Day 1
1Class Introduction
15:43 2Why You Need Publicity
34:37 3Publicity Wakup Call
39:36 4Crafting Your Unique Selling Proposition
18:00 5Finding Your Unique Selling Proposition
20:15 6Knowing Your Features & Benefits
13:36 7Putting Your Proposition Together
17:40The Six P's of Publicity: #s 1-3
38:37 9The Six P's of Publicity: #s 4-6
20:15 10What You Need to Be Media Ready
25:53 11Pros & Cons of DIY vs. Hiring a Publicist
17:55 12Crafting Your Publicity Plan
30:43 13Press Releases: Distribution & Leveraging
36:39Day 2
14Magazine Features
25:02 15Five Steps to Get in Magazines
34:20 16Pitching to Magazines Q&A
18:58 17Who's Who of Magazine Departments
20:18 18Media Databases & Building Your Own List
22:43 19Resources to Connect with Journalists
30:10 20Pitching "Best Practices"
37:07 21Editors' Advice
30:43 22Pitching Q&A
23:31 23Guest: Corbett Barr
22:09 24Guest: Robin Kramer
22:43 25Ten Expert Blog Tips & Q&A
37:45Day 3
26Steps How to Guest Blog
43:47 27Getting a Response & What to Do
30:09 28Importance of Buzz from Celebrities
44:25 297 Steps to Get Your Product to Celebrities
34:25 30How to Get Your Brand to Bloggers
56:53 31What to Do After the Review
24:29 32Creative Ways to Get Buzz
24:32 33Buzz Outlets: TV, Awards, & Infographics
56:57Lesson Info
Putting Your Proposition Together
here are the three steps I know. I've given you a lot of different things to think about. But here, the three steps that you could use to create your unique selling proposition So the 1st 1 is to know everything of all your customer. If you don't already have customers, I'm just imagine who that person would be. I know as much as you can about them and put yourself in their shoes when they land on your site. Why should they buy your product? And in some ways, when you are reaching out to the press, they are sort of your customers. So for for that particular instance. So why should they care? Put yourself in their shoes and how you're gonna make their jobs easier by providing them with products that they don't have to research that they could just simply, you know, look at your website, request a sample and it makes their job so much easier, and then position your products and services based on the emotions that people feel when they get the results associated with your product. I know ...
that's a lot of information to think about, but the more you can position yourself and your products and everything on your website. And when you reach out to the media about how people are going to feel when they use your products, that's going to go a really, really long way. So when you contact the media, answered the question, What's in it for them? Why should they care and what what's in it for their readers? And why should the reader scare? Because ultimately, that's why they're going to open your email because there's something in it for them. And I mentioned before that I get pictures all the time from people saying, Hey, please review my product or and I know I've done this do When I first started, I just sent out a press release and didn't personalize anything. I just said, Here's my product. Please write about it and not not those exact words, but that was the gist of my email. But if you're constantly saying, why should they care about this, and how are you going to help them? It's all gonna go a really, really long way, and this is how I've been able to get over media mentions and for all of my businesses. And that's why all of the outlets that I contacted when I first launched myself company were interested. Well, not all of them, but a lot of them. It's because I told them exactly well how their readers were gonna benefit benefit by using my product. And I told him exactly why or where they should use my products for their holiday gift guide. So I hope that's making sense. I know again, that's a lot of information to take in all at once. But I know a lot of you have already thought about this, and some of you are just starting to think about it now, coming in from line. And a lot of people are sharing what their businesses are on there. And we got quite a few now asking, obviously you're applying this more to product. But a lot of our viewers today are service or interior. Do you think the same principles apply, or do you have other, different methods? Egypt, I think, might be more appropriate. Yeah, I think definitely This applies to service businesses as well. And I definitely use this when I market launch grow joy. One of the things that are talking about is how you can save time by not having to spend four years learning all of the strategies. Another one is that you can save money because if you do your own publicity and you don't have to spend $5000 a month on working with the publicist, that's a lot of money you could save. So, um yeah, and I'm sure Dan, you can talk about, you know, saving a lot of headache and time over trying to figure out your own technology as opposed to just having someone walking through it and doing it for you. So this absolutely applies to services as well. Fantastic. And in fact, one of the suggestions that far Fig knew in which I think I got right. These if I didn't is saying a great way to find benefits, and Andrea just touched on. This is to talk to your customers. I asked them why they chose you, how they feel about your services, how their lives jobs are different without your services. And that's echoes exactly what you were just saying. Yes, exactly. And that's such a great point, because once a year I do this with all of my businesses and I'll email my customers. I said, Really quick survey and I'll say, you know, what do you like least about my company or my products? What do you like most and why are you buying them? And Dad gives you so much inside. Even if have just 10 customers, you know, some of them are going to write back and you're gonna know things that you might not even have thought about. Someone might say, Oh, I bought, You know, I bought your soaps to give to my friend who is a cancer survivor. I never would have thought about that when I wrote my when I started my Selves. But now, when I pitched to the media, I'm gonna know all right, if someone's buying this to give to their friend West cancer, Well, maybe I can pitch this for their October issue, which is Cancer Awareness Month, and I can picture it as a product that you can get for a friend who's going through cancer. I'm so again, it's sort of you get so many great ideas when you talk to your customers when you survey them. When you listen to them regardless of how big or small your customer base is, so that's very important. And they're going to tell you things that you never would have even thought about when you first started your business. And that couldn't on leash help to shape your marketing and how you can position your products. Which again sort of goes back to the fact that your unique selling proposition is always changing. And as you find out new things and new ideas from your customers and clients, you're gonna be able to adjust that as as your business grows as well. Were there any other questions from the Internet? There's a lot of interesting chat about them that people really appreciate that you clarified that you know how you can apply the same principle to products to services and other people giving different examples of saying, You know, in many ways an insurance broker is not providing product, but the product principles apply to what they're offering. Is the service great? Great! All right, so let's move on. A couple. I have a couple more things that I want to share with you. So how does this all fit together into your media? plan. So if you're clear on water, your unique selling proposition is you can position yourself if you're your company or your company, if you have a product as different and newsworthy, someone that the media wants to write about. So when they are writing about their Valentine's Day gift guide, that's newsworthy to them at that time. Because that's exactly what they're focusing on. Or if a new software just launched and you have some tips on how to use it to help people just navigate that really quickly, and you share that with a big media site. I'm a huge couldn't just say, you know, here are 3 53 tips. I know this new Social Media network just came on. Here are 3 33 tips that your users can use. Teoh take advantage of it right away again. It's newsworthy because you're addressing this new thing that just came out So there's newsworthy. Couldn't be a lot of different things, depending on what people are working on at the time. So, um, put yourself in their shoes. So this is a little bit of some examples of email subject lines that I think are working on some that I think are not working and some other things that you can write in your email pitches to the media. So if your email subject line waas innovating company launches brand new technology in the app space, right? Does that sound interesting or not? Really, It's like, Okay, who cares? Right on. And I don't want to be rude, but really, who cares that someone just launched this? But if you said something more specific about what your app does and let's say you reaching out to a wellness blogger who writes about you know happiness or move or people's moods and you wrote this subject line, that's gonna be a lot more specific to them on online, more appealing to them than just innovative company launches new technology in the app space, right? They're both doing the same thing or like you're companies still doing the same thing. But you're just position and get differently. And in the second example, it answers what's in it for them? Well, they care because they're a wellness blogger who who's audience wants to know how to track their mood, for example, so get specific and tell them exactly what it is that you have in your email as a postage is being really generic, and I have a couple more examples. You guys could just take a second to read them and then I'll talk about them here in a minute. Um, but you'll see. The 1st 1 again is all about you. It uses the word our you know, my I'm an entrepreneur. The 2nd 1 starts out immediately. If you're working on a story about how your readers could do X, Y and Z check this out So it's addressing them directly, again, answers the question, What's in it for them? Why should they care? Well, they should care, because they're probably working on a story about how their readers come banished the blues if you're familiar with their blocks. So, um, just a different way of saying the same thing, but answering the question, What's in it for them, and why should they care? And lastly, this is another thing. I actually didn't write this email, but I could have written this when I first launched my Selves. But if I just said something like we'd like to submit are organic. So for your upcoming holiday gift guy are so you know, blah, blah, blah. It's all about me and my company and my soap. The seven email is if you're looking for new products that give back this holiday season for your upcoming holiday gift guide, check out poppy soap. And actually, Poppy soap is on one of my clients from Launch Grow Joy. She has an amazing soap line, but the best thing is that for each bar that she sells, she donates a bar off soap to a local woman shelter. So if you open up your email with that, um, statement as opposed to this 1st 1 here again, what's in it for them? Why should they care? Well, there is the answer right there cause your readers are gonna really find this product interesting because it's exactly what they're looking for. So these are and I'll give you more examples of subject lines and things to say in an email. But this is just to get you guys starting. I started thinking about what's in it for them, and how can I benefit them and again going back to value? How can I provide value to the people that I'm trying to reach. So as you approach the media, keep answering the question. What's in it for them? Every single part of your email should be answering the question. What's in it for them? And you're know you're on the right track if you use the word you and your rather than I my or our. So if you start out with your email saying, you know, our company just launched this and I've been an entrepreneur for X y Z number of years, that's not really that interesting to them. But if you say you know, if you're doing this or if your readers air looking for the solution that captures their attention right away and it really talks about what's in it for them and their reader. So if I have another take away from this session for you guys today is to start writing your website and your outrage to the media by using you. And you're a lot more than I or our, and they're going to be a lot more receptive to it because you're really approaching them from the from the angle of what's in it for them. Yes, when you're pitching to media sort of along the same lines. And maybe you want to write an article or do a guest block post. Will you have that first email? Maybe contained the article or the post that you want to have them publish? Or do you first ask if they're interested? And then if they are, then you give it to them. Is it a good idea to just give it to them? Yeah, I think it really depends on them. And if a lot of bloggers who take guest post they'll tell you exactly what they want. So some of them will say in in your email pitch, please write your entire article. Some of them will just say, if just right in outlining for interested will let you know and you can ride it So it really all depends on what their guidelines are, and they stayed those under website. If they don't state it, I would just give them on outline, as opposed to writing the whole article on. And it'll save you a lot of time because they might say, you know, really interested in the topic. But can you approach it from this point of view? So yeah, but definitely an outline. If you're doing something like that, would be a great a great way to start. And I know when I pitched this course for creativelive, I didn't just say, Hey, can you have me on to talk about publicity? I email. Then I said, You know, I'd loved I know you've covered a lot of business topics. I haven't seen anything on publicity. Would you be interested in having me Teacher Corps? Some publicity. And here's my outline and what I'm thinking about doing so again, that went a long way because I'm here today, Um, and and it worked. So just make sure they know exactly what do you plan on doing? But you don't have to write everything from from From Your first email attested to have any other questions from all students. Anything else they'd like to share on this section, please on it? Not so much a question. Just a comment. But I think you touched on it before, how you know when you're talking to your direct individual audience. This is the approach you want to do less about me. More about them and Hicham position myself. It's adding value and then of course going to the media, who's going to help me get out to, hopefully exponentially more of those in the individual people. But also I'm thinking about when I approach my stores and you know, I'm trying to get into more boutiques. That's the same thing. Also, not just like this is about my product. This this and this, But like, this is how you buy us partnering together my brain can help your store and, you know, help us together, reach more people. Exactly. And such a good point. Because if you approach them from the point off this product and help you to increase your sales, or you can help provide more variety to your already existing product offering that goes such a long way, and that's exactly what they're looking for. They're looking to buy products that are gonna think, help them to increase their sales. And if you're already telling them my product is gonna help you do this, then you've already done the work for them in a lot of ways. So yeah, everything you should approach should be from this point. How can I help you? What's in it for you? How can I provide more value to you. And it's such a simple, like shift in the way to approach it. So tonight I have to go look through everything. Yeah, yeah. I'm glad you brought that up because it's true. Every aspect of your business, you should be thinking from this point of view. And it's all about you who I am. You know who I'm serving at home. Adding value to protesting way are getting close now to our next break. But, Andrew, how would you like to sum up this particular segment? Well, um, again, if I wanted to leave you guys with something to take away from this segment is that make it all about them And yes, it's ultimately about you getting featured in the media. But in order to get there, you have to make it about them and start thinking about what they need and start walking in their shoes to really get your products out there and just provide value. I think that's so important to think about. How can I help someone, whether it's, you know, help them to cut down on the research time or help them to increase their sales in their store or help someone feel good when they come to my website. All of those things should be part of your marketing strategy, your publicity strategy, your overall business strategy. It's all about them, even though you're doing this. But you're sort of really doing it for them if you want them to buy it. Great. Well, it is coming up on time for a break. But why don't you tell us what we're gonna be doing when we return eso after the break, we're gonna be talking about everything you need to be media already. So we're going to talk about press kits and photos and press releases and things that you're going to need in order to be media ready. And then we're going to talk about how to set up your publicity plan and how to really move forward with having a plan in place so that tomorrow, when we talk about how to actually pitch and what to say, we have a good frame or good framework of what exactly you're gonna need to focus on in order to make those pitches more effective. So I'm looking forward to that section next great. Before we go I do want to share a few comments that we have in the chat room. We have one quote here from a viewer who says It's so hard to decide which avenue to focus your efforts to get the most effective publicity. But I think this course will be exactly what I need. Thank you, Creativelive. Thank you, Andrea and Celestial C says. Well, Andrea says about publicity is so very true. My nature product business spent $5000 on a professional email marketing campaign that generated zero sales. But article in a rural newspaper generated enough sales to cover that mistake and more pretty crazy And oh, the other thing that maybe I want to leave you today's that sometimes you're going to try something and it's not gonna work. But you know it's not gonna work. So you just move on and try something. You so a lot of it is so much about trial and error and seeing what's working for your business and what's not working so you can do more of what's working. That's fantastic. That is really good, actually, great advice. I think there's never anything that's gonna even if it fails, the first time. That doesn't make enough to try it again. Or, indeed, just a trait track change course and try a different approach next time.
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Ratings and Reviews
Marci Marie
I think you'll enjoy and be inspired by Andreea and all of the wonderful information in this course and find it useful for publicity and for other areas of your business like sales and marketing. I think its valuable even if you intend to hire a publicist, because you'll really be able to understand and enhance the work they do for you and/or be better able to choose the right publicist, Having worked with several, I know I feel much more comfortable with my next choice or with what publicity I need to do now on my own. you have to do your own, then you'll find wonderful ideas and implementation strategies. What I appreciate most of all is Andreea's thoughtful, respectful, and compassionate approach to not just publicity but to communication and business in general. Thank you, Andreea Ayers and Creative Live.
a Creativelive Student
I have only half way completed the course but felt it was worth reviewing already. It really is a no-nonsense course. Andreea has a gift of sharing everything with her clients in a very simple and direct way. Much of my experience with publicity has been similar to hers and I have reached similar conclusions all which have helped me move forward. I highly recommend that anyone interested in getting their products on the shelf or in a magazine to buy this course. Note...this is not a short 20 minute course but a series of 40 courses broken down in a time frame that is easy to digest. Thank you Andreea ...you are the Guru of marketing for the small business owner that has a product and or service. Larry Chipkin TickleMe Plant Company Inc. http://www.ticklemeplant.com
Rich Klein
I have not watched the course in full just yet...but, in this description, it's wrong to tell entrepreneurs to do it themselves especially if it's not their strength. Great PR pros exist because that is what they are trained to do. Before retaining an experienced PR pro, do the research, get testimonials, make sure they fully understand your business and industry and hire the best you can. Entrepreneurs should not be spending time on getting media coverage..they should be focused on their products and services and leave that to those who have spent years doing it.