Lesson Info
Adjust, Edit, and Organize
now, since we have those images here inside of our IPad were in light room. We can simply look through them and play around with them. So I'm just gonna scan through these images and we're gonna work on him quickly. Um, just that you can see the workflow. This is what we're trying to show you the workflow of getting images from place to place until you finally deliver them. So I'm inside of my IPad, an inside of light room mobile. You will find that there's an area on the left hand side here That is all of my albums and let me back out of these albums so you can see this is what your IPad looks like inside of light room. You have all photos here. You have your light room camera photos. You have recently added photos. You have people so you can look for specific people or you have images that you've deleted, which is really interesting because light room now in the cloud if you delete something from the cloud, you can still find it here in this deleted folder for I think about 30 days, ...
so it kind of hangs on to him for a little while and then it drops him off after a while. So if you make a mistake of deleting something, you can always come back here to the deleted files and find them. And then, of course, everything is organized by albums now in light room, uh, mobile and in light room desktop. So these are the newer versions of light room, not like room Classic. In these other versions of light room, everything is organized for you. It's not. You don't organize it into specific folders like you do enlighten classic. Everything is organized for you based on the date that it was shot. So that's why if you're looking up here, you're just going to see very, uh, already organized images that are organized based on light rooms version. So I so all of these air just their own categorizations and then everything else is by album. So you create albums, and when you create an album, that's the same thing. If you're used to light from classic light from classic calls, them collections and every other version of light room calls them albums, so you're gonna put your photos into an album. Those albums are automatically sent to the cloud and the cloud then sends them down toe light from Classic as a collection. Just so you're aware of where these air going. So we have an album inside of a folder here that we created. When we were bringing them in, we chose a specific album to put them in, and it's called Travel Photos. So inside of travel photos, I have 10 photos. These are the 10 photos that I brought in from the NAR box on the on the NAR box WiFi. I signed into the note WiFi and then I reviewed them on the NAR box applications. And then I brought them in tow light room through importing from files from the file browser, Basically, which is kind of a new thing for light. For ipads to end IPhones to be able to actually look at files in disks. That's probably maybe 2018 is where that came into being. Maybe 2019. Um, so I'm looking at these images and there the full original raw files. So I've got the entire file in here, so it's a 6000 pixel wide file, so let's look at one of these And let's just, uh, go into the star ratings and I can say I want to star. This is a five star or four star image, and I want to pick it. I like this image. I'm going to adjust it. So inside of light room, everything that you have control over in light room is over here on the right hand side. So your star ratings, your, uh, comments, your keywords and your photo information is all right at the bottom. And then up here at the top are this are the adjustments. And so it's not like light Room Classic where you go from module, toe module, all of its available right there. So let's just quickly adjust some things and we'll we'll talk in another lesson about actually every element of adjustments and making adjustments in light room. But I just want to show you a couple things. I'm gonna just these images, and then I'm going to show you the rest of the workflow once we get to light room, classic and toe light from desktop on the other side. So when we get home, these images will already be transferred, so any work that I dio I's gonna be sent home so that I can look at it on my computers as well. So I'm just gonna use the auto, So auto exposure does a really great job. Ah, I think that looks pretty good. And now I'm going to use my profile browser, and I'm gonna use kind of, ah, documentary classic black and white. Um, actually, I know I don't even like that. I'm going to use ah, different style. Let's just do kind of Ah, a neutral that will work. So that's my profile. I'm going to do a little bit of adjustment here. I just want to get the shadows up a little bit. Um and I'm going to go into the effects and add a little bit more texture, cause that's a really spiny cactus. So I like what I'm seeing here. So I'm gonna move on to another photo. So let's go back to our our grid scan through here and let's do this photo right here. So this photo I mean again hit the auto button and just kind of get a general look on it and then go into the light areas and I'm gonna bring this shadows down and then I'm gonna go into my effects, and I'm gonna add a little bit of texture to that. And then I even can add some, uh, like a Grady int. So I'm gonna go in here and get the Grady in out, and I'm in a dragon grading across that sky and come into the light area and bring the exposure down just a little bit and actually tilt that Grady int so that it's more active on the on that side of the sky. Actually, that's too much. There we go and hit done. So I like the image. I'll probably work on it a little bit more home. Maybe I won't. Maybe I like it exactly the way it is. But the point is, is that I can star and flag images so I can come in here and this is a five star, but I can flag it as well. Um, and once I've done all of my work on the road, I can either wait until I get home toe work on the images. Some or or maybe I can share these images. So if I want to share this image I simply go into the, uh, image itself, and I click right up here. There's a little share option. You can see that thing right up there. And also, by the way, if you hold and if you click and hold, it will show you before and after. So that's what's happening when I'm showing you with this little red dot What's going on up here? So there is an arrow when I click that arrow I can share, too. And once I share to Aiken, I can go over and say, I want to send this to Facebook. I want to send this to Instagram. I want toe copy it over to photo shop on my IPad so I can work on it. I could send in Dropbox, or I can just email it or text it to someone up here. So I have a lot of options on how I share this out straight here from my IPad or directly from my phone. Either way's fine.
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