Video - The Future of Story Telling for the Photographer
Lesson 31 from: Master the Business of PhotographySal Cincotta

Video - The Future of Story Telling for the Photographer
Lesson 31 from: Master the Business of PhotographySal Cincotta
Lesson Info
31. Video - The Future of Story Telling for the Photographer
Day 1
1Class Introduction
19:49 2The Agenda
24:35 3Why You Will Fail
39:49 4The Changing World We Live In
18:57 5Biggest Competitors For Weddings and Portraits
42:41Day 2
6Defining, Understanding, and Connecting to Your Clients
56:15Day 3
7Legal Issues
1:09:43Day 4
8Shoot and Share vs Shoot and Sell
56:18Day 5
9Pricing Your Work Part 1
57:12Day 6
10Pricing Your Work Part 2
1:10:02Day 7
11The New World of SEO
40:58Day 8
12Social Media - Facebook
48:42Day 9
13Social Media - Instagram & Pinterest
36:23Day 10
14Building a Better Portfolio & Attracting the Right Clients
1:04:59Day 11
15Proactively Developing Vendor Relationships
35:41Day 12
16Get More Publicity
47:28Day 13
17Booking More Portrait Sessions
37:23Day 14
18Booking More Weddings
52:39Day 15
19Understanding the Initial Sales Consultation (In-person vs Skype)
46:25Day 16
20The Engagement Shoot - Shoot To Make Money.
48:46Day 17
21Engagement Pricing and Sales
47:13Day 18
22Destination Shoots
47:46Day 19
23Working With & Training Second Shooters
1:04:10Day 20
24Growing An Alternate Brand
58:07Day 21
25The Wedding Day Timeline
42:00Day 22
26Managing The Wedding Day
54:03Day 23
27Post Wedding Sales and Pricing
36:07Day 24
28Post Production - A Real World Workflow
54:21Day 25
29Wedding Albums - Their Importance, New trends & Selling Them
31:22Day 26
30Ways Not To Suck At Customer Service
58:34Day 27
31Video - The Future of Story Telling for the Photographer
47:15Day 28
32Packaging & Final Delivery To Your Clients
47:20Day 29
33Lessons Learned - Where I Have Failed Over The Last 8 Years
35:10Day 30
34The Journey Of You
16:24 35The Journey Of You: 30 Day Plan
25:00 36The Journey Of You: 60 Day Plan
27:11 37The Journey Of You: 90 Day Plan
24:49 38Student Examples
14:31 39Interview with Warren McCormack
26:16 40Interview with Lenny and Melissa Volturo
19:24 41General Q&A
26:26Lesson Info
Video - The Future of Story Telling for the Photographer
Let's dive into video the future of storytelling I truly believe it is I love being a photographer don't get me wrong but ultimately uh I say it all the time if I could make his much money doing video as I do photography that might be the path I go to and the and the reason is simple I love the story we can tell photography is a snapshot in time it's a moment in time there's nothing wrong with that, right? But video we have this ability to tell this crazy story this motion we can bring all this emotion into it and so I absolutely love it. And so let's let's actually talk about what I'm seeing for video the creative director I think we move away from being photographers I think we start moving into this role is the creative director we're gonna watch a recent video we did we're going talk about running a wedding day what we have to do to run that day to make it all work we're talking about pricing so well I'll show you my pricing for video basic year that we use and some ideas to get st...
arted offering video that's the biggest confusion right now from a photography perspective is where do I start there's so much out there? How do I get started in this? And you can continue to try and ignore video but you can't ignore it anymore. It's happening? I mean it's everywhere, right? I can do video on instagram video I mean, for crying out loud. Our iphones are now filming full hd, and so video is everywhere we are. How do you start incorporating that into what you're trying to do? And so the creative director this term, I talk about it all the time. What does that really even mean? What does it mean to be the creative director? You could make the argument in a lot of ways that as a photographer, you're the creative director today and that's, that's accurate, we're controlling the day we're telling a story, we're telling that we're visual artists, right? Whatever term you want to come up with that's, our that's, our our title, but at the end of the day, the creative director is controlling that story. You're telling the story with whatever tools are necessary, and if I look at today what I'm doing today, I tell that story through instagram. My iphone video camera still photography I'm telling that story in a multitude of ways today, and so this isn't necessarily something that's completely new uh, it's there, we just have to start embracing it that's the key I get asked this question all the time, do you think photography will die with the advent of four k and six k and a k you know we were just in germany and they're they're they're releasing six k cameras twelve I mean they're talking about twelve k cameras, right? Tv's can't even keep up and so it's okay don't think about four k or six k is being well, why would you film four k if you're delivering if you're delivering a smaller, you know image in hd ten eighty okay, why did we shoot raw if we're only delivering four by six is in five by sevens that same concept more data is better and so when you've got this four k and a k footage, what that's allowing you to do is now if you think about your tv screen just being this big when you're filming in four k and a k your video footage is this big allows you to do some interesting things one if you got shaky footage, you can now stabilize that footage because you won't have to crop in to stabilize it. You can pan inside the footage. So now in video footage you ever see that those footage where they're just kind of painting a scene and revealing it well, you can do that with a slider that's the right way to do it but you can also film at eight k and now pan inside that scene all digitally without losing any quality on that video so that's kind of sum of just some of the benefits that you can get by filming in this four k k mode. Now this is the future it's all happening, but I get asked a question all the time. Well, if you're filming for k and a k and you're getting twelve mag twenty meg files that are coming off the camera, do you see photography going away? And you're just pulling stills all right? Math equation here twenty four frames per second, thirty thirty frames per second, and you're filming sixty, sixty seconds. So just one minute your sanity frames, you have to go through in that one minute, so no, I do not see the day coming where we just go, screw it! I'm gonna roll around my video camera all day just sitting there on a tripod lock shot filming number get home and I'm gonna go through thirty frames per second to try and find the perfect frame, pull that out, pull that out, pull that out, it's not that I don't see that happening unless there's a big software shift that makes stuff like that super super easy to do uh, that's not gonna happen you won't talk about a nightmare in post production now I will be the first to admit we had a wedding that we did where we missed the ring shot the photography team missed the ring shot the video team got the ring shot and so what ended up happening was we realized we missed this ring shot way too late and then I went into the video footage and got uh a picture of the rain and pulled it out totally usable it's incredible and so that picture is big enough for us to go to an eight by twelve which is not what it's doing is going to be about this big in her album and so that saved our butts no doubt about it so that's cool cool part of the technology I know what you're all thinking who was the photographer who missed that? Well, that was taylor maybe you weren't thinking it but I just figured I'd throw under the bus um but the video team we got it who's on the video team this guy right here all right so I can say that she's not here she has no idea maybe she sees this episode maybe she doesn't maybe we just hide her when this airs and so force k six k a k it's here it's coming it's going to change our business forever we cannot ignore the fact that this is coming and so this is a video I let it play first wait this's story this's the star of our show wei shou way and these are the pages pages we turn and along the way I roll on down to the mountainside so promises tonight to round it by blowing life like the first time in my life wait peace way costumes we wear with cohen and, um can you do it? Seen are with you my share wait should come true as I'm standing here hands become a times if no longer cause to fear my strangeness I am not gay way my rough things get hard and I have given my life to you I can abstain from dance in the rain and you are my story this's story wayne I know that I didn't have much mort again so I gave it all teo get served then I'm done he's a fire run run like tio way story this is so what do you think? Good bad yet bravo! Bravo! Thank thank you. Uh, not bad for a photographer, right? Producing video. So now everybody's a videographer, we can all do it. I'm sure the video people appreciate us stepping into their ground, but hey, everybody's a retired for now, so we might as well put a little pressure on them ultimately, uh, this is a video that I filmed. I did all the post production on it was a big part of producing this because I wanted to make sure I could do it. I want to make sure we've been doing video about three years now, and I've had different people come through on my crew, different camera operators, different post production people, different editors, and I've never really quite liked what was coming out of our studio from video our clients like that. Obviously they're hiring us for video, but for this particular client this year, part of my self improvement plan is I wanted to get better at video. I wanted to offer that to our clients, I felt it was a really cool way to be able to tell a story on, so this is one we did, so we have ah, we have a phantom drone that's, what you were seeing go up on that roof footage really interesting how it all comes together. When the drone was coming up on the building, there was a reflection of the drone in the building because of the way the sun was shining, so every window you start seeing the drone come up twenty four frames per second, so what I had to do was take all twenty four frames per second call it three I think it end up being one hundred fifty images I'd export out to j peg at it. Each individual drone out of each individual frame as it was going up the building, ok? And then reimport that footage and make it look that way, right? So talk about all your skills coming together and what you have to do to make something like that look good, right? Nothing could have ruined that footage more than seeing the reflection of the drone come up there also, I don't know if he even realized it did you see any of the photographers at the event? Some photographers there, so you might think we weren't even doing photography there, but we were, you know, we were because I showed you the photography on the shoe proof gallery the other day from this, okay, that's, part of the value of controlling the entire day, I don't have to worry about where anybody is at any given moment in time. Why? Because I am the creative director. So now is I'm directing the day I'm controlling where all my cameras are, both from a photography prospect and from a video perspective I mean that's really, really powerful. So from that perspective, it's a really easy story for me to tell it's really easy for me to sit down and sell so we look into next year, okay are the weddings that we have on the books? Half the weddings have video added that's a lot of extra money that I'm now able to grab from other videographers that that aaron my market the clients want video so if they want video I want them to come with us and when we were going over pricing and packaging you saw in my prices I said ok, if you go black label you get twenty five per cent on video if you go platinum, you get twenty twenty percent of whatever the discount rate waas so we're rewarding them for doing both inside our studio and again this is what our clients want ultimately it's what what they want and if we if we talk about how I got into it, I apologize if you've heard this story before, I had one of my bride's tell me, okay, go back three and a half, four years ago she said, I want video she came right up to me I want video that looks like your photography I'm like at that school thank you for the compliment I said unfortunately don't offer video and she looked right at me dead, dead straight and she goes, you're smart guy, I'm sure you'll figure it out, okay, we're doing video for your wedding, okay? And that's how we got thrust into video I literally knew nothing about video and so the next day I go to best buy I'm not proud of it, but I did it. We went to best buy thought all the camera equipment that they had right consumer grade tripods, consumer grade tripods uh, anything we could get our hands on from best buy brought it back on sunday. Used it's saturday on so you know, I'm sure they were like, what the hell just happened here? They bought five thousand dollars worth of equipment and then they returned five thousand dollars worth women that was that was how I wanted to test if we could do it, I'm not advocating. You go and do that by any means it's like thanks. Best by um but at the end of the day, this was how I got into it. And then from there I started training, I started going to workshops. You know, I started learning with guys like ray roman, so I went to, uh, you know, one of ray's workshop I love what he does find somebody who you love, what they do. And if you really want to get into video, understand all the nuances that go into ah, wedding day and so that's what I did, I ultimately started going workshops started learning hands on, started reading, mohr started going conferences, and now I feel like I'm in a good place I'm not looking to be a hollywood director that's not my ultimate goal but I feel like from a wedding video perspective stand good and that's what I want to offer uh all my clients yeah offerings are you offering just a cinematic story or what happens if you get the bride at once just the static boring audio just we want the whole service all that you're doing that are you you're doing just more cinematic style all cinematic I won't even offer it would be like a bride coming to me and asking for traditional portraiture we don't do it and so it's the same with the video we're going to cover our packages but there's two start types of video we offer one is a highlight reel which is what you just saw the second one is a short film which is about a fifteen to twenty minutes story this particular wedding got both they got a short film and they got the highlight reel that's why you saw parts of the highlight reel where he was reading the note right that's going to go in the short film the highlight reel there's rarely any audio it's music right in this case it's music from song freedom you gotta have license music you gotta have legal music so it's music that it's all gonna be music no no narrative so to speak but when you're watching fifteen minutes twenty minutes nobody wants to watch a twenty minute music video that's that's gonna be brutal so that that fifteen or twenty minutes short film that will include the narrative of them reading notes to each other we'll also include the toast right from the best man maid of honor and that starts providing the narrative of the story right so you start playing it and you go you open up with some music for a few minutes then you go to him reading his note then you cut to her reading her note then you cut to the vows then you cut to some of the toast and the next thing you know watching that fifteen minute video eyes very, very painless that's the goal now when I think about okay who's watching this film I would say the short film is more geared towards the immediate family right if you were to send me hey check out our wedding video and you send me that fifteen minute video I'm not watching it there's no way the highlight reel that three minute video it pulls you in, right? I mean you don't even know these people and it starts pulling you into the actual the video you start looking at things a little bit differently like the more you see that video you start seeing the nuances of what we were doing the scene where we're up on the rooftop you didn't see any photographers so have how were controlling the drone? Where was it? So we were hiding, we had to hide, and we're looking at a remote monitor to make sure we don't lose the drone or flight into something which is very, very possible when you're flying those things. But we were hiding because it was all about that, you know, the rooftop shot for video so that's where video took priority so there's parts of a day when you're running the day where video absolutely has to be paramount now you see that roof top shot. I get asked all the time you saw the shadows while they were dancing, right? That is about a cinematic as you can get for a scene like that and it's even better because their last name is hussain h. They were standing on the helo pad. They're both doctors, right? So there's, all the symbolism in it that maybe is lost on you, but not to them. That I get asked all the time. Did you know the shadows were gonna be there? No, I'd rather be lucky than good. And right there I was lucky we got to that rooftop. We saw the footage coming off the drone in all of us were looking at the monitor we were like oh, shit. Like we couldn't believe what we were seeing on the monitor. And we knew we had gold att that point. So we raise that, you know, when they start dancing, we get that you get this really, really cool video now, let's, let's, let's talk about the story about how we presented this store clients. I worked my ass off to have this video ready in two weeks. That's unheard of in the world. The video, right? Everybody I talked to in video. They're like promise eight months. Holy cow man, that is brutal. That is really, really brutal. Turned time. Um, eight months. I mean, I'm turning photography in two weeks now. It's like, great experience, great experience, great experience, horrible experience and that's we're going to talk about that in a later segment when what things I've learned on mistakes I've made that's a big mistake. So this video was ready when they came to see their pictures. So now they're coming to see their pictures. We open up with this, they come in, I go. Hey, guys, I just wanna let you know, we had a great time at your wedding and I really wanted to work hard, and I wanted to surprise you. I've got your highlight video ready today, maybe I don't get there. They're twenty minute film isn't ready. And I'm okay with that. They're fifteen minute film, but this I wantto have ready immediately. So that's kind of a beat we're marching to. Can I get that highlight reel ready in like, two months off? I can start doing stuff like that. I'm gonna blow clients away they walk in this is the first thing they see is this video she's crying while this is playing he's crying while it's playing it's gold that's what? I want it's an emotional thing. They're not going to cry while they're looking at they're, uh, they're looking at their wedding pictures. It's not gonna happen. It's not quite as emotional or is moving when that video starts playing when they start reliving that day. And I don't know if you even remember that scene. I'm getting chills just thinking about it. If you remember that scene where he leans back and he's like he's looking left and right and he's like, oh, my god, did you see him at mount that that's what he said the first moment he saw her, I couldn't have gotten that on in photography. Okay, I have the audio for it and that's gonna be part of their feature film. He leans back and he's looking he's looking for somebody who thinks his wife looks as beautiful as he thinks she she looks and he's looking he's looking he's like oh my god into schools are good that's gold how do I tell that story in photography when I go when they're going oh my god, they have weird faces in the still pictures, right? You can't use that you can't convey that message in still photography you can't convey that message that feeling that emotion in still photography but in video oh my god that messaging comes across and it's so powerful and when not hit they started crying right? Taylor starts getting welled up just watching them cry about watching their video that's where I want to be that's why I love video so much that's what sucking me into it all right, so all of our weddings we own the day so how do we run this day video and photo you have to allow more time video takes a lot of time to set up shots a lot mohr time so if you're going to jump in the video it's going it's going to take a lot more time to get set up for a shot you don't just run up on me like a clique got it doesn't work that way in the world the video you have to allow a lot more time lots of extra equipment to lug around so when we're doing a job like that and we've got photography going we're rolling around with with our back and one back video we got our light sandbag are tripod bag our camera equipment bag I mean we're just running around with all sorts of bags I got a slider under one on if we're going someplace where I need the phantom now I've got the phantom so a lot more hands a lot more equipment is involved I'll talk to you about what my equipment list is ultimately I'm directing all the action everything going on in that day I am the creative director and so that is really really powerful to understand there's one person in charge when another video team is working with your photography team it's impossible the video guys were running all over the place god only knows what they're doing I never understand where they are because the shot is what I'm seeing I'm setting up the shot I don't understand what they're filming they're not even filming good second shooter shots they're just off in random angles because they're trying to stay out of our way the video will never look like this and that's the part that's what's so easy for me to sell when I'm selling video I show this video and I go let me tell you why this works they watch it I'm like what do you think you know they'll either though hopefully they love it you know we absolutely love it here's what here's what you should be thinking about this video will be implanted near impossible to produce if I'm not doing both if you just hire random videographer that you're going to pay a thousand dollars to you're not going to get a video that looks like this is just impossible from a timeline perspective it's impossible so there's that scene where she's running and looking back that was set up for for video she she's like I love it I want it I want to do it let's do it I want something romantic I just want this sun flare like she this she was all about doing stuff like that running in her dress I'm like great let's do it she didn't cheating care so that would never I would have never allowed that to happen if another video team tried to take the bride away from my creative session that was during the creative time and so that was easy for me is the creative director to go okay, taylor, you got everything you need from a photography perspective we could be good second shooter you got everything you need okay, I need three minutes with them to pull the scene together. That scene where they're running had to be filmed five times to get what we what we got out of it right? Because how many people do you know run in a wedding dress just randomly how many people do you know we're going to run in a wedding dress and look back and smile and make you feel like they're literally looking at you that's not easy to do so it took us five times to do it creative director a normal video crew is not going to push through that uh shot list right? We talked about it the other day I use wonder list so the whole team is dialed in on wonder list just for everybody to keep track of what we got now in the spirit of all that the story that we're telling with the rooftop and with her running through the scene that was flushed out the night before so now the team knows we're not just willing nearly going what should we do next video you have to think about what you want that story to look like so we knew we were going to the hospital we knew we were gonna have rooftop access that scene was flushed out, the other scene was flushed out was them running through the scene and them standing there face to face just laughing and we have a shot of just them holding each other's bodies and then we cut to a shot there that was done in pre production so we're doing video the night before the event there's a pre production meeting so that we can have this conversation and figure out just high level what we need to get to produce a nice story like this that pre production meeting has helped our video jump tenfold in quality you need to have that pre production meeting lots and lots of b roll you gotta have b roll if you're going to produce stuff like this because you can't just hold there's not enough of a story if you're just filming the actual action you need cut scenes you need b roll where am I who what one way or why that's what I always try to answer when we're doing video right? Who are we shooting where we shooting them? Why are we shooting them? You got to start thinking that way to produce a good story that has continuity to it that's really tough like we went teo I think we were in with constant worrying when wisconsin for the apple orchards where was that indiana or wisconsin there same place we were in indiana we're at an apple orchard and we were at this apple orchard and I'm like how do we establish where we are? So I take the drone out and we have the drone to a fly by over the top of all the apple orchards right then we have the drone flying through the apple orchard at about two, feet off the ground, three feet off the ground, just flying through, right? And as you can imagine, this wide angle camera just coming through the apple orchards just nice and smooth, telling this story about where we are, right? Who, what, when, where and why it starts creating this gorgeous opening scene, right? Starts looking like hollywood watching opening movie toe hollywood how did they almost always open when the credits start playing? You're either flying over a big city it's that establishing shot well video, we need that establishing shot too. If you wanted to have that higher production value, any questions about running the day just makes sense when you're creating your storyline or your storyboard, and having your pre planning meeting the night before. Have you discussed any of this with the bride and groom? Is toh how to tell the story to get some of the special details might want to include in there that's a great question, and the answer is yes, we've had a conversation part of what we do in our packages is we include a pre production meeting with them. It's just a quick phone call and I want to say eight or nine out of ten times the bridegroom have no idea what they want, literally no idea and that's okay we tell them that's totally ok I just want to make sure they don't want something specific so every once in a while brian groom be like here's an idea we want to we want to do this maybe they saw it in a movie maybe they saw it in one of our videos and we're like great we'll make note of that so if that's in play when we have our own team pre production meeting we then talk about it now the big topic more to the point the big topic that comes up in our pre production meeting is understanding where we are us internally so we'll say okay we're going to be at xavier church great we know we can't go in the balcony we know we know there's a big shot outside we know the church's under construction so there's scaffolding outside the church so how do we how do we shoot around that that's typically the conversation that's happening during preproduction so that it's not this you know we walk up and we're like crap there's no establishing shot here, right? So those are the kind of things were we're talking about? Yeah sorry when you have any restrictions or anything that we need to know about drones and where and when and how they confuse yeah that's a really that is actually a really really good question as it stands right now there's all sorts of restrictions that are popping up with drones they don't know what to do with it right now and they're having a really tough time figuring out enforcing it is it leisure drone right so what do you do if it's just for leisure if it's for commercial use then it's apparently illegal or you need a permit permits to fly those things if you if you want him or like you know obscenely expensive so that's not really gonna happen you're not apparently now allowed to fly them in national parks so I don't know how they're going to enforce that either. We just did a wedding in san francisco and we were at a national park and that it was the day before that that law was going to be instituted and so we were able to fly this drone in the national park on that's a video I'm working on now where we the I have the couple dancing on the cliff they're right at the edge of the cliff dancing and the drone is coming up on the face of the cliff to reveal them dancing doing their first dance on the cliff right? I don't know what's gonna happen in the next four six months, drones I mean everywhere you go it went from not I would just came back from photo plots in new york and sure enough phantom was there with a booth showing off drones here's the real question you should be asking once they figure out the legal legal issues will have to work around it if it's a permit then I'm gonna go buy that permit for that that is not something I want to run and gun with right because they'll follow that drone wherever it's coming down on they're just gonna pick pick you up right there so you'll have your hands full I don't want that right I need to be able to just fly that thing so whatever they come up with from a certification or permit we're just gonna have to work within those laws that being said here's the next place to start thinking about drones go pro just came out of the four k version of their camera right so I don't need to put a heavy payload on these I mean they've got drones that can carry broadcast cameras right and the drones like you know the size of this whole area it sounds like hornets coming after you you know that there is just so loud that you know we're fine a little phantom it's about this big now the gopro is filming for k so it's going to match everything else we're doing but from a fork a perspective thing about photography think about what you can do to your own photography forget if you're not even interested in video put that bad boy up there and start taking still photography big dramatic shots that you would never be able to get from a photography perspective right previously nowthis is opening up a whole new world for aerial photography for us that's where I'm starting to look so when you see me right when you come to shutter fast and we're a cheddar fest, you know what you're gonna start seeing for me to start talking about aerial photography and how we're using that on our wedding day for a bridegroom. So even if I'm not doing video, you might start seeing that kind of footage come out of us. I'm to start playing with that experimenting because can you imagine the dramatic portrait's we can produce off a fork, a camera so you're looking at a twelve k still picture I think we're gonna be able to do it so that's next on my list. All right, what equipment are reusing we used to use for video we seize all cannon five d seventies all cannon glass on what was ending up happening is literally that bag was in the fifty fifty pound range for all the all the gear we had, like three seventies one five d all the lenses to seventy two hundreds everything you can imagine, what is this monster low pro x three you're back in the bags pride like this big and I get my hands on for shutter magazine I get my hands on a g h story for review okay? We want to do a product review this talk about the camera blah blah blah okay they put this camera my hand this is a g h story now this was there just there hd version they put the camera in my hands within ten minutes I'm like we're done we're switching everything over to panasonic a couple of things this camera does that count? It just doesn't do one thing it does is touch screen focus so now I can I can be filming you and I can pull focus just touching the back of the screen from your face to the back wall just by touching the screen on the candid camera okay? And most of those cameras you have to do manual pull focus and then you're looking at this tiny little screen to do it. Sure you get all these things where you have a monitor and all that stuff but now your footprint starts getting bigger, more gear so I can not just touch your face it'll pull focus right to your face and then pull to your face and it'll pull focus your face incredible accuracy that was the first thing you did when I was like you got to be kidding me second and does is tracking so now my bride's coming down the aisle instead of me figuring out as I'm walking behind her following her in a scene remember that scene in that video where I'm following her through the hallway in order to keep that in focus on accounting camera, I'd have to get her and focus and then go okay, I'm six feet away from her, I gotta try and maintain that distance to keep focus with her, right? I gotta track her as we're walking through. Well, now the panasonic systems lock in on her head and as I'm moving in and out, keeps focus. So now I can come take a fly by her fly right through her, and that focus is going to move and follow her the whole way through count is not doing that. This is where the technology's going so the panasonic system huge winner so now we switched over to their gh force, which therefore que lo light performs really well the lenses, so that bag that I'm telling you is like fifty pounds now we have the same set up except all gh force, all panasonic. So we use all panasonic class that seems set up weighs about twelve pounds, fifteen pounds, and you're talking about a third of the weight uh, you know, in changing just the equipment, so my staff is much happier as we're rolling around, having to carry so much less gear. Um, I'm glad I got three tripods are glasses all the way from on the panasonic system. Fourteen millimetres all the way up to four hundred millimeters that's our range that we have for each camera in the glass. Right? Uh, zoom h six is what we're using. That's our field recorder we use as then lab mike's, right? Transmitters we have a model pod, slider glide cam two thousand. Okay, so because you're using a lighter camera, you don't have to get the big glide cans, right? That's the other thing when you're using the cannon orjust whatever camera using, they start getting heavier and heavier there's no need for that if you're doing what you're doing commercial work. Yes, I'm not going. I'm not going to use the hollywood film uh, maybe using the gh for but the quality's air quality is incredible. We use a phantom gopro hero with the four k cameras and most all our post production is done in premier pro, right? So we're on creative cloud. We have all those tools of urine, creative cloud. You can just add that and you'll have that to stay. Teo edit. I'm not a big fan of what is it apple? Final cut x and so I was one of those people were used to his final cut pro and then when the first version of final cut acts came out and there were so many features missing, I jumped ship and I went to a premiere on I've never looked back I'm a huge, huge fan of ah adobe premiere real easy to use all right, so let's talk price ing here so this is our pricing sheet for south or some kind of films I'm gonna zoom in and we'll look at each package individually, but this is what our client see they see one sheet of paper with our packaging on it in our collections, so we've got two collections we call it a cinema collection, which is six thousand dollars, five thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars and then we have our indy collection, which is three thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars those air the two collections before discounts. So the cinema collection discounted with photography this's intentionally hi, by the way because I don't want anyone hire me. I can honestly say maybe one wedding in three or four years hired us for video that we didn't do photography for, and I want it that way I have to do both I absolutely do not want to offer up video for a client where there's, another photographer there it's a nightmare just it becomes combative because I know what I need to produce the film and my client doesn't understand that write that I have to rely on the photographer to do things and so the one wedding we did the photographers were very nice, but they were more photo journalistic in nature and so they weren't directing any action nothing was happening, so I had to hijack the day from them in order to get the footage that I was looking for and so eight to ten hours of multi camera video coverage highlight reel four to five minutes short film fifteen to twenty five minutes includes audio from notes, vows toast so we're letting them know that this includes the audio because if you're looking at uh, the india collection, the highlight reel, you have to understand that there's no audio in there three blue right dvds movie poster at event in a life rain so we use those luma view life frames and we have a movie poster there form that we create okay, so it looks just like an actual movie starring all that stuff is there ipad iphone format that's becoming big? Rarely people don't want to run around with a blue ray dvd all the time they want to show their friends at work they want to show their friends over dinner, so now we're delivering it to them in a format that includes uh the the mp for that they could just play on their phone right there there or in its downsized right they don't need full hd on their phone dvd wedding wedding album this is actually really cool I apologize I don't have to show this is from cambodia and if you haven't seen it this product from uh it's not from components from asuka sorry uh took a book and they make this dvd case okay, check it out go to go to their website it's absolutely borders it's a case for the dvd so rather than just putting it in ten or something like that it's a dvd case you open it up and it includes a mini album in there so a printed many album on then you open that album up and then the blue ray dvds are sitting in there really really high quality products I love it and so we deliver this for all all of these clients again it zuko book and they offer their dvd album cases really really select product on all the raw footage so in this package we're delivering all the raw footage for our clients I don't know what they're going to do with it I don't care what they're going to do with it I don't care if they see behind the scenes are mistakes you better be sure your crew knows not to talk when videos rolling because all that audio they're getting and it could be an absolute nightmare if you're saying something on camera right of your like can you believe without ladies wearing don't say that just be quiet eso but they get all that raw footage and I showed you that in the previous segment where they're getting it on that branded hard drive all that footage is coming on that the india collection comes with six to eight hours of video coverage highlight reel four to five minutes three blue ray dvds right? So that's that highlight reel that we showed you and that's all they would get out of something like that really easy day fairly simple straightforward to produce something like that pricing making sense easy questions no all right, so how do you get started? Um that's the big question if you're buying into video and you're excited about it, I don't know how many of you out there interested in video or how are you guys interested in video when you guys were interested, rob, you're starting off for video you haven't delivered on any yet is that right now? Okay, uh but wendy, you got john you guys are interested in offering it interested in offering good so there's a good conversation a half how do you get started in it? First of all, I truly believe everyone is a videographer now, right it's the same transition we went through where they made it super easy the camera manufacturers for everyone to put their cameras on you know pee for pro now you're a professional photographer you're out there shooting stuff like that all the same things happen into video industry videos going through this same change where everybody's got video access and capabilities but do you know what to do with it do you know how to do it that's going to be the difference between being an amateur and being a professional so some ideas for getting started uh first money's on the table we have to understand that right? We've had this conversation before people want video can you deliver it because they're going to hire someone else if they want video they're going to hire someone to do that video why wouldn't be you if they're going to spend two thousand dollars three thousand dollars on video why wouldn't it be you now the video we won't deliver to your point in question is the one where it's just the back of the church one camera icao take you taylor to be no I don't want to do that I don't want no part of those videos go pay some guy five hundred bucks a thousand dollars to produce that boring our long church video that no one's gonna watch I mean no one's gonna watch you might watch that twenty years from now and be like but that's not something you're gonna want to show your friends no one wants to see that they want to see something that looks more like a hollywood film that's what I want to produce and so here's some ideas ultimately you can start just by recording the audio you can go toe zoom is a very affordable brand so look up the brand zoom they've gotta feel they got there are little recorder's called in h one right it's about this big is put in your pocket and put the live my tie little live mike to it right just like we have we're all wearing here plug that in put it in his pocket record the vows today if they don't have a video video person there they don't even have their vows they don't even remember what they said it's a blur okay at best and so now just record the vows now you can take those vows and work with like an emoto and produce a slideshow that has the vows and some music playing that's powerful that's a good start that's a good first foray into just trying it see if even like it ok even though you're just bringing in audio it's not truly video yet that's fine that's step one baby stay that's it then maybe add video a video center camera all our video cameras are recording video sorry all our video cameras recording all the events all our cameras our recording video at this point time right? If using a five dea one d nikon they all have those video capabilities. Okay, take one of those cameras, put it on a tripod center camera. Just get a lock shot. They call it get that lock shot. Okay, now use footage from that and the audio whether you want to go into premier or an emoto an emoto also supports dropping in these video clips and using a slideshow here's yet another way to use a tool like an emoto and all the tools you have. So the the investment at this point up to step two is very minimal. The h one mic is probably about a hundred bucks somewhere in that range. Okay, little lab lapel mike call it called two hundred bucks all in for that. Mike okay, that's your minimal investment get borrowed tripod rent a tripod now you can see if this is even something you're remotely interested in or does the post production scary away is a post productions a lot of work for every minute. This isn't if you're doing an emoto. This is if you're doing like legit going into premier working this so for every minute a final delivery to your client, right? So five minute video or four minute video that you saw okay that's going to take about two to three hours per minute off post production work, there's no way around it. I've tried over and over again. I've tried, I've looked companies like evolved right? My business partner I said, can we outsource video? I would love to go out there and tell you guys just go film and then we'll handle all the post production for you. Oh man it's not possible there's different quality you guys might be filming the right way. You might be filming the wrong way really, really difficult to produce video and make it cost effective for you to outsource it. It's just not possible when you start figuring it's two to three hours per minute, you just have to be ready for that that's one of the mistakes I've made, then do it for free partner with a photographer that you're working with. If you're if you're a team partner, offer it up as part of your offering to acclimate okay, we want to try video, we're willing to do it for free sweat equity, you gotta be willing to experiment, fail give it a try, but preface it with I'm making no guarantees this video could completely suck I just want to try it and what I promising you is what we do get I'll deliver to you ah, clients who is already not paying for video he's going to die can't whatever who cares it's free do it but that's your way to cut your teeth you've gotta learn somehow and you don't want the pressure of having to learn on a paid gig that's that's the challenge and the reality is you're not going to find a video company that's going to be willing to say hey I'm gonna let you do work for me I'll pay you to work for me I'll teach you all my trade secrets and then go off and start your own business that's not gonna happen either so how do you learn right you have to start going workshops and even if you go to work you go to any workshop you want until you get out there and practice on your own doesn't matter so this is a great way for you to do it right so you two right wendy jonathan there's a way you guys can do it come back hey I got the photography at a second shooter at an extra camera operator we want to do this for your wedding for free by the way we have no idea what we're doing when it comes to video so we're going to try we're gonna experiment but we promise you whatever we get that's good we're going to deliver to you you're going to find that almost any client is gonna go absolutely go for it that's how you cut your teeth? Okay questions about any of this? Yeah, rob, I just have a comment on how what I did to start it because because sometimes like the idea of an entire wedding day can be a little overwhelming, so what I did is I incorporated started doing video during their engagement session, you know, you figure take your typical like engagement session, and what I did is, you know, you just take on an extra whatever half an hour to get some footage on. I did like things like, I know they were kind of popular years ago but did like the interview where you're like interviewing one on like how they met and stuff, but it gives you a lot of good footage to sit and go back into something like premier pro and play a little bit before you get actually get on a wedding that's actually a really good idea that's that's another way where there is kind of low pressure to get started and make sure you understand your settings like yours it's not like photography, you know if you wonder exposed if you don't have the right exposure in photography, uh, you can recover some of that in light room for some noise reduction on it, right? You're good to go video doesn't quite work the same way you don't have that footage will fall apart same for color correction grating in photography shoot raw right now go back in post production, you can fix it. No, no loss in quality video that's not the case, man, you've gotta have. So my video team, when we're talking, we've got a lot of hand signals going on to communicate. You know what? What? Calvin? Are we shooting out? So we don't use any of the auto white balance features? Everything is at the calvin lead levels, so we're setting calvin so you'll see my team when we're talking and we're across the room in the church and we're talking about lighting I don't want is we cut from one camera to the next? For there to be a difference in skin tone will never get it to look right in post production. It it would be a nightmare that footage will fall apart. This isn't a hollywood film where we're filming on these one hundred thousand dollar cameras were filming on a two thousand dollar camera, and so we're talking across the charge a lot of hand signals, so if I'm looking at my partner across the church and I start doing this, he knows I'm asking for calvin, right? This is skin temperature, so we have a lot of hand signals, skin temperature, and he'll be like fifty, five hundred calvin. Fifty two hundred so we're talking across the church without yelling at each other right it's really really important that you've got some sort of communication system worked out right so hand signals right one is the bride to is the groom three's the bride's family for is the groom's family five is the variable in the room so as I'm talking across the room the church to wherever I'm filming with I'm not yelling at him and I'm not being like trying to lift read what the hell is going on there right so we're just like I'm like eyes I'll tell him I've got eyes bride variable in the room that could be the church the priest that could be the person going up and giving a little bit you know talk about reading the whatever the hell they're reading right and so that communication is very important that you've got some level of communications so funny because people are watching us talk to each other and they'll come up to his half to the wedding and they were like and that was really interesting how you guys were talking well yeah what am I going to yell across the church and so you've got to figure out a way man because stuff like that little things make a big difference in the final post production you don't want to miss a shot you don't get a chance to to redo it especially in the world video
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Ratings and Reviews
Brandon D
Sal isn't disgruntled and angry like someone below said, and he doesn't have time for people constantly whining about why their business isn't going good. He's from Brooklyn, so he can come across as harsh at first, but after watching several of his classes and even getting to meet him in person and talk a bit I can tell you he is a really nice guy who truly does want you to succeed. He was very encouraging to me after I thanked him for helping me and my business get to where it is now. Growing up, I can remember photographers grabbing us and posing how they wished. They are often in a hurry to get things right, such as at a wedding, so I am not sure why one reviewer stated he would dismiss them. Sounds like he is just looking for a reason to feel powerful. Anyway, this is a great class to get you on track with your business. Yes, its a bit wedding heavy, but the concepts are the same no matter what. Just apply them to your niche and you are good to go.
Amazing course. Sal is such a great photography educator. Terrific course. I'm not usually big on watching business courses, but this course as taught by Sal was terrific. Down to earth, entertaining, packed with real life experiences do's, don'ts and lessons learned. This courses business A to Z and Sal is very entertaining to watch/listen to. Thanks CreativeLive for getting Sal.
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I have been a long time fan of Creative Live and have sat on the fence with all of Sal's classes because I already attend Shutterfest every year and get loaded with valuable information there, so it was hard to pull the trigger on a $300 course that was filmed 5 years ago. Also, in my earlier days of hearing about Sal, I'd heard a lot of negative opinions about how he comes across. Still, I'd heard he's a marketing guru, and my background is in marketing as well, so I really wanted to see what this class was all about. Now that I've finally gotten it, I'm completely blown away. There is just SO MUCH MATERIAL in this class that its actually difficult trying to decide what to implement first! It is good stuff too. It is all about marketing, sales, and workflow. If you're looking for a class teaching you how to take better photos, this one is not it. This is the class that teaches you how to get your work where everyone is seeing it and convincing people to book you and tell their friends about you! Now as far as others have already said... this class is definitely geared toward wedding photographers. Yes there are bits of information that work for other types of photography, but it is so heavily wedding oriented that there might be a better fit out there for another type of photographer. If you do weddings though, this is an amazing class! As far as Sal's personality goes.... he's a New Yorker transplanted to St. Louis. So expect that NYC no BS type of attitude. Susan Stripling is another one of my favorites and she is similar in attitude (and also extremely talented), so if you like her, you should like this. If you have a hard time with her, you might have a hard time with this. Regardless, its stuff y'all need to hear and implement to be successful. Obviously because the class is a bit older, you may have to make small tweaks to a few things (even though he says don't jack with the recipe), but the marketing principles are solid and timeless. Shoot this course is worth it for the SEO advice alone. Just buy it already!
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