Creating Content that Will Make Money
Lesson 25 from: Master Video Marketing for Your BusinessLou Bortone

Creating Content that Will Make Money
Lesson 25 from: Master Video Marketing for Your BusinessLou Bortone
Lesson Info
25. Creating Content that Will Make Money
Day 1
1The Possibilities and Setting Goals
27:30 2Your Video Vision
28:57 3Getting the Audience Invested
17:14 4Off-Camera Video Tools - Part 1
38:18 5Off-Camera Video Tools - Part 2
31:46 6Trust & Credibility
19:26 7Engaging with Google Hangout
25:40Google Hangouts Q&A
14:32 9Camera Performance with Michael Port - Part 1
25:18 10Camera Performance with Michael Port - Part 2
36:41Day 2
11Let's Make Videos!
28:20 12On Camera: First Impression Videos - Part 1
22:14 13On Camera: First Impression Videos - Part 2
21:37 14Video Editing: How to Make It Easy
07:47 15Editing with WeVideo
44:50 16Editing with Intro Designer
10:49 17Getting Your Video on the Web
30:05 18YouTube Tips & Other Platforms
32:36 19Mobile Tools for Video
14:32 20Power of iPad with Mike Stewart
27:58 21iPad Video Training with Mike Stewart
18:28Day 3
22Video: Marketing vs Branding
23:43 23Creating Online Brand Identity
20:17 24YouTube Channel Critique
32:20 25Creating Content that Will Make Money
31:11 26Next Level Webinars with Omar Zenhom
35:42 27Video Monetization
28:56 28Video Product Launch Formula
19:51 29Video Visibility Strategies
23:07 30Repurposing Content for Video
11:37Lesson Info
Creating Content that Will Make Money
Yes, this is the fun part. Well, it's all the fun part. But this is the really fun part because we get to create content, which usually leads to excuse me, creating revenue. So now why would you want to create a video product for your business? Because a lot of people say, Well, you know, I'm already doing videos. I don't really need to do products But there were several really compelling reasons to use video to create products. First of all, a lot of folks are doing it, and a lot of folks are, um as consumers want to consume the information that way, they want to buy, you know, stuff that they can watch really quickly. It's why YouTube's the number to search engine. It's Sometimes it's just easier to watch something that it is to read directions. So it really is the way the world is moving. And buyers really do prefer to have the stuff delivered via video a lot of times, So it's just a great way to do that. There's also a lot of potential for repurpose ing and repackaging stuff you al...
ready have, and by stuff I mean content and information. You can get it out of your head and into a product to sell. Or you can take some existing content that you already have. Maybe you've been teaching a workshop a weapon off a while, and you want to turn that into a video product that's totally possible. It has a higher perceived value in most cases, which means maybe you can sell an E book for $27. That same e book, if it's in a video, could be 47 or $97 is just a higher overall perceived value. And I would argue that it's also a better customer experience and better satisfaction. I get tremendous feedback, positive feedback from the video products that ideo because people just like to know, learn at their own pace and do self study a home study courses. It also gives you a lot of opportunities for strategic alliances and joint ventures. And by that I mean, before I did videos, obviously nobody really knew who I was. But when I started to do video products, other entrepreneurs and other information marketers would approach me and say, Hey, I have a product that complements yours or I have I do something that's kind of like what you do. But I think if we both did something together, it would be a really cool products. So I've done a lot of strategic alliances and joint ventures because I usually bring the video piece to the table. So there's a lot of benefits to it, and it really does kind of let you play at a whole new level. So it you can up your game just by doing video products and by having video products, and there are tons of options available. But unless you have a plan for how you want to do video products, you're gonna end up going about in circles. So let's talk a little bit about that. What types of video products can we do? We can do virtual class or workshop delivered via video lessons, not unlike what we do here on creative life. You can do video webinars. This is one of my favorites. I do a lot of weaponize because I could be at home on my pajamas. Behind Google hangouts are on a weapon. Our platform. We're gonna talk more about this in a bit. You can do them for free or for a fee. I've seen them done both ways. It depends on the content. Ah, lot of times people will do content webinars with some kind of a promotional up cell at the end of it. So if you've delivered 45 minutes a great content and the person wants to do more with you, you can have it, Ah, product on offer to sell to them video summits or guest interview Siri's. This is kind of knew, but with the advent of Google hangouts, it's a lot easier to have a panel discussion or to do some kind of summit with video. Great way to do stuff so you can have you and nine other people on a video summit at the same time on a Google hang out. You could do video webcasts and charge admission for those the, um, you know, if you want to, you know, charge for your webinar or your Webcast. You can totally do that. You can do a video product launch. We're gonna talk more about that later because that's sort of a whole, um, Jonah onto itself. The video product launch. So there's a bunch of ways you can approach this, um, you could even do a membership site where the content is delivered via video. So I realized after doing this for Philly several years that I had a ton of content and like a library of videos. So I thought, Well, if I take the best videos and the most helpful videos and put them into a membership area kind of behind a paywall, I can make those available as an archive or library a vault that folks can access whenever they want. And so you know, some people charged $97 a month for this. I charged like $10 a month to access all the archives. So it's just another revenue stream, and it doesn't require a huge amount of work on my part because the contents already created so you'll find when you have, um, sort of a critical mass of content created, you can put that behind a paywall into some kind of an archive and in charge of a membership fee. So there were a lot of different ways to tackle this and a lot of different ways to go at it, depending on the content that you have, and depending on how you want to deliver it. But before you kind of delve into making that video product, there are some questions that you should ask. And the main question really is. What type of video product would best support your business objectives. So I'll go through this and a little bit more detail, but I want to ask a studio audience first if they've thought about this. If you want to create video products. If so, if you thought of maybe you've already done it before. If you've thought of how you want to do this and really kind of help me answer the question, what type video product would best support your particular business? Anybody wanna volunteers that Tony eso I've considered creating a self hypnosis for success series, teaching people how they can take themselves into hypnosis and, you know, create suggestions that take and help them move along. I didn't know you do that, self study wise. Yeah, that's cool. Can I ask for my own credit card ball money? Absolutely. Help me that much. Data. Yeah, I'm in the middle of creating a series of videos to go with my meditation book Azan Educational piece, but I'm also aware that I have to create some promotional videos to help to sell that package, right? Yeah, for me. Sometimes that's the hardest part because I love creating video products. But I don't always like reading the promotional videos to promote those products. Does anybody else have any existing assets that maybe could think about turning into video products? I've been teaching for years, So I got a bunch of slide shows that could become, uh, video teaching classes. And also that I've mentioned for the music stuff gets lighter as a cover that in lots of different languages of it. Wow, think about think about the content that you have again. Your goals are going to sort of help you determine how you do this. You might want to do a purely educational video product or promotional. Um, you might want to do a live event and turn that into a video product. A lot of folks who do workshops in person workshops are live workshops, then taped the entire thing, and then they can say, Well, if you couldn't join me in San Francisco, you can get it here. Uh, as I mentioned earlier this member Onley content. You have to decide if you want to do it that way as well as the price point you're going to think. Okay. Is this a $47 product, $147 product. Uh And then, of course, the last consideration is is it going to be a digital download or physical product? Um, I know, you know, in past years, there was all all soaps, you know, sort of a push for DVDs and packaging and all that kind of stuff. I think these days it seems like people want the immediate download and the immediacy of the instant gratification of a digital product. And, you know, for my money, that's a lot easier than dealing with CDs and DVDs and that kind of thing. That question. I've been struggling with that, especially going from the music industry. It's relieving a nightmare. But one thing I find were physical products are very valuable. Is it life events because people buy them from your product title and especially books? I mean, there's a lot of sort of back of the room sales that happened with books and products, so I think if you have the option to do it and you have the assets. And you know, whether it's a physical book or a physical product, like a DVD. It certainly doesn't hurt to have it. Any other questions on that before we move on physical products? Excellent. OK, so, um, I also have a bit of a checklist. So let's say we're about to make our video product and, ah, a few questions that you want to ask yourself and a few considerations, and I put them into a lovely little check list format. So and feel free to jump in here. If if any of these strikes an idea. But first of all isn't marketable, Will it sell? I know it's kind of hard to tell if it will sell, but you can always do ah, survey of surveymonkey for your folks and kind of give them choices like, Hey, if I created this, would you be interested if I created that? Would you be interested? And you can get a sense of what your community wants? You can also do that from, uh, your frequently asked questions. If there are always people asking you, you know Hey Tony, why did you create a self hypnosis course like, Well, I guess that's a good idea, because people keep asking me for it. So will it Sell is a biggie. You don't always know for sure, and sometimes it depends on the price point. Does it fit into your overall business strategy? If I suddenly decided to do a product on yogurt, that probably wouldn't fit into my overall business strategy. First of all, because I'm really bad at yoga. And second of all, because it's not something that I would I would be able to teach. So make sure that it kind of fits and is not a disconnect from the direction that your that your brand is going in. Does it fill a need in your target market? This is a big 12 again. If people have been asking for certain things even casually at networking events, say, Do you do this to do that? If enough people ask you for it, then is this probably in need for the product? You may just be able to identify a whole that nobody else is filled in your product. Funnel. Uh, speaking of product funnels, um, you might have a $27 product and a $1000 product. So obviously, if that's the case, maybe there's a hole in the middle there somewhere. Maybe there's a place for a $500 product of $3 products. So can you just briefly explain what a product funnels? Yeah, that's a good point. A lot of times with Internet marketing, people describe it as a funnel. I'm not really that fond of the description, but the idea is to make the top of the funnel as broad and open as possible. That's like the low hanging fruit like a free offer. So you sort of get them into the quote unquote funnel with the free offer. And then as they become a fan and as they become more comfortable with you, maybe you can offer them a $27 product that they might want to buy. And then if they know like and trust you and they like that product, then you can offer them a $97 products. So the the idea of the product funnel is that you know, you sort of bring people in at a lower level when they don't know you as well and Then, as you gain their trust and you have more credibility with them, you can conceivably charge a higher amount. I don't know if that always works. As I have seen, people start with $1000 products. So did you have anything to add to that? Well, I was actually gonna kind of pose that question to you. There's two different strategies. They're coming out with the really high end product for new business owners and knowing that that's going to disqualify a lot of people. But they want to sort of start at that higher level and probably work their way up, as in more mastermind and coaching and that sort of stuff or more of your personal time or having products where it's not really personal time. It's scalable. It's marketable. It might be, you know, a live event to program, you know, with additional material. What sort of your take on on coming out of the gate for new owners or new brands? Um, lower and try and get Maura and build the community or higher and try and get less, but way more targeted and qualified right again. It depends on your target market. If you know that your target market, you know, if they're in a niche, you know, like I don't education of something that's traditionally not really really high income niche. Then you may have to start on the spa level. So it said depends on the target market. But in general, I think if I had it to do over again, you know, I sort of fall followed the 27 97 4 97 I would start high and say Like you said, let me just, you know, sort of have these people self select that they, you know, can't work with me or that I'm gonna provide this kind of a service. And it's a higher level service because you can always go down. It's how did you go up? Then it is to go down and, like you said that that just the price point alone is going to help define your target market and filter out certain people. And the other way look at it is that you know, if it doesn't really involve my personal time or effort, I'm willing to do a low price point because that's more of a volume thing. If it's personal, coaching or mentoring or something that I do one on one. Obviously, basically, the more access you provide to yourself, the more it should cost. Makes sense. Just one more part off of that, Um, I see a lot of people doing this where it's a product, maybe a lower price point. And then, like you said, there's a secondary either an additional or, you know, an elite membership to that where they do get you as a personal time where they get more unique, um, attention to their business. So it's kind of Ah, waited Teoh cater to both a little bit more because, yeah, I think the more you actually have to dedicate your time that should be monetized. But if there's also people that are always gonna want it that do that D I Y do that. Just watch the video, learn what they can, and they don't have the money to invest. I think that's a good way to try and tackle as much as you can, but still target the right people. Yeah, that's an excellent point. And in the, you know, the wacky world of Internet marketing, there's a lot of what they call o T o za one time offers and up sells. So the video maker FX People don't do this, and I don't really have an opinion of it one way or another. But they have a really low price good product for $67. But they'll say, But if you want the extra templates, it's this much. And if you want the extra training, it's that much. So you know, there's always kinda little add ons and tears, and, you know, obviously they can make more money that way, and the more work in time it involves for them, the more they want to charge. I just wanted to say to cause I've worked with people one on one, especially in the creative field, and I noticed that many of them charge a lot less than they should be charging in general. I mean, whether it's it's a confidence thing or they're they're concerned that they should be charged, they could be charging more potentially so when it comes and I've seen it happen around their products to per se. But I just I just want to say from experience, I've seen clients that literally double what they're doing and end up getting more clients sometimes. So I just want to reiterate not to be scared toe to charge what you're working, I think especially starting out. I know I was definitely guilty of that. And, like only God, yeah, that's all you're charging for you And you can't think like I've only been in this business from one year. It's like I've been in the television business for 20 years, so that counts with something. But that's a really good point. And I think a lot of folks fall prey to that. They just don't value their services enough. And if you think about it like you know, I'm giving away and our my time, you know, that's probably not the best way to think of it. If you think of it like I am providing a service that's gonna get you here. So it's not the hour that you're buying. It's the result. Perfect good, good feedback in good interaction, but that cause that really kind of fills it all out. Uh, And then, of course, when you're creating a product, do you have the time and resource is to actually create it. So I mean, like I've been working on something for three years. It's like, Well, you know what? I think that's a little too ambitious. I think I'll chunk it down a little bit. So you have to be realistic about it cause you want to get that product out there. And as I mentioned, when in doubt, send out a survey If you have a list, if you have a community, even on Facebook, I get a lot of feedback that way. Do you want this of that? Just don't say how much would you pay for such and such? Because they'll say they will pay a certain price and then when it actually comes out, they will. It won't necessarily do it. So, um, so I want you guys to take a look at your video content planner. So this is gonna hopefully help you develop that product that you can sell. So think again about the information assets that you have. It's not just I always call it stuff, but you guys have knowledge and information assets that can be repurposed into video. You guys have them here in the audience. So, um, think about what content you have that could be repurposed as video content. Maybe you've got an e book. Maybe you've got even a series of blog's can often be repurposed into video content. Um, does anybody have any ideas in the audience here or stuff that they've created that they think they could turn it video, right? I think interviews. I think that people underestimate how much valuable content that you're getting from people and packaging up, um, interviews or taking tips from each of your interview and creating a product just based off that. Because if you've been doing podcasting, for example and you've got a series of interviews, there may be a way to turn that into short videos. Um, if you've done even if you've done phone interviews, you can take the audio and add some slides to it and create a video product 60. So there you go. Um, anybody else, one of china on this. Okay, Then you have to ask yourself, I'm sorry. Go ahead. I was just gonna say I like behind the scenes stuff like the making of things to is yes, fun to look at and yeah, you know, because I think the struggle exact sharing the struggle or even, you know, like obviously like what we talked about me folio earlier, and she's making the videos and the really high end, and she's got a crew and that kind of thing. But I think I'd be really fun. And maybe you thought he'd done this. But to do one where you see the crew and you see the set up and you see the process that goes into that because she doesn't just show up with an IPad and say We have a question this week, right? So So that would be kind of fun. So even the things that maybe you're not thinking about anything that is going Teoh help your audience or guide them along what type of video product or products do you want to create? And again, this could be a digital download, a physical product on membership area? Um, anything like that. So think about what type of video products you may want to create. Um, anybody have any thoughts on that? And I doubt I mentioned earlier that he's already working on something. Is that a physical product or a digital product? Well, we should. I haven't actually just certainly all releases digital. I haven't quite decided with the releases has physical cool. Okay. And, um, coming from now, who says that they are starting a series of short videos. So I turned them into audios and then draw the illustration for them live, which we really cool. Yeah, that would be really cool. You could do a video scribe of your podcasts. And of course, if you've got, ah, video that can also be repurposed into a podcast, Um, by just stripping out the audio. Yeah, So that goes both ways. Anything else on the chat before I move on? That's great. Let's keep cool. What type of video product would best support your business objectives now? Like Dre said, if you're gonna be no higher end coaches charging higher end fees, your products have to reflect that as well. So that's when Maybe you do have to spend more on the packaging and the cover in the DVDs because you don't want to look schlocky if you're charging a lot of money, if you're trying a lot of money for your services or for your product, so make sure that the type of product that you're doing also supports that overall business objective. If you want to kind of reach the masses with a really low offer, that kind of anybody can get, that's fine, too. But you really have to let see how it fits into you. Overall business objectives. What resource is our materials? Do you need to produce to create your video product? So that's, you know, creating a video products like Oh, my gosh, OK, we'll have to do I have to do five videos and they have to be 10 minutes each. You know, you have to kind of think about the logistics. The resource is the materials that you might need. Often times when I create a video product, I'm doing a, um, slide presentation like this one. So I'm narrating a power point. So the material that I need to make the video product essentially is the power point, which is the information and the presentation. And then I need to narrate that and save it as a video. And if I'm doing a did he digital download, that's all it takes. That's it. I'm very released the product. And then, of course, how will you market sell and deliver your video product. Oh, that little thing marketing. So, you know, it could be again Facebook ads or YouTube videos or e mails. I mean, there's so many different ways to approach it. But once you have your product ready, you do have to market and sell it. Um, and you know, I've been guilty of this myself. I've created a product, and I just haven't gotten it off the hard drive yet Really promoted enough in some of that, you know, you have to also think in your calendar, where does it fit that I can actually launch and promote this product? Any comments before you move on? I think that people also have to realize that you need to brand your products as well. So and that's gonna help you like especially for video, especially for something or screwed cast or power point. You can really template ties and systemized that stuff and make it incredibly easy. So your slides are all you know. You have the template, and then you're using the same font themes and the same color themes, so you're not really recreating the wheel every time it makes things go a lot quicker. But branding that product, so people again recognize it. If you don't have something that stands out for your product beyond your own brand, that could make it difficult to market. Absolutely. That's an excellent point. And it could be a simple As you know, you've got a template with your logo on it in your website at the bottom of this the whole time and and use that and that's kind of your look and feel for your product. Cause again. You don't want your product to, you know, come out of left field and look like it doesn't belong within your brand. So thank you for that. So courses are obviously Ah, great way to start and to do this kind of product. This is actually a screenshot from Michael Porton Amy Mead's recent Creative Life Plus, but you can see the neat thing about video products like you on creativelive is they? They kind of coming modules, and they will, you know, just a very natural way to deliver a product. So aside from being a product that you can sell like Dre says, it can also support your brand. And it's also a great way to connect with your target market because every time you're putting out a video product, um, even if you're selling it, it's still a way to connect with your product. And it's a way to provide some passive and recurring revenue because I love I call it sort of the Seinfeld syndrome. The last Seinfeld episode was probably more than years ago. They're still getting paid for those reruns that have running five times a day on three different channels now. So that's a beautiful thing if you can create something once and continue to be paid for it over and over again. And that's one of the great things about video products, assuming it's still relevant and it's still marketable, you know, that can be out there generating revenue for you. Well, months or years to come. Video Webinars have also become really, really popular, and but this is a huge part of my strategy and a huge part of what I do because I like doing webinars. I like teaching, and I like the ability to kind of, you know, wake up in my pajamas and going Google hangouts. Oh, I better put a shirt on cause we're gonna be seen from here up and just doing the webinar. It's a great way to share information. It's a great way to share information and content and then sell into something. So it's a great promotional tool. So in this little screenshot, this is just a typical webinar that I did with Partner Janice. And we were just, you know, showing, um, a few ways to do video. This was sort of an off camera, one of those off camera things, but I would do it with a partner so they would bring their people in and I'd bring the content. So it was kind of a win win. And after we do the webinar, I would offer a course or a product, and if we sold that, I would have some kind of a revenue split with the partner who brought the people to the, uh, event data. So having the course via course, gives you a product that you can offer in that kind of situation. Absolutely. So if you have a course, our product, this is really you know, a lot of how I do my teaching and coaching. A lot of times I'll do a webinar and at the end of the webinar. I'll just say, if you want to run, Maura, if you wanna work with me, here is a link to my schedule to set up a 10 minute interview. So it's also a good way to kind of bring leads in, because now they've experienced you for 45 minutes on our they've gotten the information. They find the information valuable. You know, I don't I don't like to do the ones that you've seen these weapons, that they just, you know, a 20 minute bio and then a minute pitch. It's like I don't like those kind, But if you provide valuable content and you really offering something of value and teaching and sharing, they're already experiencing you and already saying Okay, this this guy seems to know what he's talking about. So at the end, if you are, you know, offer a product $27.97 dollars, chances are they want to take that next step with you, at least some percentage of them will. So this is a tried and true product, or sort of a product that leads to a product sale that makes sense. What do you think you have experience with this. I've done a lot of webinars Now. I was gonna ask you, Are you using Google hangouts now for years and being on camera more? Because that's what I have noticed when it's more scripted and really, um, lined out almost. It's less effective and also engagement. I think it's huge, like, really starting. The conversation on the webinar to connect has helped to me with the conversions, whereas at the beginning I just came out of the gate just like everybody else. I mean, really scripted, really, um, slide based. And it was just so boring, an uninterrupted and yeah, I mean, that's great for that because there was a trend for a while of recorded webinars like, Don't watch this whenever you want, and it's basically just a recording of a webinar and you don't get the interaction. You don't get the chat, you don't get the back and forth. So I'm not a fan of those myself. The Google hangouts. Oh, great, because you could be on camera with a guest. You can be on camera by yourself. Um, oftentimes I'll start on camera and maybe I'll show some slides. I show a video and then come back on camera and again with Google hangouts. You are interacting. You've got chat happening so you can keep an eye on the chat and see what's going on. And I mean, you could even bring people in if they have a webcam and put them on on with you. So I don't usually do that cause it's a little unpredictable, but But it is a really good way to do it. And yeah, it is. So first of all, we got a question here. Do you need a sales page to sell a product? I mean, is there how do you recommend like, yep, converting from that video. Where? How do you set that up? Ah, a couple different ways to do that. I would suggest that you do a sales page to sell the product because it's going to give the buyer more information. And in the next segment, we're gonna be talking a little bit about video sales letters and video sales pages so you don't necessarily have to have a sales page to sell a product as long as you have a way to sell that a PayPal link. Some kind of a buy link that links with your shopping cart. Um, and again like in the in the wist AEA example that we looked at yesterday, you could even put the buy button in the video. So as long as there's a way for people to make that transaction, it doesn't necessarily have to be a big fancy sales page. Um, you just have to have a way for them to say yes, I'll take it one more just really quick one, because I know that we've got Omar ready now, but I want to hit this. How many people when we're talking about Webinars and those kind of interactive things? How many people do you need attending the webinar for it not to seem like a ghost town, People who do show up. It's interesting problem for those people who are just starting out where they want to have that that interaction. But it is not what you think about when you're first starting, and that's a tricky one, because, you know, a lot of times you will start with not that many people. It's like, okay and both is there and just rock with the pug conscious of you were. And, um, you know, you have to just build that up over time, and it can be frustrating or discouraging, but that's how you know, again, you build the community over time promoted on Facebook. Um, and I would say they're in most of those webinar software programs. Oman, maybe condenser this as well. But, um, you can kind of turn off the participant list so other people don't know whether there's 100 people on their or 10 people on there. So you're the only one that you know get freaked out about that. And I always say, You know what? If there's one or two people on on here and I can help them, then it's worthwhile, Wonderful.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
One of the best video marketing courses! Lou presented a comprehensive overview of the best and latest technologies that make video more accessible and doable - for beginners and advanced users. The course is filled with terrific resources and how-to guides that save hours of searching on your own. I watched the live broadcast and purchased the course for ongoing reference. Lou's expertise and years of experience really make this course an amazing value. It's well organized, fun and includes fantastic guest speakers. Thanks CL and Lou!
a Creativelive Student
This was a really great course. I am definitely going to apply what I learned. It was so much information that it will literally take me months to apply it all, but building a business is a long game. I loved how Lou mixed high level strategy with the specifics of how to use key tools and recommended a variety of useful resources. This course was very practical. I've already started applying it and have a basic blueprint for my way forward that I will flesh out as I make more progress. I definitely know I'm going to add a lot of success to my business through what I learned in this course.
a Creativelive Student
Hi Lou, I bought the replay up sell so that I could listen and watch when it fit my schedule. So far I've watched the first 3 videos. It's great and I'm so glad you put all this together. The handouts and bonuses are useful, too. It's obvious you are a master at video and I'm happy to learn from you.