Developer Expectations & Relationships
Lesson 12 from: Make Your Own App: No Coding RequiredCarter Thomas

Developer Expectations & Relationships
Lesson 12 from: Make Your Own App: No Coding RequiredCarter Thomas
Introduction to Workshop
05:50 2App Store Overview
06:47 3The Different Business Models of Apps
10:20 4App Case Studies That Work
20:12 5App Market Research
22:43 6Developer Overview
03:43 7Hiring vs. Developing Yourself
12:19 8iOS vs. Android
06:26Finding Your Developer
18:40 10Writing Your Job Description
11:55 11Job Description Hot Seat
10:24 12Developer Expectations & Relationships
12:16 13App Publishing Overview
02:43 14Getting Started With Your Developer Account
06:23 15iTunes Connect & Google Play Developer Console
15:52 16Write Your App Description
07:15 17Picking Keywords & Titles
07:27 18The Importance of App Screenshots
18:20 19App Pre-Launch Strategies
12:45 20App Post-Launch Strategies
10:30 21App Marketing Overview
03:33 22Your App's Unique Selling Proposition
07:23 23Internal App Marketing
33:17 24External App Marketing (with special guest Steve Young)
14:00 25Paid Traffic, Advertising, & Social Media
09:14 26Measure Results
12:09 27App Monetization Overview
05:37 28App Advertising Strategies
04:14 29Sponsorships & B2B Apps
08:28 30App Analytics
06:44Lesson Info
Developer Expectations & Relationships
Something that I've learned from having a lot of ships and I think a lot of people who have been successful have this same experience and I want to share this with you guys so that you can also have a really successful experience so let's say you get this disaster relief half hired and you got there we're getting going and you're saying all right, well what I do now don't wait around and you know what why how does this happen? There's a five point checklist that I always keep in mind whenever I'm hiring somebody you want to build relation before your full higher right? So if you're going into something you want it really got thie thanks the communication going have a few messages when them potentially have them do a test test job for you second is set your standards high and do not compromise early on it's really easy for someone to come to you a week later and say oh, I'm so sorry we had a holiday and I couldn't get this done for you and it's you know it's actually gets me three days ...
later and if that happens in the first week or two you're just you have to say cia I'm sorry, but this isn't gonna work lee like goodbye think long term realized that this is going to be imagine a six month really should imagine how you talk to somebody when you're like I'm hiring you for this one job versus when you think about someone I'm hiring you because you're going to be my person in six months from now is a completely you you allow different flexibility to happen with that relationship have objective milestones and consequences say in two weeks you will deliver a working build that I could put on my iphone and might not be ready for upload but asked me that in four weeks you will deliver the entire working app in six weeks this apple be live on the app store whatever maybe and that's when you release the money you also want to put consequences in if these milestones air not hit here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna take ten percent off of your payment 00:01:59.005 --> 00:02:03. do you agree us now okay let's do it be available 00:02:03.44 --> 00:02:06. and communicate these might be what the freelance 00:02:06.61 --> 00:02:09. museo this is what you need to dio you need to give 00:02:09.18 --> 00:02:11. them a chance to succeed as well you need to be available 00:02:11.71 --> 00:02:14. if they were on skype and you're saying I'm supposed 00:02:14.29 --> 00:02:17. to be at nine am but you know I was on a run that's 00:02:17.41 --> 00:02:19. your fault you know you need to allow them to be in 00:02:19.53 --> 00:02:20. a position to succeed as well 00:02:22.42 --> 00:02:22. now 00:02:24.42 --> 00:02:27. when you're once you start to get these freelancers 00:02:27.54 --> 00:02:29. coming in a few things given lines 00:02:31.02 --> 00:02:33. trying to keep a little tongue in cheek here the pre 00:02:33.33 --> 00:02:37. nuptial relationships it's okay to date you don't 00:02:37.15 --> 00:02:40. have to go all in with one freelance for the first 00:02:40.97 --> 00:02:43. time you know it's kind of like I want to hire multiple 00:02:43.55 --> 00:02:46. people at once it's okay to say we do a little project 00:02:46.49 --> 00:02:48. you little project with you see what happens that's 00:02:48.65 --> 00:02:50. totally fine especially if you're just starting out 00:02:51.02 --> 00:02:53. and don't think that you have to go all in with one 00:02:53.04 --> 00:02:55. person immediately those don't bust out of ringing 00:02:55.58 --> 00:02:57. the first dinner don't go in and say all right I'm 00:02:57.83 --> 00:02:59. gonna give you five grand up front and you're going 00:02:59.76 --> 00:03:01. to deliver this in a month I just know it's gonna 00:03:01.77 --> 00:03:05. work don't do that like you know hedge your bets here 00:03:06.02 --> 00:03:08. establish expectations timelines, communication and 00:03:08.62 --> 00:03:12. path be very clear about what this partnership looks 00:03:12.38 --> 00:03:14. like so when you're going into it saying here's what 00:03:14.83 --> 00:03:16. I want here's what you want this is gonna work really 00:03:16.93 --> 00:03:20. well for very clear about this and do a test project 00:03:20.41 --> 00:03:23. right so kind of goes hand in hand don't bust that 00:03:23.28 --> 00:03:25. ring go in and say hey let's see how this works let's 00:03:25.66 --> 00:03:27. see how we work together when the stakes aren't that 00:03:27.6 --> 00:03:30. high when the stakes are on ly thirty bucks forty 00:03:30.72 --> 00:03:33. bucks twenty bucks whatever and that makes a big difference 00:03:34.64 --> 00:03:36. when you're just getting started with meeting new 00:03:36.67 --> 00:03:37. people 00:03:38.82 --> 00:03:43. second is high expectations establishes early personally 00:03:43.04 --> 00:03:46. and with your developer right make sure that you really 00:03:46.01 --> 00:03:49. want like you keep your expectations I don't just 00:03:49.51 --> 00:03:51. settle for what they give you and say I don't want 00:03:51.42 --> 00:03:54. to go through that whole process again really say 00:03:54.14 --> 00:03:57. I deserve to have an amazing app and keep that high 00:03:58.25 --> 00:04:00. on time delivery is really important that goes a milestone 00:04:00.84 --> 00:04:01. in the consequences 00:04:02.94 --> 00:04:05. revisions if necessary make sure that they just you 00:04:05.87 --> 00:04:08. know come back with me with revisions and make sure 00:04:08.13 --> 00:04:11. this stays really really up to standards that I want 00:04:12.54 --> 00:04:15. if they if they won't miss once on a small project 00:04:15.38 --> 00:04:17. that's okay everyone makes mistake if they miss once 00:04:18.13 --> 00:04:20. okay you know it's hard to go on re hire people every 00:04:20.87 --> 00:04:23. ten minutes if you need to if it if twice fire you 00:04:23.98 --> 00:04:27. no shame on me shame when you type thing so that's 00:04:27.57 --> 00:04:30. what this just a rule of high expectations that I 00:04:30.4 --> 00:04:33. find we'll get you the best results possible 00:04:34.94 --> 00:04:37. thinking long term like we talked about treat them 00:04:37.01 --> 00:04:39. like you'll know until it for a long time it's much 00:04:39.94 --> 00:04:42. easier to re hire someone to find someone new your 00:04:42.24 --> 00:04:44. job's done it's a lot easier to go someone say hey 00:04:44.48 --> 00:04:47. you want a job and it is to go back on up work and 00:04:47.29 --> 00:04:49. make it all happen again so realize it's just like 00:04:49.8 --> 00:04:52. any business it's hard to find new employees it's 00:04:52.5 --> 00:04:54. just it's better to re hire someone 00:04:55.52 --> 00:04:58. objectivity have those milestones for delivering payment 00:04:58.77 --> 00:05:01. consequences what's gonna happen doc of pay is a really 00:05:01.82 --> 00:05:05. good one establish these early before any money trans 00:05:05.94 --> 00:05:09. exchanges hands establishes milestones up work l'anse 00:05:09.39 --> 00:05:11. aux definitely make it very easy to set these up on 00:05:11.91 --> 00:05:12. their platform 00:05:14.5 --> 00:05:17. communication be available for questions and providing 00:05:17.55 --> 00:05:21. feedback you ask them to give you hey I don't know 00:05:21.28 --> 00:05:23. about this within reason right you don't want them 00:05:23.72 --> 00:05:26. toe you asking everything question don't breathe a 00:05:26.83 --> 00:05:30. bottleneck don't be the reason why your project goes 00:05:30.56 --> 00:05:33. doesn't get done on time and create a regular schedule 00:05:33.46 --> 00:05:36. that works for both times owns if you need to work 00:05:36.43 --> 00:05:40. at seven p m so this project can get done maybe that's 00:05:40.45 --> 00:05:43. just what's gonna have to happen this time maybe later 00:05:43.16 --> 00:05:46. on you can do it a ten am your time but for now be 00:05:46.57 --> 00:05:47. flexible right 00:05:48.94 --> 00:05:51. make sure that you are you're putting them in a position 00:05:51.04 --> 00:05:51. to succeed 00:05:53.34 --> 00:05:56. so how are slow fire fast beyond offense even with 00:05:56.31 --> 00:05:59. a time crunch be clear about your goals and requirements 00:05:59.54 --> 00:06:01. when you're hiring somebody I know what you want ah 00:06:01.92 --> 00:06:04. the action item I would say anyone out there watching 00:06:04.32 --> 00:06:07. for you guys go on create a free up work account and 00:06:07.46 --> 00:06:09. do a test tire right like you don't even need to give 00:06:09.75 --> 00:06:12. money you could just go out there and put up a job 00:06:12.38 --> 00:06:15. posting using this exact script and pretend like you're 00:06:16.03 --> 00:06:17. trying to hire some people and say hey, I'm looking 00:06:17.95 --> 00:06:20. for a new developer and just understand what kind 00:06:20.59 --> 00:06:23. of talent is coming at you what questions that they 00:06:23.07 --> 00:06:25. ask it gets better and better at that just have practice 00:06:26.13 --> 00:06:28. and if you ever if you want some or tools that we 00:06:28.96 --> 00:06:31. use specifically for communication things like slack 00:06:32.21 --> 00:06:35. screenshot software things like that this is just 00:06:35.32 --> 00:06:37. all the stuff you used on blue cloud you can go check 00:06:37.11 --> 00:06:41. it out at forward slash toolbox yeah kristie no not 00:06:41.54 --> 00:06:44. being familiar with what I'd need to have from a developer 00:06:44.38 --> 00:06:47. in case I do need to fire them so that my product 00:06:47.55 --> 00:06:50. is my project what kind of delivery will do I need 00:06:50.6 --> 00:06:53. to collect from them in order to pass that project 00:06:53.2 --> 00:06:54. onto a different developer to hire 00:06:56.36 --> 00:07:01. okay, so the question is how do you one make sure 00:07:01.14 --> 00:07:03. you're getting what you want and two if you need to 00:07:03.89 --> 00:07:08. move what how do you do it? Great question one is 00:07:08.2 --> 00:07:12. the delivery bols should be things that you contest 00:07:12.76 --> 00:07:15. so it could be I need to be able to test this on my 00:07:15.39 --> 00:07:18. simulator on my software so they would send you pieces 00:07:18.47 --> 00:07:22. offer you'd execute it and you goto simulate button 00:07:22.07 --> 00:07:24. and press it and it should work and if it doesn't 00:07:24.97 --> 00:07:27. that's a problem right should be really easy for you 00:07:27.59 --> 00:07:30. to test it or they can send you a test flight build 00:07:30.32 --> 00:07:32. which is a testing software you just install on your 00:07:32.98 --> 00:07:35. phone and you can test it but the bottom line is it 00:07:35.35 --> 00:07:37. should be very easy for you to go with the measures 00:07:37.61 --> 00:07:40. could be designed come you whatever else the second 00:07:40.94 --> 00:07:45. thing is just getting reports from them about certain 00:07:45.48 --> 00:07:48. things and then having those be nonpayment timelines 00:07:49.46 --> 00:07:51. so for example let's say your first time line is in 00:07:51.94 --> 00:07:54. three weeks that's when the first twenty five percent 00:07:54.94 --> 00:07:58. deposit comes in you can say well every week I want 00:07:58.19 --> 00:08:01. a weekly milestone of what the code is you got the ad networks installed is this done is this done you might not know exactly what it is but you know but by the third week it will be something you can measure and that's when the money actually comes in so I think that that's how you do it I think the other thing you want to do which is a really good point is establish how often they upload the code to something like dropbox or google driver whatever it is you're using so that is in the cloud and even if they decide go somewhere else take off ah you have a copy of that code so we always have every three days the developers upload two job box folder and then you come to say all right I've got this code that can hire someone else hears what they did check it out make sure it looks good things like that science does that into russian okay right. Um all right, so finally we just talked about a live stuff we're about to go out and hire all these developers and bills angry birds and yo apse on disaster relief abs which is very exciting but now you know if you should build us or hire someone else we talked a lot about hiring but you know what decision you should make you know whether you should start with iowa sir android there's a lot to get that goes into that you know how to hire a great developer really is comes down to this formula and just going through the process and just one step at a time you know how to continue having great relationship with the developer for ongoing success that's a big one by doing that you're on your wayto building pretty successful at business great now before we wrap things up in this segment I did want to touch on a few questions that came in related to the developer relationship a couple of different ones worded but the gist of it is I mean what happens if the relationship between you and a contract or go south at the end of a project that depending on where you at where you're at in the you know the timeline is something where you get a refund like where do you kind of draw that line and I don't know have you had any experiences where things have gone south with somebody and how did you fix it? 00:10:03.0 --> 00:10:03. You 00:10:05.0 --> 00:10:08. so with up work andy lance it's built on escrow so 00:10:08.8 --> 00:10:12. the idea being that you fund a milestone and it goes 00:10:12.29 --> 00:10:14. into their escrow account and then once you get the 00:10:14.84 --> 00:10:17. delivery bols for whatever that milestone is you release 00:10:17.98 --> 00:10:21. the money to them if they deliver you something and 00:10:21.5 --> 00:10:23. you're just like no this isn't good and you're using 00:10:23.59 --> 00:10:26. the messaging platform that they give you and they're 00:10:26.71 --> 00:10:29. demanding the money you can file a complaint if you 00:10:29.01 --> 00:10:31. need to dump work and say look this money is in escrow 00:10:31.8 --> 00:10:35. here's the here's the communication x y z and then 00:10:35.22 --> 00:10:37. if they rule in your favour which they often d'oh 00:10:37.7 --> 00:10:39. you will get that money back so I've had that happen 00:10:39.68 --> 00:10:41. a few times and yeah that's typically what happens 00:10:43.6 --> 00:10:46. all right let's see other questions here people were 00:10:46.45 --> 00:10:49. curious about the idea of ah test project that you 00:10:49.04 --> 00:10:52. could have a developer work on and now this particular 00:10:52.15 --> 00:10:54. example couple of votes on this one could you maybe 00:10:54.28 --> 00:10:56. give an example of a great test project that somebody 00:10:56.96 --> 00:10:59. could do say maybe thirty to forty dollars a small 00:10:59.86 --> 00:11:01. investment to test somebody out to see if they'd be 00:11:01.8 --> 00:11:05. good to work with great questions the best example 00:11:05.53 --> 00:11:08. which is a classic example in the game world you could 00:11:08.76 --> 00:11:11. be for anything go get an open source source code 00:11:11.68 --> 00:11:14. somewhere any website or go buy a seven dollars source 00:11:14.98 --> 00:11:20. code off of any anything and go hire someone to do 00:11:20.15 --> 00:11:24. a project where you ask them to install ad network 00:11:25.2 --> 00:11:26. google analytics 00:11:27.4 --> 00:11:30. fleury and we'll talk about all these or something, 00:11:30.06 --> 00:11:32. some software, samast, ikea, which is a software development 00:11:32.46 --> 00:11:32. kit 00:11:33.8 --> 00:11:36. and say, hey, can you put this in? I could promise 00:11:36.67 --> 00:11:39. you, right. Esty cakes are like three lines of code. 00:11:40.06 --> 00:11:43. It is not hard to put nasty can if they took. The 00:11:43.57 --> 00:11:44. best part about this is that they're going to come 00:11:44.94 --> 00:11:46. back like that's going to take me a week and it's 00:11:46.81 --> 00:11:49. going about five hundred bucks, he's, click, delete 00:11:49.28 --> 00:11:51. and that's enough so that's a really good one, right, 00:11:51.52 --> 00:11:53. you go get a really, really inexpensive template. 00:11:53.9 --> 00:11:57. You ask him to install a nesquik ad network, whatever 00:11:57.85 --> 00:12:00. might not be a project you ever going to use, but 00:12:00.29 --> 00:12:03. it really helps you establish. Alright, thes people 00:12:03.35 --> 00:12:06. are are telling me the truth, and it's it's, a it's, 00:12:06.38 --> 00:12:06. a good one.
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Ratings and Reviews
This was a great class!! If you're thinking about launching your own app, this is the best first step you can take! It is a comprehensive lesson that takes you from the moment you get an idea all the way up to monetizing your app. Highly recommended!
Lots and lots of information, I can't wait to listen to it again, so it can really sink in. Wow what a great course.