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Lighting Setup: Creative Lens Flare

Lesson 13 from: Lighting with Constant Light

Mark Wallace

Lighting Setup: Creative Lens Flare

Lesson 13 from: Lighting with Constant Light

Mark Wallace

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Lesson Info

13. Lighting Setup: Creative Lens Flare

Mark uses a Fresnel lens and soft, wrap-around light to create a beautiful portrait. The effect is achieved by pointing the Frenel at the camera and shining light into the lens. It takes some practice, but the results are worth it.

Lesson Info

Lighting Setup: Creative Lens Flare

we are going to play with lens flare. It's something that you probably don't want in your photos most of the time. That's when light shines into your lens, it bounces around inside the lens and causes these crazy looks, sunburst, things like that. But if you do it correctly, you can get some interesting effects. And so what we've done here is I've set up a little sitting here. I've got my camera set up With no lens hood. So normally a lens hood is used to prevent lens flare. And then we have this little 60 b with the final lens zoomed in and this is shining straight into my lens so almost straight into the lens. And so what that should do is create a bunch of reflections inside the lens. And so what I'm gonna do here, so when I turn on my camera and let's see if I can get it um connected to light room. So I've got light room tethered there. Okay, I've got all that set up just fine. Now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take just a shot of Teresa and this light shining into the lens that's...

gonna go over here and then let's take a look at what this looks like. There we go. So we've got this lens flare going all over the place inside this image. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to turn on this large Parabolic reflector over here and I'm shooting right now at 7.1. So what I did was I dialed my aperture up and down until I got my lens to give me the most lens flare. And for me it was at 7.1. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna meet her this main light. So I've got my light meter on. I'm gonna meet her this, I'm not going to meet her at 7.1. I'm gonna meet her it and that's at 4.5. So it is not at the proper, the technically correct exposure. This is at the artistically correct exposure. So I'm gonna under expose on purpose. So Theresa's gonna look right at me. I've zoomed in quite a bit and now we have, if I go over here into light room, we can see sort of this subtle look. And what we can do with that is we can go into the develop module, we can start playing with this exposure. We can start doing different color temperatures, we can play with the shadows and the highlights. We can maybe add a vignette to this. We can start playing with it. But the point is we have this lens flare here that we can play with. It's really, really picky this lens flare here. So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go back out to the beginning and then I'm just gonna shoot a few pictures moving my camera around and you'll see as those come in that sometimes the lens flare looks pretty good, sometimes it doesn't look good at all. So we had done this previously, I've locked everything down now. We might miss that lens flare but maybe not gonna see if I can bring it into the camera is a little bit more. So it's out there in the upper left hand corner. So let's go over here to light room. We'll take a peek now. Look at that. That is so cool. Now we have this lens slur coming in from the upper left hand side going through the lens. What I can do is I can go into the develop module. I can make this really yellowy if I wanted to, I can make a green, I can do whatever color temperature I want. I could do perhaps some split toning where I take the highlights. They make those very, very yellow. Something like that. Make these shadows a little bit bluer. I can go in. I can play with the shadows in the main. Maybe add a little bit of texture there to bring out Teresa. I can do all kinds of things in this image to get it exactly where I want it to be. And so that's how the creative lens flare works. It's something that you can play with and with some time you can get some really, really interesting effects. It takes a lot of practice a lot of patients. But once you hit your mark and get things working, you have a lot of creativity that's available to you, but it's all about doing something that is creatively correct. That is technically incorrect. One of my favorite things to do, All right. I love that lighting set up on to the next.

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Ratings and Reviews


Great course very informative and a pleasure to watch love the way you teach so easy to understand and follow through. learned a lot about continuous lighting ty

Alessandro Zugno

This is a very useful class for who want to start shooting video or photo with constant light. Creative Live should make more class on videography.

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