Song Mix Deconstruct - Mixing Drum Kit Designer
Lesson 7 from: Music Production in Logic Pro X: Vocal Mixing EssentialsTomas George

Song Mix Deconstruct - Mixing Drum Kit Designer
Lesson 7 from: Music Production in Logic Pro X: Vocal Mixing EssentialsTomas George
Lesson Info
7. Song Mix Deconstruct - Mixing Drum Kit Designer
Introduction and Welcome to this Class
00:52 2Project Organization
09:47 3Faders and Panning
11:13 4Flex Pitch - Vocals
05:18 5Flex Time - Vocals
03:05 6Editing Studio Drums
09:29 7Song Mix Deconstruct - Mixing Drum Kit Designer
08:04 8Mixing Files
01:50Tips to Start a Mix
02:11 10Mixing vs Mastering
02:19 11Introduction to Mixing with Logic Pro's Audio Effects
00:47 12Channel Strip and Routing - Part 1
04:39 13Channel Strip - Part 2
07:00 14Bussed Effects
11:25 15Gain Staging Audio Tracks and Pre Fader Metering
11:44 16Gain Staging Software Tracks
03:45 17Mixing with Channel EQ
19:57 18Mixing Vocals with Compressor - Part 1
08:25 19Mixing Vocals with Compressor - Part 2
06:44 20Compressor Circuit Types
13:07 21Compression - Distortion and Limiting
10:47 22Sidechain Compression
06:37 23Compression - Part 5 (Glue)
02:52 24DeEsser
12:03 25Multipressor - Part 1
09:31 26Multipressor - Part 2 (DeEss)
06:11 27Multipressor - Expander
07:33 28Dynamics Wrap up
09:05 29Compression with Flex Pitch
04:49 30Exciter
05:03 31Noise Gate
04:14 32Noise Gate - AHR
07:16 33Noise Gate - Hysteresis
02:07 34Chorus
06:04 35Introduction to Automation
09:44 36Touch Automation
03:46 37Trim-Touch Automation
05:28 38Relative Touch Automation
04:34 39Automation Curve Tool
04:09 40SilverVerb - Part 1
18:11 41SilverVerb Modulation
02:57 42Sample Delay and HAAS Effect
05:29 43Delay - Echo
09:35 44Stereo Delay - Part 1
14:25 45Stereo Delay - Part 2
04:00 46Stereo Delay - Part 3
08:24 47Tape Delay - Part 1
13:29 48Tape Delay - Part 2
05:07 49Thanks and Bye
00:07Lesson Info
Song Mix Deconstruct - Mixing Drum Kit Designer
Hi. In this lecture, I'm going to show you a project that I'm currently mixing. So for this song, I wanted to record some real drums and I recorded a real drummer. So I had various different microphones on the kick drum, the top of the snare also on the toms overheads, high hats. And I didn't really think this drum part worked. So what I'm going to show you in this lecture is how I actually use a software instrument with the drum kit plug in in Logic Pro this drum kit instrument and how I recreated the drum part. And I'm going to show you as well how I'm going to mix these drums. So let's, first of all, we hear the backing track with the recorded drums. So I'm sure you can hear there that the drummer just didn't get the tempo and it was just too out of time. Even when flexing, I didn't really think this could work. And now I'm going to show you the drum part that I typed in using a midi keyboard and actually played this in live by doing finger drumming and used the drum kit designer in...
Logic Pro 10 for these drum sounds. So let's hear this back and I'm sure you'll be able to hear that it fits a lot more with the track. I'm sure you can hear instantly that it really does fit with the song. Definitely compared to the acoustic drums. So I'm not going to use these acoustic drums at all. I'm just going to use the drum kit designer and the immediate information that I played. However, I do want to make this sound like a real drum kit even though it wasn't played on a real drum kit. If you look at the midi information, there is some variety in the velocity which I do recommend doing if you want to make your Midi sound like a real instrument. If you're using samples and triggering this with midi information, if you have the same velocity throughout, it will sound robotic and won't sound like a human played it. So sometimes when playing the midi controller or playing finger drumming, you want to leave your velocities in. So it sounds more realistic, you can always go through and change some of the velocities as well. That way it will make it sound a little bit more realistic, especially when using drum samples and using the drum kit designer. One more thing I want to do is I want to add different effects and different plugins to different drums. So for example, on the snare, I might want to add some reverb on the kick drum, I might want to have a different type of compression. And the easiest way to do that is to go on to the instrument here and select drum kit designer. But this time choose multi output. When it's stereo, it will just have a stereo track, but multi output will allow us to actually go into the mixer and add effects to the different drums. So let's go onto the mixer by hitting the mixer button here. And you'll notice on the drum kit here, we have a little plus and negative button. If we hit the plus button, you'll notice the kick will appear, then we have the snare, the Toms and the other drum parts that we're actually using. You'll notice after a while it brings in these ones that say Aux, that's because these parts aren't actually being used. So I'm just going to get rid of the ones that say Aux and I'm just going to have kick snare Toms and high hat slash percussion. And if we go into the drum kit here, you'll notice we have a kick, we have a snare, have Toms and we have a right symbol. And if we continue, you'll notice we have some other things as well. We have a crash symbol. So I'm just going to play this now and solo each one of these so we can hear the different drums. So now we have the kick, the snare. So we don't have any Toms playing. Let's hear the high hat slash percussion. You'll notice we can't actually hear the symbols and the symbols are coming under this orally here. So let's rename this one to symbols. And now we have the symbols, the snare and the kick. We're not actually getting any signal through the high hat and the Toms. So let's just delete these. And now we have the symbols, the kick and there and we have separate control of each one of these as well. I'm just going to turn the symbols down. They are quite loud and I'm going to increase the volume of the snare, increase the kick, make sure it doesn't clip. So we're starting to get somewhere. Now, it's starting to sound more like a real drum kit. And I'm going to go through and actually change some of these velocities and make them a little bit more extreme, especially on the snare rolls just to make it sound like a real person's played these samples. A real person's played these drums rather than they're actually a software instrument. If possible, I'm just going to go through these rolls here and just change the velocity is Tom hits is crash symbol and this kick. Now this part sounds more like a human's played up. There's still a lot of stuff we need to do. But I do recommend if you have a drum part like this to just go through and use your ears and try and make it sound like a human's played it rather than the velocity being perfectly the same all the way through because it won't sound that human. Another thing I can do is actually change the timing slightly if you notice everything is perfectly in time. So what I'm going to do now is find the snares and actually drag them s ever so slightly out of time. So it doesn't sound too perfect. We can do this as well with the ride symbol here to create more of a swing feel and make it sound less robotic and make it sound less like a computer's played up. We can also go into the drum kit designer and change a few things around the Cymbals at the moment. They sound a little bit too high to me, I'm just going to tune them down, slightly. Want, I'm going to tune the snare slightly up. It's a Coco. Ok. So this is an example of how I mix my software instrument, drums in logic pro 10 to make it sound more realistic. I hope you found this lecture useful. And I'll see you in the next one.
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