Day 1
1Class Introduction
15:43 2Why You Need Publicity
34:37 3Publicity Wakup Call
39:36 4Crafting Your Unique Selling Proposition
18:00 5Finding Your Unique Selling Proposition
20:15 6Knowing Your Features & Benefits
13:36 7Putting Your Proposition Together
17:40The Six P's of Publicity: #s 1-3
38:37 9The Six P's of Publicity: #s 4-6
20:15 10What You Need to Be Media Ready
25:53 11Pros & Cons of DIY vs. Hiring a Publicist
17:55 12Crafting Your Publicity Plan
30:43 13Press Releases: Distribution & Leveraging
36:39Day 2
14Magazine Features
25:02 15Five Steps to Get in Magazines
34:20 16Pitching to Magazines Q&A
18:58 17Who's Who of Magazine Departments
20:18 18Media Databases & Building Your Own List
22:43 19Resources to Connect with Journalists
30:10 20Pitching "Best Practices"
37:07 21Editors' Advice
30:43 22Pitching Q&A
23:31 23Guest: Corbett Barr
22:09 24Guest: Robin Kramer
22:43 25Ten Expert Blog Tips & Q&A
37:45Day 3
26Steps How to Guest Blog
43:47 27Getting a Response & What to Do
30:09 28Importance of Buzz from Celebrities
44:25 297 Steps to Get Your Product to Celebrities
34:25 30How to Get Your Brand to Bloggers
56:53 31What to Do After the Review
24:29 32Creative Ways to Get Buzz
24:32 33Buzz Outlets: TV, Awards, & Infographics
56:57Lesson Info
Ten Expert Blog Tips & Q&A
Let's go ahead and talk about another one of my favorite topics, which is having a blawg and using your block to really establish yourself as an expert to get other people to come to you and publish you in their magazine or get a quote from you for their newspaper or for their TV show. So I'm super excited about this because I really feel that everyone should have a blawg. Even if you're blogging just once a month to start, that's still a great start. So this is a screenshot of my home page and what it looks like right now. It didn't always look like this. I have to say I hired a designer to do this, and I don't want to give you the impression that you're Block has to be designed like mine or designed by a professional, because what I started with was not anything near this. But this is what I've sort of evolved Teoh after blogging for a couple of years, and I put this out there because there is a lot of aspect here that you guys should look at and think about having on your block. So ...
today, for the next 40 minutes or so, we're going to talk about if you do have a blogger, which I think we all should have a blawg. What should you be having on your block? What are some aspect of it that you can leave out And what should you really focus on so that you're not only providing value to your readers and your audience, but you're also using it as a tool to get more publicity and to really establish yourself as an expert. So the first thing that I'm a huge fan of if you have a blawg is to have a photo of it. Ah, photo of yourself on your block because this should be on your about page. You'll see here that I have it right on my header. So every page that people are on, they can see my head shot right there. And they couldn't sort of connect with me more than if just my logo was there. So I chose to put it on my header. It wasn't always there. Sometimes it was only on my about page, but wherever you put it, you should have at least in one place on your site. you should have your photo, and the about page would be a perfect way to do that. You can also have it may be on your contact me page and a couple of other places, but having a photo There is a great way for Let's say, an editor wants to get a quote from you and they come to your site. They're gonna instantly connect with you and again, Like I was saying yesterday, if your jewelry designer and if your jewelry was featured on Oprah or if there is no no magazine mentions, which one would you more more likely be to buy from? And it's probably if there was some sort of feature for publicity, and it's the same way here with your photo. If your photos on your block people are more likely to connect with you, they know that there's a real person behind the website, which you again if you don't unless you have a physical store, which most of us don't have. The only way to really connect this three or block through conversation and through having your photo up there so wherever you guys decide to put it is just important to have a photo of yourself out there on your blogged. So no next let's talk about having a clear headline. So this is really important, because this is a lot of times what grabs people to your site and what grabs their attention when their first coming to your site. So if I'm sure there's all of us have competitors out there. But how? What makes you different? And we talked about this yesterday, so I think by now you all have a better idea of what makes you different. But make sure to put that on your block, whether it's your headline or like I have here, a little sentence that says I'm on dry air is my passion is helping entrepreneurs turn their dreams into reality. Are you ready? So this speaks again. I'm using the word you. I'm also using eye or me or my, but I'm also saying you and inviting them to come in. So when someone comes to my site, it's not always obvious what my site is about. But if you have a tagline there or it could even be something under your local like, I also have launched her business and grow old with joy. People that are your audience can come to your side. They could read the tagline, which is often the first thing they look at, and they can decide if this is gonna be a side that's appropriate for them. And you might be thinking, Well, could I be missing out on a lot of people that are maybe not relevant? And yes, you probably will be. But that's really great, because you only want to speak Teoh the audience that's gonna be your customer. So if someone reads this and they can't relate to this, it's fine that that they leave your side because they probably will never buy from you. And it's harder to connect with someone who is not there for to actually get some value out of your sight and what you provide. So again, I'm a huge fan of telling people exactly what it is that you dio without being too wordy without saying too many things and use the word you or you are even in my tagline. It says, launch your business and grow to joy. It doesn't talk about me as an expert in helping people launch businesses or me as a successful entrepreneur. It's all about them and what they could get out of reading the site. So have that there take a couple of minutes, maybe even sometimes half on hour. If you don't already have it and spend that time to hone in on your tag line or your unique selling proposition or whatever, the first thing you want people to read at when they come to your site and that's gonna save you from so much irrelevant traffic or people that are coming there, that might not be a good fit for your your blawg and services. So that's the clear tagline. The other thing that it's super important to have on your blawg and on your website in general is the about page and the about page. If you remember yesterday, I said it's often the second most popular page on your site, and I'd love to invite all of you when you get back home or get back to your office to check your statistics and your analytics and see, Is this really true? Are people visiting my about page and you're gonna be really surprised at how many people are actually going on your about page, so I urge everyone there. Teoh, check out their about page and see how many people are visiting. But the about page, especially if you're gonna be using your block or your site to establish yourself as an expert, is going to give people a great idea as to how you can help them or what value you can provide. And we talked yesterday about starting out here about page with making get about them and not about you. And then you want you grab them in and capture them, and you tell them why they should be there and keep reading than you can talk about yourself a little bit. And what makes you an expert. Why you came to start this blogged how you can help other people. And when an editor, let's say someone from The New York Times, once a quote from you. Ah, lot of times they're going to go to your about page to see what your experiences and then they'll determine if you're the right person for them to be talking to. So that's why having this on your blog's and I wanted to mention I'm not talking about your blog's as a totally separate website because your block consider on your already existing website. So don't think that you have to go out there and start a completely new site. That's just your blog's, because it couldn't be a link on your on your site that you already have and where you provide content. But if you only have a blawg and you're not selling anything else, you should definitely have an about page that talks all about how you can provide value and what your experiences and on my block are my about page. I also have some testimonials and again testimonials. When people go to the about page, that's one way of helping them make a decision. If they should continue to work with you or buy from you or give you their email address or following on social media, so as they're reading your about page, if you can in between maybe some paragraphs you can put some testimonials from other people that have worked with you or other people that have have bought from you again. That's gonna increase their trusting you they're going to be more likely to buy or more likely to use you as an expert if they seeing that other people have written about you. So, for example, if you're a speaker and you want to speak at conferences and you've already spoken at a conference and you got great feedback, maybe the conference organizer sent you an email afterwards and said, Hey, I loved having you on. You were a totally dynamic speaker, and we'd love to have your next year. Well, if you're looking to book more speaking engagements, you want to put that on your about page because you want to attract those people that are looking for dynamic speakers for their conferences and their events. And this goes for if you have a product if you have a service. But really use your about page as a way to gain the trust of your audience. And the other thing that I love to do with the my about Page is, is that I figured if people are taking the time to read your about page, and at the end of it, you ask them for their email address or you ask them to follow you on social media, that probably most likely going to do it so If you feel comfortable with it, make sure to add your newsletter, Opt in box, and we're going to talk about that in just a second. Make sure to add that either at the bottom of your about page or somewhere in the middle. Even if you have a product on and I do this, I think I've done this with my so business. I'll have to double check. If not, I plan on doing it. But if they take the time to read your about page, they're more interested than someone who just lands on your home page and leaves right away. So give them. Make it easy for them to opt in to your email newsletter and again, if they opt in and you send them a newsletter, that's a second time they're seeing you. And again, the seven Times rule were. The more they come across your page and your company and your products, the more likely they are to trust you, and the more likely they are to buy from you. So that's enough about the about page. But I do want to talk a little bit about your, um, email. Opt in and what I mean by this is a form on your website where people can enter their email address when they come to your site. So I'm curious of the studio audience. I know. Robin, you have an email, opt inform. Does anyone else have one? Okay, so everyone has one. This is really great. And I want everyone out there who's watching on the Internets to to follow in the footsteps of our studio audience and get an opt in form on your website or on your block. And I could do a whole class on opt in forms and what he should have on it and what he should do with it. But it's really important to have on there because, like I was saying, a lot of people don't buy the first time, and but they're interested enough, and they're not quite sure what to dio if they should buy or not buy. So what they'll do a lot of times is that they're going to go ahead and sign up for your newsletter, and that's sort of the next step. So they're even more qualified to buy something from you. Then the person who just visits your website and leaves without signing up for following you on social media or opting into your email newsletter. But the tricky thing about the email opt in. And I've seen this a lot on a lot of sites where people say, Sign up for our weekly newsletter or click here to get more news. Or yet even worse, not saying anything and just having the opt in form with a cement button. And that doesn't really work. If you want to grow your email list, you have to give people a good reason that provides value to them for why they should be signing up for your newsletter. So, for example, with my so business. Ah, lot of times I'll try different things and I'll say, Enter your email address here and you'll win a year's worth of soap or give me your email address not in those words, but enter your email address here to get free shipping on your next order, or click here for a 25% off coupon for my launched Rajoy business. I always and testing different things. And sometimes I'll say enter your email address and you'll receive the exact script I used to contact magazines or the exact script I used to get into wholesale accounts. So think about something that's really valuable to your audience and offer them that for free when as ah as ah in exchange for you for them giving you their email address. So again you want to be offering them value. Because if you go to a site and it just says Sign up for my newsletter, that's probably not gonna be that effective. If you're giving them a reason and providing them value and giving them something really good that they actually need and could help them, they're probably going to be much more likely to actually sign up for your newsletter and give you their email address. So if you I know you haven't email newsletter. But if you don't have a specific reason for people to sign up, think about what value can you provide from them and how you couldn't give that to them in exchange for their email address. And there'll be a lot more likely to to give you their email address, and I have tested this over and over. I know there's been a 10 of studies done on this as well, but every time I only have my email or the email address field in the first name and submit, I hardly ever get anything. And as soon as I put something on incentive up there for them to give me their email address, they give me their email address. And that's how you couldn't grow your list and get people to trust you even more and provide them with even more value. So now let's talk about a press page. So a press page is really important whether you have a product or a service. And I do this with both of my websites, and it really helps to get the social proof to get people to trust you and to get you even more press. So any time you dio unnerve you or your quoted somewhere or a magazine talks of all your products. Or maybe you speak at an event, put it up on your press page because people love to see that, and it helps them to trust you right away. And it's obviously not as popular as your about page, but people do. You go there and check, especially if they are going to you Teoh to help them with your expert status. So I know one I was right angle about Pinterest and launching courses and writing e books on Pinterest and articles. My main thing on my press page was all of the other articles that I had written about Pinterest. So if I'm pitching Gift Shop magazine to write an article for them on Pinterest and they come to my site and they go to the press page and they see that I've already done this and I have a track record off writing articles on Pinterest, they're more likely to work with me rather than with someone who doesn't have any track record. And yes, I didn't start with any press mentions when I started my business. So at first this page might look a little lonely or maybe abandoned, but, um, and it will when you only have one or two things. But that's fine. Just keep building on it. And any time you get something new, a media mention a quote on event that you do somewhere put it up on your press page and let other people know that you're doing this and sometimes what I like to do is that sometimes there's so many press mentions where it sort of gets lost. So I like to take the bigger press mentions and put a logo. Create a little graphic with the logos of some of the bigger websites or companies like Entrepreneur Magazine or yeah, small business that I was featured in. And I have those on also in my press page, but it is just the graphic. So it's a visual again. The visual aspect is really important because sometimes people might not want to look through all of your press mentions. But if they see a whole bunch of logos on the side with all of the places where you've been featured in, it's a great visual representation of what you've been able to do so far. So as soon as you get a few major press mentions, put them up there, and I also do this with my so business do on my home page. I have a separate press page, but on my home page I have a little banner at the bottom that says, as seen in and a bunch of logos from some bigger magazines that I've been featured in and again. It's that building that trust, building that credibility and having a press page, especially if you're gonna be using it to be an expert is really, really important. So don't forget that with your with your blawg question. If if you've been featured a Z a Blawg blogger rates the Value writes about your product. Can you put that on your press pagers? That pushing it? You can. Actually, in every single time I do a guest post for someone else. I'll put it up there every like when uncommon goods and your your designer mentioned my site on there. It was a mention about me, so I was featured. It wasn't the main article wasn't about my site, but I did get a mention in their or, for example, creative life. They just did an article where they quoted me about publicity. So, yes, I'm definitely gonna be putting that up there because I served as a source and as an expert for their article. So feel free to put that up there, even if it's just a really small mention. But all of those can add up, and they really are important. And you did contribute you were, you know, not technically press when you're writing for another blogger, but it is a media mention, and it's it's your providing a service or in expertise or quote to that website. So I definitely feel free to put it up there. Yeah, okay. I mean, yeah, you're welcome. So now let's talk about testimonial. So I love testimonials, and they're really great. But what they're really good at is helping you to increase your conversion rates on your website and get more people to trust you. So if you have testimonials, put them on your about page, put them where people might be possibly signing up for your newsletter. Put them on your product pages, put them on your home page. I'm a huge fan of putting them everywhere, because if people of your products or you off in your class or your courses or your books if you're an author, other people love to know that, and they love to know that what they're buying and what they're supporting other people feel the same way about and its social proof. It really, really helps to get more people again to trust you. This is really all about building your trust so people can feel comfortable enough to come to you to give you their email address to buy something from you. So the more they can see other people loving you on your products, and the more you can put it out there, the better it is. And don't be shy. Sometimes what I'll do is I'll take some testimonials and I'll create a graphic around it and pose that on my Pinterest page or instagram or even Facebook. And again, it's Some people might be following you on Instagram and not on Facebook, or they might be reading your newsletter by not coming to your website. So the more out there you can put this, the better it is. And the more again the more likely they are to trust you, and you're coming at them from a different point of view. So you're not selling anything to them when you're doing the testimonial and post and get out there. But you are telling them other people believe in my company, other people of my products, and if other people are doing it, maybe they might be able to relate to that as well, and they might hopefully one day do the same thing and give you a good testimonial as well. And I do have one tip. A lot of times people ask me, Well, how do I get testimonials? Can I just email my customers and get a testimonial from them? And yes, you could do that. But another good way to do it is instead of emailing them and saying, Hey, can I have a testimonial for my site? Maybe you could use that the survey that you're gonna be doing once a year, where you ask people, Let's say, What do you like most about my products? Or what do you like most about my site and use what they saying there as a testimonial? And I always like to ask people if it's OK that I use their testimonial and their name and company name on my website and if they say no one has ever said no. But I still ask because it's just common courtesy. Sometimes some people might not want to share that information, or maybe they might not want other people to know that they bought from you. So always make sure to ask, and you can really get it in an indirect way. You're not. You're not only getting really awesome feedback from your survey, but you're also getting testimonials that you composed throughout your site. And, um, you don't have You're not asking your customers to send you a separate email with testimonials, so they're super important and every aspect of your business. So now let's talk a little a little bit about breathing room. So I put that up there because before the presentation, I was talking to Carb Corbett and I said, Hey, do you have some tips? What else should I add in here? And he had a really good point and he said, breathing room. And what he meant by Dad is don't clutter your sight with every single thing I know we have a ton of article is a lot of different things we want to share with people, but you want to still keep the design nice and simple. So you're not overwhelming people with different things to do, and I know some sites you go to. They ask you for email address. They have a Facebook like box. They share with you their latest articles. They ask you to follow them on Pinterest and Twitter. And all of those things sometimes can get really overwhelming for people. So if you're asking them to do a lot of different things at one time, what they end up doing is that they get overwhelmed and they do none of those. So this more simple, you can do it, and the more in a simple way that you can present it to them on your site, the more likely they are to actually take action. So have they come to your site, and the only thing you're asking them for is their email address. They're more likely to give you their email address if you also have Facebook and Twitter and all of those buttons there. Now I do have all of those on my site, and I didn't always have that, some still testing out to see what's working. I know Corbett removed all of the social media buttons on his home page and on the main page is, but he still gets people to sign up. I may be mentioning his social media profiles and his newsletter and doing get another way, so there's a lot of different ways you could do, do he or different things you can do here. But just give your audience a little bit of breeding breathing room. And don't ask them for too many things at once. And I know this could go for pretty much. Anything gives you whether you're doing a video, and at the end of your video, you're asking people to maybe give your video thumbs up on YouTube and asking them to follow you on Twitter and sign up for your newsletter and all of these things, so just keep it simple. Maybe one or two things call to actions that you're asking them to dio, as opposed to asking them to give you everything from from the first time they get to your site. So keep it simple and against simple doesn't have to be boring. It could still be simple, but still be really nicely designed and really professional looking. So now let's talk about contact info, and this is really obvious. We all want to have our contact info on our website, but especially if you are using your blawg to be an expert to get quoted in publications, you want to make sure you make it as easy for people as you can to contact you, so make sure to have a contact page. Ah, separate page on your site. I know some people have their contact info at the bottom. Some people have a link, but I'm a huge fan of on every single page of your website. There should be a link to your contact page, and when they get to your contact page on there, you should have your email address or a Knop or a contact form. If you're not comfortable sharing your email address, then haven't up or an email form where they could just fill in their name, their subject and then the message to you. Now I do think you should try it. Have your email address on there, even though it may be, it's not your personal email address, but maybe you set up a separate email account. That's just on that page so people can have some sort of thing to contact you on, because I know a lot of times people want to send me something and they do want to attach something to it that might be relevant to me. And if they don't have my email address. You can send an attachment on a form, so sometimes it's good to make it easy for them into how they can contact them. Some people will choose to use your email form. Other people will choose to email you. Sometimes I have my phone number and there I definitely have it in there for my soaps business because a lot of retailers will call me to place an order because they want to talk to someone and they want to get to know who I am and to see if I'm trustworthy. And sometimes they don't want to give their credit card information over the Web. So I do have my phone number in there. I used to have it in there for launch, grow joy as well, and I had it up there for about two years before I took it off a few months ago because a lot of people were calling. I'm saying, Hey, I have a really big problem and can you advise me on this? And I really like to reserve my phone calls for people that are actually paying for my time, and I want to be able to give them their time. So I ended up taking it off off there. But I did have it there for a long time, and I did sometimes get calls from people that wanted to quote me and interview me. But then you sort of have to see how many phone calls you're getting. And if it's what the benefits are for you to leave your phone number up there or not for me, it worked for a while until it didn't and then I decided to remove it so I might add it back there up there at some point. But for now, if you don't feel comfortable sharing your phone number, your email address and possibly even the city or state that you're located in, think a lot of times people want to know that where you're located and again they'll trust you more if they know you have some sort of physical presence, even though they're probably never going to send you a piece of mail. But if you could get appeal box, if you don't want to share home address, which I personally wouldn't and I know a lot of us don't want our home address up on our website. Just get appeal box. It's not that expensive and send people to their and again that's gonna build a lot more trust. If you didn't have anything on there, I know there were plenty of times where I would go to a site and I will go to their contact page. And the only thing I saw there was an opt in form where you can put in your email address your name and the problem that you were having. And sometimes when I see those sites, I think, well, it doesn't really seem really doesn't seem like this is a really business that someone that there's someone behind. It's much less likely to be trusting of them than if I was to go to the same site where they have a phone number, maybe Appeal box or an actual address, an email address and different ways that I can contact them. So be mindful of that as you're getting your contact beach together. Oh, glad you send. That drives me crazy when I can't even just email them directly. I don't want to sign up for the newsletter specifically or but just give me an email that I can, you know, get in touch with the person at least. Yeah, I was so glad you said that. Yeah, it's so true. And and I totally agree with you. It drives me crazy, too, on what drives me when more crazy is when people have a form there. But they ask for all sorts of things. They ask for your first name, your last name, your email address, your phone number. And at that point, why did they need to know all of that info when you just have a question? So think about think about from your customer's perspective as well, and go to your about page and see if it's inviting and if it's actually asking people to communicate with you or if it's throwing them off. So now let's talk about a start here page. So this is another thing that Corbett suggested. And I love this because and this is something that maybe comes into play more when you have a lot of content or if you've been blogging for a while, and a lot of us have really great content that maybe we wrote two years ago or maybe we wrote last year. That's never gonna be seen, because when someone comes to your blogged, they're only gonna maybe go through the first page or two of your block posts, and they're going to stop there. But if you have a page that it's a start here page where they can click on that and you guys should go to Corbett Side, which is think traffic that net to see a really good example of this. But this is a really great point, or a really great place that if you've been around for a while and someone you comes to your site, it could be overwhelming with 600 plus articles. So providing a page for them that has resource is off. Maybe your top articles that people have loved or that are really relevant, or maybe even guest articles that you've written that have gained a lot of traction, A lot of comments that people have found really valuable. Put them on this page and give them again. You're saving them time and you're really providing them with value because if that's a really popular article, it means that other people have loved it and have found value in it, And why not share it with someone who's new to your site as well? And this is also really great starting point for them. Teoh to know where to start with you if they really want to follow you and your providing them with a lot of value. So the last thing that I wanted to mention before we wrap it up is that it would. It's great if you have all of these things on your blawg, but if you don't have great content that's relevant. People are not going to come back. And you do want people to keep coming back to your site. Keep reading your block post. Keep getting more value out of you. So it's really important again to know who your audience is, what they're struggling with, whether problems are why they're there, specifically at your website so you can provide them with really great content that speaks to them That's relevant. That provides them with value. And the more you could do that, whether it's on your blog's or in your social media, anything you post on social media, the more value it could have, and the more relevancy can have. The more likely people are to come back to, to trust you, to give you their email address to follow you on social media. And, um, the more opportunities you're gonna have as well for the press to come to you because what you're sharing is gonna be relevant to them as well. So these air 10 things. There's a lot of other ones. But for those of you who don't have a block, start thinking about this. And if you already have a blogged, make sure all of these 10 things are already a part of your blawg. Yeah. Were there any questions from they do? We do have some as well, but really hard to get. See? There's only from the audience as well of any questions they want to come in. But I will not share with this one where they're thinking about it. Mary, it was saying I'm a photographer and a crafter. And when I brainstorm on block post topics, I often find myself troubled. Whether I am too self focused. Is it bad to mix personal stories with crafts related all my products related topics in one blawg? Do you think you should all be separate. I think you should follow the 80 20 rule with this, Um, and I talk a lot about. I haven't talked a lot about it here, but I do talk a lot about the 80 20 rule and 80% of the time you should be providing content that's relevant to your audience. Whether it's on Facebook on your blog's in your newsletter and 20% of the time, you definitely can talk about yourself and what you're doing, because people do you want to know those things as well. But I see a lot of photographer websites, and my sister is actually a really great photographer. I don't know if she's watching, but if you look at her block, all of her posts are photos of wedding she's done or photo shoots or books that she shot photos for, and I always tell her, you know, that's great, but that's all about you. And when someone is looking to your website to come and hire you, they're gonna want to know more than just what other foot weddings you have shot and other things you've done. So I'm a huge fan of If you're a photographer, it's great to have your photos because that's how people get to know your style. And they get to know if they want to work with you if their photos are representing what they look that they're looking for. But you should also be providing other content, like how to take great wedding photos or how to take really great shots of food or things like that that your audience is interested in. So think about it from their perspective as ball, because if you're Onley sharing your photos that again, it's all about you. And some things about you are relevance to them. But not as much as you might think. So having a balance of that? 80% about them, 20% about you probably is gonna help you to get more audience and get their trust a little more. We have one more question here from Carla Cano, and this is related to testimonials. So she says, if someone sends you an email, can you quote that email is a testimonial without their permission? Now they may not have ah fancy logo of their their block or something, but it is that important to have an email testimonial. Yeah, I think that's really important, and I do actually get a lot of my testimonials that way and someone will write to me and they'll say, I just took your course and it was awesome. It helped me to get X, Y and Z, and it was an insulated, unsolicited testimonial. But what I do at that point is I right back right away, and I say, Thank you so much. I'm so glad this was really helpful for you. That was my intent with it. It's great to hear your feedback. May I use this as a testimonial on my site? Sometimes I'll do that as a PS after I signed off, and I'll just say, Is it okay if I use this and again every time I've done this, they have said Yes, go for it And I get those on a weekly basis about either my e books or my courses or things that I've spoken at. Um, and it's totally okay to turn that into a testimonial, and you can you don't have to use all of the email text calls. Some of it is not relevant to a testimonial, but just cut out whatever is relevant and make sure you ask their permission. I'm a huge fan of asking them for their okay, Even if you're going to use it without their name, you still have to ask. I think it's just common courtesy and it's professional, too. Ask them. We would just have one more question than we definitely get some Final Four. So today. But this is from Cdn. Be who I'm guessing is maybe a life coach there saying How much? How do you determine how much is too much to divulge in your block, especially if you have a service type offerings? I suppose they're saying, If you are a life coach, you know you want them to buy your service. What, What? How much is too much to give away in a block? Yeah, I think it really depends on what makes you comfortable, because I think a lot of life coaches and a lot of us start our businesses because of the experiences we've had previous to that. So if you became a life coach because maybe you were struggling with something personally in your life and you decided to take that struggle, you overcame it. You got trained to become a life coach, and now you have all of this wisdom that you want to share with other people. I think it's totally okay to share as much information as you feel comfortable sharing about yourself and about your struggles. So again, it's really up to you and how you feel comfortable. But if every block post was about you want your struggles, then it sort of becomes more like a diary, as opposed to a block that's serving other people. So it's okay to do it if it pertains to your business. But just don't do it every single block post. Just find that balance again. 80 20. The clock has really beaten us as it always does. Some things you just can't overcome. Please feel free to that this point. If you'd like to share any final thoughts on today before we get into what with interview tomorrow. Sure, so my final thoughts with we talked a lot about magazines today, so my final thoughts is to really dream big. If you have a dream magazine that you want to be in, there's no reason why you can get into it if I could do it and I really had no experience doing any of this. You guys can do it too. And it really just starts with sending that one email being strategic about it, having a plan and putting it out there and seeing whatever comes back. So don't be afraid to try. If you don't try, you're probably never gonna get in results. So just keep trying and keep going. And hopefully soon enough, you're going to start to see a lot of returns and results for your business. Great. Thank you. Yeah. And we are reaching the end of day two of this three day course. I just want to thank. Everyone has been tuning in online throughout the chat rooms today. A special thank you to everyone in our studio audience. You will not be able do this. Well, you guys also special thanks to corporate bar for stopping in for that segment. That really helped to get some of these points across. So appreciate all of you guys, but we also want to give the big thank you to Andrea airs because you've been the star of the show. You've done a great job these two days, so let's give a big round of applause. Andrea Theo
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Ratings and Reviews
Marci Marie
I think you'll enjoy and be inspired by Andreea and all of the wonderful information in this course and find it useful for publicity and for other areas of your business like sales and marketing. I think its valuable even if you intend to hire a publicist, because you'll really be able to understand and enhance the work they do for you and/or be better able to choose the right publicist, Having worked with several, I know I feel much more comfortable with my next choice or with what publicity I need to do now on my own. you have to do your own, then you'll find wonderful ideas and implementation strategies. What I appreciate most of all is Andreea's thoughtful, respectful, and compassionate approach to not just publicity but to communication and business in general. Thank you, Andreea Ayers and Creative Live.
a Creativelive Student
I have only half way completed the course but felt it was worth reviewing already. It really is a no-nonsense course. Andreea has a gift of sharing everything with her clients in a very simple and direct way. Much of my experience with publicity has been similar to hers and I have reached similar conclusions all which have helped me move forward. I highly recommend that anyone interested in getting their products on the shelf or in a magazine to buy this course. Note...this is not a short 20 minute course but a series of 40 courses broken down in a time frame that is easy to digest. Thank you Andreea ...you are the Guru of marketing for the small business owner that has a product and or service. Larry Chipkin TickleMe Plant Company Inc. http://www.ticklemeplant.com
Rich Klein
I have not watched the course in full just yet...but, in this description, it's wrong to tell entrepreneurs to do it themselves especially if it's not their strength. Great PR pros exist because that is what they are trained to do. Before retaining an experienced PR pro, do the research, get testimonials, make sure they fully understand your business and industry and hire the best you can. Entrepreneurs should not be spending time on getting media coverage..they should be focused on their products and services and leave that to those who have spent years doing it.