Lesson Info
What if you wanna fade out the video? What if you wanna fade out in between video, class? It gets better! This is the part that I think is cool! Because look: right inside of here, we have black and white cookie section. Black and white cookie section gives us effects. These effects, you have Fade, Cross Fade, Fade With Black, Fade With White, Fade With Color. If you want any more of these effects, go to Premiere. You're not working here, alright? I tell my students at Syracuse, don't do anything other than these things. Matter of fact, you probably should just straight cut, from one spot, to another spot, to another spot. If I see a transition from one point to another point, something'll happen, alright? Penalty, points off, you guys know it. So, inside of this, but sometimes you need it, right? You need a fade to black. So I'm gonna grab that, and watch what happens. I can put it right on the end of it. Boop! Done. Inside of here, I'm gonna zoom in, just so that you can see what hap...
pened. There's the fade. We don't have to see the whole video to see it. Just come over here. Fade. Do you need it to be longer? Sure, single click on it, drag it. You need it to be shorter? Single click it, drag it. Not bad. Now, let's go to the beginning. I'm gonna zoom back out, go to the beginning, and inside of here, I'm gonna do the same thing: Fade With Black. (click) (calming music) Not bad. Now, check this out. What if I wanted to be able to get rid of this entire process? The whole grinding process that I have here, is dumb, and I wanna just get to the milk, I just wanna be able to get to the milk process. Or into this part, right? If I wanna get from here, to here, that's where I usually condone dipping. Fade to black, come back in, right? Because at that point, you're showing a passage of time. So everything from here, to here, if we wanted to just fast forward very quickly this process, I could delete all of this, and look, it's gonna look weird if we go from here, the grinding, to something else, right? So what I could do, is I could come over here to my fade to black. Watch watch happens, if I put this here, I could fade to black here, then I can grab this one and I could fade to black here, so that it fades and then fades back in. Or... I'm gonna single click on that guy, get rid of it. No, no, no! Right, fade to black, if I put it on the beginning, it goes on the beginning; if I put it on the end, it goes on the end; if I put it in between the two, it does it right, automatically. So now, if we look, from here... (click) (calming music) Not bad. Now, if I wanted to be able to transition, I can click Cross Fade. Come over here. (calming music) Not bad. Pour the milk right there. Ah, forgot that one! (calming music) Right, I don't like that cut. From milk and then that cut, doesn't look good. So I'm gonna grab that, and maybe what I'll do is, to kind of hid it a little bit, I'll try to cross fade and see what it looks like. (calming music) It's a little cleaner. Right, I'd totally give myself points off for that, like it would not be good. But we're watching the concept, so the transitions of that stuff is super easy for you to do!
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I am so excited about this class! I knew there had to be an alternative subscribing to a pricey service that allows one to display images and video clips in a video format. This class gives you all the tools you need to whip out a custom video showing shoots and images taken during them. I cannot wait to employ RC's excellent instruction. Great class!!
Wow! I had no idea that you could do video in Photoshop! I have been wanting to incorporate video clips into my client gallery slideshows. This was such a cool walk through, and at a manageable pace too! Great class!
great class. This is one area of PS that I am sure most people are unaware of. Great class. Practical applications. Love RC's presentation.