Lesson Info
19. Sharing Images
01:59 2Lightroom vs Lightroom Classic
05:07 3Lightroom Overview
27:08 4Lightroom Mobile Overview
15:16 5Lightroom Web Overview
06:14 6Importing
07:22 7Organizing Images
18:49 8Searching for Images
15:00Lesson Info
Sharing Images
and once you're finished with editing your images then it's a matter of finding them and sharing them. And we've already talked a lot about finding images. We've talked about making sure that you organize them in a way that allows you to find them really easily. But then once we have edited images it's just a matter of finding those images and sharing them. And there are a lot of different ways to share from within Lightroom. And of course you can share them from your desktop, you can share them from your tablet, you can share them from your phone and you can share them from the web. Uh and it's all very very similar in the way that you share. Um So let's talk about sharing from desktop and then I'll show you how to share from mobile as well. So in any given album like for instance in our art ideas album we can do two different things. We can right click the album itself and we can share those to a service. So for instance I can share these to blur books and it will upload them to blur...
books and allow me to make a book there. Um I can share it to smugmug which is a website creation tool. I can also share to my adobe portfolio site as well as to my printer white house custom color and there's also other connections that you can make and then those are continually increasing the number of connections. And so um just look there see if anyone that you want to connect to has made a plug in for that. But basically what happens is that shares those images to a service that's online. And then you can use your images in that online service. The other way to share is through the share and invite. So when I click share and invite, it gives me this dialog box and in the dialog box I can get a share of a link. So once I click that now it's live and I could share this link and it's creating a page basically for anybody to look at that has all of these images on it. And I can choose how people can see it. Either anyone can view it or by invite only. And then of course I click on the button here to copy that address and then I can invite by email. I can send someone an email. I can customize the web itself by clicking on this title and changing it. I can change the author so that people know that Jared Platt is the author of the site. Um, I can also change the theme. Whether I want a photo grid, a column or one up. I'm gonna stick with photo grid and the appearance can either be dark or light. So I'm choosing how to show that website and then I can also change the settings. So for instance, I can allow people to download jpeg or not. I can show the metadata or not. I can show the location or not. And I can also allow comments and likes or not. So I prefer to allow comments and likes so that people can comment back on them. And also it's really great for proofing with clients. So once I've chosen all of my options here, um I can go see the website. So if I customize and click on customize on the web, it's actually going to open up that website for me. There it is. So there's my website and I can customize that Anyway, I like I can change the way it looks. I can change it to one picture at a time. I can change the dark and light theme. I'm going to turn it back to the original and I can change the title, I could also create a cover. So I can use a cover. And instead of a background, I'm going to make a hero image and then that hero image, let's go up and see what it shows. It shows that that's fine as a hero image. But I actually would rather have say this, let's make this the hero image. So I'm going to click on that little check box on the top right hand corner and then right up here in the blue that comes up, I'm going to say set that as the cover. And now when I go to the top, that's the cover, which is a very artsy image. And so that's good for art ideas and maybe I should change that name from our ideas to um art photographs there. So it's pretty easy to change everything. Plus I can go in and I can simply click this little plus button in between any of these images. So by clicking on that it adds a section area and then I can change that text. So if I want to write a heading, I can write a heading. If I want to write a subtitle or just normal text, I can do that. So I can say let's just go for fog. So now I've got a section that says fog and then I can go down here to this one and click on that plus button and I can change this heading to ah blur. So I have the ability to do a lot of interesting work here. Almost a blog style thing. I could, I could write some information about how I like fog and then I could go down here and write some information about how I created this blurry sight. And the great thing is is that then once I'm done with that, I can take that link that I copied out and I can send that to whomever. I would like to see this page and they can come in and they comment on it. They can download, if I allow them download, they can choose images, they can add hearts to the images and then I'll be able to see those hearts when I look inside of Lightroom. Um so all of those abilities are really awesome for sharing images. So this is a really great option for sharing a group of images because you can make a very customized beautiful website instantaneously because the images are already in the cloud. So all you have to do is just toggle it on and choose a couple of styles and you're done. So if you don't have a website right now, or if you don't like your website right now, you can always send individual projects to people like family and friends and they can look through them and then you can take them down anytime. So when I come back to Lightroom, you'll see that there's a new little icon on it that's on the bottom right hand corner of the thumbnail and that tells me that that is a shared collection. It's shared out to the World Wide Web. And so if I want to stop sharing it, I simply right click it again, go to the share and invite option. And then I just click on, stop sharing it will no longer share that particular album. Now, if I wanted to just share one image, I can click on that one image and then I click on the share button on the top right hand corner and then I have a whole bunch of different ways to share that image. So I can get a link and that link will send it directly to someone and they can see that one photograph. I can invite people to that same link. Um or I can share this through connections so I can send it to white house custom color to print. I could add it to my portfolio on adobe portfolio smugmug or I could send that one image to blurb which would make a lot of sense because one image in a book doesn't make sense. Um So I have a lot of abilities there. I also have the ability to share it to the discover community, which is a really interesting way of sharing an image that you did something cool too because it will show you, it'll show the community what you did and it'll actually show the steps you took to make the image. So that's a possibility. And then you have the ability to export these images so you can export it with the previous settings. So whatever you did last, it will use, you can export the original plus the settings. So that means it would take the original raw image plus a sidecar X. M. P. File and it would send them out to a disk wherever you wanted them to go. So if you click on that it's going to say where do you want to send it? And then when it's done it's going to have a original raw image plus a sidecar X and P that tells uh someone what you did to that image in raw Then you have the ability to send out a small or large Jpeg. The large Jpeg is 100% quality. Um The small Jpeg is a 2000 pixel file, 2048 pixel file at 90% quality. And it's for things like instagram. Um So you can send that out or you can customize the settings. So if you click on custom it opens up and says how do you want to send this out? This is what it looks like. Uh you want to send it as a jpeg? How big do you want to full size or custom? So then I can choose the exact pixels or inches that I want to send it out in. And also I can tell it that I want it to be a 300 D. P. I. Image. I can set the quality and I can include a watermark if I want and I can edit that watermark here in the edit area which notice that I have a JP logo on on the bottom left hand corner. I can choose to put it on the top right. Um I can change the size of that logo and and the way that you put that logo in is right here, see that says please choose a PNG or a jpeg if you click on it. If you if you choose a PNG it can be a transparent logo. Like the one I have if you choose a J Peg it is a non transparent and so it's going to be like a square. Um So I would try and make yours a PNG so you can have a signature but you're going to click on that little folder and then you'll go to your computer and you'll find the image or the logo, whether it's a PNG or Jpeg and then it will be included right here. So I'm gonna cancel out of there. I don't want a watermark included. Um And then I have some more options like for instance, do I include all the metadata or just the copyright information? Do I use the original file name or do I use some other file name? Um Do I use some output sharpening? And what color space do I send it out as usual. Es RgB is the right color space because you're sending out to the web or to print. But if you're sending it to a designer or someone like that that needs all of the information then RgB or Adobe. Rgb or pro photo. RgB is more appropriate but usually it's going to be S RGB and then you just click export and it's going to send that file out. So those are the ways that you will share your images with people. Um I love the option of sharing an entire album with people and so I do that all the time. Um I don't often share one image at a time, but it's a very useful option when you want to show someone something really quickly. All you have to do is just go to that one image, click on it, click share. Get a link. Once you have the link, you can customize what people can do with it. Can they download it if you want them to download it, That's great. Then copy and hit done. And there's a link to this image now ready to go and then I just send it via email or text to someone and they can do whatever they want with it. So that's the way that you share images within Lightroom desktop. Now, if you happen to be on a phone and you want to share an image, then you would scroll through and find the image that you want to share. So let's say I want to share this image with somebody or the world. Um I'm going to click the upper top right hand corner. I'm going to click on that share button which looks exactly like the share button that's inside of Lightroom desktop and there's all my sharing options again. But this time I have something extra and the extra thing I have is this share to option so and by the way they see these little setting panels over here on the right hand side, you those allow you to choose what the settings for that exports are. So if I click on those instead of clicking over here, if I click over here, I get to choose what the settings are going to be for that kind of an export. So you set those once and then you forget about them and they're always the same. But then you click on share too and it makes the jpeg that it's going to send out to share and once it's finished making that jpeg it's going to open up a dialogue that allows you to choose what you're sharing it too. And so now I can share it to people via text. I can share any with any of my applications. So notice that I can share to instagram, I can share it later. I can share it to be hands, I can share all across the board to every app that I have access to. Plus I can do all of these things as well. I can copy the image, I can save the image, I can print the image, um I can send it to all sorts of different options down here um and I can edit those options as well. So just be aware that not only do you have the ability to get a link and invite people, you can also open it in or share it too. Another application, you can export it to your camera roll, you can export it to files, you can share the edit just like you can inside a lightroom desktop and you can do the custom export as option that allows you to choose exactly what kind of file you're sending out just in case you happen to be on your phone. And someone calls you and says, hey, can you send me a, a tiff version of that photo that I love so much. You can simply click on tiff, you can say, yep, I'm gonna send you the largest available dimension, I'm gonna send you a 16 bit um and I'm gonna have no compression on it and I'm going to hit the check box and then that's going to export a file. I can put it right into my files on my phone and then simply email it or send it out or even airdrop it to them. So that's how easy it is to share your images, whether you're on your phone, your tablet or on your desktop computer or even on the web. It's very simple to share. So I encourage you to just share
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Ratings and Reviews
Jean McMillan
Thoroughly enjoyed your class, have learned so much about how take my Ipad to another level, now can't wait to put it all into practise!
Red Tulip
Sometimes it's hard to know what the instructor is pointing to so it's easy to get confused. Better job is needed in explaining what you are pointing to.
a Creativelive Student
This course is Apple centric. If you're an Android owner, be aware that the arrangement of Preferences and some other settings are different and you'll need to explore the menus (lines & dots) on your device to find the equivalents.