Day 1
1Enhance Drums with Velocity
24:17 2Creating Drums with Layering
18:21 3Drum Sound Design with Flux
42:00 4Sampler Techniques
40:40 5Sampling Tracks Demo with Knock
27:57 6Using External Sound Modules with Maschine Part 1
28:16 7Using External Sound Modules with Maschine Part 2
29:35External Modules Q&A
22:11 9Building a Track from Start to Finish Part 1
44:46 10Building a Track Q&A
16:26 11Building a Track from Start to Finish Part 2
28:13 12FX Routing and Automation Part 1
29:19 13FX Routing and Automation Part 2
18:26 14Routing and Automation Demo with Flux
25:03 15Multi Effects Demo with Flux
19:02 16iPad as a Midi Controller
28:30 17iPad as a Step Sequencer, Arp, or Chord Player
12:09 18iPad as an External Sound Module
16:52 19Sound Design Techniques Part 1
34:47 20Sound Design Techniques Part 2
33:56 21Sound Design Techniques Part 3
17:40 22Vocal Remix Demo with Knock Part 1
22:02 23Vocal Remix Demo with Knock Part 2
27:34 24Vocal Remix Demo with Knock Part 3
38:05Day 2
Lesson Info
Creating Drums with Layering
Maybe we'll get into a little bit of just kind of like using some different effects and stuff when you're drunk so I'm clear these two out I would start with a really basic um let's do a basic kick so again, I'm just going to the browser kick and I want to do something that doesn't really have a lot of maybe a acoustic or a violin acoustic he's not like that, so see good so there's a lot of stuff you can do to enhance your drug you know, of course you could just load stuff up and really go to town but there's a lot of ways you can go in and actually do a lot of layering and machine and there's really no limit to how many sounds you can I mean, you can layer on a pad it's up to like, you know, like about one hundred twenty eight different keys that you can later so let's say I got that what I want to do is go into my sampling so I go and sampling and I'm going to the zone and now I can see my zone right here but what I want to do now let's say maybe I want to add something under that ki...
ck so if I click add it's gonna bring my browser up again and now I can add another layer to this pad so let's say we don't want to add a kick. They say we want to add a percussion under it, so we'll do a lot let's. Just go here. We want to add some light that in here so you could see now I have a previous and next so I can go through and each one since I'm in the in the layer in the zone, I can actually, you know, change the starting point of each layer. I can go in and kind of turn one down, you know? So and, you know, change the tuning. Maybe I want to change the game on the kick so I get a little bit more of that that bongo coming through it changed that already. And then maybe this when I wantto no turn it down a little bit. Of course, you're gonna go extreme really quickly go in there, start land and I can keep at so I got that and it made me want to go over here to the to the bongo. And, you know, maybe I wanted to know it went up a little bit, you know? I can mess with the attack, so I'm just getting the end of that bongo as opposed to attack us. So if I turned attack down you kind of hear it hitting with the kick but now if I if I turn and attack up you just hear the bongo kind on the end of the kick was really quick to go in and start doing and I'm like okay, maybe that's cool but let me add something else I wanna head um those shaker I'm just you know, picking random stuff now so so they don't like the analog sounds for what I'm doing maybe I want some more vice so it was something like that I can't really hear you know it's the shaker is a little bit low but again remember I can go in there and I could turn that open for more now you hear that that whole composite that's just three sounds I could keep going if I want to you can layer as many as you want that that's just on the individual pads now you can also if you want a little bit more control over each drummer each pad you can layer you can stack them on the separate pad so let's say I got that and then maybe I want to go here and I want a low you know something else let's say now we're going to go into our user section and I'll do I'll take some crazy out oh here it may be I want and was due to do this one so let's do a kick it was listened to so let's say I want to layer it that so I got that got that on that pad thiss one here say I want him to kind of trigger at the same time if I go into pad mode I can actually link because you got linked groups so I put this one I'll put this one on one and you got master so master means any time you hit that pad is going to trigger the other ones but maybe I want this one we just put that one on slave so I could hit that one by itself and it's good though if I hit this one now they're layers so if I just want to kind of go through, you know, build my my sounds like that I could play this one on his own thiss one place them both and then now you have separate effects you know, separate process that you can do tio each pad but you could still trigger together and of course you can re sample it like if I like that and I want to re sample that sound so it's his own sample I could do that so let's say we go over here to this I just do it in another group so I'll go to sampling I want to go to record and I want the source to be internal and I'll set it to whatever group I had, that innocent group a and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do detect, I'll turn it down just to make sure we get it, I'll start and I'll go back over here, and now you can see right here. So, you know, as you're building up your sounds, you can actually go in, create your own samples, save him. Now you have your own unique sound that nobody else has. So, um, against its really flexible and the way that you can re sample stuff really quickly just let you go in and do a lot of crazy stuff, so really, really cool stuff. Another thing I want to show really quick a cz away to kind of we'll clear this out again. I like starting from basic just you kind of see how we get there, so let's do ah, we'll do! I don't want to do sound design influxes sounds because his stuff sounds fine, so we'll just, uh, we'll go in and get something really basic again. Well, dio go drones will do a kick, which is something a lot of people are going to use regardless and let's find something something that's a little yet that one so it's a little plane, little playing kick so there's there's lots of ways that you can affect this stuff so what I want to do now is let's say I want to go to this group here I'll go over to this group and on this sound what I'm going to do I'm a press shift and browse so now I can go in and load and effect and I'll do I'll just load this basic compressor, so I said of his basic compressor loaded over here like while you're doing that so there's a there's a really just an old school trick called you know, parallel compression where you kind of you kind of fold in a little bit of the affected sound with the original sale, so I got this and that what I want to do is I'll go up here to the channel and for my output I want to go to my auxiliary so we listen to this now you know, it's a really basic but let's say I want to change the auxiliary destination I must send that to right there. I actually actually probably go in and name it so I know what I'm looking at but again just cause I don't have a lot of stuff in there I know that that's my compressor so now you can already see just by doing that is going to change it and what turns down a little bit but now, if I start increasing, the level of that auxiliary is gonna beef up the kick, you know, the difference. This is subtle that when I just turned all the way down and to give you the effect of without but again here's just a basic but then as you add more and of course you can go over and just the settings on the actual, you know, plug and if you want to change the clothes, if you want to, you know, change the death and all the different stuff change your mouth, your attack, all different stuff. But now what is basically doing is this playing your original kick and then it's plan that affected kids so it's a little bit different than just saying, I'm just still the compressor on the kick itself, you know, because that's going to affect the whole thing this way, you have more control over because you can adjust the amount it gives you a little bit of a slider thickness, but you still have more control over because it's separatist feeding that back in instead of affecting the entire kicks. So you still get that original kick, that original sound, but you also get a little bit more of the effect as well, so it just a really simple old school way to beef up your sounds you can do that for whole drum loops even for whole kicks I mean whole kits you know they say you want to send your whole kit to a compressor but you still want to have a little bit of the dry signal mixed in with it set upon auxiliary like that and just kind of turned that gain up and it's going to give you a little bit more beef so we're getting questions about about the kicks and so like our people are asking questions about stuff that you're going to get into later on me like I'm ok challenge the chat rooms to ask a little more about layering techniques and stuff like this yes oh yeah that's that's pretty pretty simple stuff there this is a really basic ways to kind of get into your drums and, you know, just in handsome handsome groom enhance your velocity, you know, kind of messing with that parallel compression, which is a really, really simple way to enhance your cake, especially if you have something that's a little bit basic and another another really, really cool way that you can actually enhance your kicks let's say we'll go here and I'll turn yourself so we got a little basic kit that one thing that machine is done is, you know, the new version we now have drum sense so remember a little bit earlier we talked about kind of layering on a different pads so let's say I want to go here and I'm going to load a drum since shift in brows I'm gonna internal and also like kick so so I have a kick that I can actually go in and you know designed myself and I can change the type so you know sub kicked whatever say maybe we want when we want that one but again remember I can go in and lengthy so you know I could go to pad mode I can set up the link and now I have those too and of course you know you can go in and go in here and kind of change maybe you wanted to be so it's really, really easy to design and changes sounds quickly you know lincoln the pads you know, adding stacking samples you know directly on the pads doing parallel compression and stuff like that. So that was just a really, really basic things that I think can enhance your drums. Now what I want to do now is bring a flux so we can kind of get into some some really deep just drum sound design if you like just going crazy and create your own drums and, you know, doing crazy rounding of fakes and on a different type of stuff so we're going to get into now is kind of some of that kind of have floods kind of share some of his tips and ideas on that way so if you don't want to really work with the internal stuff or maybe you want to work with the internal stuff and take it to a totally crazy level then then that's what we're going to get into so any other questions or yeah you know really people people are kind of like looking you know there's a there's a kind of discrepancy here between the the machine one point oh siri's and the two point when I wonder if you can kind of you know to speak to a little bit about what the major differences are between that once went serious in the two point so really they just kind of enhanced the main thing that a lot of people going to see different is the browser but you've also got stuff like that like the drum sense that air in there it's mohr processor friendly got the sixty four bit process and all that stuff you got the way it handles plug ins a lot smoother a lot of the stuff is the same if you if you come from one point eight aa lot of this stuff is going to be familiar to you but there are some you know, some different enhancements not so much to a point where you won't know what you're doing. If you if you had one point eight like you'll definitely kind of understand what's going on so is there anything specific that they want to know about the differences thinking no big difference yeah we could probably even even intro flux here as he appear because I remember earlier this morning you were mentioning to me a little bit about kind of going with your factory library into two and wrote twenty five actually on our chat room was asking that exact same thing is there an import from machine factory library to machine too actually there is so just want to say hello flood flux with it dot com I'm a producer sound designer since fanatic and uh so what I was talking to you about earlier is exactly that uh so I woke up this morning on east coast time from philadelphia so and delaware so I woke up early and I thought to myself all I really would like to bring some of my machine one dot ex um aa lot of those projects translate into machine to they load up just fine but there's some differences so I had a machine one dot x primarily on my older mac book and on my newer one I primarily use machine to and so when you transfer a project from two different computers there's some things you need to be aware of you need to be aware of not only if you're moving between different software but you also need tio, keep in mind, ok? Is there plug ins that that I don't have one computer? Is there? Ah difference between thirty two bit plug ins and sixty four bit slogans, for instance, of when I'm working in machine, too? I use all sixty four bit. When I was on machine one point eight, I was using a lot of thirty two bit plug ins, so because of that, I had to replace a lot of this planet's. Now it'll load up just fine. You khun, just click on it and load it up. But when you save your projects it's really, really important that you see eve into a new voter and you save all samples and sounds, so for instance, I'm just going to pull this up and kind of give you guys an idea. So when you go to save you want to see eve project with samples, okay, when you do that, you're going to get this dialogue here, and you can click on the little folder icon to tell it where to save teo. I often will save my projects into a different folder from what the factory tells you to save tio. The reason why I do that is because I'm often moving projects between computers and I don't want to have a situation where maybe I update machine and something gets lost I'd rather have it just in its own little area so what I like to do is kind of get my beach ball spinning and uh area so we can bring this up over here I could it's a select desktop and I could create a new folder let's say um machine test projects okay, so this is where I would save all of my machine projects now and from there I would create a new folder we'll say jake a master right I'm going to create that this is going to be that project so now we have it it has its own folder and then I'm going to name it so jake a master so I'm naming it the same thing as that border when I hit save I'm gonna click delete unused files because maybe we were doing some sound designing maybe we were chopping up things and we don't want to waste space on our computer okay, so when you click that it gets rid of anything that wasn't actually assigned to a pad all right so I'm going to hit save and nail it saved it to the desktop so I could just look right here where wherever we're at aereo and move it out of the way so sorry this pat is a little bit my way. So it's going to be on my desktop now? And if you zip that folder, you can just transfer no problems. All your samples are going to be in there if he used custom drum kits. If you use factory drunk, it's does not matter. All those samples will be there. The only thing that you have to worry about is whether or not you have the same plug ins on there and it will translate from mission one point eight over if you need to import the library which is what he's talking about, you were going to go over here you hit file import machine one dot x format. So for instance, a cz he showed earlier we had song, the flux dystopia expansion, which is a third party expansion, but it was made in machine one point six. I want to say so you would click import one dot x just pointed to the folder of the expansion and click ok, and it will imported to a machine to format. They are two different file types. There is a machine group like and gop and then there's mgr psx, which is the newer formats so they were different. Okay, that machine one groups are forward compatible machine to is not backwards compatible so you know, so when you install machine to it, doesn't replace machine one, they're actually separate applications. You can actually have, both in the morning computer at the same time. So that's, just the thing to remember. If you make it something machine to it will not work and machine one. But if you made in the machine one, you know, it'll go forward into machine, too.
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Ratings and Reviews
George D
Even though it's a bit old now this is still a fantastic walkthrough of Maschine. Lots of great content here!
Joseph Castaneda
Pretty dated, but an excellent class. JK walks through everything he explains with thorough, real-time examples. Extremely helpful!
William Parmlee
Just what i needed, great work flow an easy to follow. looking forward to the next level . Thanks
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