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Processing Black and White Part 2 - Color Filter Profiles

Lesson 5 from: Mobile Photography: Creating Black & White Images Using Lightroom Mobile

Lisa Carney

Processing Black and White Part 2 - Color Filter Profiles

Lesson 5 from: Mobile Photography: Creating Black & White Images Using Lightroom Mobile

Lisa Carney

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5. Processing Black and White Part 2 - Color Filter Profiles

Using color filter profiles on your images.

Lesson Info

Processing Black and White Part 2 - Color Filter Profiles

we're going to look at profiles for black and white, but now we want to look at the color filters. And what do I mean by that? So inside the profiles for light room, you can use the blue filter, green filter, yellow filter and red filter to convert your black and white. Which is pretty amazing because what happens is it's like the old days when you used to screw on those colored filters over your black and white over your lands while you were shooting black and white. And look what happens to the skin on the girl in the red filter versus the blue filter. Look what comes out and how things become more dramatic and how you know, or how you can figure out. What they do is this chart here. If you look at this chart where it says no filter, that is the direct conversion of those colors on the left hand side. And then if you use the red filter, you'll see that the reds become lighter and the cool tones become darker. And then let's slide all the way over here to the blues. If you're using a ...

blue filter, you'll notice that the warm colors go very dark and the cool colors become light. It's kind of cool, isn't it? All right, so let's just look at this for a minute. I want to remind you a couple things that on the sliders that is the only way to change a profile. You cannot change a profile by changing the recipe. The only thing you can change is the amount that is applied. So take a look here and you'll see that I've got the red filter here on the left, and I can change the intensity if I want to. Whatever, and then the orange filter and the yellow filter so this might inform a little bit of where you're going to go. Let's say you're shooting a portrait and you want to have the skin tones be lighter. Your chances are you're going to want to use a red or orange or yellow filter and then perhaps change the intensity

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Ratings and Reviews

Gretchen Shepherd

This is one of the BEST classes on Creative Live, and I have a Creators Pass and have taken tons! As a retired teacher I really appreciated Lisa's teaching style and the clear use of tech aides (circle, highlights etc) to lead me through the steps used on LR mobile. Her clear descriptions make the class easy to follow. I have also used LR mobile for several years and learned at least 3 new things in the first few minutes! In addition Lisa's in-depth knowledge of BNW and how to apply the principles of BNW to color conversions was wonderful. I have shot BNW for years in film and digital and also taught darkroom at the college level (ages ago) and Lisa's teaching and skills rank up there with the best. I learned even more the second time through and will come back to this class frequently and grab any others that Lisa Carney teaches. Highly recommend!

nancy brindisi

I have always loved black and white photography and so many of the other courses I have taken on Creative Live touch on black and white but it is never as in-depth as I would like it so I was very excited to see this course offered in Lisa's mobile series. I love how explains the black and white presets you can shoot pictures through in the LR camera, the profiles and then the presets in post. Her knowledge of light and how color adjustments even on a B&W photo affect how that light is shown is very informative. This course finally gave me more detailed knowledge and inspiration to do so much more with my B&W pictures. Thank you for another great class!

Deanna Gordon

I loved the information, the tips and tricks and the delivery. I cant wait to do some more of her classes.

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