you. But I love the keep in mind. At the end of the day, you're doing pretty good going. If you're going with either that you're splitting hairs in some ways. Yeah. All right. Good. We have more questions. Sean King had asked earlier. Really? Enjoyed the zoom out effect of the time lapse that you showed us. Okay. In India. How did you do that? Okay, so that that was a little trick I did in post. So I shot everything. Kind of has a wide angle, and because your cameras were shooting in such high resolution, I went in and started the video in here, and I slowly moved back. And so that was final cut pro That I was working in when I did that. But that could be done in pretty much any movie. Like an eye I moving program, but not in the camera, Not in the camera. No, that's the answer. All right. All right. Uh, Let's see. We have another question from Douglas Gottlieb Conflicting reports about the focus tracking of the M one. Some say that the PdF pdf gets used in tracking mode and that it's really fast. Other state say that it's so Can't focus that of a DSLR or the Fuji X t one right? What do you? Okay, so something I really didn't get into was the pdf And everyone knows what we're talking about right now. Explain. So pdf is phase detection, autofocus area and one of the areas about this camera that I did not really go into. A lot of detail is for the previous 4/3 users who are using the older lenses on this camera. Because when you do that, there are phase detection pixels on the sensor itself that will help the camera focus continuous focus for action. When you are using these older lenses on this camera and as to how well they work, I haven't had a chance to try it out. I don't have any of those older lenses. I haven't seen them. I don't know anyone that shoots with them. They're not very common, so you can do focus tracking with and without the new in the older lenses either way around. But in my opinion, if I was to be given two choices to go out and shoot a sporting event, this or an equally comparable priced canon or Nikon camera, I would go with the Canon or Nikon camera because their face detection tracking system is more advanced than the system that is in this camera and more consistent, in my opinion. Now, given this camera I have and I could get good sports shots with it. It's just not as consistently as with, for instance, a cannon d or a Nikon d 7100.
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Ratings and Reviews
John does an excellent job of making the OMD E M1 understandable. His knowledge of the camera and relaxed style clearly and painlessly walk you through the maze of buttons, menus, and functions. He objectively points out the strengths of the camera as well as those things Olympus could of done better. His opinions of the camera are consistent with other knowledgable reviewers, and are consistent with my own (limited) experience. The manual tells you every little thing the camera CAN do. John helps you understand what is important to get the best use of the camera in most situations.
user e35335
Three simple words, " Thank you John " I have really enjoyed the course. The OMD EM1 is a wonderful camera, and with the clear guidance of this course I feel instantly at home with all its capabilities. Clear concise instructions delivered in a faultless manner. A joy to watch.
Gary Davies
Wow! The M-1 has a lot of options but John does a terrific job of making them understandable. His style is relaxed and endearing. It seems to me the goal in taking photographs is to be able to devote all one's effort into composing the photograph.... which means that setting the camera for the particular shot needs to be as effortless and instinctive as it can be. JG has set me on that road with my M-1 and for that, I thank him.
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