Introduction to Workshop
05:50 2App Store Overview
06:47 3The Different Business Models of Apps
10:20 4App Case Studies That Work
20:12 5App Market Research
22:43 6Developer Overview
03:43 7Hiring vs. Developing Yourself
12:19 8iOS vs. Android
06:26Finding Your Developer
18:40 10Writing Your Job Description
11:55 11Job Description Hot Seat
10:24 12Developer Expectations & Relationships
12:16 13App Publishing Overview
02:43 14Getting Started With Your Developer Account
06:23 15iTunes Connect & Google Play Developer Console
15:52 16Write Your App Description
07:15 17Picking Keywords & Titles
07:27 18The Importance of App Screenshots
18:20 19App Pre-Launch Strategies
12:45 20App Post-Launch Strategies
10:30 21App Marketing Overview
03:33 22Your App's Unique Selling Proposition
07:23 23Internal App Marketing
33:17 24External App Marketing (with special guest Steve Young)
14:00 25Paid Traffic, Advertising, & Social Media
09:14 26Measure Results
12:09 27App Monetization Overview
05:37 28App Advertising Strategies
04:14 29Sponsorships & B2B Apps
08:28 30App Analytics
06:44Lesson Info
App Market Research
00:00:02.04 --> 00:00:04. Last thing we want to talk about which is which is 00:00:04.84 --> 00:00:07. really a great topic especially his aim with your 00:00:07.09 --> 00:00:09. question about finding demanded things like that his 00:00:09.63 --> 00:00:12. market research on what we're going to do with market 00:00:12.19 --> 00:00:17. research is talk about how do I find hidden gems in 00:00:17.08 --> 00:00:20. the app store right market research could be a five 00:00:20.62 --> 00:00:23. hour course in itself especially when you go with 00:00:23.03 --> 00:00:24. the internet and things like google and understanding 00:00:24.93 --> 00:00:27. keyword volume and we're not going to get into that 00:00:27.23 --> 00:00:29. level of detail but I do want to show you a few live 00:00:29.64 --> 00:00:31. examples were going to walk through this where 00:00:33.21 --> 00:00:34. if you know if you're going to go out and build an 00:00:34.7 --> 00:00:37. african idea finding opportunity how you wou...
ld do 00:00:37.44 --> 00:00:37. it 00:00:39.61 --> 00:00:43. I would definitely recommend that you remember that 00:00:43.46 --> 00:00:47. opportunity is more important than interest in the 00:00:47.39 --> 00:00:50. app store okay if you were trying to build something 00:00:50.12 --> 00:00:52. or build a business or whatever it may be and you 00:00:52.77 --> 00:00:56. say I just got this idea and I know this ideas so 00:00:56.08 --> 00:00:59. good and I this is the best idea and someone comes 00:00:59.27 --> 00:01:02. in and says this is going toe this is a great business 00:01:02.54 --> 00:01:06. model like look how this is gonna work so well it's 00:01:06.24 --> 00:01:09. better to go after opportunities than interest like 00:01:09.58 --> 00:01:13. die hard interest or at the very least blend opportunity 00:01:13.69 --> 00:01:16. into your interest you know find that opportunity 00:01:16.55 --> 00:01:19. first before you go out and all you think about how 00:01:19.58 --> 00:01:21. cool your ideas that's gonna make a big difference 00:01:22.48 --> 00:01:25. so what I want to do now is actually booed up itunes 00:01:26.28 --> 00:01:26. if we can 00:01:27.98 --> 00:01:29. and I would love to 00:01:31.29 --> 00:01:34. quick it yeah we're going perfect and so everyone 00:01:34.36 --> 00:01:35. if you are 00:01:36.98 --> 00:01:39. you know I had a computer you can do this along with 00:01:39.11 --> 00:01:41. us you're on your phone it works the same way I find 00:01:41.95 --> 00:01:44. it easier to do it on the desktop but what this is 00:01:44.38 --> 00:01:48. all about is too abs 00:01:49.28 --> 00:01:52. this is all about and the same process can be done 00:01:52.15 --> 00:01:55. on google play but we're just going to dio we're gonna 00:01:55.9 --> 00:01:58. do it here okay, so you boot up itunes and you see 00:01:58.79 --> 00:02:02. this going and obviously everyone knows featured abs 00:02:02.12 --> 00:02:04. and the best new aps and we'll talk a little bit later 00:02:04.64 --> 00:02:07. on about how this is how this is all determined and 00:02:07.19 --> 00:02:09. things like that what you want to do is you want to 00:02:09.42 --> 00:02:13. go over here to all categories now someone named a 00:02:13.98 --> 00:02:17. category that what was the category you guys think 00:02:17.76 --> 00:02:21. you know it would be cool building happen fits great 00:02:21.91 --> 00:02:23. great call health and fitness we're going to a health 00:02:23.66 --> 00:02:25. and fitness so let's say you're out there and you 00:02:25.9 --> 00:02:27. want to build a fitness app and you're saying okay, 00:02:28.22 --> 00:02:31. how do I think how do I figure out what's a good fitness 00:02:31.54 --> 00:02:34. app idea fitness app opportunity we should say right, 00:02:35.42 --> 00:02:39. so you get into the fitness category here and it's 00:02:39.3 --> 00:02:41. great what you want to do is you scroll down to the 00:02:41.11 --> 00:02:44. side here and you see the top caps over here on the 00:02:44.32 --> 00:02:47. side what I would recommend is you go and you do the 00:02:47.4 --> 00:02:51. top paid apse because those tend to be much more unique 00:02:51.42 --> 00:02:54. functionality because they're they're less concerned 00:02:54.38 --> 00:02:57. about high volume and they're more concerned about 00:02:57.12 --> 00:03:00. finding the right users so go to the top paid iphone 00:03:00.91 --> 00:03:04. or ipad aps within the app store within a category 00:03:06.64 --> 00:03:08. then what you want to do is you want to scroll and 00:03:08.82 --> 00:03:13. whenever we do this exercise we always start at fifty 00:03:13.0 --> 00:03:16. or higher okay, a lot of people go and they say all 00:03:16.27 --> 00:03:19. right, well look the top ten aps in the health and 00:03:19.1 --> 00:03:22. fitness category that's really hard because these 00:03:22.43 --> 00:03:26. abs don't often change and these aps might be uh using 00:03:26.67 --> 00:03:28. advertising to keep their ranks up there which we'll 00:03:28.51 --> 00:03:31. talk about later versus when you go down here to the 00:03:31.51 --> 00:03:34. top fifty or top one hundred even you start to find 00:03:34.4 --> 00:03:37. really unique apse that are just great products that 00:03:37.14 --> 00:03:41. people are saying aren't well I really this is really 00:03:41.08 --> 00:03:44. helpful for me all right? So let's see ninety two 00:03:44.83 --> 00:03:47. mindfulness daily let's see what this is all about 00:03:48.52 --> 00:03:52. all right, so we see that this is two dollars and 00:03:52.12 --> 00:03:54. it's called mindfulness daily some assuming it means 00:03:54.28 --> 00:03:56. every day you're going to do some mindful exercise 00:03:56.82 --> 00:03:59. got twenty to five star wraps it's awesome it's also 00:03:59.26 --> 00:04:02. got something our purchases so these people our monetizing 00:04:02.48 --> 00:04:05. this well this is great look at the screen shots says 00:04:05.36 --> 00:04:08. mindfulness daily a few minutes in the morning a short 00:04:08.55 --> 00:04:11. positing the day so you look at this and you say okay 00:04:12.29 --> 00:04:15. maybe you read through it the first thing you want 00:04:15.01 --> 00:04:19. to dio is look through the update history right so 00:04:20.76 --> 00:04:23. you can click on show all versions and it'll list 00:04:23.03 --> 00:04:25. out every single update what you do is you start a 00:04:25.84 --> 00:04:28. version one point zero and then you go all upto one 00:04:28.84 --> 00:04:31. point zero seven two and you see what they improved 00:04:31.8 --> 00:04:35. because these people are doing this exact exercise 00:04:35.01 --> 00:04:39. the whole building hap measure it marketed everything 00:04:39.69 --> 00:04:40. and you can go and you can is 00:04:41.9 --> 00:04:44. like get all their findings right there right so you 00:04:44.58 --> 00:04:48. can say oh apparently they realize that having a new 00:04:48.95 --> 00:04:50. community engagement functionality that might be a 00:04:50.95 --> 00:04:53. good thing to start with I don't need to figure that 00:04:53.36 --> 00:04:55. out on my own I could just go that's that's going 00:04:55.28 --> 00:04:58. to help their app grow right so you go through this 00:04:58.12 --> 00:05:00. and you start making a list of what functions do I 00:05:00.7 --> 00:05:03. really want to add you also say alright well when 00:05:03.54 --> 00:05:05. was that update sometimes up you know aps have been 00:05:05.73 --> 00:05:09. updated in two years that might not be every relevant 00:05:09.24 --> 00:05:10. strategy no 00:05:11.72 --> 00:05:14. what happened to this one? So then you go to all versions 00:05:15.48 --> 00:05:18. and you look at the ratings, so like, wow, five hundred 00:05:18.58 --> 00:05:21. eighty eight ratings for a two dollar app, that's 00:05:21.77 --> 00:05:24. ranked ninety seconds that was updated in september 00:05:24.91 --> 00:05:27. of two thousand fifteen. That's. Good right that's. 00:05:27.05 --> 00:05:30. A lot of people who are writing reviews for a two 00:05:30.55 --> 00:05:33. dollar app that means that they are really happy about 00:05:33.31 --> 00:05:35. their happen. They're coming back to it. You want 00:05:35.88 --> 00:05:39. to do is you want to go over here and click most critical 00:05:41.39 --> 00:05:44. and there's a lot of one star views. Typically, when 00:05:44.07 --> 00:05:46. you get a one star review, it's people that are just, 00:05:47.04 --> 00:05:49. yeah, I crashed, you're in a bad mood. 00:05:50.54 --> 00:05:52. You know, something is just kind of a reactionary 00:05:52.72 --> 00:05:55. thing. What you do want to do is you want to scroll 00:05:55.3 --> 00:05:57. to the two in the three star reviews because these 00:05:57.35 --> 00:05:59. are more thoughtful, and these are actually very constructive. 00:06:00.14 --> 00:06:03. Uh, chris isms are, you know, hey, I wish it had, 00:06:03.32 --> 00:06:04. so I mean, 00:06:05.56 --> 00:06:06. let's, see? 00:06:08.39 --> 00:06:10. Is it just purely for beginners because I thought 00:06:10.76 --> 00:06:14. this setup is pretty nice that's a success great feedback 00:06:14.09 --> 00:06:16. so let's say you're like all right well the mindfulness 00:06:16.27 --> 00:06:19. category is actually a really good category I'm going 00:06:19.04 --> 00:06:21. to emulate what these guys have done but I'm also 00:06:21.22 --> 00:06:23. going to make sure that when in my description of 00:06:23.2 --> 00:06:26. my screen shots or my on boarding I make it very clear 00:06:26.01 --> 00:06:28. that maybe there's a beginner a medium and an advanced 00:06:29.0 --> 00:06:31. level in this app that's an opportunity that I could 00:06:31.53 --> 00:06:33. really nail all right 00:06:34.66 --> 00:06:36. I was enjoying setting up the app 00:06:37.86 --> 00:06:41. the shooter there should be a preview so people can 00:06:41.19 --> 00:06:44. determine whether the voice works for them before 00:06:44.23 --> 00:06:47. buying all right okay maybe you do a video preview 00:06:47.53 --> 00:06:50. on the app because then you can actually see the scene 00:06:50.4 --> 00:06:53. here the app working that's a great way to make this 00:06:53.72 --> 00:06:56. app going you can see over and over that with these 00:06:56.83 --> 00:06:59. two and three star reviews you're going to get all 00:06:59.33 --> 00:07:02. these ideas I said this is clear demand for people 00:07:02.09 --> 00:07:05. that I downloaded this app and they want it and this 00:07:05.22 --> 00:07:08. this can happen this can apply to virtually any category 00:07:09.66 --> 00:07:13. so now you have you have to find you found an app 00:07:13.56 --> 00:07:15. you see that it's successful you see they're making 00:07:15.53 --> 00:07:18. money you see the people review it and now now you 00:07:18.73 --> 00:07:21. have your ideas on how to make it better the second 00:07:21.81 --> 00:07:25. part of this is you got to go that validate this model, 00:07:25.38 --> 00:07:27. right? How much money's is actually making. How well 00:07:27.93 --> 00:07:32. has this been doing? Am I is this really is this fifty, 00:07:32.7 --> 00:07:36. people a month, or is this five thousand people? So 00:07:36.15 --> 00:07:38. it's called, mindful this daily, and we'll do some 00:07:38.31 --> 00:07:41. indian walk throughs on this later, later on, but 00:07:41.17 --> 00:07:44. I want to show you you can go over some tools. This 00:07:44.37 --> 00:07:45. one's called apple annie. 00:07:47.86 --> 00:07:51. And we're gonna type in mind. Fullness. 00:07:53.78 --> 00:07:54. Really? 00:07:57.96 --> 00:08:01. And there it is, right, unified at. So we're going 00:08:01.99 --> 00:08:05. to click on mindfulness daily. What app annie is there's. 00:08:05.22 --> 00:08:06. A lot of there's, a few different. 00:08:08.68 --> 00:08:10. I've sites out here. Services like this 00:08:11.62 --> 00:08:15. is that this is going, teo give you all the data and 00:08:15.61 --> 00:08:18. information you could ever imagine on these abs just 00:08:18.66 --> 00:08:23. scrapes the real time information, so okay, I saw 00:08:23.1 --> 00:08:25. the screen shots that looks familiar gives me some 00:08:25.49 --> 00:08:27. information. This is a universal app that means it's, 00:08:27.93 --> 00:08:30. iphone and ipad, which could be interesting when you're 00:08:30.72 --> 00:08:33. doing your research, are am I going to make both both 00:08:33.93 --> 00:08:37. sizes? And then I go over here and I click on rank 00:08:37.3 --> 00:08:37. history. 00:08:39.78 --> 00:08:40. Now 00:08:41.91 --> 00:08:45. I look at it's the last ninety days. 00:08:47.72 --> 00:08:51. And you say, okay, this is, you know, goes up and 00:08:51.58 --> 00:08:52. down it goes up and down but 00:08:54.03 --> 00:08:57. it's it's it's keeping some semblance of a a pretty 00:08:57.72 --> 00:09:00. good rank, especially the last couple of months. That's 00:09:00.28 --> 00:09:03. a really good sign. Otherwise sometimes you see after 00:09:03.4 --> 00:09:07. that are up here, they start up here in this they 00:09:07.3 --> 00:09:10. like that, right? What's also interesting is when 00:09:10.11 --> 00:09:12. you look at when the updates happened, which are these 00:09:13.37 --> 00:09:16. comment boxes, you can see what drove the downloads. 00:09:16.33 --> 00:09:19. What causes those big spikes? So when you start to 00:09:19.52 --> 00:09:22. see a really good historical curve like this, you 00:09:22.25 --> 00:09:25. say this is a this is a good category. You can also 00:09:25.34 --> 00:09:28. look at the grossing ranks. Right? So we saw those 00:09:28.35 --> 00:09:30. in our purchases. Now we can see how many people are 00:09:30.71 --> 00:09:34. actually spending money in the app. How is this doing 00:09:34.16 --> 00:09:36. in the in the health and fitness category, which is 00:09:36.78 --> 00:09:39. a pretty competitive category. And you could start 00:09:39.3 --> 00:09:43. the ballpark out. Okay. Thiss maybe a good, uh, good 00:09:43.85 --> 00:09:44. app to make money. 00:09:46.58 --> 00:09:48. If you want, take this a step further. You can go 00:09:48.92 --> 00:09:50. to something like ap topia 00:09:51.38 --> 00:09:55. where you can say mindfulness, they 00:09:58.08 --> 00:09:59. working on my keyboard skills here. 00:10:03.1 --> 00:10:06. And this is just an estimate but what this is going 00:10:06.48 --> 00:10:08. to do is it's going to give you an approximation on 00:10:08.68 --> 00:10:11. how much money it's making so what happed opie does 00:10:11.94 --> 00:10:16. is they give you a ballpark figure on how many downloads 00:10:16.71 --> 00:10:19. has gotten and on how much revenue it's making so 00:10:19.46 --> 00:10:21. now you confined you can put a 00:10:22.4 --> 00:10:25. this might give you the rank number but this might 00:10:25.32 --> 00:10:29. give you an actual revenue and download number so 00:10:29.04 --> 00:10:30. you can really if you want to do a forecast on this 00:10:30.91 --> 00:10:31. you can say okay 00:10:33.1 --> 00:10:36. now this is worth my time I can totally I can totally 00:10:36.12 --> 00:10:36. do this 00:10:38.0 --> 00:10:40. and you can go through all the different you know 00:10:41.35 --> 00:10:44. whatever you wanna call factors through this now the 00:10:44.37 --> 00:10:46. final piece of this so we've determined that this 00:10:46.91 --> 00:10:51. app itself is a great actor we've returned what improvements 00:10:51.1 --> 00:10:54. we would make if we were gonna improve this app we've 00:10:54.11 --> 00:10:56. determined whether or not this is making enough money 00:10:56.96 --> 00:11:02. or if it's a viable product for us teo get into is 00:11:02.05 --> 00:11:04. this a big enough market? Is it is it making the money's 00:11:04.08 --> 00:11:07. getting the dallas as a two dollar app right after 00:11:07.49 --> 00:11:11. this it's going to be mind oh 00:11:12.5 --> 00:11:16. next right what this is going to dio is we're assuming 00:11:16.84 --> 00:11:19. like if it's called mindfulness daily we're assuming 00:11:19.71 --> 00:11:21. that they're obviously trying to capitalize on the 00:11:21.56 --> 00:11:24. keyword mindfulness right? So you want teo 00:11:26.1 --> 00:11:28. is click on mindfulness we want to search for the 00:11:28.77 --> 00:11:31. term mindfulness king the app store we're going to 00:11:31.31 --> 00:11:34. see how many other aps are out there all right are 00:11:34.82 --> 00:11:38. there fifty thousand mindfulness asked are there three 00:11:38.04 --> 00:11:42. hundred mindful of saps you know and any in the desktop 00:11:42.17 --> 00:11:46. it doesn't always give you a uh a number that comes 00:11:46.99 --> 00:11:49. back but on your mobile phone it will it will say 00:11:50.1 --> 00:11:53. three thousand two hundred forty six results or whatever 00:11:53.04 --> 00:11:58. it may be and you can see that this list is not terribly 00:11:58.14 --> 00:12:01. long which is great right after this lesson relevant 00:12:01.89 --> 00:12:03. items of not displayed you probably don't need to 00:12:03.69 --> 00:12:05. worry about that because your app is going to be very 00:12:05.61 --> 00:12:08. relevant to the term mindfulness so you can look all 00:12:08.6 --> 00:12:11. the sun now you can say here's my competitive research 00:12:11.76 --> 00:12:14. right here is the mindfulness daily ranks whatever 00:12:14.68 --> 00:12:17. that may be number fifty on forty 00:12:18.62 --> 00:12:20. when you type in the word mindfulness and it's still 00:12:20.81 --> 00:12:23. doing really well so maybe they have some marketing 00:12:23.16 --> 00:12:25. maybe they don't but when you put this whole package 00:12:25.89 --> 00:12:29. together you start to get a really really good idea 00:12:29.47 --> 00:12:33. about okay all we had were just picked a category 00:12:33.79 --> 00:12:38. out of thin air and now we've got a clear like opportunity 00:12:38.39 --> 00:12:41. of what would be a good app to dio and we're going 00:12:41.26 --> 00:12:43. to go back and look at our business models and say 00:12:43.2 --> 00:12:46. we know the demand exists we know there's a lot to 00:12:46.49 --> 00:12:50. the this type of app and in the mindfulness category, 00:12:51.67 --> 00:12:55. do we build from scratch to be emulated? Do if don't 00:12:55.28 --> 00:12:58. go and try to find template spend a couple days. You 00:12:58.47 --> 00:13:02. figure that out and all of a sudden you got your got 00:13:02.36 --> 00:13:04. your dismal and you've got your plan. You've got your 00:13:04.18 --> 00:13:07. idea, which is? Report is great. So is that all makes 00:13:07.41 --> 00:13:10. sense. Is there any part of that that you guys? 00:13:11.42 --> 00:13:14. What do you have questions about? We have some questions 00:13:14.92 --> 00:13:18. here. I mean, one that just came up. You mentioned 00:13:18.27 --> 00:13:20. doing the search for the key words, seeing what comes 00:13:20.67 --> 00:13:23. up and do you have a good sort of rule of film? Like 00:13:23.01 --> 00:13:25. what's? A good number two. Come up. If you said you 00:13:25.06 --> 00:13:27. know, ten thousand aps come up that used that key 00:13:27.71 --> 00:13:29. word. Is that a sign that you know it's like it's, 00:13:29.34 --> 00:13:32. a good, thriving keyword, a good market? Or is it 00:13:32.08 --> 00:13:33. better if it's like, oh, there's only one hundred 00:13:33.84 --> 00:13:35. that came up. That means it's ripe for me to jump 00:13:35.98 --> 00:13:37. in there. Like, what is a good number? Do you think? 00:13:39.75 --> 00:13:41. And there's probably not leave a number? 00:13:47.32 --> 00:13:50. The rule of thumb is the less it's better to rank 00:13:50.3 --> 00:13:51. high for a 00:13:53.12 --> 00:13:57. small number than lo for a big number so if if I detect 00:13:57.67 --> 00:14:00. in mind from this on the phone and I saw twenty five 00:14:00.05 --> 00:14:03. thousand results come up I would have two reactions the first would be alright get ranking for the term mindfulness on a tone is going really hard but I would also say is what other terms around mindfulness can I frank for right so when you type in mindfulness you see this auto suggests mindfulness, meditation, mindfulness daily mindfulness everywhere these might be names of acts but they're also keyword ideas so if you're I'll say you get more than I don't know a thousand search results two thousand search results the next step is to say all right well how can I get more specific about a keyword to get it down to under two hundred fifty and you keep getting more and more specific until you get to that two hundred, two hundred fifty number and then you say all right this is ah this is specific enough for me that I could totally capitalize on this you can use tools like google has great keyword tool that they use for traffic it's called google keyword planner that is actually done for cost per click on web traffic but it gives you some similar keyword volume ah estimations you can also use tools like center tower which we'll talk about in the part of course that can give you competition scores it'll say hey this is ah this how much how many other apsara for this term here's how competitive it is here's a score and you can say I'm going to rank it by the least competitive terms and go from there so there's no exact number but less is more you know like the less less that come up khun b it's better rank number one for those that makes sense graphics it seemed like they play a lot in similar to when you walk in the store what kind of two faced we got hundreds to choose from you might choose based on just pictures and that alone how does that play into this world 00:16:02.51 --> 00:16:06. place in big and as you can imagine we'll talk about 00:16:06.51 --> 00:16:06. it 00:16:08.16 --> 00:16:10. what we call conversion and so there's two different 00:16:10.81 --> 00:16:13. types of absolute optimization and in conversion and 00:16:13.28 --> 00:16:16. so it's all about how do you catch someone's eye and 00:16:16.73 --> 00:16:20. how do you how do you really nail it for them both 00:16:20.13 --> 00:16:24. from visual and from a ranking standpoint so that 00:16:24.22 --> 00:16:27. is a huge piece of it and part of part of your discovery 00:16:27.88 --> 00:16:31. process is the more information you can get on let's 00:16:31.28 --> 00:16:35. say we're doing mind from this daily is figuring out 00:16:35.76 --> 00:16:38. okay I might try to go search on the web for this 00:16:38.67 --> 00:16:42. is there a blogger at sending this thousand users 00:16:42.07 --> 00:16:45. a day? Maybe it's maybe it's doing terrible with this 00:16:45.26 --> 00:16:48. key words, but because it has this other source it's 00:16:48.32 --> 00:16:50. doing really well, it doesn't even need toe worry 00:16:50.27 --> 00:16:52. about people searching for mindfulness in the store. 00:16:53.16 --> 00:16:55. So as you do that research, you start to peel back 00:16:55.77 --> 00:16:59. the marketing onion and say, okay, well, there's a 00:16:59.35 --> 00:17:02. there's a really good reason why it is, you know, 00:17:02.78 --> 00:17:05. getting the downloads of making the money it is so 00:17:05.12 --> 00:17:09. that is ah, it does play a big part in ranking and 00:17:09.36 --> 00:17:12. how many people down your app on? We'll definitely 00:17:12.29 --> 00:17:15. get in the depth on that in a little bit. You showed 00:17:15.98 --> 00:17:18. before the ratings, and we had a lot of questions 00:17:18.39 --> 00:17:20. that came up on that and how important those khun 00:17:20.85 --> 00:17:23. b so I guess the first question would be, what is 00:17:23.34 --> 00:17:25. the tipping point for ratings on there? Like, I know 00:17:25.92 --> 00:17:29. it showed. Ok, this has four stars. When is it a viable 00:17:29.96 --> 00:17:33. number? I guess for that to be a good number if it 00:17:33.05 --> 00:17:35. says okay, four stars based on five hundred reviews 00:17:35.67 --> 00:17:38. versus based on five thousand reviews. What do you 00:17:38.17 --> 00:17:41. feel like? A good number of reviews to feel confident 00:17:41.8 --> 00:17:42. in that? 00:17:46.39 --> 00:17:49. I would say one hundred is, if I was doing research, 00:17:49.6 --> 00:17:50. I would want a hundred, 00:17:51.62 --> 00:17:53. I think that's a good number, I think it also depends 00:17:53.93 --> 00:17:58. on how old the app is, right? So if you have a nap, 00:17:58.05 --> 00:18:02. that was, you know, you got maps that are october two thousand fifteen, march two thousand fifteen all the back to two thousand fourteen if you don't see any reviews after two thousand thirteen, but it has three thousand views, I'd probably say, I'm not going to give this a whole lot of weight, but if they're if they're relatively recent, I would stick to one hundred. Um and honestly, if one app doesn't have a whole lot of reviews, you can look at multiple apse, right? You know you're thinking more about category and a keyword opportunities and functionalities, and you can put maybe second seven second seven second meditation might be might have certain functions at the mindfulness daily didn't, and you can start to put those together if you only confined apse with a certain amount of views on them. Think we're going to talk about a little bit more when we're talking about marketing thie aps but similar question about the reviews on the downloads we had a viewer and a couple of votes on this isn't a good idea to pay some money for artificial downloads in reviews and I guess when you're doing research how do you know if some of these numbers maybe are inflated or they're not a genuine number maybe somebody has paid for reviews or downloads is there any way to be on the lookout for that when you're doing research it's a really good question the the short answer is there is very few people that are going spend no a lot of money on reviews when you get to one hundred two hundred level the second thing to look at is are they all reviews within the same like two week period which because of you know you're not gonna pay someone to do a june twelfth two thousand fourteen of you and a june eighteen two thousand you don't do that over the course of a year especially with only one hundred reviews so it's it's pretty easy to extrapolated when reviews are fake you can also if you read through them fake reviews tend to have the same syntax same word count he was the same places for the comma you know the sentences are written the same way it's it's 00:20:01.112 --> 00:20:04. not that hard to see what's going on there also typically 00:20:04.54 --> 00:20:06. four five star reviews that's why going after two 00:20:06.86 --> 00:20:09. and three star views you're not gonna pay someone 00:20:09.13 --> 00:20:11. to give you a three star yes holly you know that's 00:20:11.58 --> 00:20:13. why that's why you always go there 00:20:15.0 --> 00:20:17. so yeah that's what it's about 00:20:19.3 --> 00:20:21. questions here from our students you guys all good 00:20:22.6 --> 00:20:25. cool all right great. So that's that's the market 00:20:25.54 --> 00:20:29. research right and there's as you dig into this and 00:20:29.09 --> 00:20:32. as you dig into the app annie in the ap topia and 00:20:32.81 --> 00:20:35. everything else you khun recon really crystallize 00:20:35.3 --> 00:20:37. this and you bake it into your business model you 00:20:37.1 --> 00:20:40. figure out what what type of app you want teo and 00:20:40.77 --> 00:20:43. then you're really off the races at that point there's 00:20:43.38 --> 00:20:46. no reason not to get started after you've done all 00:20:46.96 --> 00:20:50. this work and you have a really really good sense 00:20:50.66 --> 00:20:53. of where it's going to go and I can promise you just 00:20:53.86 --> 00:20:56. doing these exercises alone will put you ahead of 00:20:57.3 --> 00:21:01. ninety percent of people who have an app idea who 00:21:01.06 --> 00:21:02. say they want to get started and who really never 00:21:02.88 --> 00:21:06. d'oh so just going through these this process will 00:21:07.2 --> 00:21:08. start to open your eyes and say hey I can make this 00:21:08.85 --> 00:21:11. happen who cares if there's three million aps out 00:21:11.5 --> 00:21:15. there I can still find opportunities I can still make 00:21:15.31 --> 00:21:19. this happen I could still be successful with aps still 00:21:19.63 --> 00:21:23. quick overview of what we just learned here so we 00:21:23.96 --> 00:21:25. talked about what the app store is and how you'll 00:21:25.94 --> 00:21:28. fit in, right? So now that we did the market research 00:21:28.73 --> 00:21:30. and we talked about how aps are going to live in the 00:21:30.76 --> 00:21:33. app store, you can see how it's important to understand 00:21:33.7 --> 00:21:35. the mechanics of the app store and how you're going 00:21:35.5 --> 00:21:38. to be a part of it. We talked about which type of 00:21:38.91 --> 00:21:41. business you will build, so if you go through an exercise 00:21:41.53 --> 00:21:44. and just write out what what would it look like if 00:21:44.22 --> 00:21:47. I did all three of these just do it for as one day 00:21:47.55 --> 00:21:50. exercise you will be able to determine hey, one of 00:21:50.56 --> 00:21:52. these is really appealing to me and you'll be on this 00:21:52.06 --> 00:21:52. side on that 00:21:53.8 --> 00:21:56. you've seen how others have been successful, three 00:21:56.76 --> 00:21:58. different projects that we've done with different 00:21:58.97 --> 00:22:02. teams and using all three of these different business 00:22:02.0 --> 00:22:06. models and also how you could easily do any of these 00:22:06.62 --> 00:22:07. that you want to 00:22:08.42 --> 00:22:11. and fourth and probably most importantly, is how to 00:22:11.38 --> 00:22:14. find really great app ideas and opportunities. So 00:22:14.84 --> 00:22:17. going into the app store going and doing a research 00:22:17.22 --> 00:22:19. signing up for these free accounts and just starting 00:22:19.22 --> 00:22:22. to get used to saying, okay, now I'm going to go from 00:22:22.88 --> 00:22:27. I haven't idea too I have an opportunity and that's 00:22:27.02 --> 00:22:30. a huge step to take in the business and one that will 00:22:30.52 --> 00:22:33. really get things going for you so that it can make 00:22:33.47 --> 00:22:33. it happen
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Ratings and Reviews
This was a great class!! If you're thinking about launching your own app, this is the best first step you can take! It is a comprehensive lesson that takes you from the moment you get an idea all the way up to monetizing your app. Highly recommended!
Lots and lots of information, I can't wait to listen to it again, so it can really sink in. Wow what a great course.