Securing Images Against Loss Across Products
Lesson 8 from: Lightroom Classic CC for the Professional PhotographerJared Platt

Securing Images Against Loss Across Products
Lesson 8 from: Lightroom Classic CC for the Professional PhotographerJared Platt
Lesson Info
8. Securing Images Against Loss Across Products
What Has Been Updated In Lightroom Classic
29:22 2Q & A - Changes between Lightroom® Classic and Lightroom CC
32:07 3Lightroom CC- Interface Tour
21:17 4Lightroom Classic - Interface Tour
19:57 5New Features in Lightroom Classic
40:34 6Speed Improvements
15:17 7Lightroom Mobile
34:25 8Securing Images Against Loss Across Products
21:08Lesson Info
Securing Images Against Loss Across Products
Okay, so here we are, and we want to do something with this. So it's in the cloud, it's on my phone, or in my iPad or both, but now I want to organize these. So when I get back from a job, my first goal is to come in to my major editing system and this is where I want to start culling images, looking through 'em, zooming in, seeing if they're sharp, adjusting 'em, all of that kind of stuff is done here in my serious editing bay. I can do some kind of flipping through images and I can play with them and I can think about 'em and maybe I could show like a favorite or two to my client, like, "Hey, this is what I'm thinking," or "You might like this photograph." I'm a wedding photographer, so right after the wedding, I'll share two or three or four images. So, like I finished a wedding on Sunday a couple weeks ago in San Jose and then on Monday, I was sharing like my favorites out to them, right? So they get to see some pre, you know, preliminary stuff. So. Now when I get here I want to ac...
tually put them into my workflow. So at this point, I'm going to take them out of here and I'm gonna put them in a job because this is not organized for me. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna highlight that day of shooting, and for this it's two days of shooting. What's in this other day? Oh, that's my mom coming to me. So my mom actually came to CreativeLive for my previous class, the Organizing Your Digital Photo Life, because she's the person I'm trying to teach Lightroom CC to, because Lightroom CC is great for, you know, moms and dads and people who take photos but aren't taking thousands and thousands of photos. It's great for people who are just looking through and working for one, or they, so. So that's who I was teaching. Anyway, so all of these days, this whole CreativeLive experience, is what I want to save as a job. All of that saved came in, and by the way, that image of my mom and I is on the airplane taken with my phone on the regular phone camera which shows up as a JPEG in the camera roll, immediately goes into Lightroom, immediately goes to the cloud, immediately comes down to my computer here in Lightroom Classic. So now I'm gonna highlight all of these photos and I'm gonna go to my Jobs folder and remember, I have my Jobs in my working hard drive and I have all of the images from Lightroom CC coming to my working drive as well. So anytime they come to this computer, they're being backed up inside of a RAID 1 system, so not only do I have the backup in the cloud but I have the backup here on my physical drives 'cause I don't trust things that aren't in my control and so this allows me to trust my hard drives and there's a backup in the cloud, so I have multiple backups. Okay, so I'm gonna go to the jobs and I'm just gonna right-click that Jobs folder and I'm gonna create a job inside of it and I'm gonna call this, and I name mine with the date, so 20171020, let's just call that 22 and then an underscore, and then CL for CreativeLive and then we're gonna call this Lightroom Workshop, and then this little checkbox right here Include selected photos is gonna take every photo from all those folders, and when I hit Create, it's gonna take 'em out of those folders, now those folders have zero photos in them, and it's putting 'em into this one right here. So there's the entire job sitting inside of an organized folder where I want it to be. Now let's go over here. Here we are in CC, Lightroom CC. They're still available here, even though I moved them over there. They're still available because according to Lightroom CC, it's just a bunch of photos by date on a cloud somewhere. In fact, they're probably not even in folders up there in the cloud. They're probably just up there circling around with tags on 'em that say this date, that date, that date because each photo has its date stamped. It's only when we get to me that it's showing to me as By Date, but these are just filters basically. They're not actually physically have to be in a specific place, and most of what we're doing is all by specific albums. So we're just saying I want this to virtually collected in this album. So it's all still available to me here to play with and work on, and if I do anything to these photos, it's gonna be done over there as well, okay? So I have just imported, and by the way, we don't have to show you how to import stuff here and get it over there because we just showed you. So putting your stuff into your iPad is the same as putting your stuff into your Lightroom CC laptop. If you have Lightroom CC on your laptop, it becomes a mobile device, and that's how I use it is as a mobile device. I take stuff and I put it here and that secures it on the cloud. I take stuff and I put it here and it secures it on the cloud, all with the purpose of getting it to here, and once it's here, I'm gonna organize it and put it where it belongs. It's gonna be on a hard drive, so I physically have it with me, and then I'm gonna work on it, and then I'm going to be able to share it out to the world. I'll export JPEGs, I'll post things, I'll put stuff all over, and, as a bonus, everything that's here is also here and also there so that later on, if I decide I'm at my son's baseball game and he's in the dugout and I have nothing to watch, I can flip through and go, "Oh, my client would want to see this," and I can share it out to Instagram or I can share it to their Facebook because it's there and all the editing I did is inside my computer and on my iPad and over on my laptop. It's everywhere I am, and I happen to have left all the devices home, I can go steal Drew's computer and I can log in to Lightroom Web, and I can look for things there. See how fancy and helpful that is? So just because we're only using Lightroom Classic as our main workhorse does not mean we are not going to use these tools, Lightroom CC and Lightroom Mobile, in a very incredibly cool way, which is to secure those files or to work on 'em when we're on the road. Okay, so now I want to prove a couple points to you. This is important. I am going to go on to Lightroom CC, which is connected to the cloud and those were delivered to the cloud and then delivered over to there, and I'm gonna take all of these images and I'm gonna highlight 'em and I'm gonna hit the delete key and I'm gonna delete them. Now it's gonna warn me and say, "Hey, by the way, "deleting these photos is undoable "and it's going to remove it from your Lightroom Photos. "It's gonna remove it from all synced devices "and all albums and all shared galleries," the big red warning right there. (beeps irritatingly) Right, it's really trying to scare me and say, "Don't do this," but I'm gonna do it because I'm done with that job and I don't care about it anymore. I'm done. So I just deleted it, and you can see that it's synchronizing those changes so that it's no longer gonna be available on the cloud, and I'm gonna come here and I'm gonna see that happen here too, so let's go out here, and let's just kind of scan away from that. That's me at Adobe Max. There's this really cool guy that makes these mirror boxes and that's what it does. It's pretty cool. But notice that I can't get to those other ones because they're gone. (sighs) I've just deleted it from my iPad. Crap. But if I go back to Lightroom (gasps), they're still there. This is a perfect delivery system for your photos and it keeps you completely securely backed up until you no longer need to be, and the only time you need to be securely backed up is when you're gonna need to deliver the files. Once you've delivered the files and client has them, now you can just trust your local whatever, and if you want, you can put it back up there. If like you're like, "Okay, but I want the portfolio things "to be back up on the cloud." Great, we're gonna show you that. We're gonna put that back up on the cloud. And all I have to do to put any of these back up on the cloud for easy access is simply go down to my collections and I can just say let's say this cheesecake is what I want, I'm in love with this cheesecake, so now I'm just gonna go to my portfolio and I'm just gonna say, "Okay, this is gonna go "into Behind the Scenes." Now it's back up on the cloud. Now, is it back up on the cloud as a full file? No. It's back up on the cloud because now it has come from Lightroom Classic. Remember, it came from here, got backed up on the cloud from Lightroom CC, got backed up on the cloud, came down here as a full file so I have the full file here and then I deleted it. I deleted it off the cloud. (whistles) And now it's only here, but as soon as I put in a collection and send it back up, it comes as a smart preview. Now here is the brilliance. Lightroom CC comes with one terabyte of storage. If you get the photo plan as currently constituted, you can Photoshop, Lightroom, Lightroom CC, and all of like the mobile apps and stuff and all the connection to the cloud with one terabyte of storage and I believe that right now it's $9.99 a month and I think it goes up in a year. It'll be $14.99 a month or something like that, so. Anyway, you can get that plan with a terabyte of storage. A terabyte of storage will go away really fast if you're uploading everything that you ever shot to the cloud. It will be gone before you know it. That's a problem. But a terabyte of storage to store your portfolio and the stuff you're currently working on, no problem. But here's the awesome little tidbit secret. That one terabyte of storage is only allotted to full-sized photographs. I can put 10,000 smart previews in the cloud and I will not have used one kilobyte of my allotted storage. So the smart previews go into like their own little place and it's unlimited. You put whatever you want up there. It's only the real physical big files that are eating up that allotted storage. So if you just allot it to things that you're working on and things that you need to have constant access to portfolio-wise, you're not gonna fill up that terabyte very quickly, and maybe you might go to two terabytes, but that's about it 'cause if you have a 10 terabyte portfolio that you need access all the time, you actually need help. (audience titters) Okay? And besides that, there's almost no reason for me to have full access to my entire portfolio as full-sized images. There's almost no reason for that because the smart previews will churn off Facebook, Twitter, anything that's going online, smart preview will take care of it. Every single image on my website comes from a smart preview. I constantly am posting stuff on my website from smart previews. They look great. They look absolutely great. The original file is just back at the studio in a hard drive and that hard drive is backed up, right? Okay, so you have the ability then to send full files over to here and then simply remove them from the cloud by deleting 'em off the service but they're still here because the connection, the connection to Lightroom Classic is kind of a down connection. It doesn't synchronize the deletion. It keeps 'em. So Lightroom Classic becomes a final repository for all things. So if you put the drive that's holding that stuff to be a very large drive, you can just keep filling it up, filling it up, filling it up, and even if you delete it from here, it's still over there. So you could be on the road, and let's say you're in Italy and you have an iPad, and that iPad only has so much space in it, and you're just a voracious shooter. You just shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. Great. You shoot, fill up the iPad for the day. Once it's gotten to the cloud, then you could go through and select and keep say 20 photos and delete the rest. They're still all over there at your house. When you get back to your home, you will have all 7,000 photos you shot in Italy but you only kept like 15 or 20 here on your iPad. As long as this little synchronize, as long as this right here, as long as that little synchronized cloud tells you that they are backed up and it's not churning, it just says, "Hey," if I click on it, and it just says, "Everything here is all synced "and backed up," then I can go through and start clicking and deleting and whatever as long as Lightroom is on, and that's the thing, you gotta make sure that Lightroom Classic is always on just sitting there, and it'll start downloading, then you can start selecting and working, and then, just start deleting 'em off of here, and they'll still be over there. Does that make sense? Give it a day or two. I mean, I wouldn't delete it like, I wouldn't upload it and delete it in 10 seconds because you don't know that it got over there, but if you're running out of space and you start deleting some of your outtakes, it's not a big deal, 'cause by the time you start deleting those outtakes, it's gonna be where it's supposed to be. Does that make sense? Yes. So I think you answered my question, which is Lightroom Classic has to be on but means that your desktop, wherever Lightroom Classic is on at your home base, if you're on a vacation taking pictures with your camera, uploading them through your iPad, they're going to be on your iPad, they're starting to fill up your iPad. You go a little bit panicked because now that's being filled up. But if your desktop or whatever you have your Lightroom Classic CC running on is not turned on, is not-- Then you would be deleting it before it got there, yes. Yeah, so you want to, as you go on vacation, you've got to make sure that your computer that's running Lightroom Classic CC is on and running and Lightroom, does this have to be, doesn't have to be open, it has to be, computer has to be on. Computer has to be on. Lightroom has to be running. Okay, so before you go on vacation, turn all of that stuff on, leave it on. What about screen savers, what about-- Screen savers aren't, they're. All I know is Macworld, so PC, you're gonna have to look into that and figure it out but on a Mac, and I'm sure on a PC, you have the ability to tell it, even if you go into screensaver mode, still run the things in the background and always be on, and if, you can also tell it, if for some reason, like say there's a power outage and it shuts off, turn the computer back on and light everything back up and so your system will do that automatically for you but if I were going on a vacation or I was going on, you know, a photo shoot and I was storing these photos in the cloud, and I didn't have someone at the studio checking up on it or someone going to the house and seeing it or just, I mean, you could just simply, you know, have someone looking on a, you know, their laptop, you should light up Lightroom CC on someone else's laptop or your grandma's laptop or whatever, if someone can check on it and make sure it's still running, then you're good. If someone can't check on it, then I would try not to delete anything that I thought I might want and then I would just let it go to the cloud and maybe not delete it, so. It's just, it's something you have to pay attention to but there are settings that will keep that computer running constantly, and my computer's never off. It's always on. I shut it down when I come in to the office, and then start it back up so that it gets refreshed but it's always on, at night, 'cause it's always uploading stuff and downloading stuff and it's just constantly on. It's a workhorse. That's what it's supposed to do. Yeah. I don't think I asked my previous question correctly 'cause it's related to this. You know, I'm kind of considering your graphic there. When you're uploading from CC and from the web, if I'm understanding correctly or maybe I'm not, do you have the ability to sort of bypass the hard drive in terms of keeping files? Are you able to just upload and not store the originals and save the-- If you are on a computer, you can bypass the hard drive completely. I mean, it has to use it for a second. It puts it on a hard drive and then it sends it to the cloud and then it removes it from the hard drive. If you're on an iPad, that's not the case. It's gonna keep it and then it's gonna send it. Now you can go in and then remove the file but it's gonna remove it from the cloud. And then you can't keep the-- So it's not the same situation. So the iPad is keeping whatever you put into it, sending it to the cloud. There, I'm looking right now. That's why I pulled this up. I wanted to see, and I'm not aware of whether or not there is a way with one specific file, and I'll find it very, very quickly. There might be a way to be able to say, on this one photo, don't store it here. Just store it in the cloud. And then that would free up the space for it. There might be a way to do that but I'll have to check and see. I'm not aware of that. I don't use that function. Yeah. Got a couple questions from online. Go for it. Michael wants to know, okay so I still need a cloud backup solution if I'm using Lightroom Classic? Still need to figure out something there to back that up, is that right? If you don't start using Lightroom CC in some way, then you don't have the ability to back up straight from Lightroom-- To the cloud. Classic. But if you don't want to use Lightroom CC, you want to only use Lightroom Classic, remember that you do still have a terabyte in the cloud storage. You just don't have an automatic backup to it, so you could conceivably just put it into your, so when you get the system, when you log in to the system, you do have the ability, let me see if I can find a. (hums) So inside of your hard drive, you have a space right here called Creative Cloud Files. That is your space, and you can put stuff there. So you could back stuff up directly to the Creative Cloud but that would be annoying, whereas you could do it automatically with Lightroom CC to just back stuff up.
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Ratings and Reviews
Really like Jared's teaching style...has a great sense of humor & education to support anything he says. Learned a tremendous amount and feel comfortable & confident that I understand the basics and how to take advantage of the LIGHTROOM ecosystem. Good job....this was my first Creative Live purchase and am very satisfied.
Candy Smith
Jared does a great job of getting over the fear of the changes that my photography friends were talking about when the cloud went into effect. He really encourages you to take full advantage of all that is available with the CC subscription across all your devices. Huge time saver which I appreciate as I have many projects going at the same time. I now travel way more than I thought I would, and Jared helped me move into a more mobil form of editing so I can use my time more wisely.
Before I took this class I used Lightroom Classic CC as a culling tool more than for editing. Jared Platt showed me how to speed up my editing workflow, and rely more on Lightroom Classic and less on Photoshop, which cut my editing time nearly in half. Platt teaches in a holistic style with humor, demonstrations and tons of knowledge that is easy to follow. I really enjoyed this class, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to speed up their workflow or take advantage of the new mobility features that Adobe has added to the Lightroom platforms.