How To Name Your Facebook Group
Lesson 10 from: Mastering Facebook Groups: Building Your Online CommunityDiego Rios

How To Name Your Facebook Group
Lesson 10 from: Mastering Facebook Groups: Building Your Online CommunityDiego Rios
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
1Introduction To Building An Online Community With Facebook Groups
02:23Chapter 2: Build a Strategy to Start Your Community
00:51 3What Are Your Community Goals, Key Results And Activities
00:45 4Why Are You Starting A Community
03:28 5Who Is Your Audience And How To Define It
03:11 6How To Build Community Goals, Key Results And Activities
07:36Quiz Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Facebook Groups 101: Getting Started and Properly Set Up
00:31 9How To Create Your Facebook Group
09:58 10How To Name Your Facebook Group
05:22 11Introduction to Facebook Groups
06:37 12Quiz Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Build Content That is Engaging and Your Community Likes
13Using Topics And Guides To Answer Your Questions
02:28 14Build Content That Engages With Your Community
08:45 15Engage With Your Community Members And Be Active
01:58 16How To Build A Content Strategy For Your Community
06:31 17Quiz Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Community Management For Your Group
18Golden Rules Of A Thriving Community
04:28 19What Are Your Guiding Principles And Rules
01:44 20Welcome New Members
02:09 21How To Moderate Conversations Among Members And Manage Conflict
06:00 22How To Use Questions To Build An Email List And Understand Your Community Better
07:18 23Quiz Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Ways To Grow Your Community Consistently
24How To Monetize Your Community
07:56 25How To Grow Your Community
05:31 26How To Filter New Members To Qualify New Members Requests (5;12)
05:12 27Quix Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Measure the Growth and Engagement of Your Facebook Group
28Metrics And Reports To Measure Your Facebook Groups
03:00 29Measure How Your Community Is Aligning With Your Business Goals
04:05 30Quiz Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Get Facebook Blueprint Certified and Outsource Tasks
31Facebook Power Admin Groups
01:02 32Getting Facebook Community Management Certification
03:21 33Where You Can Get Help From The Fiverr Community Of Experts
03:40 34Quiz Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Conclusion
00:50Final Quiz
36Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How To Name Your Facebook Group
So naming is probably the most important part when you're starting your facebook group, it's one of those, make it or break it kind of moments and you want to get it right in the beginning. A lot of the growth will happen organically. It's going to happen with people searching and finding your group when they go to the search bar on facebook. So in other lessons we're gonna talk about hacks with how to use email, a website invites to grow your community, but when you start, the majority of your community members will join organically. So choosing the right name is going to make a huge difference with how easy people can find you, and that's exactly what we're going to do in this lesson. So the right name is going to attract the right people, but it's also going to help you weed out people that you don't want to join in your group. So the way I like to think about naming a face group group is just using simple formulas to find the perfect name for your community, and these are some form...
ulas that I think you might find useful. The first is product plus official community. So for example, this could be five or for freelancers or entrepreneurs who want to build an online business, You're talking about a product, a brand service first and then the community, the target audience that you want to attract the second one, his topic and audience. And this could be breastfeeding for first time moms again, what is the topic breastfeeding whose my target audience first time moms, this is really attractive because you're already talking to the right audience, you're attracting the right audience, but you're also explaining them. What is that topic? That thing that they're gonna benefit learn from by joining your community? The third Is pain point in audience. So think about sell your sofas or your couches in 24 hours new york city Again, what is the pain point? I'm moving, I want to sell my furniture in 24 hours and I'm from New York City, so I'm gonna find a local community where I can go in, sell my stuff and if I'm looking to buy used furniture, that's a great community to join and see what people are selling and selling quickly. So you're talking about a pain point and again, an audience. The third is benefit an audience again, how am I gonna benefit from joining the community? And this could be profitable ads for drop shipping, for example. Again, what's the benefit, build profitable ads, profitable campaigns or scale your ads to 10-K a month for drop shipping. You're talking to the right audience, you're talking about the benefit of joining the community brand and audience. And this could be Starbucks for coffee aficionados. Again, I'm talking about who's my audience, coffee lovers, you know, and the brand Starbucks. So I know it's sponsored by Starbucks. So these are some formulas that I've seen work really well when it comes to naming your group and it's a great way to attract the right audience and already give them a right expectations of what they're going to get out of your community. Other examples, if you think it could be e commerce ads for drop shipping, breastfeeding and nutrition for first time mobs, facebook power admins, North America. Again, if you think of and you look at those names, they all have a combination of one of these formulas that I'm showing you. So take advantage of these, use the exercises as well and that's going to help you build the right name for your group. When you're thinking about naming, there's three things that you want to keep in mind. You want to name to be searchable. Easy to understand and also create a positive association. And what I mean by searchable is that people should be able to find you quickly and easily when they type on the search bar. When I talk about easy to understand, people should be able to find out what your community is all about just by looking at the name And with positive association keep in mind that your community is going to be associated and it really represents your brand and your business. The other thing that you want to take into considerations when you're naming your group is that you have a limitation in terms of 75 characters in length and you can only change the name of your group Every 25 days. I don't recommend changing your name too often, but it can happen as well. So your name is one of those critical spaces that face view gives you to attract new members. Use the worksheet that I provide in this lesson and in the next exercises to work on your group's name. In the next chapter, we're going to go over the second stage of building any community engagement and building the right content to build a thriving group.
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Mohammad Murad
Great information. Thanks a lot.