Lesson Info
2. What is Lightroom CC?
Class Overview
01:41 2What is Lightroom CC?
06:55 3Adding Photos to Lightroom
08:50 4Organizing Photos in Folders and Albums
09:11 5Adobe Sensei – It’s Magic
04:42 6Date and People View
06:15 7Picking Winners
08:45 8Filtering Images
06:17Using Photo Merge for HDR and Panoramas
17:48 10Edit using the Enhance Feature
04:26 11Editing Images: Global Adjustments
28:13 12Editing Images: Local Adjustments
23:45 13Copy and Paste Edit Settings
03:43 14Using Presets
13:12 15Integration with Photoshop
07:07 16Adding Titles and Captions to Images
04:51 17Exporting Images
08:04 18Sharing Images
08:20 19Creating a Slideshow
03:10 20Sharing Images with Gallery
04:31 21Sharing Images with Adobe Portfolio
08:24 22Sharing Images with Adobe Behance
08:51 23Sharing Images with Adobe Spark
05:14 24Sharing an Edit
07:13 25Sharing Images using Connections
05:08 26Migrating a Lightroom Classic Catalog to Lightroom CC
06:19 27Syncing Images with Lightroom Classic
04:39 28Class Wrap Up
01:34Lesson Info
What is Lightroom CC?
what is Lightroom CC? Well, Lightroom CC is the cloud application, the C C stands for Creative cloud and from probably much here on, I'll just call it Lightroom um instead of Lightroom CC. So, Lightroom CC is most commonly just known as Lightroom. But what is Light room? And why is the CC so important? Well, Lightroom is a standalone application but there's more to it than that. So I've got a little graph to sort of help us walk through this. So we have Light room, the standalone application that is for importing editing and exporting images and getting those out to galleries and things. But Lightroom is a part of the adobe Creative Cloud. The Creative Cloud is a universe of applications for creating online portfolios, sharing your work with other creatives, creating social media posts and working with video editors and other applications. And so it's a whole suite of applications. And Lightroom is tightly connected to Creative Cloud. Thus the CC and Lightroom CC. We're gonna be showin...
g you some of those applications and how they work so well with Lightroom. But Lightroom is also connected to non adobe applications for creating wedding albums and fine art prints and selling your work online and creating websites and all kinds of things. And so I'll be showing you all of that now. Lightroom CC is also a multi platform application and so it's available on all your different platforms. And so let me show you how this works. And so right here I have my desktop and this is the desktop application, which is Light room and so you can see here's all of my stuff. It's really groovy. I've got some controls and some editing controls over here and all that stuff. Okay, so we have that on the desktop. If I go over to my tablet. So I have my little ipad right here. This can be an android or an IOS device. It doesn't really matter. But you can see here I have the tablet version of Lightroom and it looks pretty much the same. And if I go and click on one of these things, I have those same controls to edit my photos or whatever. And so we've got that. But then I also have over here on my phone, let me see if I can get this to uh display or doing multi mirroring. It's pretty exciting. And so when I bring this up here is the phone version of Light room and you can see if I click on that, I have the same little controls. And so I can do my exposure and contrast and all that kind of stuff. It's laid out a little bit differently. But essentially it's the same application that I had on my tablet and the same application that I had on my computer. I also have a a web version of this. So if I go over to google chrome, you can see here that I have the same images. I can click on one of these. I have the same editing uh tools, I have all of that and so the Joy of Light room is that it is a multi platform application and so it's not just an application that shows up on your desktop, it's an application that's on a desktop. Or if you're in a web browser on a different computer, you can get right into your light room and work on the same images. The same is true of your tablet, the same is true of your phone. And because everything is in the cloud, if you edit something on your tablet, it automatically syncs everything else on your desktop, on your phone and the web browser, all that kind of stuff. So it doesn't matter where you work on your images or where you import your images, they're all the same. And so it's really wonderful. As we go through this class, you're gonna see the benefits of the cloud part of Lightroom. It's really sort of magical. It's really, really cool. So in addition to that we have a couple of things that we have to understand and that is that the features are slightly different on each platform, meaning that there are a little some buttons that you'll see on the web version that aren't on the desktop version or a couple of things that you can do on the tablet or phone that you can't do on the desktop and I'll be pointing those out. The big one is uh slide shows. So you can do those on your tablet and your phone and on the web but not on the desktop. Some things like that will show up here and there. But there are reasons why that is the case. And we also want to talk about this. What's the difference between Lightroom CC Lightroom Classic and Photoshop. So really quickly let me sort of go through the history of these different tools because if you're watching this class maybe you're watching it because you're trying to decide should I use Photoshop Lightroom Classic or Lightroom CC Well here's how this sort of worked originally there was Photoshop and that's what everybody went to to edit their photos but that was when digital photography was in its infancy and we're working with small numbers of files. But then we started to get mini minimum ini files when there was really no way to create an entire workflow to import and edit and export and get those out to the web and to share with clients and all of those things. And so that's where Lightroom Classic was born. Now when it came out originally it was just called Lightroom. And so that sort of grew and people said, you know I wish I did this and I wish I did this and I wish I did this and it grew and grew and grew and got bigger and bigger and bigger and it sort of fell out of touch with modern social media and cloud computing. And so Adobe made the decision a few years ago to create a new version and call it light room and then rebrand the original Lightroom to Lightroom Classic. And so Lightroom CC is just referred to as lightroom from. So I'll just be calling it Lightroom from here on out, unless I need to distinguish between Lightroom CC and Lightroom Classic. But Lightroom is the new version of Lightroom. We still have the old version. Lightroom Classic because it does a bunch of awesome things that Lightroom does not do, but Lightroom does a bunch of things that Lightroom Classic doesn't do specifically all of the cloud computing. And you're going to see all the cloud stuff and it's much better for creating things and sharing them in a new way online. We're gonna spend a lot of time about talking about creating online portfolios and sharing images and sharing edits and sharing galleries and sharing your stuff on be hands and all this creative cloud stuff. And I think if you're a Lightroom Classic user, once you see all this creative cloud stuff you're gonna say, hmm, I think I'd really like to have some of that Lightroom goodness. And so you might choose to do both. Lightroom Classic and Lightroom. Or if you're brand new to Lightroom. I think Light room the new version is where you're gonna wanna be okay enough of that. We need to start looking at light room and learning how to use it. So we're gonna start by learning how to add photos and work with them.
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Ratings and Reviews
Susan H
What a great class! I've started & stopped a few Lightroom classes up until now, but generally gotten bored, confused or felt I needed to step away to learn something else like Adobe Bridge first. Mark is a great instructor, engaging, specific & very clear with his explanations. I finally feel confident to play in Lightroom instead of feeling constantly overwhelmed by what I don't know!! Awesome! Thank you, Mark, you've also inspired me to dream about travelling again now the world is opening back up :)
Robin Spencer
I'm glad I bought this course. It was very basic but just what I wanted. My plan was to see if Lightroom could replace my current Lightroom Classic. Some of Lightroom functions are fantastic it looks like many of the functions I use with Lightroom Classic are just not there. So in short Mark answered many of my questions.
Glenn Pierce
Excellent fundamentals course on Lightroom! I really enjoyed Mark's teaching style which is easy to follow and very relaxed :-)