29:16 2Move from Dreaming to Doing
21:44 3Why Is Networking Important?
13:06 4Getting Your Head in the Right Place
21:45 5Identifying your Target
27:48 6Students' Targets Explored
36:30 7Blasko Interview Clip and Q&A
12:24 8Networking Tools
26:48Lesson Info
Students' Targets Explored
Now I work on their street team, okay, so I helped with, like, when they come to las vegas, I'll hope with whatever events they're doing, like the vans, warped tour. I've done that for six years now, okay, so you've done that for six years now, and if I ask you where you aimin out in that fair way of life, where is it, that's? Why? I love that question earlier about the multi tasking, because I love everything and that's. What I've been trying to decide is where I want to go, because I love taking photos. I love managing. I loved discovering. I love everything about music. So you're not even aiming at the tree. You're just kind of aiming out there, okay? D'oh, did you buy my thought about that? You gotta tighten it up to make an impact, because I could see you could do all of you could nibble on the apple and never have a meal. So if I said you in detail now where you came in, alexa, well, I would really love love, love to be a manager. Why? Because I look like this talk like this beca...
use I want to help a man get to where they deserve to be a want them, tio, get those fans. How could we not sit in the front row? Theo the next segment you'll be seen in your pushing able right off her chair right? The reason I say that is because if you're looking to be a manager you don't need to be a loud mouth like me but you need to be the advocate you need to be the catalyst you need to be the one that states the unsayable that works out there to the band to the record label to the promoter to the managers thie other people because you are the one that's going to make you are the flick of the match into the gas can write and so if you don't have that enya right um I'm not saying you don't but I'm saying you but do you have to understand go look, I meant to make the common early look at what the successful people that are winning are doing okay it's not all accidental and you'll start to see some similarities I'll tell you the similar icy of managers they are make it happen people they border on arrogance, they border on cocky, right? They people the band guys think they hate him half the time right? And the record company guys think they hate him half the time and so if you have a personality that that gets affected by that, you'll have a tough time so I'm not trying to talk you out of being a manager, but what I'm saying is when I look around just flip comments I look around and sit there and say I used to sit in the back of the class trying to figure out how to get out of class and then I got on the mission and I what I wanted to get out of the class and then I started moving out front and I started asking the questions because I wanted to move up and people have said me ready you must really like drive and I said really yes I d'oh okay and so those kind of instincts have served me well is managed that is what you need to work on but if that's not what you do if I said that god said I couldn't do that that's okay what I'm saying is tighten it up because you'll be the jack of all trades and by the way if you're okay with that if that's who you really are it's okay it's okay you could just be a lover of music and make a living at that be great that's a win okay the shell built um well I've been doing promotions being a promotions in turn for clear channel in the concert business yeah and doing being a college rhett for stash media and I just ended that in august and I did that for three semesters and I really liked promoting different bands but it was just like I feel like I was multitasking a lot because you would promote like two bands ever for two weeks and I felt like I wasn't giving enough attention teach ban and so after listening to you multitasking I just want to focus on one particular band now you sound like attention man say that was a concert promoter and uh we used to book three hundred shows here so it wasn't about love we were talking about with one of the folks here creative live there they're booking experts but it's not much different than booking shoreline right you don't need to fall in love with him I got news for you there's bands up there that you might hate that did seventeen thousand people if you're in the concert business selling tickets business that's a win I love him right you know I'm not sure I love one direction right but I'm not fifteen year old girl but I'll tell you this I'd love to be their manager because they're they're winning and their dian graded what they dio right so don't confuse love okay with making a living right okay so let me ask you another question you work on different bands and you call that multi test I call that being a concert promoter so maybe what you're finding out is that ok I'm not necessarily just being a concert promoter maybe I want to work on the side of the band I got there yeah for the bands you would promote them so it would be like lifestyle marketing so marketing their new album releases or they're doing a tour like in san francisco I would be the one going out there hanging posters in social media being at the shows asking fans who probably never really heard of the band before on what they think after the shows and get feedback then turn in a report to my supervisors um but I I don't know I just really didn't and I liked it at the same time I just want to focus on one thing but same time my advisor suggested that I stepped out of promotion since I've been doing it 00:06:00.597 --> 00:06:04. for so long and kind of figure out different things 00:06:04.51 --> 00:06:07. about the industry but few I can advocate 00:06:09.18 --> 00:06:12. does that manager is an advocate for the rest I don't 00:06:12.28 --> 00:06:16. have the skills or the demeanor of a lawyer but you're 00:06:16.3 --> 00:06:19. an advocate right and so when you talk about all those 00:06:19.32 --> 00:06:22. things making a report for these guys that live nation 00:06:22.15 --> 00:06:24. I think how much change when I was working at a company 00:06:24.72 --> 00:06:27. that became part of live nations we just have a couple 00:06:27.98 --> 00:06:31. guys this happening I wouldn't report helen and report 00:06:31.25 --> 00:06:35. we just knew so I guessed it to your point it's house 00:06:35.01 --> 00:06:37. to me and we could come back to exam what do you think 00:06:37.25 --> 00:06:43. about it is you're not quite on the bird on the branch 00:06:44.0 --> 00:06:47. on the tree and watch this and knocked that thing 00:06:47.08 --> 00:06:50. off the tree okay not quite there but it's. Okay, 00:06:50.32 --> 00:06:52. you're young. And I'm going to make a point to you 00:06:52.95 --> 00:06:54. here that I'm going to skip ahead on one of my slides, 00:06:54.94 --> 00:06:55. you know. 00:06:57.76 --> 00:07:02. Where you start and where you end don't necessarily 00:07:02.41 --> 00:07:04. have to be the same thing case in point wanted to 00:07:04.7 --> 00:07:08. be a golfer. My first gig was a concert promoter loved 00:07:08.55 --> 00:07:11. it, right? I became a concert promoter book in those 00:07:11.71 --> 00:07:16. shows, right? And then I thought, ok, I met managers, 00:07:16.41 --> 00:07:18. some that I thought were good and some that I thought 00:07:18.48 --> 00:07:21. were just complete bozo's that we're the guys drug 00:07:21.08 --> 00:07:24. dealer is best mate from back in college, and so I 00:07:24.99 --> 00:07:28. started to think, you know what? I want to be a manager 00:07:28.05 --> 00:07:30. because is the promoter with the guy in the pocket 00:07:30.22 --> 00:07:32. of money, and I thought I was the man everybody's 00:07:32.89 --> 00:07:34. worried about how the manager was hell hole, the manager's 00:07:34.91 --> 00:07:36. upset you got and I saw I got to go in the manager 00:07:36.95 --> 00:07:38. and he's upset, and you've got to get him this, and 00:07:38.66 --> 00:07:40. I want to tell you all things we had to dio. But it 00:07:40.77 --> 00:07:43. was all about the manager, right? And I started thinking. 00:07:45.46 --> 00:07:48. I like that I like that but I walk in and you know 00:07:48.08 --> 00:07:50. it okay steve yeah I'm good man can we get him can 00:07:50.91 --> 00:07:53. we get you to play golf yeah yeah it's good come get 00:07:53.04 --> 00:07:55. your bottom yeah yeah that'd be great right so I liked 00:07:55.9 --> 00:07:59. that right and I also saw that those managers the 00:07:59.17 --> 00:08:01. whole business was centered around the record company 00:08:01.46 --> 00:08:04. guys how you doing hey okay so everybody was worried 00:08:04.57 --> 00:08:06. so I thought you know what I'd be a good manager right 00:08:06.88 --> 00:08:08. and then I went out bit did a manager and it made 00:08:08.99 --> 00:08:11. no money and had all kinds of bands and nothing happened 00:08:11.5 --> 00:08:15. right? You got a question okay fire away you're a 00:08:15.6 --> 00:08:18. promoter but so you won't necessarily you didn't have 00:08:18.2 --> 00:08:21. a burden branch of the moment sort of the wind came 00:08:21.52 --> 00:08:24. in and you had to re adjust a little bit well because 00:08:24.07 --> 00:08:26. it's a chip that here when I talk about target right 00:08:26.89 --> 00:08:28. this is it I'm going to skip around on this whole 00:08:28.7 --> 00:08:33. thing when targets don't it's not one target it keeps 00:08:33.23 --> 00:08:36. moving okay that's the deal I'm trying to get across 00:08:36.8 --> 00:08:40. to you so when I became a concert promoter I said 00:08:40.31 --> 00:08:43. I thought I had the greatest gig in the world but 00:08:43.08 --> 00:08:45. I did it for seven years I did with e spoke so who's 00:08:45.96 --> 00:08:48. the next guy after andy's done who's the next one 00:08:48.35 --> 00:08:50. after that who's the next one after it never stops 00:08:50.91 --> 00:08:53. okay because you're booking right now so in doing 00:08:53.85 --> 00:08:57. that I got a chance to see the business from a different 00:08:57.13 --> 00:08:59. place right and it provided me a different look and 00:08:59.75 --> 00:09:03. help me clarify sorry sorry I love book and concerts 00:09:03.2 --> 00:09:06. right I loved going to concerts and by the way never 00:09:06.72 --> 00:09:10. stopped okay I went from the buyer 00:09:11.53 --> 00:09:14. to the cellar right I decided to get on the side of 00:09:14.77 --> 00:09:17. the band but in committee's done twelve hundred concerts 00:09:17.32 --> 00:09:20. instead of me going I'll offer you two hundred thousand 00:09:20.62 --> 00:09:23. two hundred fifty thousand dollars I'm going that's 00:09:23.36 --> 00:09:25. going to cost you two hundred fifty thousand that's 00:09:25.62 --> 00:09:27. going to cost you five hundred thousand I still go 00:09:27.95 --> 00:09:31. to the show's writing also so that was my little pivot 00:09:31.68 --> 00:09:34. because the target's move right and so I did that 00:09:34.92 --> 00:09:39. for awhile and got frustrated and I want up taking 00:09:39.16 --> 00:09:42. a job at a record company because the guy who's the 00:09:42.15 --> 00:09:44. president of the record company thought I did such 00:09:44.84 --> 00:09:47. a great job of maneuvering the record company and 00:09:47.81 --> 00:09:51. he's now the manager of one direction okay said steve 00:09:51.83 --> 00:09:54. would you care to be the one you should be the voice 00:09:54.11 --> 00:09:56. president general manager of the west coast I said 00:09:56.45 --> 00:09:58. is that an offer riches yes because I reckon it would 00:09:58.67 --> 00:10:01. be much cheaper to have you inside the company rather 00:10:01.17 --> 00:10:04. than sucking money out of this place okay is that an offer? Richard yes so I took a job in the records that never thought about being a record label exact until they showed me the bonus on my man I was trying to keep a straight face because I was working for bands dave everybody thought we're hip and I could barely pay for my golf balls and cigars and I just had a kid okay so the target changed a little bit right and now I'm a record executive right and I worked there for four years and everybody its own he was trying to figure out how to stick around there for twenty years except for me I'm thinking you know this is cool this is good and I love the money and everything but as soon as I met incubus and became their in house manager and my kinds of that little networking guy called me the first week they've been signed said hey I understand you play golf you want come out play golf with me and my dad started a relationship networking okay and that just worked in the guy that was their manager was ok but it was clear that I was the in house manager so that thing played out gave me an unbelievable look at what it was like to work inside a record comes that when a record exactly telling steve you know actually we have the band's best interest at heart I knew that wasn't true I was skeptical before I got there I knew when I left right and after that I left the company go don't start a conversation with him about what's best for the band he will rip your head off so the point is I got into that then left again in the internet business and then became the manager of incubus and so that they were all a little bit of set up moves right and and so where you start in the moral of the story and where you end don't have to be the same thing so what you're going through today is you got one spot now you've had a look and you consider and go okay I'd like to take a look from here right that's okay it's a moving target that you're not gonna get another followed to question theo spit it out the first question to be back to like the trick of all trades I know some jobs require you teo to know ever everything to know about marketing to know about production and know about writing so how do you go about that if you should just do like specific if you're a manager but it sounds like you're thinking about that right yeah I could make the case that I'm a jack of all trades I understand marketing a top level I understand publicity a top level right I understand internet marketing from a top level I understand touring intimately because I had all that great experience from the concert side I understand what really goes on with the promoters and backdoor so what I'm talking about concerts with the promoter they sit there and go now look with many you just you know don't even bring that shit please he knows right so those things are generalists but I hire people that air experts in that area you know when we go out in the road we have guys that put up the sound and lights guys to get the band to the gigs guys that do the sound guys that do the lights guys to do everything and there are lots of mansion want tell her about how to do your job you ever been to an income a show you know where to find me I'll be standing at the sound desk with my bottle of water and maybe a cigar and I walk up there by delighting guy said ok how you doing there rob great make the singer look great thank you very much a how you doing over there kevin sproat make our voice sound great tonight and I stepped back and let them do their job right so does that make me a jack of all trades understanding what's going on out there is important but when I'm going to tell you is at some point you should start to feel this is who I really am and love it or hate it people can love or hate me. I believe I'm the perfect manager right because I'm not looking to do everybody's job I understand what you need to be doing it if you're not doing I know enough about to say you better shape up man okay and get this together or we're gonna have a problem because if I gotta come in and do your job that's a problem okay so I suggest we fix it he becomes becomes your problem not mine right that makes sense so what you're going through is just part of the shifting target but you should be looking for that moment where you can say you know what on your passport on your tombstone what do you do steve I'm a freaking manager are you a talk show and I'm a manager at the end of the day my moving tribute is and are a part of that to me is marketing strategic marketing and how to find an artist and put them in certain placements in order to make them more known whether it's taking an artist that has twenty thousand hits on youtube and connecting them with you know tide commercial because their sound has a couple of lyrics that have to go with commercial whatever it takes I see myself sitting in the room putting those pieces together hey the problem that I have been running into is whether it's because of my background I have a business background but I did in turn in music and I do I did play so I kind of understand, from an artist standpoint, is you take the opportunity that's presented to you say, for example, that's what I want to do but there's there's, an opening doing royalty, analysts type stuff. That's a foot in the door for a record label. It's, a foot in door for the industry. Do you take that opportunity, or do you keep focusing on your target that just keeps moving and maybe it's maybe a little bit further away and tried running a little bit faster, but it never gets closer. Okay, good question played you video by neil jacobson. Okay, you met neil jacobs, and the other day, right, two legs, two arms. Oh, yeah, all right, look like any special thing. And, by the way, he's interested. Okay, he started in the carpet business. God in took a foot in the door and so forth. When you say, should I take a job in the royalty accounting department, right? I'm sitting there thinking no because that's what you're trying to escape man okay, so if that was the only place in right and you was either that or moved back to chicago because it's not perfect member we're not talking about perfect here I might say you know what? Get the foot in the door but I happen to know that it most record companies all those bean counters is they like to call him or over in another part of place they're not in the action so I might be more inclined to say okay if I get it I'm gonna take this and I don't care if they fire me from the royalty count I'm going to go find get friendly with the a and r guys and maybe I means I run down in the warner brothers cafeteria I sit down in this next guy because you heard neil jacobson story okay going to get a carpet business and get a job is an a and r with top guys in the business that's not in any book I've been touched all those internet expert that nobody suggested that is a path, right? So getting in the door though folks is tough, but my gut tells me royalty accounting that's kind of like the bat cave and I'd even a bat cave batman gets you in a bad that's like alfred's cave, you know, so I wouldn't necessarily what but if that's the only way well I guess the other of the other option and it's that's what I've been more targeted towards us going back to the basics going back to the bottom so I work for a few years moved up in a rank where I was kind of delegating that work and you learn from that obviously but now I'm about to go back to the bottom of the pole whose decision was that as mine but I knew that because if you because like you said they're going to separate the creative from the analytical because they're just not where they're supposed to be somewhere because they'll deal with you we want to deal with that I want to go to creative so what I want to dio I'm going to go in turn for free or whatever for the the expert and just listen do what do it needs to be done but at the same time soak up as much as possible I think that's the answer you gotta go where the ultimate hell of a day and our person is identifying talent before anybody knows it's easy for everybody go bruno mars I knew well that really he's unbelievable unbelievable talent well I could show you a whole bunch of people that passed on that unbelievable talent and it doesn't mean they were wrong it could have meant that when they got there look at him he wasn't ripe the fruit wasn't ripe, you know that's a reality. The black keys probably weren't is good ten years ago dave is they were after plan all those dive bars and having their character gut check and playing a song they and we think this song is great and everybody gone that flows right and then after a while you do it long enough you go on guys that was not working ok lose it I'll tell you something else I've learned in the business right you know it's my thirty theory right by the time you get to be thirty years old right now I don't know how but everybody's agent here you should be figuring out what's working in your life you should be getting through the freakin romance seven go okay this is working this is clearly not working okay now my genius advice and near graduate from s you say I say do more of the stuff that's working and less of the stuff that's not okay and by the time you're thirty you should be figured out now that means you're in a band you're thirty years old and it's not happening yet I would say start to think about but that's you know that's what you've got to be thinking about you know figuring out what's working and what's not you know and so for you led asthma it's you've got a good mind you're thinking about this right way you've taken the leap but and our guys are ultimately about finding music so you'd be better off spending time paying the bills like whatever selling what he called the tent sale hey I got some great carpet for your right here by the way here that knew bruno mars record right that's really story okay so who else here alexis is working on herself ava so I until I'm scared crash it's okay um I guess my my dream would be just I don't want to be a big pop star just like tio play festivals play yeah be about teo get around the world of playing music um do you wanna maybe another pop star yeah big star yeah okay one of the things stop saying with me I'm going teo I'm gonna play my music tio okay whether it happens or not you see if you people like me go well you don't believe it yet all right lady gaga I'll tell you a funny story lady god got managed by you know troy carter and we've got a great clip of this gal who's helped get her signed to oppose you lady gaga she I don't have that clip with me I wish I did you know talking about when lady god god came into her office and told her she's going to be the biggest pop star in the world now I'll say it lady gaga is not the most attractive person in the world but she's got big something going on there right? My point is she was almost cocky almost arrogant because she had her head in the right place for you don't whisper it say because every time somebody goes well I don't really want to be a popstar then I go then why don't you go and take his job deloitte haskins being a c p a pays better you're still saying to your kids but you've got to mean it right that's when people ask me well you must really like being a man like it freaking love it okay well you're awfully cocky about that why wouldn't I be right because you've got to believe it if you can't make me believe it you know it means you're not believing yourself okay so yeah I'm going to play around the world okay also so then you need to start thinking about how my going to do that what's it gonna take so writing silent in the two most important elements of music so much has changed about busy busy everybody talks about it ad nauseum here's what hasn't changed about the music business great songs and great performers period okay now you don't even have to be a great songwriter harry styles and his buddy don't write any of those songs okay but I'll say this love him or hate him those guys are good performers hair he's got some he's like I can feel it playing golf with him he's where golf pants and seven I'm buying I'm going this kid's a little rock star right so you know that part of it hasn't changed so if you're talking about where you are right now and you're talking about before you said I need to get a manager you got to get your songs together and you got to start performing if you want to be playing those festivals as opposed to being like diane warren from another day who wrote great songs had no desire to perform my buddy tom kelly I play golf has hundreds of gold records on his wall right and he was in a band couldn't get arrested in his band and this guy has written some of the biggest hits on the planet hit me with your best shot pat benatar woman you know true colors cyndi lauper wrote like a virgin his biggest art they're all for chicks right we go tommy what up with that right and he goes hey I just write him right you know that's he did it but he wrote those great songs but didn't have a desire to be a performer right so if you want to be a performing you write your own songs or write with other people doesn't matter if you want to be a great singer you've got to say okay you got to go out and do it and if you get those two right some of these other pieces will come to you right but if you're waiting for it to be perfect or I want to be a pop star but this isn't quite right then you're not going to do you need you need to get to that spot where lady god got was where she's all the way committed brandon boy right unbelievable singer right unbelievably talented guy is shy about saying those things right and so ironically my kind of rock you know he said in a video if you go to my web say we had a great interview of all time he goes you know frankly when I first met steve ronnie he was everything that I thought I hated about the music business right right you're not in your head and then he goes on to say but once I got to know him write it dawned on me in a nutshell that people like me needs somebody like him I joke last night to tim chang I said you know so funny I've spent my whole life getting money on artist with not being a jerk about it because I believe and I believe they're town they should get paid and all this happened I said so now I start this website I started indiegogo campaign to help us raise money to have half of what these guys got in this room here right and it's very difficult for me to ask for the money so I've joked that what I need to find is my own steve ready some loud mouth guy and instead of doing bringing people really nice to me I'll say dude you just make it happen okay make it happen go on give me the money so that what he just said made you feel better and all of sudden whether you nosing up that's right I am so I need you to get there because unless you convince him to be your manager today you need to have that thing going and you need to keep doing the things it takes until you get that person does that answer your question a little bit although there are no answers I want you to send me some of your stuff not gonna be your man because I'd like to hear it you know when I need people that I like then I'm or inclined teo give it a listen you know and when and then sometimes the way the business works somebody will call me on the phone and I might just have you on my mind you know what I was doing this wacky freaking thing up in san francisco why I'm doing this thing and I met this chick and she touches unbelievable right my buddy jason flom he's a big time and our guy one of the funniest guys on the planet if you ever go to my website go click on the jason flom thing funniest guy in the plant but right on the money and he was telling me about this gal lord right, ran I signed this coast fifteen years old lower these like friday david look and he told me about her what six months ago you blowing up now right and what I've done is after I heard it I started telling all my friend god this chick is unbelievable man this he's fifteen where's all this fifteen where does all that stuff come from right so it can happen it is that word of mouth you know just what you saw there okay who else has got a question for me there best in terms well from what I can tell I'm pretty good I guess I've always gotten really good feedback and stuff and people have said oh yeah you can do this like go do it but uh for some reason I feel like uh like I can't find the certain people that will really be behind me to push me to do those things you know like a like a manager or you know booking agents and all those kinds of things and and also trying to find shows for with people that are similar to my genre it's also something that that I'm trying to work on I guess so I guess what would be the best wayto or I guess how do you know when you've found someone that can really that's really there for billy that's that's closing in on the bird yeah really be there like really wants to push you and do all the hard work for doing the things that would attract those people writing great songs easier for all of its great thanks teo thanks dude for that he'd write great songs just like all those other internet guy's got really listen to you for the way you've gotta have those great songs and if you want to be a performer you got to go out in play there's a little let me see if I got a clip I want to play you guys a clip here I don't have it um it's about being in the scoring zone right this is another golfing concept right that you've got to be where the action can happen right that great things don't happen out in the middle it happens often enough to give everybody you know thinking have you got so you do you perform around town I well I've played san francisco pride I've been doing that back injury though so I haven't been playing much but I've been doing open mikes that I can and I played pride recently I live in that I don't really know where to go to tryto tio I found it on craigslist ok then you already have your answer okay how do I know how to get what you do know how to do it? Okay now you need to move up the food chain right? Yeah, definitely definitely so I guess what I guess? Well, their places I can look for besides craigslist for shows that would help. Okay, here go what's, the san francisco weekly africa. What the rag is here in town, okay, you open up, there's, a bunch of clubs in there in there, yeah, okay, right. They're all booked talent, right? Yeah, okay, we all have somebody on the other end that phone, right? Yeah, and some every tonight we could leave here, go to twenty clubs and their people playing there tonight, right? How they make it happen? Is it impossible to get a don't ask, don't get. Yeah, you don't get it right. Gotta love it right? So you guys gonna put that in the rest of your shows? I know a way I kind of like that don't don't get so basically go out and call call up the venues or do a call to find out what the bookers are called them up and basically you don't just see here what would bring up something see what happens to people is and I'm not guilty of this myself I'm trying to raise money for my little website I'm sending going by god I got this guy to go up okay could be doing better since I get done with this tomorrow we're going back there hawkin, right? And I go through the same thing you go through thinking jesus, I got this guy came on the show and now I got to go back and honda limb from freaking money I feel like jerry lewis with the telethon bringing out the crippled kid in the whole freakin nine yards and it's horribly uncomfortable I was talking about this with brandon boyd he's going see red it's your pay back you know, you get to be the artist now, right? And it's it's crazy. So I talked myself out of it. So for the last week, you know what? My excuses I gotta do this saying up and created live man and you know about my body, but I'll tell you this when I wound played golf with harry styles right, which is just a buddy of mine that I've network for years and say hey can we get hear you get great perfect you know harry comes out say hey man I need a new shirt you know english guy little pale so I get him 00:30:07.556 --> 00:30:10. a long sleeve shirt see at the end around that was 00:30:10.32 --> 00:30:13. great man anything ideas it was manufactory is matter 00:30:13.54 --> 00:30:16. of fact that sure that you took off that you've got 00:30:16.16 --> 00:30:18. in your bag how would you just give me that shirt 00:30:18.38 --> 00:30:20. and he goes here I'll just give you this shirt is 00:30:20.17 --> 00:30:23. from bel air and he signed me the shirt and gave me 00:30:23.18 --> 00:30:26. I hate to golf balls right uh that he'd hit has more 00:30:26.88 --> 00:30:29. than through so I got my two little logo golf ball 00:30:29.54 --> 00:30:31. so if you see a offer going up here I got the shirt 00:30:31.93 --> 00:30:36. off hearing back and his balls golf balls that isthe 00:30:36.09 --> 00:30:39. sorry that wouldn't qualify what if that's legal okay 00:30:39.98 --> 00:30:44. you'll know okay that on harry I ask and by the way 00:30:44.33 --> 00:30:46. I sent it out to his manager richard the guy that 00:30:46.49 --> 00:30:49. hired me it epic that's now has managed to make sure 00:30:49.63 --> 00:30:52. it's okay but my point is I go through the same thing 00:30:52.78 --> 00:30:56. but you just did I caught you doing what I said don't 00:30:56.4 --> 00:30:59. ask the question answer in your mind and then not 00:30:59.45 --> 00:31:01. asked the question let's take something from them 00:31:02.3 --> 00:31:05. one person we haven't heard from target wise is day 00:31:05.87 --> 00:31:10. dave in orleans so my target it has been for the last 00:31:10.2 --> 00:31:13. eight years I would say it's always too make it for 00:31:13.92 --> 00:31:18. myself is to sing as if my full time job and that's 00:31:18.09 --> 00:31:20. why it was twenty four I moved to san francisco and 00:31:20.79 --> 00:31:23. I said I'm going to pick up I'm gonna go somewhere 00:31:23.03 --> 00:31:26. else I'm gonna try something different about a year 00:31:26.65 --> 00:31:29. after I moved here actually did something I swore 00:31:29.57 --> 00:31:32. I would never ever do in my entire life and I went 00:31:32.82 --> 00:31:36. on american idol and I got up to celebrity judges 00:31:36.09 --> 00:31:40. and I fell flat on my face and it was really at that 00:31:40.06 --> 00:31:44. moment that I realized that my target wasn't so much 00:31:44.3 --> 00:31:48. for me it was more for a band I'm a front man I know 00:31:48.51 --> 00:31:52. what I am I need a band behind teo for whatever reason 00:31:52.89 --> 00:31:55. you know to feel comfortable to for me to really express 00:31:55.3 --> 00:31:57. myself I want a good band I want a group of people 00:31:57.99 --> 00:32:00. that I can work closely with and writing songs on 00:32:01.03 --> 00:32:03. getting out there and putting on a great show so that 00:32:03.95 --> 00:32:06. is my target right now too and I've been working with 00:32:06.66 --> 00:32:10. a new project for about a year now and that's my biggest the goal is to take this group that I believe in that I love it's a great group of musicians and push that forward how do you find those guys the first member keyboardist I found I played a show blues cover show at this little bitty bar and my guitarist at the time just hired this guy to play and at the end of the night I said so you want a job and he was like let's play music together cool and I've been playing with him for ok almost two years now ok and you guys write together yeah okay right blue stuff for you right in your own shit no no it's a real jazz funk okay it's kind of all over the map okay guys playing gigs around yeah ok and how you getting those gigs through friends through we just got a gig played a couple weeks ago opened up for one of my hometown heroes of new orleans kermit ruffins and and I fought and clawed for that gig and said yeah here's our stuff was still working on the demos sent him something that's not even complete yet that we can totally draw big crowd just put us on the bill it's totally gonna be fine how the hell are we going to do this? I have no idea love you make it happen I care you know and it worked yeah yeah okay okay how did it go over when you're going to go over for real crime went crazy. Okay was insane. You've got to keep doing that. Yeah. I mean, everybody wants that's that that magic bullet that magic potion. I just do this. Rand, can I be successful? It's, that one bullet? It's, it's, you know, putting big time fire. I know you got a question here, right? And people say well, you don't give me an answer I have the answer okay? You just got to keep doing it I've got myself in the mindset well I'm one step closer to having a good one I don't know if it's the nine hundred ninety ninth one of the one or whatever and that's why I love to play in competition because you never know what you're going to get but somehow the blackie space so if you're onto something real now and you've got some musicians you figured out a way to make that happen now you did what I said you're getting some other smart talent two people in the mix you figured out that hey I'm not one of those pretty boys on american idol I need to have a band that's okay those guys in molly hatchet and leonard skinner those guys all look like hell they made great songs together right? They weren't harry styles but they had it aren't there still doing it right? I'm not picking on you because you're from you know, whatever right police you know but you know what I'm saying right and that figuring out your true north who you really are okay all right, people you know the crying for years or bitching about brandon boy takes his shirt off it shows I'm think shit if I looked that good, I'd be taking my shirt off too I take my shirt, maybe a scream to leave the room okay so it's about that so you're doing it is what I'm saying for all you people out there watching on that's crap no it's not crap the music business is really simple great songs great performances everybody thinks they write great songs everybody if you don't believe it then get out okay but the truth is and every business this creative live we're putting on doing some great thea today people will make their judgment from a business point of view and we can't control that okay but you put your best about your going out and playing shows and you keep drawing mohr people okay and you keep writing better songs and every time you wrote a great one rick rubin would tell you to write four more and then picked the greatest hits of you want to know he's a great producer because he gets people to keep writing and when they write forty takes ten and I said they're in a meeting with him once and I watch okay this kind of take it doesn't go in the studio is not really a musician got unbelievable taste and unbelievable talent for getting you to dig deeper than you thought you could get teo right but a being and it doesn't matter whether was rock or neil diamond or johnny cash sing and trent resident can imagine how that woman got hey johnny you know I got this idea I want you do there's a car waiting. What? And then he got to do it, and it was killer, right on paper. That doesn't happen, okay, question. Ellen absent, monk says he wants to play drums for you. There you go, see networking. You happened right here on the spot here.
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a Creativelive Student
Unbelievable course. Steve easy to listen to. He's funny, easy going but incredibly smart. I'm not a musician but have worked with many in photography and this man knows his stuff. Any creative should take this course and take notes.
a Creativelive Student
Just do it!!
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