Organizing Photos in Folders and Albums
Lesson 4 from: Lightroom CC: Essential TrainingMark Wallace

Organizing Photos in Folders and Albums
Lesson 4 from: Lightroom CC: Essential TrainingMark Wallace
Lesson Info
4. Organizing Photos in Folders and Albums
Class Overview
01:41 2What is Lightroom CC?
06:55 3Adding Photos to Lightroom
08:50 4Organizing Photos in Folders and Albums
09:11 5Adobe Sensei – It’s Magic
04:42 6Date and People View
06:15 7Picking Winners
08:45 8Filtering Images
06:17Using Photo Merge for HDR and Panoramas
17:48 10Edit using the Enhance Feature
04:26 11Editing Images: Global Adjustments
28:13 12Editing Images: Local Adjustments
23:45 13Copy and Paste Edit Settings
03:43 14Using Presets
13:12 15Integration with Photoshop
07:07 16Adding Titles and Captions to Images
04:51 17Exporting Images
08:04 18Sharing Images
08:20 19Creating a Slideshow
03:10 20Sharing Images with Gallery
04:31 21Sharing Images with Adobe Portfolio
08:24 22Sharing Images with Adobe Behance
08:51 23Sharing Images with Adobe Spark
05:14 24Sharing an Edit
07:13 25Sharing Images using Connections
05:08 26Migrating a Lightroom Classic Catalog to Lightroom CC
06:19 27Syncing Images with Lightroom Classic
04:39 28Class Wrap Up
01:34Lesson Info
Organizing Photos in Folders and Albums
organizing photos in lightroom. It's pretty simple and straightforward and most of it is automatic. And so the two main tools we use for organizing photos are folders and albums and folders contain albums. And I've got this little bullet point here to help you understand that albums are used for sharing and creating things. We'll be doing a lot of stuff with albums later. And you saw when we added those folders that asked if we wanted to put them into an album. And so a lot of the functionality of lightroom happens in albums. So folders just contain albums. So let me show you on my lightroom that I have a bunch of different um folders here. So the folders are things like this. They're down here on the left hand corner. I have my Mark Wallace portfolio and then you see I have an album of beasts in the album. I have a bunch of animals that are here. And I have accidentally put this picture of the editing bay in that. That's okay. I'm gonna show you how we can manage that. We also have la...
nga township which is in South Africa and Life in black and white. And these are all albums that I have published online in my on my website. And so I'm using these for my portfolio. And so I have created a folder called Mark Wallace photo portfolio. If I click on the folder name, I can see over here all the pictures in all of my albums, I can collapse that and I can click on models. And as you guessed inside of models. I have albums of different models. And if I collapse that and go to travel photos and what I've done here is I've organized this by country and put a few countries in there and then in some of those I have multiple albums. So the foggy night in Buenos Aires down in Patagonia in Argentina here in chile. I have some protests that happened and then I have a Patagonia folder because I have two different Patagonia uh albums that I wanted to share. So you can organize these any way you want. The other thing that is important to understand is that photos when you add them, they're in there, you're in lightroom. So they're in there. And so you can take one photo and stick it in one album. You can put it in two albums and three albums. You can take it out of albums. It doesn't matter if the photos in an album or not, it's still in lightroom. Think about it as a song and Itunes. And so you can put that song and as many playlists as you want. And if you delete the playlist it doesn't delete the song albums are the same sort of set up. And so I accidentally put that picture of the editing bay in my beasts folder. So let me go here and I'll show you that. So we have marks, portfolio beasts. We have this picture here by the way you can change the views that you're seeing by going down here and clicking on these buttons or you. So if I click that, it's sort of a nice nice view where everything is tiled and tight click on this one. Everything is on a grid. If I click on this one it shows me full screen and you can get through that with shortcut keys. And so G. Is the shortcut key that will show you the grid. G. Again we'll show you the grid. But it's nice and laid out in a nice pleasant way. And then D is detailed view and so detailed grid grid. And so those are the shortcut keys to zoom around. Or you can click click click or you can just double click on something and it will show up as well. Okay, so that's how you get these different views that I am seeing. What I wanna do is I want to get rid of this uh because this is clearly not an animal. So I'm going to get rid of this from this album. So I'm just going to click on it. You can see there's a white border around that and then I will hit the delete key and you will see that when I hit the delete key, it's going to ask me do you want to remove one photo from the album? It won't be deleted. You can still find it in all photos. That's yeah, I just want to get rid of it from this album. So I'm gonna say remove one folder, One photo. So now it's not in my album anymore but it's still up here in all photos. And so if I go way back to the very top here you can see it's still there and so it doesn't delete it from your folder. I mean from your Light room, it just deletes it from the album itself. Okay, so what we want to do is let's create some folders and a new album. So I'm gonna collapse all of these. And how do we create folders? So I'm gonna go up here. There's a little plus sign. I want you to do this at home as well, click on the plus and then let's create a folder and then let's name that folder, Workshop files. So as we're going through this workshop, you can create albums inside this folder. So I'm just gonna call this workshop files and then I will create that. Okay, now what we're going to do is when we click on that it says this folder is empty, Let's create an album. So you can either click here to create an album but let's go over here and create it like we normally would. So I'm going to click on that, I'm going to say create album and I'm gonna name this album, Karissa. So we'll name this Karissa and I want to make sure that I put it inside the folder, Workshop files. So I will check that and I will create it. Okay, so now we have this album but the album is empty. So how do we get those pictures that we imported of Karissa in the Carousel album? So we can go up to all photos right up here. All photos. I'm going to click on this first image of Karissa and then I'm going to hit shift and click on the last image. Then you can just drag those down into the Carousel album and notice they didn't move because they're still in all photos and they're also in the car ISA folder I mean and the Workshop files folder in the Karissa album. I could take one of these and put it in any other album I wanted to So let's say we have models folder. Let's take this guy. And I'm putting in the desk folder an album. So now we can see, I don't want to do a link there, click on that. And now you can see I have Karissa in this album. And I also have Karissa in this album, the same picture and she's also in all photos. So you can put your pictures in any album. Any folder as many times as you want. However, you want to organize things. It works just great. So I'm gonna delete this from this album. Do you want to remove one photo from album? Yes, remove it. I don't want her in the desk album because this is for Jessica. Not for Karissa. Okay, so we have that. Now let's do one other thing. Let's take this. And Carissa is a model. And so we should probably put this in the models folder. So here's what we're going to do. This is sort of a fun way to do this. We're gonna hit Karissa this album and then I'm going to select all of these old files by hitting the first one hitting shift And then clicking on the Last one. And then I am going to go over here to this plus right there and I clicked Plus and I will create an album And I'm going to say Marissa and I'm not going to put it in the workshop files. So I'm creating a second album called Karissa. Maybe I'll call it Karissa too. Just so you can see that there's two different albums, I'll create that. And now you can see that this car is a two is down here. So we have two different choruses. I will take this one and I'm going to drag it into models. So now I've got a an album in the models folder and I've got an album in the workshop files and maybe in this one. I only want these three of her in the long dress so I can get these three images hit. Delete. Do you want to remove these? Yes. And so I have Karissa and we'll rename that to Karissa dress. so you can see how you can have albums that are organizing many files of the same shoot, but in different ways. Okay. That automatically pops up there. I'll explain that later. It's a little annoying. It's a little bug with Lightroom. That's what's happening there. Okay, so albums and folders, you'll see as we go through. I'll be creating a bunch of different albums and folders over and over and organizing our images as we go through the workshop. It's a very, very straightforward that's all there really is to it. So once you know about albums and folders, we need to learn about something that is really amazing. It's called adobe sensei. And so let's talk about that next.
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Ratings and Reviews
Susan H
What a great class! I've started & stopped a few Lightroom classes up until now, but generally gotten bored, confused or felt I needed to step away to learn something else like Adobe Bridge first. Mark is a great instructor, engaging, specific & very clear with his explanations. I finally feel confident to play in Lightroom instead of feeling constantly overwhelmed by what I don't know!! Awesome! Thank you, Mark, you've also inspired me to dream about travelling again now the world is opening back up :)
Robin Spencer
I'm glad I bought this course. It was very basic but just what I wanted. My plan was to see if Lightroom could replace my current Lightroom Classic. Some of Lightroom functions are fantastic it looks like many of the functions I use with Lightroom Classic are just not there. So in short Mark answered many of my questions.
Glenn Pierce
Excellent fundamentals course on Lightroom! I really enjoyed Mark's teaching style which is easy to follow and very relaxed :-)