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Curves Layer & Selections Color Correction

Lesson 2 from: Lightroom and Photoshop for Architectural Photography

Randy Van Duinen

Curves Layer & Selections Color Correction

Lesson 2 from: Lightroom and Photoshop for Architectural Photography

Randy Van Duinen

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2. Curves Layer & Selections Color Correction

Lesson Info

Curves Layer & Selections Color Correction

When your shooting a lot of rooms, and I do a lot of offices and places like this where we're having to shoot an ambient. We don't have, we're not lightening it up, we're just gonna shoot it. And you get some daylight coming in and this can give you some light contamination. So what you want to do is go in there and kind of fix these. So this is the image right here. Its already been adjusted in Lightroom. And what I want to do is open it up in Photoshop so command + E Say yeah, edit original and let's get out of that. So you can see right here, I'm gonna just get rid of these guys right here. I don't know why they're even, oh that's why they're on. If you wanna see right here, the other layers that are in there is, and you run into this sometime. I had to build a cabinet here, they were, you know, just out of bits and pieces because they're gonna have everything there when I come in, which happens a lot when you do architectural photography. So you can see we have this contamination o...

ver here. We have the chair looking warm in these areas. But we have daylight coming through and it's giving us this blue look. So we wanna select that. So we'll try the quick select tool first. And see if that does it. Sometimes you need to be on the layer. And that's not actually, not doing a great job. So let's go ahead and just grab our lasso tool again. And just come in here and select this chair. And let's hold the shift key down and select the other part of the chair right here. And see I'm not being very precise on it just grabbing a little bit of the chair because again, I'm gonna go into my quick mask mode. And I'm gonna go ahead and go back up the filter, blur, gaussian blur and this time we're gonna take it way down. And just so you can see, let me kinda click on here so you can kinda see what's going on. This would be our selection if we didn't feather it at all. And this is our selection as I start to feather. And you can see how we get a nice, even transition there. So we're gonna use this. Now let's go, yeah 37 is probably pretty good. Hit the quick mask key, I mean the Q key to get out of quick mask mode. And we're gonna come back here and we're going to use a curves layer again. Like I said, I love curves layer. They are very powerful. You can correct color with them, you can make things brighter and darker, you can relight a whole room with them if you had to. So we're gonna start right here and I'm just gonna zoom in on the chair. Kinda see what we're working on. And what I'm gonna do, is just go to the blue channel and I'm gonna pull the slider down a little bit and start adding some yellow to it. And that starts to get us there. But warmth is not just yellow. It's a combination of yellow and red. So now I'm gonna go to my red. Put a little point right in the center and bring that up just a little bit. And that's probably too much, so we'll take it down just a little bit of red. And I'm gonna go back to blue and just add a little bit more yellow. Until you can start to see now they start to look the same. So that's looking nice. So let's jump out here a little bit, take a look at it. I like the color. I think the color is working good. Maybe a little too much so I can take my opacity down a little bit. But what I wanna do is, this is still too bright. The bottom one is nice, but the top one is too bright. So I wanna go ahead, and just hold the command or control key, and click on the mask right here. And you can see it's not made a selection around the chair. I'm still on my lasso tool, so if I hold the option or alt key, I can go down here and deselect this area here, so it's only on the top part of the chair. And now I can just go ahead and do another curves adjustment layer. Let's come up here, curves, and all I wanna do on this one is bring it down a little bit so it's a little bit darker. Like so. It's right in the corner so I don't want it to be too bright. And we'll go, I think that looks pretty good maybe a little too much so let's take it back a little bit. And now I think we're looking pretty good. So the next thing I need to do is this wall right here seems really, really warm to me. So I wanna kinda cool that down a little bit. Again, one of the best ways to do it, a lasso tool. And just come up here and grab right here where it seemed like it's warm. I'm gonna go ahead and you can see this is a habit for me. I go to gaussian blur again. I'm gonna blur it probably quite a bit. 'Cause I want this to be a nice, smooth transition. And something like, cancel. Guess what guys, I forgot to hit the Q key. That makes it a whole lot easier. So go to blur, gaussian blur, and now we can go ahead and blur that up really good. Probably around something like this. And now I will, again I want to change the color. So I'm actually gonna use a curves layer again. And just go down to blue and this time I'm gonna add a little blue to it. Just to take away that warmth. And this is very subtle, but when you're working with architects and interior designers, this matters to them. They've taken time to choose the colors that they want to use. So you wanna be able to go ahead and get that as correct as you possibly can for them. So we got that. I like how that's looking right there. Let's see anything else that I need to do on this one? Yeah this thing is a little it looks to me a little flat. So I'm gonna increase the contrast again by using a curves layer. Now what I'm gonna do is set three points right here on each one of those. And then I'm just gonna go ahead and start to pull down the dark one right here. Bring this one up. And adjust this a little bit. I think I got going a little to crazy with the whites. And you can kinda see, there it is before and just by making this s-curve in the curves layer, adjustment, you will really get a nice looking image. I find this to be, once I'm done doing all my adjustments after I've retouched it and I think I'm fine, I will always come in through and just do a slight curves adjustment like this to give it some contrast. And there we go. That's how we started with this and I think we went from basically that, to that. It's just, you know, doing these little corrections in color makes a big difference.

Ratings and Reviews


You really can do anything a thousand different ways in Photoshop! Randy broke down his processes with easy to understand instruction, and made it easy to see how and why you would choose different methods to create impressive architectural images in various situations. Great class!

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