Lesson Info
9. Removing Images from the Cloud
Lesson Info
Removing Images from the Cloud
one of the challenges of working this way of shooting on location and putting all of your images into your IPad and sending them to the cloud is that you can fill up the cloud. Now, if you have a terabyte of space in the cloud, you could probably do quite a few jobs or quite a few travel sessions without filling up the cloud. But at some point, you will fill up the cloud if you're not careful. And so if you were to put an entire job on the cloud So let's say you shot a wedding and you shot 3000 images and they all went to the cloud. You would need to get most of those photos back off the cloud so that you didn't fill up the cloud with your jobs. Um, so what I'm gonna do is show you how to remove images from the cloud, but still keep them. And that's gonna be inside of light from classic. Remember, if you're working inside of light room desktop, it's ah, preferences toe always have stuff in the cloud, so light room desktop wants to send every full file into the cloud. And if you delete ...
it from the cloud. It'll delete it from light room desktop. If you delete it from Lightning Desktop, it'll delete it from the cloud light on Classic Operates differently Light Room Classic when it receives a file from the cloud, even though it's a full raw file, it's going to protect that file, and it's not gonna let go of it. So it's kind of a drop point, but it doesn't if I delete it from Light Room classic. It's not gonna come and delete it, all right. If I'm sorry if I delete it from light room desktop, the new version of Light Room, it's not going to be able to reach in tow. Light from Classic Deleted because light from Classic protects every image like that's its goal is to kind of protect images. So this is the route that we take to remove stuff from the cloud so that we're not filling up our cloud. But keep it on a resident hard drive, and then we can always add it back to the cloud as a smart preview, which takes no space out of your cloud storage. So this is what we dio and if you just follow along with me. This is the proper method for doing this. So what we're gonna do is remember we've got a folder here with all of our travel images. So, uh, where are we? Right there. So here's our travel job that we did. We put everything in the cloud. It's all there, 30 megapixel files or up in the cloud for some reason, that got unpicked and rejected. So I want to save this image and this image. The rest of them, I decided Not so interesting. I'm good without keeping those. I still want to keep him, but I don't want to keep on the cloud. They're not portfolio pieces or anything like that. But I do want these two to stay on the cloud. So what I'm going to do and I don't necessarily have need to have those to be full raw files on the cloud. I just want to be able to share him on instagram and things like that and show them to people. And by the way, the smart preview that sent into the cloud from Light Room Classic is a really good file. It's actually good enough to print an eight by 10 or even 11 by 14. Print out of it so you can definitely share it. And you can definitely blawg with it and you can definitely put it on Instagram. And then you could even print it. So don't be afraid of a smart preview thinking it's a tiny little file. It's It's actually a really great file type. So what we're gonna do is we're going to highlight all of these images just like this. And then once we've got those images highlighted and we've got them in a folder, remember, we moved them from that folder that brought them from the cloud, and we we put them into a better location so onto our own hard drive. But we still need to find him on the cloud. So if you go up to the very top area the catalogue panel on the left hand side of the library module, you will find an option that says all sink photographs, and you'll only find that option if you have the synchronization between Light Room Classic and the Web like room web. If you have that synchronization on, which is right up here. So in order to turn that on. You've got to go up by light room logo and click on your name. And then right here. If you haven't started, it will say Start right here. If it's pause, there will be a little play button. But right now it has a pause button because it's synchronizing. So you got to make sure that your synchronized first before all this will work. And obviously, if you're not synchronized, these wouldn't even even come down anyway. So it's a moot point. So we're going to come here and we've got those highlighted inside of our folder. And if I go and click on all sink photographs and I scoot out, you will find there is a bunch of images right here. And those images are the images that were selected. So it maintains the selection, and I simply need to right click that selection and I'm going to go into that selection and say, remove from all sink photographs. So by clicking on this, I'm going to tell it I need to remove all of those sink photographs. I need to take him off the web. So I'm going to do that. I'm gonna click removed from all sink photographs and it's gonna tell me it's warning me that I'm removing it from all the creative cloud clients. So every client that I have a client meaning device, so it's going to remove it from all of those devices, and I say, OK, that's fine by me. So now it's not in the all sink photographs, but it still is right here inside of our travel photography. And so it's almost Aziz, though I had just imported it when I came home, I took my card here, took it from the camera, put it in the card reader, stuck it into light room and imported it here. It's exactly the same process, but I did it while I was somewhere else. I did it while I was in Italy. I did it while I was traveling while I was out in the desert, I'm made a folder. I brought it into my IPad. I it went up to the cloud. It came down home and it was ready for move and I got home. All I had to do was highlight those images and tell it to remove those images by right clicking it to remove him from the sink Photographs. Now, keep in mind that if you just right click it from the folder, you won't have that option. You have to go up to the all sink photographs. But in order to find it first, select the images. You know you want to pull off. And now because we have them here resident on our computer. But they're not in the cloud. They're not here. In fact, if we look at my I pad now you'll see that this album that I usedto have stuff in is now empty because it removed it from the cloud. It's completely empty. So that's proof positive that I was able to clean out the cloud really quickly. Now, what I can do is say, all right, I want to keep these in the job, so I'm gonna archival those, But these two images right here, I want to put back into that same collection. But this time they're going to go up a smart previews, which is gonna instead of taking 30 megabytes per file, is gonna take zero megabytes per file up in the cloud because smart previews go into a completely different bucket of photos and they don't count against you. So I'm going to grab these images here. So I'm gonna click on here and type in C L 2020 so that I just see those. And then I'm gonna scroll down here and look for my travel photos. There they are. And you can see in that travel photos. Now there's zero because it removed him from those sink images. So now I'm just going to simply grab these images and drag them back in here, grab the images and dragged them back into that folder. So now there are two images in that folder. There's still the original raw files here on my hard drive, but inside of light rooms noticed that it's synchronizing those back up and on the Web and in my phone and on my IPad and even back on my light room desktop application on my other computer. I'm going to see those images now inside of my collection. But instead of being a full raw file that's taking up space in the cloud, they're just gonna be smart previews that take up no space in the cloud. So what you've just seen then is the back and forth. That happens when you take your images and you put them into your IPad and it sends them to the cloud. Now you know where they go inside of light from classic and inside of light room desktop. You know the path you know where to find them, and you also know how to get them off of the cloud. So you're not tying up space in the cloud, and you know how to put them back on the cloud as a smaller file type. And that is the workflow surrounding getting from your images that you take on your card into in our boxes of back up into your IPad so that you can work on them on the road without having to take computer with you and up to the cloud and back to your computer. So it's a great ecosystem, and it really is an ecosystem. And if you get to know that ecosystem, you will spend a lot less effort and time on your photos. Once you get home from traveling and you won't have to be carrying around a whole bunch of gear with you, it literally will be just an IPad and this or even this, and that will be your entire computer system as you travel. Perfect for sharing, perfect for adjusting and working on images and reviewing to make sure that the images you're getting while you're traveling our quality images and you're getting what you need while you're out on the field.
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