Lesson Info
Let Go Express
Hi, Yogi. It's bride and welcome to let go Express for 15 minutes. We're basically going to do what I love to do when I only have 15 minutes to just let go of tension in my body. If you know you need blocks or strap, or maybe even a bolster during your practice, feel free to have them. Let's get started. We'll get started in child's post keeping your knees together, your arms forward on your forehead, down any time I only have a short amount of time to dedicate to releasing tension in my body. I always start in child's post. It's a really wonderful place to bring your mind straight to the present moment. Take a deep inhalation here with me and open your mouths. I it out as you side just feeling the floor, the mat holding the weight of your body and again in him. Open your mouth. Let Iccho exhale, relaxing your jaw, your shoulders, your low back. I'm taking a round or two of O J breath, letting go of your attachment to anything that typically goes on in your mind. Whether it be your to ...
do list, the things that are plaguing you work your worries, your fears, anything. Just focus solely on your breathing. The noon hail, crawled hands phone. Exhale if the knees up as you tuck the toes under downward facing dog. Come high up on your toes as you inhale as you exhale to start to pedal out your legs, releasing tension from the Cavs by bending one knee, straightening the other. As you straighten one leg. Route the heels down firmly into the earth, then inhale. Rise high tier toes. Once again, make sure your feet or hips distance as you acts. Hail heels down, hands back towards your feet. Inhale to a flat back as you exhale. Bend your knees. Grab ahold of your ankles. Drop your head down as you rest your thighs onto your ribs or your ribs onto your thighs. And then you can begin to push your shins or your calves forward with your hands as you lift your sit bones up. Quick release of the tension from the backs of your legs or your hamstrings. Stay here. Just inhale. Lift the shoulder blades and begin to pull up on your ankles with your hands so the crown of the head gets closer to the ground than exhale. Lift the quadriceps street in the legs a little Moore's. You pull your head down, inhale to a flat back as you exhale. Fold once again put a bend in the knees, let your arms hang down and then slowly begin to roll all the way up towards standing. Keep your head down, though. Your chin to your chest interlace your fingers behind your head. Elbows in. Let the weight of your arms pull your chin down as you inhale, Lift your chest up high as you exhale. Draw your shoulder blades down and pull your chin to your chest. Let your jaw hanging. Open the muscles in your neck. Release and let go. Drop your hands down, lift the gaze up and walked to the front of your mat. Feed still hips distances, you inhale. Sweep the arms out to come up as you exhale. Fold down. Inhale to a flat back, step your left foot back. He'll tell your right foot over towards the right. Place your left knee down onto the ground, take your left hand down underneath your left shoulder, left arm straight and take your right hand to your right knee. Push your right knee away from you coming onto the pinky toe edge of your right foot. Just beginning to let go of all of that tension from the inseam of your leg. As you push the right knee away, open your right shoulder. Take a deep breath in and out. Inhale, sweep your right arm up and back. Lift your left foot up off the ground. Grab ahold of the inside edge of your left foot. Hold here or begin to pull your left foot in just a little bit tighter until you feel a nice sensation of stretch in the front of that left leg or the quadricep muscle in half and exhale. Release your back foot. Bring your right hand down to the ground heel. Toe your right foot over towards the left on lower your right knee down into a pigeon prep. Take a deep inhalation as you lengthen your spine. Exhale, folding down so the thought of letting go is quite interesting because it seems quite easy toe let go. But it's probably one of the hardest things to dio in life, whether it just be in the physical sense. Right, letting go of your attachment to maybe the strength you have in your body or the flexibility or even just letting go of tension, right, because it's so habitual. And that's the problem is that it's hard to let go because we don't even know what we need to let go of. So treating yourself compassionately, taking it slowly, figuring out what you need to let go, and then using this physical practice here, no matter how short it is to just focus on exactly that creating some space letting go might not be permanent. But at least you're creating some space between you and those things that don't serve. You take a deep inhalation, let it go. Stretch your right arm forward, roll all the way on to your right side body. You might end up off your maddened. If you don't like it, you can always wriggle your way back onto the mat, your left like it's still straight. Draw your right knee into your chest and then all the way across your body for a supine twist. So this is kind of similar to the position you were just in, but affecting your upper body a little bit more I find it to be a nice release for the glute we were just working on. Then reach your right arm out towards the right, but bend the elbows that you find a cactus arm. Glue your right shoulder blade to the mad as you inhale. Find space and expansion across the heart center and as you exhale, draw your navel in Ah, lot of the grief that we experience in our life, whether it be from loss or disappointment, that grief tends to manifest in our body, just like emotional stress, manifesting or hips. Grief manifests in are just This is one of my favorite ways to help myself find a little bit of release from, or space from any grief in my life that I'm holding on to then in handle, this one's a bit of a funky one. Roll onto the left side body even more. Bring your right arm across and centre, right, like all the way out to the right, coming onto your belly, then onto your forearms so it's 1/2 frog. But what I like about this is that, especially if you're tight on the inter groins and abductors like I am taking the half frog allows for you to go much deeper because only one leg is straight and the other is bent. Also, the two poses we've been working on, the pigeon prep and even the supine twist have a lot of flexion of them. Right? The leg is bent and the hip flexor in the inner groins or being compressed. So this is a great way to let go of some of that tension that you've just created from trying toe open up another part of your body. And if you're on a hardwood floor or not carpet like I am right now, then you can actually use that slipperiness to slide the right knee out just a little bit more. And if you don't want to keep yourself propped up, make a little pillow with your palms and bring your forehead down. You just take deep breaths as you inhale. Identify that tension that you're working on. Stretching. Does you exhale? Try to let go for a moment one more time, just like that. Then in him, Take your hands back next to your floating ribs. Tuck your toes under and push yourself up and back into downward facing dog reaching your right leg up, ending the knee, opening the hip, releasing anything from that right hip. How that might have gotten crunchy during all of those stretches, but also at the same time feeling some space in your left calf and hamstring. Inhale and exhale. Release your right foot down next to your left. Look forward towards your hands as you inhale to your toes. Bend your knees and take a few steps forward to the front to the mat. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale to fold into innocent, inhaling, fighting that flat back once again, exhale to the other side. Step your right foot back. He'll tell your left foot over towards the right. Place your right knee down onto the mat, your right hand underneath the right shoulder with the right arm strength and your left hand to the inside of your left knee. Push the left hand or left me away from you as you come onto the pinky toe edge of your left foot, opening your chest towards the right side of the map, maybe even taking your gaze up to the sky, releasing some of that tension from the hip flexors and the growing. Take a deep inhalation and exhale. Take your left hand down slightly forward of your left toes is you heel. Toe your right foot toward or left foot towards right and lower down into pigeon prep. I trust that if you need props at all during this class that you'll take them especially and oppose like this. You might need to prop yourself up underneath that left hip, which is quickly coming into a position physically. But you can begin to focus on letting go. And because our lives are constantly moving forward, we're busy, busy, busy. A lot of our emotional tension or emotional kerfuffles that we deal with in her life. If we don't get to fully process them, they manifest is physical tension, and a lot of that ends up in her hips. So a lot of times yogis who stretch like this not too often. Sometimes if you do this once in a while, you might get a little emotional. Know that that's quite normal. Actually, I don't think emotions are entirely that bad, so sometimes you just need to let it go. Let the emotions flow, but the physical body open up the channels for for you emotionally deep breaths. It's amazing how much space you can create just breathing in detention. Let's take a clearing breath together in him, sigh it out, then stretch your left arm forward and just begin to roll onto the left side body, ending up on your back, pulling your left knee into your chest. If you want a wiggle back onto your Matt, you can and then twist bringing your left knee all the way over towards the right, sending your left arm out towards the left. The elbow bent Breathe space into both sides of the waist is you inhale and as you exhale, create that twist across the waste that will help you sometimes even feel like you're resetting the spine, getting a few cracks. But what I really love about twisting is that it's extremely detoxifying. So while you're twisting your actually slowing down the blood flow, and when you come out of the twist, you increase blood circulation in your body, which for anybody who is looking to let go of something, there's nothing like a little detoxification, right? Inhale and exhale. Now take your left arm across your body, end up rolling onto your belly, sending your left leg out towards the left and coming onto your forearms right like a straight push your left knee out towards the left as much as you can just to get that deep release in the muscles of the abductors and the inner groins air so tight and complex it feels better. Toe lower down onto your forehead. Using your palms. It's a pillow. Do so just take a few more deep breaths. You're almost done. Allow your yoga practice to be a gateway, right? This physical practices extremely effective, but it's on Lee, as effective as you allow it to be, so allow it to be a gateway to really helping you figure yourself out emotionally. Doesn't have to be, you know, some huge revelation. But as you create space in your body, let it help you create space in your mind. Don't be afraid to ask those questions to answer them. What do we need to let go off? Why am I not letting go of it? What can I do to let go of it? Small steps practice deep breath. Take a deep inhalation through your nose. Sigh it out. Take your right arm out towards the laugh like you're going back into the twists. Just end up all the way on your back, hugging your knees into your chest to give yourself one final squeeze. Take a deep inhalation here, fill your lungs up and try to tense up every muscle in your body. Fill up a little bit more in hand and exhale. Feli is you. Let go. Extend the legs forward. Let the feet drop. Open the arms out wide. I'm just close your eyes, relaxing every part of the body from the center of your being. Out through your limbs, the facial muscles. Relax. The eyes rest back into their sockets. The jaw to drop open and let go. Shall Vasana. Thank you so much for practicing with me now, Misty.