Panorama Processing and Correction
Lesson 6 from: Lightroom and Photoshop for Landscape PhotographyRandy Van Duinen

Panorama Processing and Correction
Lesson 6 from: Lightroom and Photoshop for Landscape PhotographyRandy Van Duinen
Class Introduction
08:18 2Luminosity Mask Image Enhancement
15:50 3B&W Conversion in Lightroom
04:48 4Using Lightroom and Photoshop for Great HDR Images
12:19 5Light Painting Processing
05:58 6Panorama Processing and Correction
10:12 7Sky Replacement
06:52 8Smart Objects
14:26Lesson Info
Panorama Processing and Correction
And I can see right here. This was in Arches National Park again. It's called the Windows. And if you want a photograph here, you will have to get up very early in the morning and climb out on a little tiny ledge because there's very few spots for people, and it's always busy. It's a great place to go. I love doing it in the morning. Just know that you need to get up really early and climb around, so make sure you have a headlamp and something else so you can see what you're doing. So those are ten images that we're gonna do, or nine images. I'm gonna select all of em. And I'm gonna go to Photo, Edit In, and I'm gonna say Merge to Panorama in Photoshop. Now, Lightroom has a feature for this, too. And I did this image in it to see if it would work. Okay yeah, you gotta say, just do Auto and say okay. And you know we have tried to correct some things but on this particular image, it just didn't work, it just distorted it too much. So I'm gonna show you another way to correct some problem...
s when you do a panorama that you know worked really well, think it well help you out in case you have the same problem. Cause I was up on this little ledge with you know a lot of people, I didn't have my tripod leveled as much as I should and you can see what happened here, it's very, odd. If you go ahead and just crop it, you're gonna lose so much. If you crop it like this, we bring it down, you can see we just start losing so much of the image, and I don't want that, I want all this stuff, I want those stones in the bottom. So what we're gonna do is first of all we're just going to make a clone copy of all these guys and the way that's done is you need basically both hands to do it. You hit Command or Control, Option or Alt, Shift E, and it will make a composited image of all these. I am then just going to go ahead and take the rest of these images and get rid of them. And I want to create a layer underneath it, so I'm gonna hold the Command key or Control Key and click the New Layer icon, and it puts it right below it instead of me having to go from the top and puts that layer directly below it. I'm also going to take a black foreground and just fill this layer with black, so Option, Delete. Just so it's a little bit easier to work with. Now what I wanna do is start adjusting this image in here. The best way to do this is, make sure I'm on my layer, come up to Edit, Edit, Transform, and go to Warp. Now warp, unlike regular transform, gives you a lot more control points so you can do a few more things than you could do normally. So we go ahead and just grab this corner and start to bring it down, and see it's just working on that corner. It has this little handle here so we can bring it down and start playing with that. We can bring this one out and we can just play around a little bit. So it doesn't affect all the image, just parts of it, so it's not gonna distort this image as much as it did when Lightroom tried to do it on its own. So I'm gonna come over here and bring this up, bring this out a little bit, bring this down. I wanna keep the stones, that's really kind of important. You can also grab right in the center too if you want. And I'm trying to do this so it doesn't distort the image that much. And there, that gives me I think a pretty good starting point. Actually, I may try to bring this down just a little bit more. Alright, just hit Enter and it'll work it's magic. So now we have this, and now I need to kind of clone some things in here to fix it up. So I'm just going to take my Quick Select tool, put it over here, and select this area. Make sure I have it all cause it didn't get it all. So I can just use my Lasso tool at this point and hold the Shift key to add, and just get that little bit right there. Now, to make this work better, what it's best to do is actually expand your selection. So I'm gonna come up to Select, Modify, and Expand. And I'm gonna say 10 pixels. Okay, just so that it gets some of that blue in there when it does this. Now I want to hold down the Shift and function key 5, and that brings up the Fill Window, and we can do Content to where Fill, and say okay. And, of course it didn't do a great job. So, what we can do again is just now grab our Lasso tool, just kind of go around the edge a little bit. And do Content to where Fill a few times. And I found that for some reason, sometimes that it works perfectly. I've had it work where I didn't have to do any of this. There's other times where I had to do it a whole bunch of times to finally get it. Let's try it again. We are trying to fill up a big area of blue. Let's see how nicely it's doing that too. It's really making the transition, so it's worth spending a little bit of extra time sometimes when you do this. Let's do it one more time, and then we'll do it a different way. At this point, you're probably better off to use your Clone Stamp tool, and just kind of come up and paint it a little bit, and then use the Healing Brush to just smooth it out. And that's probably what I'll end up doing here. So we'll go to the Healing Brush. Pick some color, start doing it in small doses. And trying to blend it all in. And that'll probably do it. I'm trying to stay away from the edge a little bit. You know, it might take a little bit, but this is the hard area. The rest of them should go pretty well. So let's go ahead and do this area right here. Go up to Select, Modify, Expand, say 10 pixels. Shift, function 5 brings up our window, say okay. That did fine. Let's see how we do here now. This is always the fun one so let's see how we do. We're gonna use our quick select tool again, select this area. And let's go to Select, Modify, Expand, say 10 pixels. Go to Shift, function 5, say okay, and see how horrible it does. Well, it has some of it in there. This is one where maybe using your Cone Stamp tool will help out. What's nice, it gives you a nice base layer. So we can just kind of come in here and just try to put it together a little bit. You know, something like that. This kind of come in here along this edge, put a little bit of something in there. I'm just trying to blend it in, find out where the shadow is, bring it here. There we go. And now we have it all put together, and we don't have the distortion. Except I missed a spot, didn't I? Let's zoom in on that. I'm just going to go ahead and grab this area, and just paint that in. Alright, and I think we'll probably have to do a little bit more work up here. What I'm gonna do now though is I'm going to create a new layer. And I'm gonna go to my Clone Stamp tool, make sure Current and Below is there. I'm just going to Option Click right here, and see if I can blend this in a little bit. There's a lot of blue area, wish it would have had some clouds in it. I don't know what's happening to it. Let's go with the Healing Brush then. Make it a little bit bigger. And again, just try to blend in some of that, help make it a little bit more smooth. And there we go, we have it down. And that's how I'd work a panorama now in Photoshop. I think it's just a much better way of doing it than using Lightroom's. I mean, let me say that again. Lightroom will do a good job. It's a very simple one, it will do a great job. But when you have something like this, that was really because of where I was and how I set it up, not correct, this works out really well without having it distort the image. You really can't tell that I moved things around a little bit to fill up a whole image and I didn't have to crop it and lose the foreground that I wanted.
Ratings and Reviews
Tim Cooper
Fast paced but excellent demonstration of enhancement techniques