Lesson Info
Adding Markers and Folders
the next thing I wanted to do and we could have a song as we do this is create markers. This makes it a lot easier toe tell where we are in song. Because right now it just looks like one big lump of stuff. Really good toe. Check out each section and they could jump back to sections. And what not. So I'm gonna play the whole song, not straight up without any breaks. I'll stop in between, but I'm gonna create some markers so the song doesn't start until right around here. It's gonna do is you go here and hit in certain Walker, but hidden em, we can hit shift them to, and it's gonna ask for the name, which is what gonna dio So if we hit, shift em. But I wasn't Shift in. There you go. Shift them and we could just here, it's close on start. And then right up here, we have a little marker. Now we can give it a different color if we want, but I'm not gonna do bother with that. But one of the nice things about this is if we're over here, we want to jump to the start just clicking. It jumps rig...
ht back to that. Start that spot. Let's go through it. So this is the new spot, which I guess I call the intro. So we'll need that intro. My fingers, a few inches That's okay, was labeled. I don't know if I can do his averse shift them and we'll name this verse one. I don't know if I can do more with you. I don't know. I'm gonna jump ahead Pre course Capri Chorus one. And he is our first chorus Jump ahead. Here's the next intro according to our to our Justin chose fine. His next verse. First to I would break, though That's from Teoh. Get get, Let's go watch me through these parts. A little difference. Not the pre course, but it's a little different. Gonna call it verse to be No just. And there's a course to Can't do that next to the O. And he's a bridge. I know it seems you gotta know by now. Uh, cold. I think it is a solo and this is our breakdown. Every song needs a break down. I think this is the class course for course. Of course. Three. This is the Outro melody. I just called the Outro, but I believe there's another out show as well. That's okay. It kind of fades out. So we caught the ending just to separate it. After that, it's gonna fade. I just put a market that too. Call it the feed and zoom out and see our markers. That's a little obtrusive having these red lines across everything we can change that in. Is it in here? But leave its in our snap. Create settings? Yes, Marker lines the order. It's under items over items through items. Your items Very least they're not going through the items. Still see them here, so we'll eat like that. Then we'll zoom out. And now, at least know we could jump from section of section. So I'm gonna go back to say the bridge and working this bridge guitars. I could just come right over here at this. I know it seems a time. Okay, break down further. What easier to know where I am in a song that way. So those are our markers. So the next thing I want to do before we could start doing the master bus effects. But I want to organize things just to make things easy to turn on and off, because with the tract session or such they have project this big gets really hard toe that you see the drugs. I just want to hear the guitar. Just want to hear the base so I can do is put all these things in a thing called folders. So let's say this it's going to save it instead of save as and would create a Finkel folders, which means you make a new track. We'll call this what is called us all drums. We could separate the live John's words of samples, but I'm not gonna do that right now. And then if you cook this button right over here, that folder button everything below it is now in that track, and that's the entire project. So zoom out enough. Everything in this project is now in this folder, so I mute it. They only or if I just the volume, it's just that body. So now we want to just include the drums, so I'm gonna scroll all the way down to wear the drums are I think I separate the percussion, though, and then right over here. This little the last track warning The folder Just hit that and it pops it in, Which makes this a folder of this is gonna hit it again and it pops it out to see you right over here on the left. This shows that this is no longer in the folder. This is actually a child, and this is considered a parent for folder reasons. So now if I mute this, we hear everything except for the drums. Or if we saw this, we just hear John's. So makes it a little easier. In fact, I'm gonna need this drums folder, so I don't forget that it's a folder and it's the same thing with the other tracks. Let's go to our percussion. We'll name this Perk folder and do the same thing. You pop this out, see everything below now becomes part of the track. Now it's everything's with toe pop out are based tracks. They popped out on the left here, And if I saw this, we just do the percussion. It was to the same thing for our base. And put this out and I should just be base. It is now one of the reasons for this Besides, for organization purposes, having all the sounds going to the individual going to them in your own folders. We go to treat them that way. So it's still just in a volume. I could go to the bass track and put in effect on this track the folder and it's gonna affect all the tracks so I could do like big steps like that. I would say I'm listening to the mix, and one of things I notice is the drama Sand will dark. Well, I could go back to every single drum track and re cue it or just going by Dramas folder. Put me que on it. Just bring a little top end up Now My job is a little prettier or brighter, so it just saves that little bit of time or something, like Bass tracks a little too loud just going my base folder and then just readjust that, and then my base I have to worry about these individual tracks have automation on the tracks as well. You want to go back and re adjust each tracks automation to go to the folder just makes managing a big session what easy to do. In fact, I'm gonna pop out my based pop tracks. So the base pop on the scene My folder as my big strikes. Of course, I could always adjust them individually on their track. So let's do the same thing for our keyboards. The new track court keys folder. Pop that out and passed this to our guitars. Now we could separate acoustic guitars First clean guitars for the bridge guitars I'm not gonna do that. Just name it a tourist folder. Put that out. A pinto are whose now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my shoes and put them below the lead vocal Because the order matters for this. Let's pop this out better and I'm gonna make I'm not gonna put the vocal I'll put the vocal on scene folder that Okay, I was going to separate the wheat vocal in the background vocals, but actually, I still do that. Let me do that. In fact, I'm gonna make a separate folder for both, which sounds crazy to make a folder for one track, but you'll see why it helps. And that's making on the track. This will be our back of vocal tracks. I'll make another one for a week Vocal. You pop that one out and this one. So this is just our way vocal. I don't know if back and it seems crazy to have one track on a folder, but you'll see why it makes sense when you go to the mixer in a second and that is everything. So here's our background vocals on their own folder. So why this makes sense If you go to a mixer, I have a mixture right over here for now. Don't have to pop it out to show you this Put back at the bottom If we look at our tracks right here and zoom over the beginning Come on, they go. Here are folders all to the left. By the fault, they go there to the left. So make it a little easier to find our tracks and work on them. For instance, I could just go right here. And so the drums percussion with a base, which is why I made a wee vocal photo folder. So it winds up over here so very quickly can go. You know what? I don't want to hear the vocals on either Either one of these, for the guitars or keyboards want to focus on this. Just do it from the left side of our fate, our left side of our mixer, and then go back to hear nothing to worry about that stuff. Go back to the mixer and turn those things on. What kind of cooling reapers that you can sides unmoving things This way. If you want a new things in tracks next to each other, you could just drag right across to the same thing to mute them, just drag right across and meet them all.
Ratings and Reviews
this is really great mixing course, kenny has a great workflow and i learned quite a lot and it was easy to undestand, and i dont even use reaper, what you learn in this course applys to all daw and tools, which is great
Geneo Van Engers
so far this has been a great training class for brushing up on the basics it would have been nice if you would of went over gain staging more and how you got the static mix level wise when faders are at zero its a little deceptive. I did appreciate the minimal set up you use though.
Evan Phillips | Alaska
Kenny's Mixing Master Class blew my mind. His workflow and level of organization during mixing is a real eye opener. I'm also a longtime Reaper user so this is an excellent all around resource for me. I feel like I just stepped up my game. Thanks Kenny!
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