Lesson Info
Display System
Next up we're going to be starting to get into the menu system on the cameras so we've covered the outside of camera it's now to start kind of digging to the inside and the first thing that we're going to look at is the way the camera gives information to us through the various display systems we have three different ways toe look at information the viewfinder display the lcd monitor and the control panel so let's look at what sorts of information we're going to get from these different devices we'll start with the viewfinder display when you hold the camera up to your eye what do you see in the viewfinder besides what your lens is focused on there is a number of things will start with the actual frame that you are looking at. This camera eyes very nice because it's one of the least expensive camera's that gives you a hundred percent view finder it has a very high magnification of ninety four percent but what you see is what you get if you line something up on the very, very edge it is...
going to be on the very, very edge. Other cameras will have a cover jerry of about ninety five percent so you get a little bit more than you bargained for because they might be not as careful and cropping in here ah it's very, very exacting on the sides next up we have our focus points, we have thirty nine focus points that you can select either individually or in various groups that will talk more about the key thing to know about is the nine points in the middle are the most sensitive points they are crossed type sensors, so they're sensitive to vertical and horizontal lines, whereas other sensors are either on ly sensitive to vertical or only sensitive to horizontal. It depends on where they are in the frame, but the nine in the middle are where they are the best. And so if you're focusing on subjects that are moving it's those nine in the middle that are going to be the best at capturing that movement next up, is there some general information that's really important and that's? Why it's kind of in the heads up display first off, if you don't have a memory card in the camera, you'll have that little card symbol pop up. If you have your camera and black and white, the bw will come up, or if your battery is low, it'll have a low battery indicator that pulls that information up in the custom menu will be able to turn this information off so that you would never see this in the frame if this really bothers you. One of the nice features about this camera is that you haven't electronic grid display that you could turn on and off this is controlled in the menu system and if you want to correct for crooked horizons or you like using the rule of thirds and you just like the grid pattern as a nice way to frame up your subject you can turn that on and off and then down below the frame is thie led information bar and this is where lots of information is going to be displayed from you and so we're going go through this kind of one by one and we'll start over on the left hand side over there you have a focus indicator if you would like to manually focus there are arrows which will basically tell you which way to turn the lens for sharpest focus and then a dot in the middle that indicates you have achieved sharp focus so on this camera you can use an old manual focus lens and having elektronik assist to focusing next up is the auto exposure lock we had a button on the back of your camera called the a l button and if you have that activated and pressed that would just let you know that that button is pressed flash value lock it's kind of the same thing when you were activating that with the flash flash think indicator whether the flash is up and ready to fire well have a little indicator in there for you. Next up is your shutter speed, which will do be displayed right here. Now for you newbies, this is a fraction for the most part. So if you see a thousand it's not a thousand seconds it's one one thousandth of a second full seconds will have the two little hash marks beside it after that is thie aperture city. These air also fractions, by the way, and then our exposure indicator. This is our meter level. How much light is coming in the camera? So if you are setting this manually, ah lot of times that indicator will be towards thes zero right in the middle that indicates that you have a even amount of light that's not going to be overly lite or overly dark. And I do have to give I love nikon like candy. And I like like, um both. But I'm gonna have to give an icon a little bit of a hard time here because the way the camera comes default from the factory the minus is on the right in the plus is on the left and anyone who's been to math class and choice numbers will find that a bit aggravating, but luckily for nikon, they have realized the error of their ways and they have a little custom feature that you can reverse the plus and minus indicators if you don't like to have the minus on the right hand side and you want to have the minus on the left side because it seems more natural so that's the exposure level indicator way have another battery level indicator right there and then we have our flash exposure compensation. If so, if we have set a minus one, which is what I have softly recommended, you will see that indicator turned on in the viewfinder we have are bracketing something you wantto on li yu's judiciously from from point to point it's not something you'd generally leave your camera and all the time so you do want to be warmed warned of it if it's on all the time same with exposure compensation r s so if we are adjusting the so normally in this camera, it doesn't show you the esso in the viewfinder but we will have a custom function where we can turn the so on normally it's going to be the remaining number of frames if we have the auto eso which is something I do don't recommend using you can see if it is turned on and good warning indicator this is where various bits of data will be displayed normally it's the number of shots training. So if you hold it up let's, see if I hold my camera right now I have one hundred and thirty two pictures that I can take, but if I press halfway down on the shutter release, I get a little r it's, a very poor looking r twenty eight, which says that I have remaining twenty eight shots in the buffer. This camera, you can record a lot of images depending on the size of the memory card, but it also is also limited by the internal memory because all the pictures get stored to an internal memory so that it can store pictures very, very quickly. And I can shoot right now in this camera the way it is set up twenty eight pictures and that's going very according to how you have your camera set up with everything from raw to j peg settings to compression settings to bit files, and we're going to run through all of this when we get through the go through the menu system as to how fast it's going to shoot. But the buffer is very important to sports shooters because I can shoot twenty eight continuous shots, and after that, the camera slows down significantly and so keep an eye on that when you're shooting sports. There's a little k button if you put in a very large memory cards that have over a thousand shots, you will see the k if you saw two point one k that means you're going to have about two thousand one hundred shots left on your memory card or cards and then your flash ready symbol right there and that's what you're going to see in the viewfinder so let's look at the control panel up on the top of the camera here we're going to have a lot of the information duplicated again it's just good to have this information in a couple different areas so first and foremost at the top we'll have our shutter speeds and our apertures we'll have our memory cards if we have to memory cards they will be indicated in there, but the one with the number on it will indicate where the information is getting written two at that period of time we'll have our s o right there above our shots remaining. This is the total number of shots remaining on the camera and actually if you press halfway down you will see that remaining number in the a burst as well if you press halfway down on the shutter release so you see two different numbers, the total number of shots and the remaining number in that burst we have our meeting system that we've chosen the focus points as well as our whole focusing system right they're down at the bottom will have our white balance and are symbols along the bottom our image quality along the left hand side and then our flash mode if we have one selected in there and then if our battery is low we'll see that up in the upper left hand corner and just as a reminder if you can't see what's going on in there clearly don't forget the light that is acted that is thie spring activated caller right around the on off that'll turn the light on so that you can see what's going on in that control panel a little bit more clearly next up let's talk about the display control in the back of the camera the lcd panel first way to look at information is by pressing the info button and that'll pull up a lot of the information that we've just been looking at both in the viewfinder and on the top lcd when you are accessing information, you're going to be using the multi selector to navigate up down and left and right and then you'll be using the command ill and possibly the sub command I'll for making changes once you are in the menu system that we're about to get into and then of course using the ok button to kind of enter your selection so when you press the info button there is a info screen on the back of the camera that displaced lots of information and it khun displayed in a couple of different ways and color so yours may look different than this at the top we have our shooting mode program shutter priority aperture, priority manual and so forth are shutter speeds and apertures right along the top row as we moved down from that there's a lot of features that we will be setting in various places on the camera and these aren't things that you could directly control from this screen it's just showing you the information so for instance are flash mode there is an I fi card, which is a wireless transmitting card that you can get if it was activated and in the camera you would see that here flash lock symbols, exposure compensation once again these air being seen for the third time in some cases just important information whether the beep is turned on or off on the camera, this camera can shoot multiple exposures it's kind of important to know that you're trying to shoot multiple exposures and it will give you that warning indicator there as well as bracketing we have our exposure indicator on the back of the killer camera there and our drive mode and if you want to change any of these settings while this is activated, you can see that changing right there in front of you over along the left hand side, we control the image quality we'll have raw images and j peg images and which card they're being stored to card one and card to card one is thie uppermost, and the card to is the bottom of the two cards, and in the main body of the information, there is a comment that you can add to all of your photographs you could have your name or a copyright symbol or something like that will get into that in the menu system that just indicates that it's activated. There is an internal battery that controls the clock on this camera, and the battery that you plug in charge is that battery, and if you were to unplug your camera and turn it off for a very long period of time, that clock symbol might come up that indicates the clock battery is low and needs to be charged and reset, and you charge it buys just simply putting in a normal battery you're meeting pattern will show up as well as the interval ometer it's very cool feature will show you some fun examples of what you could do with an interval ometer on this camera, whether you have the gps unit hooked up and then how good camera battery is and if you have the vertical grip. Which is called an md eleven grip. How good the battery is in that camera will show up there your total shots remaining will appear there as well. And then our white balanced selection will be right down there at the bottom that's setting our s o r focus mode and our focus points so you can see there's a lot of information that is shown two or three times on this camera down at the very bottom. This is different than the rest of the area on the screen, because here we can press the info button a second time to get in and activate and make changes here. And so some of the features that they nikon felt was most important they put here so that you could change it other we're going to see him again when we get into the menu system. So we have movies. Eyes hi, I s o noise reduction there's a problem with shooting at high I s o you get a lot of noise and the camera has a built in noise reduction system that you may want to turn on or not delighting which will control the lighting. I'll have some examples later on our color space which color space we have chosen our depth of field preview. That button in front, I said it's a sign herbal and just for kicks, if you go to that sitting right there and you press ok, you can see a long list of things that you can program that button to do if you don't want it to do the depth of field preview personally, I think depth of field preview is kind of a nice feature to have, so I'm going to keep that locked in there the one below it is the function button, and this one is customizable. So for fun, we'll just kind of go in there and we can re program this to control one of the other features someone was asking about. I s so let's see if we can set it to control I s o, which I didn't see on the first pass through, and so it doesn't look like you can change that unfortunate. Unfortunately what's this you're saying, but maybe you want to activate spot meter so you could select that which would be the function button in the front of the camera. The auto exposure lock button on the back of the camera can also be programmed. You can go in there and use that to do it picture control is a way of controlling the contrast color saturation of the images. You can do that with jpeg images. Long exposure noise reduction, which is similar to jai I s o noise reduction, something we'll talk a little bit more about. And then finally, distortion controls another feature that we will cover a little bit later on.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
First off, John is a great teacher who is easy to follow and he gets the information across in a way I can relate to. I loved his Fundamentals course, it was a great refresher for me. This course covers the plethora of features found on the new D7000. They are covered in a logical sequence covering each button, menu selection or setting found on the camera. However, I was a bit disappointed in that this course seemed more like a video manual than a how-to for setting up this camera AND WHY. I'm a competent amateur and I understand how to set up my camera. I guess I was looking more for a WHY one would choose this setting over that one. For example: focus tracking has 5 settings, long to short. I was looking for some insight on how to utilize this feature best. Or when to change the AE-L button for different situations. I think I was expecting too much from this course for setting up this amazing camera. Perhaps they will add another chapter at a later date explaining the WHY when choosing one setting over another. Overall though this course will help beginners grasp the multitude of settings and features available on the D7000, especially if you're not into reading the manual or have difficulty understanding one.
Peter Alper
Instructor FABULOUS! Course materials COMPLETE. I went into photography (hobby) after retiring. Automotive marketing exec. Retired bicycle, sailboat, motocross, and sports car racer. A benign hobby...No Way. So I bought a Nikon D7000 (used)(, put together rather too full equip ($$$), and then found Greengo. Learned all about the Nikon and now do photo essays of the automotive industry...just for fun. Sign up for Creative Live before they got filled up. Don't wait. Oh yes...not getting paid for the endorsement!!!!! It's the real thing. Peter.
Maxsophie Landsman
Really good class. Best thing is that I can go back and review the information. John is an excellent teacher. I've had my 7000 for a couple of years but now I have a much better idea of how to use it.
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