Introduction to Workshop
05:50 2App Store Overview
06:47 3The Different Business Models of Apps
10:20 4App Case Studies That Work
20:12 5App Market Research
22:43 6Developer Overview
03:43 7Hiring vs. Developing Yourself
12:19 8iOS vs. Android
06:26Finding Your Developer
18:40 10Writing Your Job Description
11:55 11Job Description Hot Seat
10:24 12Developer Expectations & Relationships
12:16 13App Publishing Overview
02:43 14Getting Started With Your Developer Account
06:23 15iTunes Connect & Google Play Developer Console
15:52 16Write Your App Description
07:15 17Picking Keywords & Titles
07:27 18The Importance of App Screenshots
18:20 19App Pre-Launch Strategies
12:45 20App Post-Launch Strategies
10:30 21App Marketing Overview
03:33 22Your App's Unique Selling Proposition
07:23 23Internal App Marketing
33:17 24External App Marketing (with special guest Steve Young)
14:00 25Paid Traffic, Advertising, & Social Media
09:14 26Measure Results
12:09 27App Monetization Overview
05:37 28App Advertising Strategies
04:14 29Sponsorships & B2B Apps
08:28 30App Analytics
06:44Lesson Info
App Post-Launch Strategies
Post launch checklist. So we got data coming in correctly, right? So you just lost your app and it's out in the app store, and a lot of times, I'll have some consultant calls. I'll talk to some people, a blue cloud, and what happens is they go well. I just launches app. Now, like what? What, what do I do now? I just did everything I did. The whole hired. The developer got the template. Good checklist, tough, you know, and I'm like, all right, well, there's, there's, there's more to this, right? So, that's, what the post launch checklist is all that, and this dovetails into marketing. But this way you can do immediately, or, you know, over the next week, first, two, two weeks or so, burst, is the data coming in correctly. We'll talk what that means. Second, am I getting reviews and my getting feedback? Is it positive? Is a negative? How I planning my update all right I just released one point zero what's one point zero one point one going to look like how do I start to make that decisio...
n and for his ongoing marketing okay so the first way you see about this data coming in is there's two types of data okay happy any will do a walk through that a little bit where this is going to say all right well um I even getting any downloads am I getting any purchases and purchases what countries they come in is there at what app store data is coming in you can also see this in your google play developer console you can see it in your itunes connect counsel this is just a really great way to aggregated it's easy to slice and dice this data but the first data you want to make sure is coming in is all right well it's live I just wanna make sure those dalits especially if you have those review friends one of the indirect ways or benefits of having that you know they're guaranteed 00:01:59.137 --> 00:02:01. twenty dollars fifteen dollars you they're gonna maybe 00:02:01.97 --> 00:02:03. half those people actually do go down let it but at 00:02:03.96 --> 00:02:05. least you're going to be able to see that people are 00:02:05.81 --> 00:02:08. downloading your app and you might you might be getting 00:02:08.56 --> 00:02:10. a couple thousand downloads but it's just kind of 00:02:10.73 --> 00:02:13. extreme safety net so the first is ab stored data 00:02:14.37 --> 00:02:20. second is this beautiful wonderful world of analytics, 00:02:20.63 --> 00:02:23. which we're going to talk about it later on. And I 00:02:23.35 --> 00:02:27. know this is probably the least popular topic for 00:02:27.01 --> 00:02:29. a lot of you, but it's important, and hopefully I 00:02:29.78 --> 00:02:33. can I can help shed some light on this. What this 00:02:33.53 --> 00:02:35. is going to tell you the day after your launch of 00:02:35.92 --> 00:02:40. the week after launch is ok, not only am our people 00:02:40.39 --> 00:02:44. coming in, but what are they doing? Who are they? 00:02:45.62 --> 00:02:48. What behaviors do they have? Things like that? And 00:02:48.26 --> 00:02:51. this is really important, right? So if you if you 00:02:51.92 --> 00:02:54. launch your app and you're getting ten downloads a 00:02:54.75 --> 00:02:56. day on the app store or one hundred dollars day or 00:02:56.5 --> 00:02:58. five thousand dollars a day or million down today, 00:02:59.35 --> 00:03:02. and this is not registering anything, assuming you 00:03:02.07 --> 00:03:05. installed it in your lap that's a problem it's not 00:03:05.41 --> 00:03:08. a deal breaker, it just means okay version one, point 00:03:08.3 --> 00:03:12. one get analytics installed like that is a problem 00:03:12.21 --> 00:03:14. I need to fix this. So the first thing is making sure 00:03:14.73 --> 00:03:17. that you're having all the data you can so you can 00:03:17.01 --> 00:03:19. start to measure the four progress, and we'll talk 00:03:19.85 --> 00:03:22. about this in detail later. 00:03:24.42 --> 00:03:28. Reviews this is in itunes connect right so you can 00:03:28.42 --> 00:03:30. get it into a nap any account there's a lot of different 00:03:30.86 --> 00:03:33. services out there that will bring your views in but 00:03:33.93 --> 00:03:35. this is a great place just going nineteens connect 00:03:35.98 --> 00:03:38. you go to the ap under the app version and you click 00:03:38.75 --> 00:03:41. I want to see all app reviews and you start to look 00:03:41.85 --> 00:03:44. at the different maps that are different reviews that 00:03:44.29 --> 00:03:48. come in these commute delayed apple will verify google 00:03:48.14 --> 00:03:52. verify it and it will as these come in you will say 00:03:52.16 --> 00:03:52. okay 00:03:54.12 --> 00:03:55. there's a lot of really positive ones may be a lot 00:03:55.91 --> 00:03:57. of these are my friends maybe a lot of aren't my friends 00:03:57.92 --> 00:04:01. on google you can actually respond the comments, which is a great thing to do so if you have an android app and you get reviews coming in and says, oh, you know this app stinks and it didn't work on my device you can respond and say, hey, what device you have sent us an email will try to fix this for you and that could actually go a long way both with the algorithm and with more customers were coming and they say, oh, wow, this person's really, really cares, but seeing reviews is going to really help you say, oh, man, we totally missed the mark on this party app, but people love this part of that there's a really good in addition to this in your description and also in your app marketing girl which could be a facebook pages I would recommend we'll have people emailing you or you'll have people sending you messages and saying hey, this is what I think or hey you know I don't like this right? I love this you really get all this great feedback that's just from people you there no or you don't know it's really really great way to plan your update so the best thing to do after you have after you've launched the actors immediately say I'm gonna need to update this at some point some people think that the first thing you want to do is go make another app they write off their access to the first version right this is this is very true in the gaming world in are in the blue cloud world this happened a lot this still happens a lot where people release an app until it gets to download today and they go well all right I'm going to fix the key words I'm going to get new title all right cool but they don't go on this they don't think about well all right how do I make this out better how do I get a better update? How do I improve this app? How do I get this to a point where it's really working the way I want people love this app and then I think about building other act so once you launch your app really start planning your update fix anything is broken you're not collecting your data then you know get to figure out what's wrong their data get the data in there 00:05:59.318 --> 00:06:01. get the google and alexis get in there whatever it 00:06:01.41 --> 00:06:05. may be add more ways to track data so let's say you 00:06:05.54 --> 00:06:08. launch and you are collecting liar data happen he's 00:06:08.06 --> 00:06:11. working have stories collecting your data google analytics 00:06:11.35 --> 00:06:14. fleury whatever maybe it's all working correctly now 00:06:14.65 --> 00:06:18. you start to say all right well what else do I want 00:06:18.07 --> 00:06:22. to know the base level analytics might tell me all 00:06:22.4 --> 00:06:24. right how many new people versus how many returning 00:06:24.9 --> 00:06:27. might tell me how long you're staying in the app but 00:06:27.79 --> 00:06:31. they're not telling me who's purchasing what in app 00:06:31.56 --> 00:06:34. purchases it's not telling me what country 00:06:35.84 --> 00:06:39. and what device together is creating the highest revenue 00:06:39.2 --> 00:06:42. per user and that's when you start saying like okay 00:06:42.55 --> 00:06:45. how can I how can I add more to my app to make it 00:06:45.22 --> 00:06:48. a better measuring system right how can I understand 00:06:48.47 --> 00:06:49. my users better 00:06:50.76 --> 00:06:54. third is he could start to add new features so few 00:06:54.12 --> 00:06:57. dalit it and everyone in the reviews and the support 00:06:57.1 --> 00:06:59. of saying man I just wish it had 00:07:01.36 --> 00:07:05. apply start planning on how to add that right get 00:07:05.5 --> 00:07:07. the new features if there's nothing that people are 00:07:07.92 --> 00:07:11. really asking for start doing competitive research 00:07:11.11 --> 00:07:13. look your competition and say what do these people 00:07:13.05 --> 00:07:15. have that I don't have, why don't I have it? Do I 00:07:15.76 --> 00:07:18. want it? Is it a good thing? Will this fit into my 00:07:18.06 --> 00:07:21. marketing let's fit into my product and start to add 00:07:21.12 --> 00:07:21. new features 00:07:22.96 --> 00:07:28. and last really listen to feedback? It's, not always 00:07:28.05 --> 00:07:30. easy when you put your heart and soul into something, 00:07:30.99 --> 00:07:35. and people tell you that it's, not that good, not 00:07:35.34 --> 00:07:39. that street to feel like that, but it's, valuable. 00:07:39.46 --> 00:07:41. And as they frank say, it's, not show friends, it's 00:07:41.6 --> 00:07:45. show business, right? So when you get the feedback, 00:07:45.04 --> 00:07:47. don't take it personally, it's people just saying, 00:07:47.87 --> 00:07:51. hey, I put this on my phone, I gave you money, I think, 00:07:51.76 --> 00:07:55. is what I think. This is my objective, respons you. 00:07:55.03 --> 00:07:58. I don't know, you don't have any relation to you and 00:07:58.1 --> 00:08:00. us guys say, right, I'm just all I care about the 00:08:00.99 --> 00:08:01. product better 00:08:02.88 --> 00:08:04. so, that's, how that's, how you plan the update. 00:08:07.11 --> 00:08:09. Then finally, ongoing marketing, right? So you want 00:08:09.81 --> 00:08:12. to start thinking about all right? Well, I've got 00:08:12.52 --> 00:08:14. this app. I've got the downloads, I'm going to start 00:08:14.17 --> 00:08:15. to improve it. We'll start to get better. Did I might 00:08:15.92 --> 00:08:18. start to measure more data. I'm gonna start to plan 00:08:18.4 --> 00:08:20. my updates. I might start to listen to the feedback 00:08:20.41 --> 00:08:22. and do all this great stuff. And then you start to 00:08:22.86 --> 00:08:26. say, well, now I really got to keep this going. I 00:08:26.71 --> 00:08:28. want to keep this ongoing marketing strategy going 00:08:28.71 --> 00:08:31. home. We're going to talk a lot about marketing and 00:08:31.0 --> 00:08:36. a little bit here, but having this mentality of like, 00:08:36.16 --> 00:08:38. okay, I'm going to spend the next over the next six 00:08:38.22 --> 00:08:40. months how do I grow? How did I get this gun? What's 00:08:40.67 --> 00:08:43. my long term game here might be some sl. It might 00:08:43.84 --> 00:08:47. be ok. This paid traffic that I set up there's something 00:08:47.11 --> 00:08:48. about it that worked. Maybe I should optimize that 00:08:48.95 --> 00:08:50. a bit more that's. Gonna be really great for me. Long 00:08:50.96 --> 00:08:53. term, this partnership was great. I wonder if they 00:08:53.0 --> 00:08:55. know anyone else starting to think about your online 00:08:55.59 --> 00:08:57. marketing. I'm putting that on the back burner is 00:08:57.7 --> 00:08:58. going to be really helpful. 00:09:01.08 --> 00:09:07. Okay, so publishing we are now. We went from I have 00:09:07.4 --> 00:09:11. an idea, teo, uh, I'm gonna pick my business. Model 00:09:12.08 --> 00:09:15. two, I'm gonna do some market research, okay? Now 00:09:15.8 --> 00:09:17. I have a really good idea, and I know what kind of 00:09:17.4 --> 00:09:19. business I'm ideo. Then we went out. We found someone 00:09:19.79 --> 00:09:22. who could build this whole thing for us. Awesome, 00:09:22.66 --> 00:09:25. like we've got that that's. Terrific, they built it. 00:09:26.38 --> 00:09:29. We just spent a couple of days, a couple weeks, and 00:09:29.38 --> 00:09:34. we got uploaded into the app store. Great. Then we 00:09:34.19 --> 00:09:34. launched it. 00:09:35.78 --> 00:09:39. Boom. And now we're sitting here with this app in 00:09:39.29 --> 00:09:41. the app store, this awesome product, this thing we're 00:09:41.15 --> 00:09:43. really proud of that we spent a lot of time on. 00:09:45.82 --> 00:09:48. Now what? Right? So with all this, you've got your 00:09:48.56 --> 00:09:50. developer account, you've got your description, you've 00:09:50.8 --> 00:09:52. got your key words and titles. You've got your screen 00:09:52.8 --> 00:09:55. shots, you've got your aft launch, you know how to 00:09:55.97 --> 00:09:57. do all of this there's. No reason why you couldn't 00:09:57.91 --> 00:09:59. just go out and do this tomorrow. If someone handed 00:09:59.79 --> 00:10:02. you an itunes or or google play developer account 00:10:02.75 --> 00:10:05. there's. No reason why you couldn't do all of this 00:10:05.25 --> 00:10:07. and launch the app within the next week. There's. 00:10:07.8 --> 00:10:11. No reason why this could totally be your app, and 00:10:11.33 --> 00:10:14. then the next piece being all right. How do we really 00:10:14.71 --> 00:10:16. grow this thing? How do we make money off this thing, 00:10:16.94 --> 00:10:19. and how do we set up for success? For the road for 00:10:19.49 --> 00:10:20. the long term?
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Ratings and Reviews
This was a great class!! If you're thinking about launching your own app, this is the best first step you can take! It is a comprehensive lesson that takes you from the moment you get an idea all the way up to monetizing your app. Highly recommended!
Lots and lots of information, I can't wait to listen to it again, so it can really sink in. Wow what a great course.