Your App's Unique Selling Proposition
Lesson 22 from: Make Your Own App: No Coding RequiredCarter Thomas

Your App's Unique Selling Proposition
Lesson 22 from: Make Your Own App: No Coding RequiredCarter Thomas
Introduction to Workshop
05:50 2App Store Overview
06:47 3The Different Business Models of Apps
10:20 4App Case Studies That Work
20:12 5App Market Research
22:43 6Developer Overview
03:43 7Hiring vs. Developing Yourself
12:19 8iOS vs. Android
06:26Finding Your Developer
18:40 10Writing Your Job Description
11:55 11Job Description Hot Seat
10:24 12Developer Expectations & Relationships
12:16 13App Publishing Overview
02:43 14Getting Started With Your Developer Account
06:23 15iTunes Connect & Google Play Developer Console
15:52 16Write Your App Description
07:15 17Picking Keywords & Titles
07:27 18The Importance of App Screenshots
18:20 19App Pre-Launch Strategies
12:45 20App Post-Launch Strategies
10:30 21App Marketing Overview
03:33 22Your App's Unique Selling Proposition
07:23 23Internal App Marketing
33:17 24External App Marketing (with special guest Steve Young)
14:00 25Paid Traffic, Advertising, & Social Media
09:14 26Measure Results
12:09 27App Monetization Overview
05:37 28App Advertising Strategies
04:14 29Sponsorships & B2B Apps
08:28 30App Analytics
06:44Lesson Info
Your App's Unique Selling Proposition
So the first piece the unique selling proposition and I want to highlight this one happened many people have probably seen this it is a very popular paid app it's often in the top ten paid aps in the apse or at least on itunes apple I'm sure it is on google is well it's called the seven minute workout challenge and this was one of the first aps to come out that fell into this whatever you call it micro fitness phenomenon where acts with for the first time you had something was right with you when you were working out and you could say I'm going to bring that work out with us these people decide to say all right, well let's let's not only do we have a mini platform let's have a mini workout let's make something really unique about this so they create an app and they have a very clear unique selling proposition what is it it's seven minute workouts is the fact that you're going to get a huge work out in seven minutes not very many people concluding that some people might say you're going...
to get a thirty minute workout are sixty minute workout but not many people say seven minutes and more importantly from a marketing standpoint why do they care? Well it's scientifically proven right re use science and seven minute workout that could be done anytime, anywhere wow I've never seen that before that's really unique but from a marketing standpoint that's what they're going to talk about they're not going to talk about how many feet tell many workouts they have how you get a six pack and how you could do squats and I think that all this content they're going to say it's seven minutes that's our unique selling proposition and it works right look at the headline of the new york times blogging about their app they're not talking about new fitness app comes out with six hundred new videos they say this is what's unique about it this is what's different about this app and they write this whole awesome blogger post about it and you get tons of exposure how do you come up with your unique selling proposition right you have your app you developed at you you're titling you're figuring out what the marketing angle is going to be 00:02:00.41 --> 00:02:03. were you taken existing function and you improve it 00:02:03.07 --> 00:02:06. right better faster simpler those air three easy ways 00:02:06.48 --> 00:02:08. that you could create a unique selling proposition 00:02:09.42 --> 00:02:11. the seven minute workout did that right they took 00:02:12.52 --> 00:02:16. thirty minutes and they made it into seven they you 00:02:16.02 --> 00:02:20. might have dual lingo right that's a great app on 00:02:20.03 --> 00:02:23. the app store that you can learn languages from their 00:02:23.29 --> 00:02:25. whole thing is you can learn a language and I don't 00:02:25.12 --> 00:02:27. know thirty days maybe versus a book where that might 00:02:27.98 --> 00:02:30. take six months there's a lot of different ways but 00:02:30.45 --> 00:02:32. that could be a really easy way so anyone out there 00:02:32.7 --> 00:02:35. if you have a napper if you're building a napper if 00:02:35.14 --> 00:02:37. you just published one after watching our published 00:02:37.44 --> 00:02:43. in course you can easily take one of these three qualifiers 00:02:43.26 --> 00:02:45. attach it to your app and you have a unique selling 00:02:45.88 --> 00:02:47. proposition it's a really great way to it 00:02:48.52 --> 00:02:50. second is you want to focus on the problem you're 00:02:50.25 --> 00:02:53. solving people who have abs who have fitness acts 00:02:53.35 --> 00:02:54. one of the biggest problems they have is they don't 00:02:54.95 --> 00:02:59. have enough time right I want fitness on my phone 00:02:59.05 --> 00:03:02. because I don't have time to go to a gym I don't have 00:03:02.28 --> 00:03:05. time to go get a trainer oh seven minutes I have seven 00:03:05.44 --> 00:03:07. minutes of course I could do is right here that's 00:03:07.43 --> 00:03:10. a problem I'm solving so when you take your qualifier 00:03:10.35 --> 00:03:13. you applied to your app then you focus on the problem 00:03:14.42 --> 00:03:16. you have a really compelling unique selling proposition 00:03:16.91 --> 00:03:18. that's when things start to get interesting 00:03:19.98 --> 00:03:22. and a litmus test is ask your friends if they know 00:03:22.43 --> 00:03:25. any apse that lead with same no 00:03:26.32 --> 00:03:28. unique selling proposition when I mean by this is 00:03:28.66 --> 00:03:30. when you develop your app create your after publisher 00:03:31.77 --> 00:03:33. pull your poor phone out or have them downloaded that's 00:03:33.83 --> 00:03:36. much better doing having read a review first and then 00:03:36.46 --> 00:03:39. say have you seen anything like this before? One of 00:03:39.96 --> 00:03:42. perhaps do you know that are just like this and go 00:03:42.2 --> 00:03:45. do that competitive research and say all right how 00:03:45.3 --> 00:03:48. can I how can I make this better faster simpler than 00:03:48.98 --> 00:03:50. the other apse that my friends were telling me about 00:03:51.52 --> 00:03:54. what problem can I solve just slightly bit differently 00:03:55.02 --> 00:03:57. than all these competitive and that's just a great 00:03:57.26 --> 00:04:00. thing you could do over and over is asked for I who 00:04:00.96 --> 00:04:03. mike who are our competitors and use that to really 00:04:03.45 --> 00:04:04. hone your focus 00:04:05.67 --> 00:04:09. really good action on this is just a good exercise 00:04:09.56 --> 00:04:11. to do you could do it would have but you could do 00:04:11.26 --> 00:04:13. this with products you could do this with anything 00:04:13.75 --> 00:04:16. you know look att cars look att any brand out there 00:04:17.14 --> 00:04:20. but go on the app store and find three acts and then 00:04:20.31 --> 00:04:22. list what do you think they're unique selling proposition 00:04:22.85 --> 00:04:25. is and typically when you go to the top of the charts 00:04:25.77 --> 00:04:28. it's pretty clear it's you start to realize well there 00:04:29.39 --> 00:04:31. they are different than other people because of this 00:04:31.88 --> 00:04:34. unique selling proposition so I've got a few examples 00:04:34.86 --> 00:04:40. and I want to see if this pop out at all right so 00:04:40.56 --> 00:04:43. if anyone out there use a snapchat which is pretty 00:04:43.41 --> 00:04:45. much anyone under the age of twenty five I guess 00:04:47.54 --> 00:04:50. one of the hardest our biggest complaints is that 00:04:50.31 --> 00:04:54. you couldn't upload pictures you had toe take live 00:04:54.23 --> 00:04:57. pictures now snapshot has been uploading they're updating 00:04:57.07 --> 00:04:59. their their code and all that sort of stuff but using 00:04:59.36 --> 00:05:03. their a p I this app came out and they said all right 00:05:03.54 --> 00:05:05. well I'm gonna solve that problem and I'm going to 00:05:05.86 --> 00:05:09. do it specifically for snapchat right I'm gonna be 00:05:09.43 --> 00:05:12. able to upload this uploaded picture from your camera 00:05:12.9 --> 00:05:15. ll straight to snapchat that's a very unique feature 00:05:16.0 --> 00:05:18. this isn't a photo app that you can use on instagram 00:05:18.48 --> 00:05:18. and 00:05:20.41 --> 00:05:23. whatever else there is vine or youtube or whatever 00:05:23.39 --> 00:05:26. else you want to use this is just for snapchat that's 00:05:26.24 --> 00:05:28. what makes it unique and a lot of time some people 00:05:28.44 --> 00:05:31. are they concern themselves with getting to narrow 00:05:31.53 --> 00:05:33. because they think they're cutting off a lot of their 00:05:34.2 --> 00:05:36. marketing potential but it's way better to be really 00:05:36.76 --> 00:05:38. focused and have something very unique and solve the 00:05:38.61 --> 00:05:42. problem better faster or simpler than other people 00:05:42.74 --> 00:05:46. are doing there are probably many many, many other 00:05:47.04 --> 00:05:51. snapchat uploaders out there I'm sure there are but 00:05:51.35 --> 00:05:53. if this is getting thirty two hundred reviews assuming 00:05:53.67 --> 00:05:56. they're all legit this is probably working a lot better 00:05:56.78 --> 00:05:59. it probably does it better than the other aps do right 00:05:59.69 --> 00:06:01. that's the unique son proposition you could write 00:06:01.84 --> 00:06:03. about in your description in your screen shots of 00:06:04.0 --> 00:06:04. things like that 00:06:05.96 --> 00:06:09. on a similar note there could be more nuanced ways 00:06:09.23 --> 00:06:13. to make unique selling propositions a lot of people 00:06:13.2 --> 00:06:16. watching this in general in the world want to build 00:06:16.64 --> 00:06:20. games and games can be hard to say how do I come up 00:06:20.8 --> 00:06:23. with a unique selling proposition for a game you know 00:06:24.16 --> 00:06:26. especially if you use a template. Well, what's, what's 00:06:26.35 --> 00:06:29. unique about that. How do I, how do I create something 00:06:29.24 --> 00:06:33. that no one else has done before? And what I really 00:06:33.18 --> 00:06:37. like this is that they use design as their unique 00:06:37.11 --> 00:06:39. selling proposition, it's, that I've never seen anything 00:06:39.22 --> 00:06:41. that looks like this before. I mean, maybe there are 00:06:41.34 --> 00:06:44. some happy out there that have this kind of similar 00:06:44.03 --> 00:06:46. flat design, but the color scheme and the way all 00:06:46.88 --> 00:06:49. the angles worked together and the gameplay. This 00:06:49.98 --> 00:06:52. is just a really unique, designed app. The physics 00:06:52.78 --> 00:06:55. might be the same as three thousand games out there, 00:06:55.71 --> 00:06:59. but this looks unique because it's got the design. 00:06:59.13 --> 00:07:01. It does so there's a lot of different ways that you 00:07:01.7 --> 00:07:05. can get unique with your app. And the reason you that 00:07:05.7 --> 00:07:08. from marking standpoint is when everything about marketing 00:07:08.45 --> 00:07:11. your marketing, that unique selling proposition. You're 00:07:11.22 --> 00:07:13. not marketing your app that's a big piece.
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Ratings and Reviews
This was a great class!! If you're thinking about launching your own app, this is the best first step you can take! It is a comprehensive lesson that takes you from the moment you get an idea all the way up to monetizing your app. Highly recommended!
Lots and lots of information, I can't wait to listen to it again, so it can really sink in. Wow what a great course.