Lesson Info
26. Publish Services
Class Overview
05:48 2What Is Lightroom Classic?
03:18 3Lightroom Classic vs. Lightroom vs. Photoshop
07:34 4Shortcut Keys
08:33 5An Overview of the Interface
11:48 6The Catalog System
09:34 7A Look Under the Hood
11:04 8Workflow and Presets
02:42Library Module Overview
07:44 10Library Module: Importing
50:13 11Library Module: Organizing Your Images
27:57 12Library Module: Picking Winners
20:18 13Collections and Collection Sets
23:52 14Develop Module Overview
11:14 15Develop Module: Global Changes
34:36 16Develop Module: Local Changes
42:37 17Virtual Copies
14:19 18Building A Develop Preset
14:38 19Exporting and Export Presets
32:32 20Creating a Watermark
17:53 21Creating an Import Preset
10:28 22Photoshop/Lightroom Integration
32:30 23Catalog vs Lightroom Preferences
21:35 24Managing Catalogs
30:08 25Tethered Shooting
14:37 26Publish Services
13:52 27The Map Module
12:32 28The Book Module
15:38 29The Slideshow Module
25:50 30The Print Module
20:15 31The Web Module
11:03 32Creative Cloud Integration
11:03 33Class Wrap Up
01:13Lesson Info
Publish Services
publishing services is a section, it's a tool in light room classic that sort of exporting on steroids. It's keeping certain photos always in sync with an external hard drive or published service like adobe stock or flicker or a bunch of other services that you can use. And there's something that some people never ever use and something that some people use non stop. And so I use published services uh, for video editing. And I don't think a week has gone by in the last eight years or 10 years that I haven't used published services. So let me show you the difference between published services and exporting. So I've just made a couple of bullet points here. Um, so it is exporting on steroids. So it is essentially the same thing as creating an export preset except for it keeps things in sync. And so I'll show you that and then you can keep services or folders in sync. And so as you're updating things, the folders will also update. And these are catalogs specific. So if you set up some pub...
lished services in catalog number one, they are not specifically, they're not going to be in catalog number two. You have to set them up for each catalog. And so and by the way, all these things are updated by adobe over time. And so sometimes things like that change. And so as of this recording, they are specific to each catalog. So let's look and see what these are. So I have all the way down here on the left hand side published services and you can see that they are grayed out. We have adobe stock and flicker and hard drive and this find more services online. That's something that you can click after. I do this demo. You can try this at home and see what other services are out there. So the strategy behind publishing services is when you're exporting something, you take whatever files you export those to a folder and then you upload them or you send them away and then they just sort of are deleted and they go away. So it's a one and done thing. Publish services are different. So public services are the expectation is the files are going to stay in that location. So you might have a file and you export it to this location and it's there. But then you do some new edits and your updated that's gonna stay in sync. And so it's going to stay there. So these are for sinking things like portfolio. So you always want the latest and greatest version or sinking adobe stock. So when you're selling images online, you always want to make sure you have the latest and greatest image out there that you've edited in your room catalog. I use them for video editing. And so what I do is I will select a bunch of video images that I want to include in a video specifically for Adirama TV or maybe a tutorial here on Creative live or for a workshop or something. And sometimes I just know which images that I want to use, but they're not ready for public consumption yet. So what I can do is I can just throw them into that export services folder, publish them, put them in my video timeline. And then what happens is as I update all of those images, it will sink to that folder, which automatically updates my video project. And all of my photos are edited properly so I can actually have placeholders. Also, a thing that I've done when I'm working with video editors, they're saying, hey, we need the, the images that you used for these examples. And I'm like, they're not ready to go yet. I haven't edited those with published services. I can give them the non edited video images as placeholders. And then as I'm editing them and fixing them up and correcting the color, they are in sync. And as they're editing, things are just automatically popping in finished. It's really cool. So let me show you how to do it. So what we're going to do here is we're going to go to publish services and I'm going to click go to Publishing Manager. This is going to give me this little dialogue and this is where you set up all of your different published services. So I'm going to set up one for my hard drive. Now, one thing to remember is these are a little bit different than exports when you set up a public service. Once it's set up, you can't go back and change it because it's keeping everything in sync. It will break that. And so you have to create a new one and you can do a copy of one. But once it's set up, there are very little things, very few things that you can change once it's there, it's sort of like once you've done it, it's set in stone. So get it right the first time. So let's try this. We're going to go into this public service and we are going to call this um, the Machu Picchu book. And in this fake scenario, what I'm doing is I am delivering some photos of Machu Picchu to a designer to include in the book that I've written about Machu Picchu. These photos aren't ready to go, but he needs something to put in the layout. So this is how we're going to do it. So I'm going to export this to a specific folder. So I'm going to choose my export folder. So we did the fake hard drive exports. I think that's really good. And then I'm gonna choose this specific folder, which is Machu Picchu. I will do that and I'll choose that. Okay. And it's gonna ask me if I want to put this in a sub folder. I don't, Machu Picchu is a sub folder so these are always going to go to one specific folder. Now, this tells you, hey, you can't change this once this published connection is created, you cannot change the destination once it's set, it's set in stone. Get it right. Okay. Next, how do we want to rename this? If you're familiar with exporting, this looks very familiar. So what we're going to do here is we're just gonna do file name and sequence, There's not much to it. One of the things I've done, we're gonna break away here. Let me just show you um is when I'm working with video editors, my file naming, sequence pulls from the metadata and my file names will say uh the image. So it'll say the camera number, it'll say the exposure value. So to 50th of a second at I. S. 0. 100 F 4.5 with the 72 200 millimeter lens on this date. It's a huge long file name and I do that so that when the editor is editing the video or I'm reading the, editing the video. If I need to add any kind of text on the screen that and to know exactly what that photo, how I took that photo, I just look at the file name and see, Oh ok I need to add that. This was for and it was at this shutter speed and with this camera and so I don't have to remember what is, what I just name it that by using my metadata. It's really magical. So we could do that by going in and saying edit and pulling things from the metadata like we did before. In fact let's just do it. Why not? So we'll say um 222 see if we have it. Well we might not have it in this thing right here. So I told you I was going to do something that is okay here it is exposure right there. So I'll say exposure. So we have the image name, the sequence and then the exposure so we can insert all kinds of things that date the job etcetera etcetera. So I'm just going to keep it at that just for an example. Um I don't want to include video files. I'm gonna unchecked that. And now how do we want to output this? I want these to be full resolution. I want them to be jpeg files. I want them to be adobe, Rgb, high color. I don't want to resize these, I want them to be their normal size. I don't want to all, let's just sharpen these for glossy paper standard include all the metadata so that my book publisher can do that and no watermark. Okay, all of this is set up and so I will save that. And now down here you can see that we have a Machu Picchu published service. Now, here's the magic of that. So I'm going to take several little photos here and these work like collections and I will drag these into my Machu Picchu published service. You'll see we have new photos to publish. When I click down here on this Machu Picchu published service that says, what do you want to publish these four photos? I will click publish. Okay, those are being published and it's at this point, it's just exporting these like you normally would see. So if I go over to the hard drive, the actual hard drive and we go to the fake hard drive to the exports and we go to Machu Pichu there we have our four photos. There they are. Okay, so now this one is first one right here, it's really overexposed. It needs to have some fixes to it. What I can do is I can go to this image, go to the develop module and we change the exposure a little bit, take the shadows, open that up. We can take, you know, we can do all the stuff that we need to do to change this exposure. This might have been a bad example of things to change, but there we go. We have that will d haze that there we go. Okay, so I'm just doing a really quick edit. Maybe we'll make it black and white just to sort of cover the the glaring issues with this image. There we go, bam, bam, bam. Okay, so now we have a horrible edit of a beautiful place. Now, what will happen is if I go back to the library module, you'll see immediately there is a modified photo to republish. And so light room is keeping track of the different things that I have to republish. So I don't even have to go to this publish service for this to happen. I could be here in all photographs and I could be working, let's say on this photograph. Well let's do this one right here, we'll pull that one in, we'll do some different things here, pull that one in and so now we have more things that need to be sink. I'll have to do is say right click on that and I can say publish now and it's going to resync that I don't have to actually open that to resync that it's going to automatically sync that for me. If I just right click and say publish now. The other thing you can do is you can import smart collection settings and so you can even automate this. Uh, so that it automatically is adding images to a published service. Like a smart collection would and so you could have it look for keywords that were maybe Machu Picchu portfolio or model winner whatever it is. And so it was automatically bringing those in and then you just go in there to your published services and say, hey, published this stuff and it will sink that up. So if we go over here to this, you can see that everything has been published. If I go to this folder, you'll see that everything has been updated. It keeps everything in sync. If I go here, I'm going to uh, hit delete, I'm going to hit delete to remove that from my, uh, my published service collection. And now it's going to say we have a deleted photo to remove. So now when I publish this, what it's going to do is it's going to delete that photo from my external hard drive so you can see that it no longer exists, it's gone. And so it keeps everything in sync. So published services, our exports export presets on steroids, you set them up just like you would an export preset. The only difference is instead of exporting, you're just saying published and it's keeping everything in sync. Not only all the updates you make to the images, but if you take things out, it will delete those as well. So think about it like this. If you have an image that you've exported and it is uh, not ready for publishing and it's out there on a hard drive and then you update it. You might forget to publish that again and it will be out of sync If you use published services. If you update a photo, when you go to that public services, it will tell you these photos have changed and they need to be published again. These photos you've removed, we need to remove them from the external service. So that keeps light room and whatever service you're using in sync. And so I just showed you how to do that on a, uh, an external hard drive or your hard drive. But you can do that same sinking with stock photography with flicker with, there are different online portfolios and websites that allow you to use the same thing to keep your portfolio and sink. You can do that for a different client software and so to learn which things, you can do that with way down here in the lower left hand side, click on find more services online. That will open up adobes, uh, website and it will show you all the services and all those features that are compatible with published services. And they are really, really, it's a really powerful tool to use.
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Ratings and Reviews
Karen Sessions
Great class - excellent content, excellent presentation. Thank you Mark, through this class, I finally understand the difference between Adobe Lightroom Classic, Lightroom and how they work together. And how excellent, there is so much more available to learn - photography essentials, lighting, Adobe products.
This is an excellent class to learn about Lightroom Classic. Since it's not the same as Photoshop, I found Lightroom Classic to be confusing and difficult to intuitively figure out. Mark Wallace is an expert and exceptional teacher for the program and I learned so much today in this free class presentation that I am planning to purchase the program so I can continue to have a solid understanding of Lightroom Classic basics. Thanks, Mark, for inspiring me to get back into computer photo editing with LR Classic!