Lesson Info
Class Introduction
What we're going to talk about in this segment is one of felt like, like three or four things that exist in photo shop that I think if you figure out you're your on your way to, like, mastering photo shop and I don't mean that you're going to know everything. But if you don't know these things, you don't actually know Photoshopped, do you think you do? But you know, for example, adjustment layers and layer mask. If you don't understand how adjustment layers in their mass work, you don't know photo shop, But the other major one that I want to cover right now, I think I'm a little obsessed with them. Uh, they're called blend modes and I remember I remember when I discovered them and it was kind of on accident. I don't I don't know. It just I had read books and it just never stuck with me and blend modes extremely powerful. Both four. Controlling how brushes behave and changing how layers interact with one another those the two things that they dio, which doesn't sound super impressive un...
til you really understand it. And I use it all the time. I use it in retouching. I use it in color grading. I use blend modes in special effects, and so there's practical uses and super creative uses. And so the more you know that they exist, the more you like. This is a perfect opportunity for the luminosity blend mode, but you would never think about it. Let's notice. So that's what we're going to dio cover everything from retouching to creative to practical. Um, and, uh, give you this little tips along the way. The next thing that I want you to keep in mind is depending what type of photography you do. This is completely applicable. These tools, even if you do landscape photography, it's just I happen to be demonstrating on Portrait's and I happen to be demonstrating on some fashion images. But understanding blend modes. No matter what type of photography you do, it makes you better. So I just want to preface that for those of you who know I do portrait's and applies to everything, So where we're going to start is I'm going to start with, just like the general concept off how they work. I will let you know that it takes it takes a little practice. Um, there's definitions online of what each blend mode does, but for me, it's one of those things that just goes right over my head, like and so I actually recommend what I'm going to set up right now that you do this for yourself because you'll be able to cycle through them and be like, OK, I'm seeing what's going on there. So when you start at the beginning, um, all right, so what I'm gonna do it would open up a fashion portrait image, and I'm actually going to drag and drop roses over top of it. There's no reason that I picked the roses, but the key is, if you're testing this yourself, you want to learn how blend modes work, get a picture that has some some pure blacks and some pure whites for your very white light colors needs. If it's all completely even toned photograph, it's not going to make much sense. I need something to demo this with darks and lights
Ratings and Reviews
Lindsay is a great Photoshop teacher. Lindsay makes learning about Photoshop fun. Great job Lindsay and you have great skills. What Lindsay shows that some other teachers may not is she makes the topics she teach, in addition to be well informative and well planned, she also makes her presentations interesting, fun and entertaining. Thank you Lindsay. You are a beautiful person on the outside and the inside.
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I just adore Lindsay. She does everything in her power to help us...it always feels like she could be my sister or bff. So many wonderful qualities not to mention her talent. Thank you for having Lindsay on air!
Jeff S
Lindsay is the best teacher, at least for the way I want to learn. I have picked up so many new techniques from this class and I am using those techniques in my photo retouching every chance I get. Although mostly geared toward portrait retouching, Lindsay always go out of her way to give examples of how the blend modes can be used in landscape photography. Thanks Lindsay and Creative Live, I love your courses!