Lesson Info
16. Formatting Concept Work for Presentation
Course Introduction
02:54 2What is a Logo?
06:26 3Standard Logo Types
30:16 4Defining the Project
09:25 5Formulating a Creative Brief
03:51 6Logo Design Research
25:25 7Brainstorming: Word Mapping
28:55 8Brainstorming Logo Ideas
16:04Thumbnail Sketches
37:17 10Exploring Type Solutions
17:59 11Manipulating and Customizing Letterforms
21:58 12Drawing and Manipulating Letterforms in Illustrator
22:59 13Logo Execution Styles
09:03 14Logo Explorations in Illustrator
27:31 15Considerations for Applying Color
08:04 16Formatting Concept Work for Presentation
10:22 17Tips for Presenting to the Client
04:36 18Preparation of Final Artwork Files
13:24 19Logo Standards
12:04 20Copyright and Trademark Basics
09:10 21Contract Basics
07:26 22Final Thoughts
02:25Lesson Info
Formatting Concept Work for Presentation
Okay, we're gonna get into um now that your logo was uh in the form that you can show the client it's in comp form stage uh talk a little about uh going through that process and preparing for that process of presenting work to the client um so I always show the logo in like the most important application or at least a basic application like it's going to get applied to the stationery system it's going to be on business cards and letterheads if nothing else um so I like to use that to try and sell the concept that I like unless you know, unless in the contract or the proposal that I have said that I'm going to show you know each of these concepts in context I I generally just trying to do that to you know, help the client visualize how this is actually gonna work and the applications that he needed that they needed to work in um so I've just used example of, uh, of stationary um uh it's really easy it's really easy to mock up uh again it's probably going to first thing that they put it ...
on his business cards so they could get a feel for that on again it's you know, you want to be careful the number of colors that you use you don't want to make concepts dependent on, you know, a number of different colors for the reasons that I just mentioned and you know, even if the design is great if it's going to be too expensive for the client uh that made you know, baby make it thrown out with the bath water um faras presenting work this is another one my favorite quotes presentation is half the art I don't know who said it I just bought it on the postcard was on a postcard on and you know, there's also the saying that good work sells itself well over the twenty plus years I've been in the business, I've come to realize that that's not that's you know the exception rather than the rule um so you really want to think through your presentation it's good to know like where and where you're going to present and how many people are going to be there on dh you know, whether it's a conference room if there's technology or not obviously the bigger the room uh the more people there you made into use, you know, something apart like a power point reject or something at whatever they have available. So you know, you want to you wantto tailor it to the you know, to the circumstances that you're going to be subject to um I always if at all possible, um I would present in person and I know like if you're working with somebody that's a distance a small business you know everybody's busy that that's that may not happen but if that can't happen that I would like insist on doing a skype thing um rather than you know they're just sending them the thing and then like waiting for feedback or doing a follow up call on the one reason one of the main reasons I think it's important to present in person is if you're in the other scenario where you're at a distance and you have to send the work off they will see it you know they will see it and react to it before you have a chance to present it and explained the rationale and so you know they're likely make judgments you know if there's a you know a period of time between when they get it and when you present you know they may have shown it you know they may have shown it had meetings and you know it's not gonna matter a whole lot what you say because they've already you know locked in on uh one of the concept so it's always good to be able to explain the rationale to kind of marry it back to the project calls to how it meets the you know meets their objectives and and will be appealing to their target market so if at all possible I'd recommend presenting in person um and also um I wouldn't make copies of your presentation as a leave behind. For however many people are going to be um from many people are going to be in the meeting um another reason you want to do this and we'll see it's some of the rationale behind what's actually in the presentation format is it chances are there's somebody that's important that needs to see this presentation that's not going to be present that it's going to get presented by someone else also gives them the opportunity to you know, to make to make notes to follow along with your presentation so some considerations for for mounting your artwork um if you're presenting person um I would probably use a tabloid size format um because otherwise, like here I'm showing different ideations of the logo of two color of one color of it reversed and you want to show it in a decent size um and so if I win tonight at eleven, then I'm going to actually have tohave like separate pages for, you know, for the different color breaks and so forth because I will see the second there's other information that you want to have on the, uh on the presentation pages back that's that's actually one of the bonuses that comes with purchase of the classes you're going to get one of those as the pdf ce so you can take a closer look at that if you purchase the class that kind of gives you the outline of the logo presentation so that comes when you purchase any time access and you'll see it as a downloadable pdf in the bonus download section all right, but it's a nice size you know you can you know if you don't have ah tabloid sized printer you can always get you know you can always get go to kinko's they're really reasonably priced on color prints they let you walk out and, you know, print directly from a flash drive right to their, uh, laser printers um and also normally just because it's readily available have the have the pages spiral bound and I would do a cover a swell you know how much you want design that is up to you but basically just needs to have the name of the project uh, you know, the presentation date um, just for reference um you want tohave on each each page you want tohave you know, even if its applications of one of the concepts you wantto have reference to which concept they're looking to because chances are you know, even if you meet in person and have ah presentation, they're not going to make a decision that day again, they're probably gonna have to show it to other people and get feedback and consensus and they're going to come back to you with recommendations and possibly wanting to see uh it wanting to see some revisions or whatever so just to make sure that he's on the same page you want clearly mark which concept is which um and this information is like it's it's bigger than it needs to be here but I did it just for the sake so that it shows up on screen um so it doesn't need to you know, to take up a lot of real estate but it should be on there then um you want to have ah brief concept rationale for each direction that you're presenting um it could be just a couple of just a couple of sentences you want to point out its uniqueness how it meets the client's project the project objectives and again if in the event that you're presenting to someone and there's some of them might be someone higher up that they report to or they might actually have to then doing internal internal presentation if you were just to rely on them to remember what you said in the meeting you know a week later whatever it's just not going toe you know it's just not going it's not gonna happen so you you want right a real strong clear, concise rationale for each concept and have that on there for for they're reference it also haven't issue date because it's not uncommon to come back and do you know even if it's not a presentation you're going to get and you're probably gonna have revisions they have color changes or just you know you're probably gonna have a few rounds of tweaks before it's final and so you're gonna want to use the same format and just so that you make sure that they you know they can identify which is the latest um latest version also if you're you know if you're putting deadlines for presentations and so forth and your proposal it just confirms that you've met you know that you've met your deadline and again you might you might put in your proposal that you know the presentation needs toe first presentation and concept presentation needs to happen between these states and these dates and then you know um next steps need to happen by the state and that day so just it's um clarifying confirmed that you I met your requirements as far as deadlines on also just have your have your information on there if you have ah you know logo for your business and contact information you never know like beyond the initial use of this and beyond the initial presentation whose hands this is gonna end up in so you know um your client somebody that works there might take this home and then his wife season and show that I mean it just it's weird how sometimes uh work find you um so you always want you know I'm gonna make sure that you um have your idea on there
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
It's an excellent beginning class, as is stated by the instructor during his introduction. This class has several facets, and only someone with zero knowledge would need them all. There were some really wonderful information shared on how to ferret the needed information on the clint and competition. If you are looking to better serve a client this is a great class. For those looking for an advanced class this would not be a good fit, as this is only a beginner class.
Rajat Shanbhag
It is an excellent class that has all the foundations laid out precisely and concisely. I really appreciate Tim putting in all the effort and simplifying the process for beginners and pro's alike.