Overlay Text & Graphics
Lesson 8 from: Making Compelling Video in Adobe PhotoshopRafael "RC" Concepcion

Overlay Text & Graphics
Lesson 8 from: Making Compelling Video in Adobe PhotoshopRafael "RC" Concepcion
Lesson Info
Overlay Text & Graphics
All of the stuff that we've been doing, is to pictures and video. What if we wanted text? What if he wanted to turn around and say, the moment that he gets over here, alright, and he's inside of this part of the picture, he turns around and he says, we wanna say setting the coffee cup. Or if he were talking, I'd wanna be able to say Brian Wells, Tougo Coffee, kind of like a lower third that you would see in a video. Well, everything that we've been doing inside of this video group, every time that we add stuff inside of here, notice that all of the stuff has been added into this video group layer. So it just adds it, one after the other, after the other, after the other, in the video group layer. What about this: what if I come out here and I collapse the video group layer and I deselect it? Now watch what happens. At this moment in time, no video group layer selected, I'm gonna use the text tool. And I'm gonna click right here. Game changer. Because it's on top. We know that it works ...
exactly like Photoshop does. Layers, transparent layers, everything works okay, right? So inside of here, I can put: setting the coffee. So... (calming music) The moment that that comes down, maybe what I wanna do is, boop! As soon as it comes down there, I'll bring this in. Maybe what I'll do is I'll grab the move tool, and I'll move this over here. (calming music) Oh, I gotta get rid of that, how do I trim that stuff? Same way! The exact same way that we did all of the other stuff. What if I want that to fade out, instead of just do that? Grab this, fade, drag it onto the text layer. Then we have it fade out now. (calming music) Done. Not bad. So a lot of the skills that you know how to be able to do inside of Photoshop, can translate to all of this stuff. Here's something that's even cooler, watch this. (sighing) Remember, I was looking at this one, oh! No, I don't wanna do that, get back in there! The picture of Brian was a little dark. What did we do to fix that picture of Brian that was a little dark? Curves. We did a Curves adjustment layer, right? So, I'm gonna come over here, I'm gonna come over here, I'm gonna come over here, oh no wait, there's one section right here that I wanna take a look at. Oh, I transitioned out of it already! Alright, this is a little too hot. That clip right there, is a little too hot. What could we do to fix it? Curves, brightness contrast, adjustment! The same things that we use in images, watch this: that layer's selected, click on the plus minus sign, I'm gonna go to Brightness and Contrast and I'm just gonna decrease the brightness of the picture, just a hair. Oh, I wanna be able to add some more stuff to that, I wanna warm that up. I'm gonna single click on that layer, I'm gonna click on this, and I'm gonna go to Hue and Saturation. Saturate it just a hair. All of the same things that we do to our pictures, we could do to the video, that's neat. The video, the moment that we have a text layer that sits outside of the group, we can add more text layers, right? I don't wanna have to do this effect over, maybe what I can do, is I can highlight this, Command and Control J, to make a duplicate layer, like we do with everything else in Photoshop, and now I can grab this guy and move it over. And now, I can come over here and call this one: grinding the coffee. Move that and put that over here. And now we can time it. (calming music) So all of that stuff is floating over the video. What if it gets to the end of the video, then what? What if we do this: Command Control J and we go to the right of it, all the way to the end. Notice that if I grab these and I put these together, into that one layer, it automatically creates a new video group, so now you have video group two, just for text. So now watch this: you get to the end here, there's "grinding the coffee", so what's the problem? It's not over the video. Right, it's not over the video, so you can't see it, it's transparent. How do we deal with this in Photoshop? In Photoshop we would have to have something under it, so that we could see it. Well, it's the same thing here. Watch this, I can collapse these two groups, I'm gonna come all the way down to the bottom of the layers panel, and inside of the layers panel, there's a black and white cookie, I'm gonna set a solid color fill there. I'm gonna set that fill there, to black. I don't want it above it, I want it all the way down the bottom, below it. So now, notice that that solid color fill there, oh no, you gotta go down, there, only appears in this one section. I want this to appear everywhere. So I'm gonna bring it to the beginning, bring it to the end, and now... (calming music) Black text.
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I am so excited about this class! I knew there had to be an alternative subscribing to a pricey service that allows one to display images and video clips in a video format. This class gives you all the tools you need to whip out a custom video showing shoots and images taken during them. I cannot wait to employ RC's excellent instruction. Great class!!
Wow! I had no idea that you could do video in Photoshop! I have been wanting to incorporate video clips into my client gallery slideshows. This was such a cool walk through, and at a manageable pace too! Great class!
great class. This is one area of PS that I am sure most people are unaware of. Great class. Practical applications. Love RC's presentation.