Lesson Info
Gnar Box Disk Backup
This is the NAR box. It's a little tiny SSD drive, so this is a SSD drive. It's a one terabyte. You can get him in different sizes of of of terabytes, but you can get 500 gigabytes if you like. But the NAR box is an SSD drive has a small interface here that allows me to do a few things. But most of the stuff that's done in the Nahr boxes actually done via WiFi. So it has its own WiFi network, and it's actually running it right now. So there's a WiFi network emanating from this little box, and the other thing that it has is a card reader and a USB C slot. So I can either just take my card from my US are and plug it directly in. Or I can plug in any card reader into the U. S. B C slot, and I can read the card that way as well. So if I have an SD card, I can stick it in. If I a CF card, I can use a card reader to plug it in. Not only that, but I can also plug another disc in it so If I have, say, a secondary hard drive that I want to use or I want to get images from this drive to hear, I ...
can plug it in or I can actually, once I've put my images in this s d are into this SST. I can actually make a secondary backup by plugging this into here, and it will just automatically transfer everything from here to here. So it's a little backup machine is what the NAR boxes. And so the first thing that I do as soon as I finish a card in the camera I pulled this out of my bag. It fits in my backpack with all my camera gear, and I simply just shove it in like that and close this and then I'm looking here on the menu and it says back up now, like it knows I just put that in and I click on this button and it says back up now and it just shows me it's a 2% now and it's just gonna keep going. So it's It's saving all of the information from the card into my SSDI. Once it's finished saving it, it actually does a zero sum check to. So it looks at the card. It looks it's a copy and it checks everyone and zero to make sure that they're exactly the same. So that knows that it made it perfect backup of whatever it was that was on the card. So I'm gonna finish backing up this and then once I finished backing it up, everything that I want to look at in there is either on my IPad or even on my IPhone. All I need to do is install the safe keep and the select app from NorBAC. So I've got to applications. One of them is to kind of look in at the files themselves, and the other one is to do selections. And for those of you who are used to looking at Photo Mechanic, which is a review program that's on your laptops and your desktops, photo mechanic actually is the basis for the select application. So they're using that kind of ST that same engine. And so it's a really fast, easy way to select through your images on. I'll show you that in a minute, but we just have to finish downloading all of our images onto this from this card onto the NAR box, the beauty of having a hard drive that's rugged like this, That's an SSD. There's no spinning nature to it, is that and it's It's also very weather sealed, so everything has gaskets on it so that it's completely sealed. I've dropped it several times. It still runs just fine. Um, the beauty of that is that you always have an entire terror by of backup space, and it doesn't require anything. It doesn't require any peripherals that doesn't take require any kind of chords. Um, but that being said, if you want to, you can actually connect this via USB C chord to a U S B C outlet on the new IPads. And it can. It can work the accord if for some reason, the WiFi is not optimal for you, Um, and it's almost done. So it's a 98% and then it's going to do it. Zero sum check. But the advantage of having a backup with you at all times means, especially if you're shooting with two cards, you can separate the two cards, put one of them safely away, take the other one and put it in the Nahr box. So now you'll have 1/3 copy in the nahr box. So you have one card on you, one card in the safe. And now you have all of your images in the Nahr boxes. Well, if you put that somewhere else now, your triple backed up and you can just go. You could keep going with this, and by the end of this experience, you'll find that you have so many copies of it. There's no chance that you would ever lose or misplace or have them disappear on you because we're completely backed up. The key is to go from camera, tune our box and then the NAR box is going to allow you to select right on the NAR box. Now, a lot of people want to just take an IPad with them, which is great. But if your IPad se has, you know, 256 gigabytes on it, that's not enough space to hold your entire trip, and you're gonna fill up your IPad and you probably don't want to do that. And especially if it's your phone, you could still fills things up your phone and your IPad and your mobile to any mobile device can actually take the raw imagery from your camera card, and you could put it right in there. In fact, I have a little dongle that has a card reader on it, So I can I can directly plug this into my IPad, and I can bring all these images into light room on my IPad. But if I bring an entire terabyte onto my IPad, I don't have space for that. So the beauty of the NAR boxes that you have an entire terabyte here, but you can access that terabyte from your IPad and you can look through the images on here as though they were on your IPad. So now I'm going to eject this digital card so soon as it's done backing up, It says, Do you want to eject this? I say, yes. Click on that and pull the card out. And so that is how I take my images from my camera while I'm traveling and I put them into the NAR box. So I am now backed up completely. I have one camera card and I have an exact duplicate on the NAR box, and that's how we back up within our box
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