BONUS: Step-by-Step Instructions for a DIY Scrim
Lesson 28 from: Lightweight Location LightingKevin Kubota

BONUS: Step-by-Step Instructions for a DIY Scrim
Lesson 28 from: Lightweight Location LightingKevin Kubota
Lesson Info
28. BONUS: Step-by-Step Instructions for a DIY Scrim
Day 1
1Lighting 101
49:48 2Lighting Gear
22:13 3Speedlights
10:38 4Creating Your Own Window Light
38:15 5Lighting Kits
16:29 6Additional Lighting Gear
19:44 7Shoot: Window Light, Reflector, Softbox, and Flashligh
40:17Postprocessing and Q&A
20:27 9Shoot: DIY Scrim and Hair Light
27:26 10End of Day Q&A
14:39 11Reviewing Yesterday's Images
20:24 12Shoot: First Dance
29:49 13Shoot: Candle Lit Dinner
31:55 14Shoot: Couple Portrait
31:44 15Shoot: Groups
31:06 16Shoot: Styled Engagement Shoot
28:22 17General Q&A
24:21 18Shoot: 50s Housewife
32:20 19Student Shoot: 50s Housewife (with Attitude)
26:24 20Shoot: 50s Beauty & Image Review
21:56 21Yesterday's Image Review
20:50 22Shoot: Classic Bridals (Lightbox Setup)
51:43 23Shoot: Steampunk (Mecca)
37:15 24Student Shoot: Steampunk (Mecca)
15:58 25Shoot: Alley Steampunk (Group)
36:47 26Shoot: Rooftop Steampunk (Mecca & Melissa)
39:13 27Rooftop Shoot Q&A
23:57 28BONUS: Step-by-Step Instructions for a DIY Scrim
12:21Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
BONUS: Step-by-Step Instructions for a DIY Scrim
I love buying gadgets and yet so sometimes I can't really afford all the gadgets they really get so I'll make it myself like that was a good example of that these air great devices to using your studio location and I have store bought versions of here's a photo flex like tunnel right here that I've had for many years and I love him I use them all the time we have this project come up once where we had a bunch photographers we got charity shoot down apart and we needed like ten of these light panels we couldn't afford tto order on get them all at times we just decided to make our own so we did a do it yourself and went down to local hardware store I made several actually for fishing so they're cheap they're not quite as good as the store bob once as far as being lightweight and portable for example this photo flex version here is made from aluminum pulls apart collapses it's easy to carry easy put back together very sturdy and wind and it comes with these diffusion or reflector fabrics ...
there's different types of fabrics there's a gold surface silver surface and so they're very very useful but it's also not everything everybody's budget so if you're on a budget maybe you want to try out some light panels to see if you like and you use them and then maybe invest in better call and one like lota flex then that's why I do it yourself it's the way to go like donald are great for diffusing the sunlight you can use them outdoors you could use it in a studio or on location you can fire speed like to them studio stroh's makes his beautiful gorgeous window light soft and wrapping one of my favorite most versatile lady tools so the photo flex version is here and we did our do it yourself version to match the size of the photo flex it's exactly the same so that we can interchange the fabrics if we need to so if you don't know how to sew a corner on or if you can't find the fabric a little fabric store you could just by the factories and photo flex and use your own frames to make you friends that's a great way to combine them together I have both use them sometimes together combined several frames to make a big lighting source or if you have other people you're working for give them each a frame to use for lighting situation works great so we could make one of these in just a little bit of time a little bit of money so let's go shopping shopping you went shopping theo here's a list of things you're gonna need to buy three ten foot sections of three quarter inch pvc pipe it's cost about six fifty need for elbow joints buck seventy two t fittings and that's gonna be eighty five cents then you're probably gonna need some ripstop nylon sixty inches by two yards will work perfect an elastic cord to run through the pipe katie grand total twenty bucks eighty five cents here's a list of the tools you're going to need you need a small hacks off you need a mark up in probably gonna want to tape measure some instant glue and a sewing machine but if you don't have one then you need a body that has a sewing machine a quick trip to the hardware stores where you want to get it started all right so we need some pvc pipe check this out we're gonna get the three quarter inch diameter plate and I want the one that it's a little thicker around the edges here it's a higher rating soon about four hundred eighty five hundred p s I rating so the walls are thicker which makes it just a little stiffer and they're coming ten foot links excuse the three quarter diameter outside dander on its ten foot length probably gonna need about three of these to make the frame around the edges as well as a crossbar to support the frame so all we need is pretty cheap just three just know your adjuster were also need some elbow joints so just need these press on though these air three quarter inch to match the tubing and ninety degree elbows and so we're going to get four of these for each corner okay elbows way also going to get some of these t fittings three quarter inch press on t fittings and this will be in the middle with the option to put across bar for support so there's a kind of break up our long six foot sections into three foot sections so get two of these all right you have like eight toolboxes already honey this one's different good right here battery power blowers e my friend vicky gave me the idea of using this in the studio to blow people blow their hair but the dress make kids laugh who battery powered goes anywhere great tool get one of these this gives me an idea what do you see any stuff some sales way gloves way don't need love came while making a scrim cream is on sale some elastic so we're probably gonna use is just this heavy duty about one inch wide elastic on dh well when you get about three feet of this one inch elastic this's a nice heavy duty one that wear out anytime soon it's an elastic cord probably need about twenty feet this is just to run through the pipe inside the pipe to help hold the pieces together so if you find a little thicker one that I work too but uh it's really just meant to hold the pieces from getting lost and separated make it easier to symbol the whole thing way huh we're looking for some ripstop nylon this is good stuff tent on your back feels good way ripstop nylon white ones good it's translucent on sixty inches wide which is plenty wide enough and you're gonna need about six feet long and if you want to get two of them sometimes it's nice to make two of the same so if you want a double diffusion for extra softness you could actually layer two together one on top of the other so you may wanna get twelve feet okay so we've gathered all of our supplies here and the first thing we're gonna do is make some measurements and cut the bbc plate and basically what you want to do is make out of each ten foot section a thirty four inch section another thirty foreign section and a thirty six and a half inch section c that they're all right and that'll give me two verticals and one horizontal her ten foot section we got two verticals on the left two verticals on the right horizontal bar at the top floor is out of bart bottom one horizontal bar for the middle for a support brace it's an optional piece but we'll make it easily snapped that in and out so this will make about half of the frame so we need to cut each ten foot section just like this and they will have a leftover single thirty six and a half inch needs to cut from the third piece of fight all right so let's get started marking it off all right now that you have all your pieces cut you've got four thirty four inch pieces and three thirty six and a half inch pieces this is lay it out so you can see what you're whole set up's gonna look like so put our vertical piece here this is where the tea joint's gonna go that'll go there that's what you're finished frame's gonna look like all right you don't really have to glue them because when you press these joints in together here they are pretty sticky I mean they're they're hard enough to get a part uh I like to just glue one side of the joint because you really don't need to separate all of it all the time and that way you'll only need to pull off one side and just kind of keeps all your pieces from mine after you glue the joints on its ah nice little handy tip to mark which side is not glued maybe a little arrow like that or something and that just helps that you remember which side to actually pull out which parts separates you don't end up pulling on the glued in forever and realizing it's glued it is helpful just to make a little area and you could make a little happy face if you want or you can say pull okay our last step is to run our elastic through the middle of the pipe and again this is not absolutely necessary if you don't want to put elastic in we have to but it helps to keep the pieces together so they don't fall into different places and when you're assembling it on the scene it's much quicker because everything is already kind of located in the right place I just need to press fit little joins together and you're good to go around this elastic through all the edges of the surrounding two beings not the middle about the middle piece and when you come to the end pull it rather tight and tie it off so let's do that once you've got your elastic all the way through you want to pull it so there's some tension on it so it helps to keep the pieces connected so pull it rather tight so there's some tension uh and all the joints are actually touching each other and then tie it off don't you got your elastic tied off the frame easily collapsing when you're ready to go just pulling pieces up just like that and into your camera bag and the nice thing again about the elastic is that keeps everything in the right spot so that when you're ready to disable it lay it out on a flat surface helps you to get here joint square and just lightly press fit the pieces into the tubes and your frame is ready to go ready for fabric so once you have your nylon fabric cut out you're gonna take your elastic pieces and just sew them across the corner right here little stitch they're all still there you just wanted bagnall and that'll hold it on to the frame you can wrap this on to your frame so what elastic on each corner so I need to do if you're not a handy so earth and needed a friend here's your completed panel ready diffuse your light and create beautiful soft wrapping window light just about anywhere have fun with it go create beautiful light
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Ratings and Reviews
Karen Witter
I LOVED this class and I don't hesitate to recommend it! Kevin did a great job explaining how to incorporate additional lighting for on-location shoots and what those items would be. Then he illustrated those ideas for the class in various types of shoots. I loved the gear he recommended and especially his DIY suggestions. He has a great sense of humor and I felt like I was right there in the class. I would highly recommend this class to anyone who shoots on location and wants to make sure they're not only using the best lighting options but also the best lightweight lighting options.
I am enjoying this course so much!!! I am 100% happy with it. I just became a big fan of Kevin ! Great personality! Makes the use of flash a breeze. I just want to go outside with my gear and have fun now! thank you.
Maxx Walske
This workshop is fantastic! Kevin goes over every little detail you need to know for Lightweight Location Lighting. He shoots during the workshop, instantly shows the image and talks through how to see the light and make the proper adjustments for a fantastic image. He includes details about all his gear and post-processing tips, too! Kevin is incredibly inspiring! The course is easy to follow, fun and worth every penny!
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