Main Course
Lesson 12 from: Manners @ The Table: A Modern Guide to Dining EtiquetteDaniel Post Senning

Main Course
Lesson 12 from: Manners @ The Table: A Modern Guide to Dining EtiquetteDaniel Post Senning
Course Introduction
01:45 2Arriving at the Table
01:20 3Napkins
01:46 4What to Eat
01:51 5The Place Setting
02:53 6Holding Utensils
02:30 7Posture
02:51 8Toasting and Alcohol
01:50Lesson Info
Main Course
well, the on Frey has arrived, and it's time for the main course. This is the part of the meal that everybody's probably been waiting for. Well, it's also a good time for us to talk about when you start eating in more formal situations, you really want to be watching your host for cues. You don't want to start eating until your host begins or invites you to do so well in more informal situations, buffet style service or family style dining. Once a few people have been served, it's OK to begin now. Once you do start eating, how do you cut that food and how do you eat it? One of the first reminders when we're eating a main course is that we don't want to cut all of our food up right when it arrives. Thea idea is that you cut your food and you prepare each bite one at a time. Why do you do this well, because oftentimes the main course is served hot and you want to keep your food hot so that you can continue to enjoy it over the duration of the time that it takes you to eat. That course Th...
is is also a good time to talk about how you cut and eat food. There are two real styles for eating that are gonna come into play when you're approaching on entree course. The first is the continental style of dining. In this style of dining, your fork is going to stay in your left hand, and you're gonna use your knife in your right hand after you cut that bite and you've prepared it, just so you're gonna leave your fork in your left hand times down to bring that bite to your mouth in the American style of dining. Once you've finished cutting that bite with your fork in your left hand on your knife in your right, you're gonna set the knife down at the top of your plate, and you're gonna transition your fork from your left to your right hand, simultaneously transitioning your grip and you're gonna bring a bite to your mouth times now facing up. Now is it preferable to eat the American or the continental style? It really doesn't matter which you use. I really like the continental style because it leaves that knife in your right hand to use as a pusher to build that perfect bite. It's also located transition between the Continental and American styles. During a course you can eat some bites Continental style. And then when you get to a part of the meal, that's easier to eat with your fork in your right hand, Set your knife down in transition and continue eating the American style of dining using your fork in your right hand. I like to remind people that there's a much flat space on the first into the four with the times facing down is there are with the times facing up? If you're using so much of that fork that you need it like a shovel, I would encourage you to take slightly smaller bites. So practice the continental style practiced with the American style use whichever is most appropriate for the food that's in front of you Now. Seasoning food comes up in the main courses well. And remember, if the house has suggested cracked pepper Parmesan for the food that you're eating, it's perfectly OK to say yes, I'd like some, but if you're talking about a main course and you're thinking about seizing it, I really want to remind you toe taste your food before you add salt or pepper that's sitting on the table. It's a good way to offend the host or the establishment if you overseas in your food before you've even tried it. Something else that sometimes comes up around salt pepper is that if you are asked to pass the salt and pepper in the American style of dining, you pass them together. They're like a long term established couple. They like toe move through the world side by side, so keep the salt pepper together when you're asked to pass them around the table. So for the main course, you want to pay just enough attention to your table manners that they just sort of fall away. I really want to remind you to enjoy the company and the time that you're spending with other people. Ultimately, that's the point of any meal. Enjoy the food, pay attention to table manners so that you could get that food to your mouth successfully, but also participate in the meal. Enjoy conversation with the people you're with and the time that you're spending with others. Ultimately, that's what this is all about.
Ratings and Reviews
Greg R
Thank you Daniel. I found this short course very informative in a nice, light, and fun way! I've done ok over the decades after watching this (thanks for instilling some good habits mom), but of course I learned lots I didn't know also. I wish I could have watched this course long ago to relieve nervousness at posh 5 star restaurants, and/or at dinner with posh hosts or someone's parents :) I caught this on free stream day, but have added it to my wishlist and will eventually buy it for occasional refresher! Great Course!
Michael Friesen
Daniel's course provides an excellent overview of the essentials of dining etiquette. The content is contemporary and reflects the more relaxed atmosphere that prevails in most dining situations today. I would definitely recommend this course to a friend looking to review the basics of dining etiquette.
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