Lesson Info
Day 1: Flow Easy
Hi, uncle. Your Web and welcome to flow easy. What you're gonna need are two blocks or you can have one. And if you don't have blocks, you can always get a book or something. Think that you can put underneath your hand and let's get started, Theo. So we're just going to get started in a nice, comfortable position. Go ahead and grab you, Ah, block or something to sit on him. If you can sit in child's pose without a block, you can do that. Otherwise, just go ahead and prop that underneath you and start to lean forward. Bring your arms out in front of you and relax your head down. Take a big inhale an exit again. Big in how and exhale. We're going to continue with USIA E breathing, which is in and out through the nose, keeping your lips sealed Nice indeed, and then slowly walk yourself up can remove the block from underneath you and slowly come into tabletop position. So in tables opposition, you want your hands underneath your shoulders and you want your knees together underneath your hi...
ps. You want to engage your core, and you want to slowly round your back, tucking your chin to your chest for cat. And then solely bring your shoulders away from your ears and slowly look up again for cats. Slowly round, spreading your fingers right and then slowly shoulders away from the years. Look up. You can have your feet tucked or flat, inhaling and excelling, just moving nice and easy. And if you want to invite some organic movement here, you can move your body around in circles. Or you can continue with the cat cows. Just make sure your fingers or spread wide. And if you do circles on one side, you want to do circles on the opposite side and then slowly relaxed back into child's pose. Take two deep breaths here, feeling the strength of your breath on the back of your throat and how and slowly exhale. Okay, now that we've kind of awaken the energy in our body, were going to start with some sun salutation. Slowly, step to the top of your mat. It's like your tenant to your chest and around all the way up, one vertebra at a time. Shoulders down and back, mountain pose extended mountain, bring your arms over your head and exhale forward, Fold all the way down. Inhale lift halfway. Engage your core and exhale. Bend your knees and step back to plank position. Fingers nice. And why solely? Bend your knees down and then your chin and chest come down and slowly lay down on your stomach in hell. Lift your chest for cobra and then exhale. Relax down in her. Lift your chest fingers A. Why and exhale. Relax them. You do coburg it. Or, if you're ready, tuck your toes and come all the way up to upward facing and then bend your knees. Come into tabletop. Tuck your chose and slowly shift into downward fees, just taking a nice and easy bringing energy into your body. Spread your fingers. Pressure heels down into the mat and really lift your hips up high to the sky and breathe. Come up high up on your tippy toes. Bend your knees and look, but swing your hands as you slowly step to the front of your map. Inhale lift halfway. Exhale for Werfel and solely round up Weinberg bread a time and how arms above your head. Gaze up, exhale hands the heart center and down by your side here. You want to set your intention. Really? Feel what you want to cultivate in today's practice. What you need to strengthen yourself for your day and take that with you through your flow in hell. Arms up, Excel four Werfel and how left Halfway Exhale. Bend your knees and step back slowly. Lower down. He income to chatter wronger this time, or if you need to come all the way down, you can otherwise come to up dog or cobra, bending your knees if you need to, or coming straight to downward facing dog. So take your modifications as you need to listening to your body. Sometimes your body needs a little rest, and sometimes it's ready to roll to just learn toe. Listen, pay attention and most of all, breathe. Inhale and exhale. Come a pipe on your tippy toes. Been Janie's and slowly stepped to the top of the map. Inhale lift halfway. Exhale floor Werfel, this time with energy. Place your palms together and come all the way. Exhale Hansa Heart Center and down by your side and he'll arms come up XO for it. Full putting it all together in hell Left halfway excel, Benjani step back plank pose slowly, lower down, shatter wrong and how upward facing Exhale downward facing Embry Moving slow and easy, Being mindful of your body and your movements to sprees Relax and let go If you have any tightness in your hamstrings or that I just breed into those places, come up high a party to be tells Bend your knees and step to the front of the map. Inhale lift halfway. Exhale for Werfel in hell with energy all the way up. Exhale hands start center and down by your side. Now some B. We're going to bend and come into chair pose, holding it here, engaging your core really deep here sitting down is most much as you can see. Could still see your toes in front of you. Hold here and then slowly. Four. Werfel inhale lift halfway. Exhale. Bend your knees. Step back plank Lower down, chattering in how upward face exhale downward facing. This time, bring your toes together to touch and extend your right leg to this guy, engaging your core. Breathe here solely shift your weight forward, bringing your needs to your nose and step your foot all the way through into a low lunge. Inhale. Bring your arms up overhead. Exhale hands the heart center and twist to the right. Bring your left knee on the outside of your right and open your arms. Breathing deep here. Slowly bring your hands back together and turn sensor and how Arms up and exhale. Hands down and stepping back to downward, facing same thing opposite side left leg. Extend of create space by coming onto your toe. Engage your core and lift Julie solely. Shift your need to your nose and step it all the way through into a low lunch in how arms Come up. Excel hands the heart center and twist right elbow on outside of your left knee, and your goal is to get your hands all the way to chest center. But if it's not there yet, that's okay. Just breathe and feel your body. Open your arms looking up at your top hand. Slowly bring your hands back sensor and come back to the middle. Inhale arms up. Exhale hands come down and step back. Plank slowly. Lower down, shattering. Remembering your option. If you want to come to cold, where you here and if you need to use your knees for table top, shifting into downward facing dog care. Breathe deep wherever you are, come up high upon your to be toes. Bend your knees and step to the top of the map in how lived halfway. Exhale for Werfel and hell with energy all the way up and come back into chair pose. Come a little bit deeper and extend all the way up. Hands the heart center and down by your side again. Share posed here, sweeping the arms up and forward Fall all the way down. When you come up for flat bag, make sure your lengthening your shoulders away from your ears really extending through the stress and lengthening through the hamstring. Just really hold it here just to feel the length you should fill it in your hamstring. Your navel is tucked in and your shoulders are pulling away from your ears and then bend your knees and step back to plank. Slowly, lower down, shatter wrong and how up we're facing. Exhale downward facing. Breathe deep here. Bring your toes together to touch right leg comes high to the sky. Shift your weight for being your needs to your nose and step that foot all the way through. Inhale. Come up, crescent. Now, if this is hard for you to balance, you can bring your blocks on either side of your foot and just hold here breathing deep. This is good enough because you could still feel the stretch. Do you still making sure your knee is over your toe and releasing your shoulders away from your ears? Open your chest and feel it here. So here's a really great place to start or and then when you're ready, you can come out to crescent solely moving your blocks as you come down. Exhale in how and exhale back. We're going to do the same thing. The opposite side left leg goes high. Shift your weight forward. Need to know. Step it all the way through and bind your blocks if you need to place them down and hold it here, staying here the entire time or when you're ready. Coming up to crest him breathing deep should be able to hear your breath solely removing your box, placing your hands down chatter ranga up. We're facing and downward facing breathing with each movement. Come up high upon your to be does binge Anethe and bring your knees all the way down to the ground. Move your blocks behind you. So that was a flow to get your body warmed up. And now we're going to come down to the ground. We're gonna work on a little bit of core work, So sitting in the center of your mat, come to boat pose, breathing deeply. Here, hold it here for your balance. You got this and just hold it here. Bring your knees together. Really? Squeeze your thighs. Squeeze your feet. Hold it here. Maybe undo just a little bit to make it a little bit harder. Feel your core. Fill your better bellybutton pictures turned on. Breathe, smile, hold and then slowly release crossing your ankles. You want to come up onto your shins, which is going to do easy back. Been nice and easy for camel. Bring your hips forward so your hips or over your knees, and then bring your hands to your low back. You can place your palms facing up or your palms facing down. Whatever feels best on your arms on, then slowly just lift your head, slowly lifting your heart, letting your heart float up towards the ceiling. Breathe deep here on slowly come down child's pose. Bring your arms out in front of you this time. Bring your knees out to the side and just let your heart melt. Take a couple deep breaths here and slowly come up one burger at a time. Cross your ankles and come onto your back solely scooting to the front of your mat and grabbing onto your thighs to solely come down. Bring your right heel out to the right of your mat and the left heel out to your left. Bring your palms facing up on Release your shoulders away from your ears for corpse or starfish pose. I like to call it, and right here to Stalin, courts pose means you are letting go, letting all the old die to rebirth a new, a new existence, a new reality. So just embrace your new reality. Your fresh start right here. Take a deep in how and exhale again and how. Relax your shoulders away from your years. Exhale completely relaxed. Slowly will go. Your fingers were toes. Bend your knees and bring them into your chest and slowly roll onto your side, placing your hands down to first yourself up and just come too easy. Seat opposed. Right here. Relax your shoulders down and you've got a clean slate. See you next time.
Ratings and Reviews
Nicole McIntyre
As someone who is an absolute beginner to Yoga I really appreciate Koya showing all the ways the poses can be modified. Thanks CL for this!