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How-To Approach This Class

Lesson 2 from: Let Go

Briohny Smyth

How-To Approach This Class

Lesson 2 from: Let Go

Briohny Smyth

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2. How-To Approach This Class

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How-To Approach This Class

Hi, Yogi. It's Bry. And welcome to let go. I'm so excited that you're joining me on this journey towards letting go of the things that don't serve us. I think that that is one of the main reasons why a lot of us start practicing yoga is to just feel better in our bodies and in our minds. And that is the goal of every single class in this series. And because most of the classes in this series are restored to style practices, I encourage you to make sure you have lots of props just so that you get really comfortable. When you're releasing all of that tension. So have those two blocks a yoga strap, a yoga blanket, ah, bolster. And for two of the classes, we use the wall. In this plan, I have eight practices that are restorative styled and vary in length. There are 2 15 minute practices, one called Let Go Express, because it really does exactly that. It helps you let go of stress or anything that's not serving you in those in that short amount of time. Then there's feel good express, which...

again does exactly that. It's a practice that is designed to help you feel good in 15 minutes. Then there are 3 20 minute practices at the 1st 1 called Release, which does exactly that. We work on releasing the physical tension in our body that has basically manifested from any sort of emotional tension. And then they're sleep while asleep while is one of my favorites, because they basically share with you the tools that I use in my yoga practice to help me sleep well. And the last one is be present, which is something that's really close to my heart, because every single morning I meditate on being present so that I can really appreciate the beauty around me. The 30 minute classes at the 1st 1 is Stress release, which we use yoga, breath, work and mantra as and intentions to really release our attachment to our stress. I don't think it's possible to remove stress completely from our lives because we have responsibilities. We have work. We have our busy schedules or to do lists. But this class really helped to create space in the moment to kind of distance yourself from those thoughts of stress and then anxiety buster. Ah, lot of people might not know this, but I deal with anxiety all of the time and anxiety basically comes from habitual thought pattern of fear, of worry. And in order to help me release my attachment to those busy thought patterns, I use yoga. I use yoga balancing on my feet. I try to really focus on things in the present moment. So in this practice we work on one like it. Balancing on the 40 minute class is called fearless, and what I really love about this class is that I truly believe that we can learn life tools on the mat, and it can help us really begin to approach riel life situations in a calmer, more present way. And what I do in this class is that we work at the wall and we work on inversions because typically that's where fear comes up. In the yoga practices we worry about falling out of our hands stands about our headstands or falling on our face and crow pose, and I give you the tools toe help. You really build confidence in those poses in the Siri's there, a variety of lengths and a variety of classes that you can really pick and choose based on what you need on that day of practice. If you need to sleep better if it's right before bed to sleep. Well, if you're looking to release stress or even anxiety or feel good, each of these themes is really based on something that I feel like I need every day. So feel free to use this based on what you need and there's no particular order. Just enjoy making that time and space for yourself, letting go of the things that don't serve you.
