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Paint Brush Color Correction

Lesson 3 from: Lightroom and Photoshop for Architectural Photography

Randy Van Duinen

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3. Paint Brush Color Correction

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Paint Brush Color Correction

We're gonna open up this layer right here. This image. And let us do it this way. Edit in Photoshop. Add original. All right. What I want to do here is take care of a color problem in this areas right here. You can see this light right here was supposed to be yellow. They painted it yellow. The art in very important to the architect. So we wanna got there and change this color right here. And what I'm gonna do is use the pen tool to make the selection this time. And I wanna come around here and just quickly drop in some anchor points I'm not even gonna be that careful with them cause I'm gonna come in and adjust them early. So you come up here and after you've set them you can hold the command key and then you can adjust these points. Wherever I need to be very precise I end up using the pen tool all the time. So there's that one. And let's go here and do it on the back one too. And we'll adjust these guys. And what I wanna do now if you come over here to your path. If you want to save...

it, if you do nothing, if you go on to make another path, it will go away. So if you wanna save it you need to just come up here double-click it and give it a name. I'm just gonna say New and that way it will be saved. Otherwise it goes away and you'll have to redo it. Now if you hold the command or control key and click on the thumbnail it will select the area you just did with the pen tool. I'm gonna come down here. And all I want to do is go to select modify and feather. And I'm gonna give this a one-pixel feather radius. Say okay. And I'm also gonna come in here and say modify and contract one pixel. And just come down to my darker layer where it's yellow right here and create a new mask. You can see that adds our color right there. It look like there might be a little bit of adjustments that need to be done. So you can always take the brush tool the small brush and well not that small, and set your opacity to like 30% and your foreground color to black and just come in here and kinda blend this a little bit. It looks like it just because it is darker image we might of gotten a little bit more of we wanted. So just kinda come in here and blend that in if you have to. Let's take a little bit from over here. Do the same. And just blend that dark area out. There we go. So we have our color now back into the lights like they wanted. But if you come over here to this back wall you will see that we have some color problems because of this light. This fluorescent light really gave a different color up in this area than it did here. So we need to select this area and correct it. This time I'm just gonna use my polyongol tool and just quickly select it. Well come on. And this just takes, you know. A lot of times I'd use the pen tool for this but I want to just through this a little quicker. So now I've got it selected. I am gonna again go up to select, modify, feather. This time I'm just gonna give it a two-pixel feather. Say okay. And what I'm gonna do is create a new layer. By coming down to my new layer and I'm gonna title this one color and I'm gonna change the blending mode to color. So the color I want, let's zoom in a little bit. The color I want is right here. This is what it's supposed to be but you can see the contamination we have up here. So I'm gonna make sure I have my brush tool. I'm gonna hold down the option or alt key and just click around this area 'til I got the color that it should be. Then inside the selection with a big brush let's pull down a little bit I can go ahead and just paint on it now. And you can see, let's go a little bit bigger. You can see it starts to take that blue all out and starts to blend it in. And I'll even paint down here since it's the same color. Actually it should be at 100%. You'd actually see it a little bit better. There we go. You can see now we're painting it in. And we have it where we want too. All right let's deselect for a second. The blue is also up in here. So now I wanna just blend that in. So again I'm gonna go to 30% for the opacity and just start to paint a little bit into this area to blend that in. And I think I have a little problem over here where I didn't select it. I'm gonna sort of paint that in over here too. Like so. So if you look at it there's before with all that blue contamination from the fluorescent light and there it is the way it's supposed to be. I do this color corrections all the time. It's one of those things that is easy to do. You know, I'm doing something that's gray but you can do it with colors. I find that it works in many many instances and I use it a lot when I correct the colors in a lot of these shots. So let's see and I think that's it for this image. I mean again I would go through and fix all this stuff here. Let me make a new layer. Just come in. And all this stuff should be away. If you're doing this for an architect, interior designer something like this they really don't want to see those things. And I think it helps a whole lot. So I'm just gonna use the healing brush. Bigger. I take out all sorts of things. I take out plugs, light sockets. Where you may not be doing that if you're doing something for real estate that it's going up on MSL I mean up for sale and things like that you may not want to do this. You know but for architects for interior designers I feel this is almost a must. And you just come in through here and come on take 'em all out. And this works fast and this guy I'd probably leave the speaker in. But you can see that's how we would correct that. And that's an easy way of using just a layer and changing the blending mode to color correct it.

Ratings and Reviews


You really can do anything a thousand different ways in Photoshop! Randy broke down his processes with easy to understand instruction, and made it easy to see how and why you would choose different methods to create impressive architectural images in various situations. Great class!

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