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BONUS - The Source of Creativity

Lesson 51 from: Mastering Your Digital Camera

Chris Weston

BONUS - The Source of Creativity

Lesson 51 from: Mastering Your Digital Camera

Chris Weston

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51. BONUS - The Source of Creativity

Where do photographers find creativity? In this bonus lesson, see how to encourage creativity in yourself.


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BONUS - The Source of Creativity

they one at 97 PM Central Standard Time on the 13th of April 1970. Small explosion occurred under normal circumstances. Anyone would have noticed. But the circumstances were normal in the whole world. Sat up because the blast happened in one of the oxygen tanks of the Apollo 13 space rocket. Over the course of the following few hours, many things happened. One of those things was figuring a way to filter the air in the lunar module for far longer than originally planned. Without filled it and the astronauts would die. The solution was to use a lithium hydroxide scrubbers on the command module. But there was a problem. People upstairs candidates missed one. We got to come through way. Gotta find a way to make this fit into the whole for this using nothing but that Just a half hours later, the engineers solved the seemingly unsolvable puzzle in space. The astronauts could breathe again. The mission ended 56 hours later when they splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. Whatever we do in life...

at some time, we will face a problem. The NASA engineers. It could be life or death for the rest of us Israeli that dramatic even though individually, our problems may seem dire at the time, which is exactly how I felt on a recent trip to Alaska. Katmai National Park is a place I've been to the most in the place I most looked forward to going back to. So when I set off last summer, I was full of anticipation. However, the end of each day shoot. When I downloaded and reviewed my images, I was beset by feelings of disappointment. Now it's not that the images were terrible, they were OK, but that was a problem. They were OK. And for me okay, just isn't good enough looking through them. What occurred to me? Waas. They were all pretty much the same with the images are taken in the past, there was nothing new, no new angle, no news story that got me thinking Creativity isn't solely tied to ability. In fact, quite the contrary, knowledge is often created with his worst enemy. How certainly creativity requires ability for the spark that ignites the creative idea, come from a part of a much deeper than the brain for genuine creativity to flow. We also need creative power. Creative power comes when we focus our attention on the present and become aware of the energy around us without attaching a desired outcome. Because by attaching an outcome, you're using the knowledge already stored in the brain ignoring or other possibilities, which means creative success. If it occurs, it all happens more by luck than judgement. So to be consciously created, we must travel into the unknown. On go to places, you must learn to navigate my imagination, instinct being words, Feinstein said. Imagination is more important. Knowledge is limited imagination in circles, the world without instinct. Without passion, creativity simply can't exist. Think about it. If you love your job, you're constantly coming up with new ideas. On the other hand, if you dislike your work, you're more likely to simply turn up and go through the motions in Alaska. That's the state I was in, just turning up going through the motions. Now it's not that I'd fallen out of love for photography or Katmai bears. Simply, my mind was on other things, so I wasn't making new connections. Instead, I was relying on historic feelings that my mind had turned into beliefs and stored away for future use. My images were new because I was disconnected with the present, and I was making photographic decisions based purely on memory to create. We must first connect to the energy of the moment and consciously raise our emotions. The team that assembled for the Apollo 13 rescue when they were asked later about the events of that night, a single common factor emerged when they sat around the table with a collection of boxes and tubes and sticky tape. They didn't start with what they knew that you can't fit a square peg in a round hole. They began with the feeling that they would succeed because to a man they were determined their friends. We're not going to die creative spark that resulted in the solution and not from head from their heart. True creativity cannot be achieved by acting on what we already know. That was a mistake I made in Alaska, realising my error when I returned this year, I did so with a raised awareness and then allowed myself to be guided by intuition. Rather than accessing old memories, I remained open to what I was feeling in the moment was conscious of the source of those emotions. From this new standpoint, original ideas emerged on. I photographed the bears in a way I haven't in 12 previous visits. For a long time, I have believed photographs created in the heart. Now I understand why the ability to create is driven by the brain. It is our individual capacity to consciously understand with the source of our creativity lies in the emotions themselves, emotions that lead a team of engineers fast running out of time to save the lives of their free friends. On the emotions that reconnected me to land wildlife. I'm thankful for the problems that come my way. Everyone should be the better of our lives is not the absence or avoidance of problems. It is how we affect the outcome. How we face our troubles characterizes what happens next and determines who we will be. Not what history. There are no new stories in history, no new photographs, compelling images created Now when you capture the moment

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Ratings and Reviews

mark jacobson

What a marvelous course! What a marvelous teacher! When I went to college, my father would always ask me about my professors, more than the courses themselves. He was passionate about learning and although too busy with earning an income to go beyond an undergrad degree, continued to read 50 books a year. I still remember how he'd get almost visibly excited when I'd tell him about some special professor who taught with such enthusiasm and, more than just passion, evident delight and joy in the subject. 'Ah they're the best, son. How wonderful you have such a teacher." Well, he passed away decades ago but if he were still around I'd get a kick out of telling him about Chris Weston, the 'Prof' of this course. He's one of the very special ones: a teacher who's loved and lived his vocation--his avocation--since he was a boy--and still is as excited about it now as he was then. The result: a course that seems to be more a labor of love--of pouring far more energy and thought into the details then one typically finds in these courses--than anything else. Bravo Chris! I'm already on to your next one.


Chris is an amazing instructor who dissects theory giving amazing analogies that bring concepts to life. I have rarely been able to sit through most video course for more than a half-hour but watched this one from beginning to end. A good refresher course if you've been away from the camera for awhile or there are some concepts that still illude you. I highly recommend this course and look forward to watching his others. Thank you for the clarity and great explanations.

Sky Bergman

This was an amazing class. I have looked at a number of basic photography classes. This one was by far the best I have seen. Chris is an exceptional teacher. He breaks things down into digestible information and then inspires you to be creative. Thank you!

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