Lightroom Classic - Interface Tour
Lesson 4 from: Lightroom Classic CC for the Professional PhotographerJared Platt

Lightroom Classic - Interface Tour
Lesson 4 from: Lightroom Classic CC for the Professional PhotographerJared Platt
What Has Been Updated In Lightroom Classic
29:22 2Q & A - Changes between Lightroom® Classic and Lightroom CC
32:07 3Lightroom CC- Interface Tour
21:17 4Lightroom Classic - Interface Tour
19:57 5New Features in Lightroom Classic
40:34 6Speed Improvements
15:17 7Lightroom Mobile
34:25 8Securing Images Against Loss Across Products
21:08Lesson Info
Lightroom Classic - Interface Tour
So we just covered the concept of where things are in Lightroom CC and where things are inside of Lightroom Classic, you've seen the import process inside of Lightroom CC, the process in Lightroom Classic, we showed you the import dialogue box, and there's much more that you can do there, but I want to also show you where things come to inside of Lightroom Classic. So you remember, when we put things into our secondary computer, and we uploaded, we didn't have a choice. We imported something, we had very limited choice, we just said yes, these are the ones I want to import. We hit import and they immediately started uploading to the cloud, and that was the full, high-resolution file. That was the full raw file, went up into the cloud, and it went to the cloud and now it's going to come back down, and so I want to show you where it lands inside of Lightroom Classic. So if you have all your computers on and you have Lightroom CC here and you have your iPad with Lightroom Mobile here and ...
you have your desktop with Lightroom Classic here, all of them are going to just get deliveries. It's like little package deliveries, like waiting for the UPS man or whatever, and so it's coming down and we're gonna show you where it's coming down, you ready? So, this is it. Inside of Lightroom Classic, if you go up to your preferences, and I think on a PC the preferences are inside of the Edit menu. So when we go to our preferences, there are a bunch of different panels and one of them is Lightroom CC. If you go to the Lightroom CC panel, you will see that there is information on your login, but then below that, in this area right here, there's specify location for the Lightroom CC ecosystem images. That is where you get to choose exactly where your photos that come from the cloud are going to go. You get to choose it. So, for you, who seem to-- What's your name? Nicole, so Nicole in the audience seems to me to be a control freak when it comes to putting her files in different places. She wants to know exactly where it's going. This is for you. They actually programmed it just for you, it's called the Nicole feature. And in it, you can choose exactly where you want those to go. And Nicole, it's okay, 'cause I'm just like you. I want to know exactly where everything's going, I want to choose it, this is what we do. So we choose where it's gonna go, and you can choose a different hard drive. Here, I have to pretend, because we're not at my studio, but in my studio, I deliver this to my working hard drive, the place where all of my photos go, because when I'm at home, when I'm at the studio and I plug in a job and I want to put that into Lightroom CC, I put it on a specific hard drive and that's my working hard drive. That's where all of my jobs go. In fact, you'll see that hard drive right here. That's it, that's where all of my jobs are. I want it to go to that hard drive. I've switched that a little bit for this lesson, because I have to be here and I don't have my hard drive with me, but what I've done, is I've just went up to my preferences and said, oh, I'm going to be teaching in CreativeLive, I want that stuff to be delivered to a drive that I'm carrying around with me, and so I told it, go to my working catalog C drive, and now it's all going there. And I told it even what folder, from Lightroom CC, that's where I want it to go. So if I set that up, and I can also tell it to use subfolders formatted by date, and I can choose how I want it to do it, or you can just say, don't do that and it'll just put them all in one folder. It's really up to you. By date, or no dates whatsoever, just put them all in a folder and then you can find them. So, I have set that up, and if we go together-- Let me close that working studio drive. See this, from Lightroom CC? That is all of the images that have been transferred from Lightroom CC to here since I switched it over before I came up to Seattle, okay? So now, I can just simply open that up and you can see all of the dates, and I can click on them. So these are some I transferred yesterday, right? So all of that stuff is available, and it's-- I transferred it yesterday, but I shot it yesterday. The date here is based on when it was shot, not based on when it was transferred, that's important. So if I want to look for the one that I just transferred in, it was the six files that were shot on the 16th. So there they are. Now, there's another way you can find them. You can also find them by going down into your collections, and look for the-- Remember, I made a collection while I was importing them here, and I said, import them into my first import. So if I go down to, look-- There's a collection set called From Lightroom Mobile. So anything that comes from Lightroom Mobile or from Lightroom CC, anything that comes from the cloud is always going to be put into a collection from Lightroom Mobile. So it's gonna come from there. And so I just have to search down until I find, there it is, first import. And notice how first import has a sideway lightning bolt on it, because it is connected to the cloud. So I have it, and I click on it, and now there's all the images I just imported from Lightroom CC. And if we look at those images, they are the full original files. See how it says original photo right there? So now, how many copies of this do I have? I have not one over there, because this one's zero percent, remember? It's a traveling computer so it uploaded-- So I have one in the cloud, I have two here because I put it on this drive, so it's one here and one on drive two, so I have two here. So I have three copies, and then if I were to swap this out, I would have four, but then of course-- Oh, you're right, I do have an extra copy in my card. So I have a card, I have a cloud, and then I have two here so I have four total copies right now, just by importing them into once place. Does that make sense? Is that super cool? Love it. Okay, so what is the use case for that, then? Why, as a professional photographer, who uses Lightroom Classic because I want to speed through my workflow and there's a lot of stuff up here-- I use the book module every client. I use the map module every day. I use the develop module and the library module, I use this when I'm doing, like, a wedding and I'm doing immediate slideshows, and I never use that. Well, not true, I use that a lot, but not... It's not every day, it's just when I'm printing stuff to-- You know, art prints or whatever, okay? But I'm using all of these modules a lot, I'm very heavily invested in my workflow and I do it very quickly. In fact, I have entire classes here on CreativeLive just on workflow, so speeding up your workflow. So, where does that fit in for me, then? Why would I use that? If you're sending it to, like, your retoucher? Or an assistant? Good, okay, we're thinking outside the box. So I could be sending stuff to other retouchers and I want it in the cloud, and I want them to be able to access it, especially if it's someone in my studio. They could have access to it, as long as they're signed into my account, they can look at everything I'm working on, they can adjust stuff and it'll adjust right here. That's a great use for it. I'm not sending stuff to a retoucher in that way, but that's a great idea. How else would you use that? If you only have one card in the field and you want to take lots of pictures, and you want to free up memory on the card. Bingo. Okay, so you're a traveling photographer, and let's just say you're not even professional, you just like to travel and you like to take pictures, but you only have a certain limited number of cards. Okay, so say you have three cards, and you fill up one, and you start shooting on the next one. Well, that night at the hotel, you just plug into your iPad or plug into your laptop, and put that card in, ingest all those photos, they're gonna go to the cloud. Maybe you have enough space on this hard drive to keep a copy there, so now you have a copy here, you have a copy in the cloud, and it's going to your home computer, and you have a copy at your home computer. Now you have three copies, you can rewrite that card because you know that it's secure, you know that it's safe. Alright? So that's a great use case for it. Now, in my case, I'm not even trying to reuse my cards. I'm just so freaking paranoid that there's some guy in Florence that still wants to take my bags and he's following me around, and he wants to steal my bags, and he's gonna steal this card. So every time I get a chance, I'm uploading my images here from this computer, up to the cloud, so now I have a copy in the cloud, and now I can put this in a safe place, say, in the hotel safe, or I put one card on my assistant and one card on me so that that's separated. Cause my camera shoots two cards, and I shoot the same raw file to both cards so that I have a duplicate coming out of the camera, and it separates and one goes to my assistant, one goes to me, so as a traveling companion, if I get mugged, he might be able to keep his, vice versa. So we've got two cards on either person, but we've uploaded it into the cloud so now we have two copies here, we have a copy on the computer, a copy in the cloud, so that's four copies, and now when it gets home, five, six copies. Before I ever hit the United States, I've got six copies of my files. So, I just shot a wedding in San Jose, and before I ever came home, I have six copies of those files, before I even work on them. So my clients' images are perfectly secure, right? So, those are the use cases for using Lightroom CC as the input device and bringing it over. But now you see where they come and how easy it is to find them. Now, once you've got them, it's just a matter of putting them where you want them to be and we'll talk about that when we go through the workflow. Alright, so we're going to turn to some questions. So if you have some questions, and we have some questions coming in from the Internet, so let's go to those questions because after the questions, we're going to start going into new features. So, everybody hear that? New features inside of Lightroom Classic, so we're gonna go through all of those new features so that you know what's new inside of Lightroom Classic. So we had a question about the security on the cloud. Security of your images and your account. How secure is it? Okay. It is secure as any other online thing happens to be. It's pretty secure, but there is the chance that someone could hack into your account. Generally speaking, someone who's trying to hack into your account is not hacking into your account because they want to see your photos. They're hacking into your account because you have a credit card somewhere. And so usually, what they're doing is they're hacking into an account and they're looking for personal information, credit card information, social security information, stuff like that. So, they're probably, if they're hacking into Adobe, they're probably going to be hacking into the account side of Adobe for whatever reoccurring charge you're getting on your credit card on a monthly basis, or something like that. That's what they're looking for. So there are very few hackers that would spend their time wanting to see your photos of your kids. They just don't care, it doesn't make money for them so why would they do that? Now, there are certain instances where you might want to double check yourself, and that is, let's say that you have contracts with VIP clients. So I have VIP clients that I can't put stuff on the web. So I may have photographed a wedding and you would never know that I photographed that wedding. Or I've photographed a portrait and you'll never know I photographed that portrait because I have a VIP contract that says I never show those images. Don't even talk about it. So, my clients want absolute anonymity, they want the photos, I deliver the photos on a physical disk, I deliver them in physical prints, and I do not put them anywhere on any clouds, I don't even send them to my printer that's online, my White House Custom, I don't even send them there. I print them, I am in total control of them, because I am honoring a contract with the client that is perfectly anonymous. Alright? So those kind of people, you might want to consider not running those images through the cloud, because if somehow an errant image got somewhere because you pushed the wrong button or shared the wrong thing, that would be a problem for your ability to have clients like that. So, if you have a situation like that, I totally understand, but that's where in Lightroom CC, you can still put it in Lightroom CC, and just don't push that little button to the left hand side of your collection, and it won't be on any clouds. Whereas if you're on CC and you put it on there, it is on the cloud. It's backed up, that's great, but you're running that risk. Now, again, it's not much of a risk. It's a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very small risk, and people are not hacking into your account looking for your photos. I promise you, you are not important enough for that to happen. The only time that you would run a risk of someone looking for those photographs is if it was a major event, and you had put keywords in there that would somehow help-- Someone hacking could someone hack beyond the wall and then find out you had photos of Brad Pitt's divorce or whatever, then suddenly, maybe, someone might be able to find that photo in the haystack, but I would like you to consider the fact that there are billions of photos just in the Adobe sphere, so I'm not really sure they're looking for yours, so. That's the answer, it's a very secure environment, but you always have to be careful, and if you're running a situation like that, maybe you should think about it. Cool. Keepsake Photography asks, "Been using Lightroom for years. What's the best way to update all of your photos from Lightroom to Lightroom CC?" Like, a giant migration of-- Got it. There is a migration tool. In fact, let's just go over to our secondary computer and let's go into Lightroom. And inside of Lightroom, in the File menu, there is a migrate option. So you just simply click on that and choose the catalog you want to migrate from, and it will go and grab everything from there including keywords, including collections, all of that kind of stuff, and bring it in and it will set up Lightroom CC the way you're set up in Lightroom Classic. You won't have the folders anymore because it's gonna organize them based on when they were shot, it'll put them on the hard drive that you've directed it to put them on, and it will then put them up in the cloud. But the albums that it creates down below here, all these albums here will be created based on your collections, and so you will have a very, very similar environment, you'll know where your photos are, and then you can start working in them from there. You can only migrate a catalog one time, so you can migrate catalog one one time, then you can migrate catalog two one time, then catalog three one time. You can't go back to catalog one and work on it again and then migrate it again, because it'll be like well, I don't know which... Do you want me to import photos that have already been... It's just not gonna work. But if you have, like, let's say you're the type of person that used to shoot every single one of your jobs in a different catalog. Well, you could just migrate each catalog in, and as it migrates in, it'll also send it to the cloud. But, be aware that it's not like the old Lightroom Classic version. Lightroom Classic could import photos without copying the photos, okay? So when we import in Lightroom Classic, we import but it just looks at the photos as where they are, it doesn't have to bring them in, it doesn't have to copy them. Whereas, in Lightroom CC, if you put photos into Lightroom CC, it is making a copy and putting it where it wants them to be, so you have to have space for that copy to be made. So I would suggest that when you're starting Lightroom CC, you start with a clean drive and then let it put it on that drive. That's why this is a good idea, having a secondary hard drive that everything goes to, okay? This drive, by the way, is called a ToughTech Duo. Tt's a CRU ToughTech Duo and it's a great system. It's a RAID 1 hard drive so that it has two copies of everything. So if you want to go that direction. If you're on a desktop computer and things aren't gonna move around, you don't need the small one. The ToughTech Duo is a traveling drive. CRU also makes big three and a half inch ones that are like this, and you just put two drives in there. It's less expensive because the drives are less expensive to put in them, and you can put a four terrabyte drive in each slot so you have a four terrabyte RAID 1 system. That's a great way to go, that's what I use at home at my studio, so I use the CRU... I forget the name of it, but if you just search on B and H for the CRU raid one, it'll come up, and it's two drives, four terrabytes apiece. I use a three terrabyte drive but you can get up to four so you can throw four terrabytes in there and you'll have plenty of space to put all the stuff that you're putting into Lightroom CC, so you'll have an entire collection of all your images in that four terrabyte space and on the cloud. And once you get to four terrabytes there, you're gonna have four terrabytes in the cloud, which means you're going to have to keep increasing the size of your cloud, so remember you can start with one terrabyte and then you can start adding onto it after that.
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Ratings and Reviews
Really like Jared's teaching style...has a great sense of humor & education to support anything he says. Learned a tremendous amount and feel comfortable & confident that I understand the basics and how to take advantage of the LIGHTROOM ecosystem. Good job....this was my first Creative Live purchase and am very satisfied.
Candy Smith
Jared does a great job of getting over the fear of the changes that my photography friends were talking about when the cloud went into effect. He really encourages you to take full advantage of all that is available with the CC subscription across all your devices. Huge time saver which I appreciate as I have many projects going at the same time. I now travel way more than I thought I would, and Jared helped me move into a more mobil form of editing so I can use my time more wisely.
Before I took this class I used Lightroom Classic CC as a culling tool more than for editing. Jared Platt showed me how to speed up my editing workflow, and rely more on Lightroom Classic and less on Photoshop, which cut my editing time nearly in half. Platt teaches in a holistic style with humor, demonstrations and tons of knowledge that is easy to follow. I really enjoyed this class, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to speed up their workflow or take advantage of the new mobility features that Adobe has added to the Lightroom platforms.