Lesson Info
10. Fearless
Lesson Info
Hi, Yogi. It's Bride and welcome to this 45 minute practice called Fearless. And I like the name because we all aspire to be fearless. But as humans, we always have some sort of fear, and it's not really about removing the fear. It's more so about collecting the tools so that the fear doesn't take over our lives. And in this practice, and really gonna help you work through the fear that comes up in yoga, typically with inversions. So just make sure that you have two blocks and let's get started. So before we get started, um, I just want to talk a little bit about what fear is when it appears in the yoga practice. And typically, you know, when you're younger and you do gymnastics, you're not as afraid of falling out of things because you're more limber. You're closer to the ground cause you're smaller and you don't have as much experience with pain yet. But as we grow older and, you know, get more experience, we tend to get a little bit afraid of hurting ourselves because we know what p...
ain feels like. We know how long it takes to heal, and so on. So when it comes to fear, I'm I'm not going to say that I This class is the prescription to removing fear from your life because it isn't, and I don't think it's possible to remove fear. However, through my yoga practice, I have built a lot of confidence. Um, after, you know, using yoga and the journey towards inversions, the failures of falling out the tools that I learned to make myself strong enough both mentally and physically to deal with fear and move through it. So, um, hopefully I can introduce some of those techniques to you here. Let's get started in tabletop position. Hands underneath your shoulders, knees underneath your hips. The first step to helping yourself with fear is checking, I would say checking the boxes. Right. So you want to make sure you know what you're doing And most inversions of inversions that we're gonna work on are on your hands. We're gonna work on handstand first. Okay, So you want to get to know your hands a bit. Hands, shoulders, distance. Spread your fingers wide. Grip the map with the fingertips. Make sure the index finger knuckles route down from the forums and spread the shoulder blades wide. Tuck your toes under as you inhale. Exhale, lift your knees up downward facing dog, so allow down dog to be the foundation for how you hold your arms above your head. So here you want to keep pressing the forearms up towards the fingertips. So you keep weight in the four in the index finger knuckles and even in the fingertips, keeping space in the neck and the shoulders by spreading the shoulder blades wide and then pushing through your hands to elevate the shoulder blades and draw the ribs and the naval in. Now inhale shift forward into a plank post, moving the feet back just slightly so that the balls of the feet are underneath your heels, drawing the ribs and the naval in tow. Hold yourself up here, pushed down through your hands and protract the shoulder blades. The first thing that we're going to do upside down is a pike. So want you to understand what the pike feels like. This position in Plank is actually the same position as your handstand, but a pike is more like down dog. So live the sit bones up and go back to downward dog is you come high upon to the balls of your feet. Inhale shift forward into plank again. This is what a handstand feels like. Learning these positions when you're not upside down definitely helps to sooth those fears. Then exhale. Lift the sit bones up and find that pipe position in down dog Notice that my hips air lifted up. Hi, I'm and I'm looking for that slight bit of anterior pelvic tilt one more time. Inhale shift forward into plank. Notice how the tailbone draws towards your heels. Exhale, lift the sit bones up Finding down dog looking for the anterior pelvic tilts Then inhale and exhale Put your knees down So now we're gonna use the wall So I'm gonna turn myself around Set up with your feet on the wall, your knees underneath your hips and your hands underneath your shoulders First, we're gonna approach downward facing dog on the wall So push down through your hands Keeping your arms straight, Inhale and exhale Lift the knees up, Push through the hands so that your hips move back towards the wall And just to keep your neck out of the equation. Here, relax your head keep pushing the hips back so that when you step one foot up, you feel like you're pushing that foot back into the wall. Then step the other foot. Step it up just enough so it feels like it's in line with your hips. Keep your head dropped and just begin to straighten your legs, just like you did in that down dog. Okay, so inhale. Bend the knees. Exhale. Straighten the legs. Stick the sits bones up and over your head two more times. Like that. Inhale. Bend the knees. Keep the arms nice and strong. Exhale, Straighten the legs. Lift the thigh bones up towards the sky one more time. Inhale, Bend the knees and exhale, Straighten, then walk down the wall. Great job. So you might have experienced a little bit of fear there, especially when you straighten the legs and the hips come over. If you're dealing with arms that you feel might not be strong enough to hold your weight, Or maybe you're dealing with some shoulder tightness. Holding your weight of your body, especially your hips over your shoulders with your arms, is quite challenging. So just acknowledging that maybe you got halfway to straightening the legs. Maybe you straighten the legs all the way and you're celebrating, Getting over a little bit of fear. Keep in mind that the idea of stacking your body over your arms over your hands is quite challenging because you end up finding this lightness in the position and I call this the oh no moment, but usually really call it, though bebe moment, because our mind automatically thinks were falling. So we freak out, and that's when good things go out the window. All of our knowledge, all of the tools, they just go straight out the window because fear sets in, tension takes over and we crumble. So we're going to do that exercise again. But I'm going to show you now how or what muscles, What parts of your body you're actually using to create the shape so that when you're up there with me again, you're focused on something other than straightening your legs? Okay, so come back into downward facing dog. Remember that this position is much like what? You just sit on the wall with your legs straight. Now inhale to your toes and bend your knees. This position is that start position right before you straighten your legs on the wall. Now, instead of just thinking about straightening your legs, which typically comes from the knees pushing back, I want you to think about taking your thigh bones and your inner thighs back and up. So instead of straightening from the knees, you're actually using your femurs, your thigh bones toe. Lift your hips. Let's try that a few times it hail, bend the knees. Then, as you exhale, press your inner thighs up and back and lift the thigh bones up into the pelvis. Inhale that money's and exhale again. Press the inner thighs towards the sky. Lift your thigh bones into your palace. Two more inhale. Bend the knees. Exhale, lift up last time, inhale, Bend the knees and exhale. Lift the thigh bones, lift the inner thighs towards the sky and release. Let's do it again at the wall. Now, whenever I teach this, I see a lot of students rushed to get into it. Remember that the journey is really what creates the confidence to get into these postures. And honestly, hand sander headstand is not that hard to hold. If you have a teacher holding you up in it. What's hard is the transition into it, and that's what I'm teaching you here, toe. Actually feel what parts of the body help you get into the shape, OK, so don't rush into it. Set yourself up soles of the feet on the wall, knees underneath your hips, hands underneath your shoulders. Remember to turn your hands out slightly if your shoulders are quite tight and when you did it the last time at the wall, Maybe your shoulders launched forward, but you could always elongate your stance. So move the hand slightly forward and turn your hands out even more so the webbing of your thumbs faces forward. Okay, in him and exhale. Lift your knees up, push back with the hands. Make sure that you're pushing back as you step one foot up the wall, and then the other came just like what we were doing on the mat in down dog Inhale and as you exhale, think about lifting the inner thighs up towards the ceiling on pulling the side bones in towards the hips. Maybe it's a little easier inhaled them. The knees exhale. Press the thigh bones up and pull your thigh bones into the hip sides. Two more inhale, bent, Exhale, Straighten one more time. Inhale mitt. Exhale. Straighten Now. This time, look down between your wrists. Welcome to Pike Position lower all the way down. Great job. Now, the reason why I teach Pike first is because, ah, lot of times when we approach an inversion, whether be a headstand or a handstand, we think about our legs because their legs or what air lifting up. But if we only think about our legs who end up in an arch because what we need to do, really, the first task to getting upside down is to bring our hips up and over our shoulders. And if our hips come up our legs stack, we could find a straighter line. And that's what you just did you learned or you taught your mind to bring your hips over your shoulders first. Okay, now we're going to take Syrian, um, a scar A. Using that same feeling to get a little higher in our cannonball pick jumps, make sure that you're as maybe about a four arm's distance from the wall and come into downward facing dog. Take a deep inhalation here and sigh it out. Check those boxes. So check mark in each box of fear that you might have. We're gonna practice jumping forward. What are some of those fears that come up? Are you afraid that you're gonna fall forward? Well, you have a wall behind you, so check the box. Are you afraid that your arms might bend? Well, you're not gonna let your arms bend, So check that box, check those boxes because you have the tools to try this and gain the confidence that you need in your yoga practice so that other fears out off of the yoga mat don't affect you as much. Bring your feet together. Look forward as you inhale. Come high up onto your toes. Bend your knees. Now we're gonna come back into this position. I want you to think about lifting the inner thighs up towards the sky and kick your heels to your butt right back down. So all you need to do is lift the pelvis up, kick the heels to the but two more times, maybe get a little higher. The wall is behind you, So don't worry. One more jump up heels too, but and land softly at the front of the mapped inhale to a flat back. Exhale to fault. Great job. Inhale rising all the way up towards standing. Exhale hands to your heart. The inhale arms reach. Exhale, folding down. Inhale to a flat back now from the Ford fold. Position is when we get to actually practice what it's like to take a straight like pike. It's a little bit easier to keep the legs straight when your legs and hands are a little bit closer together. Remember the walls behind you. Situate your hands and your feet at least a rulers distance apart, if not slightly further. Come high up on your toes as you inhale. Bend the knees just slightly pushed down to pull your ribs in and gaze between your wrists and see if you can just hop your feet off the ground, lifting the hips up. Using the same sensation that you did when you were going from bent leg to straight, lifting the thigh bones up into the pelvis and pushing the inner thighs up toward this guy. Let's try that again in him and exhale. Lift the hips. Two more inhale and exhale. Lift the hips, one more in him. Lift the hips and then step back through the vin Yasser. Remember, there's a wall in front of you, so make sure that you walk the hands back a little bit before you take it back through the Viasa. Downward facing dog. Don't worry if you felt like less coordinated than usual. This is just an exercise in helping you understand the tools that you need to approach. The more, UM, advanced poses for lack of a better term that tend to create fear in the practice. Bring your feet together. Look forward as you inhale. Rise to your toes, bend your knees. Four. Hops here, see if you can jump up. Kick your heels, see your butt. Bring your hips up and over. Three more. Exhale hop. If you're close enough to the wall, you can exhale. Hop up and touch the wall with your feet and lower down. One more exhale. Hop up, bring your feet onto the wall and then lower down into your duty. Innocent inhale flat exhale, default. Inhale rising all the way up towards standing. Exhale hands to your heart. One more round, inhale arms. Reach, exhale, fold it down. Inhale to a flat back exhale. Plant the palms flat down. Now, if you want to practice jumping up a little bit higher with the straight legs, get a bit closer to the wall so that your hips Cantat the wall. I would say about a palm assistance from the wall. Inhale to your toes. Make sure you drop your head so you don't blanket. Bend your knees. Jump up. See if you can get your hips to tap the wall one more time. That was allowed enough tap for you to hear and then take it back through your vineyard. Downward. Facing Doc well, just make our way to the front of the map, so we'll take one more round of that hopping you choose. If you want to be nice and close to the wall, get there about ah, Palm's distance, and you can also do the Bentley jumping or the street like jumping. Look forward as you rise to your toes. Bend the knees. Exhale, jump tapped the wall jump tapped the law. There it is. One more jumped up the wall. Land down into Luton Asana fold. Inhale rising up. Exhale hands to your heart close your eyes. Take a moment to breathe in and out through your nose. Acknowledge that he did a really great job and build from there. Whatever your body had to offer you there, whether he felt really uncoordinated or you had a breakthrough, just acknowledge any success and build on top of it. Inhale, open your eyes. Let's your hands rest by your side. The next thing that we're going to talk about is arm balancing. We're gonna approach are back asana and or one like it kick up through our Cirino, Miss Karbi and both of those poses already worked through Hanson. But both of those poses have a significant amount of fear involved with them, right? With Bacchus in a when beginners or people who are just getting used to the post when you approach it, what is the number one thing that you're afraid of doing smashing your face on the ground? Because although handstand is also scary, your arms are straight. So your head in your face is significantly further away from the ground than but Kassam. But with the arm balance, you're looking right at the ground. So a lot of times that fear of falling forward onto your face stops you from going forward enough. And what I really love about this classes that I'm talking about fear on the map. But I think that's a fear that we tend to have in our life in general, right? If we know what it's like to fail, Ah, lot of times we won't take the chances because we're afraid of failure. So using these little examples, like learning to do a crow pose and leaning forward enough in it, can actually help to make you more confident to take chances in life again. Okay, so here are some tools, like, I'm not going to say, Hey, just fall on your face and then keep trying. But here's and tools that will really help you with back Katsina and with Ka Casa de. So even if you're learning to straighten your arms, this will help significantly grab two blocks, one in front of you the long ways and won the short way behind you. Uh, everybody is different proportions, So first I'm going to set up with my feet on the block. So whatever you elevate yourself, it makes it easier to lift your feet up off the ground. Right then the other block is in front of you. For you to rest your head on. Open the knees. Get your kneecaps high upon the triceps. Place your hands underneath your shoulders, lift your butt up and lean forward. You really want to protract the shoulders and point your toes to pull the heels in. You canoe one foot at a time, or you can place your forehead on the block out in front of you. But make sure that it's far forward enough so that your elbows end up over your wrist. So I do need to move my block slightly further forward. Placing my forehead on the block. I'm gonna squeeze my elbows and spread my shoulder blades and lift my feet up off of the block. Maybe you can do it one foot at a time, but make sure to point your toes and pull your heels up towards your butt and you can practice. And this might take a second or a year, just depending on you and the way you like to practice things you can practice. Spread the shoulder, spreading the shoulder blades wide and lifting your head off the block. This will help you Balance learned to balance. It will also help you learn to straighten your arms towards cock ascena cream posts. So keeping that in mind and I would suggest if you're struggling with crow pose to use this technique every single time you practice, regardless of whether people around you are using it. So we're gonna flow one time two times into Syria nama Sgarbi where I'll do Crowe and some Hansen hops and will use the wall in the blocks to make sure that we feel confident enough to actually approach the poses. Okay, so keep the blocks one out in front of you. At the top of you met the other one just a little bit slightly behind it and low stand tall and Ted ascena feet together behind the blocks. Ben Journeys Inhale boot Tatas in a chair Posts come high up onto the balls of your feet. Step up onto the block, place your knees upon your triceps. Bring your head towards the block in front of you. Brace your head on the block and lift your feet up in him and exhale. Step back through the vineyards. Let you might need a lower the block down in front of you. Inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog moved the blocks out of the way. Inhale right leg rises. Keep the right leg straight. Square your hips, so roll your right inner thigh up towards the sky. Push the chest back and route the left heel down, finding a bit of space in your left calf in your left hamstring, but also finding that abduction between the thise, squeezing the thighs in in him and exhale. Bring your thigh forward, shifting forward into plank post bending your right knee. Point your right toes. Pull your right heel up and spread the shoulder blades wide to step your right foot forward. Spin your left heel down, Line it up. Heel to heel. Inhale rising up. Uraba Jacinto one. Squaring your hips is going to be a really important piece to your handstand. Hop. So do that. Here. Pull the right outer hip back and into the midline. Press the inner thigh of your left thigh back. Look up a za palms touch in him and exhale. Bring your fingertips down, slide your right foot back a bit and stand up into a supported warrior. Three. Point your left toes. Squeeze the inner thighs together, just like you did when the other leg was lifted in your downward. Facing Doc from here, move your hands close to the wall about a four arm's distance from it. Come high up on to the ball of your right foot, pushed down to the hands so you're gazing between your wrists. Bend your right knee and exhale. Hop off that right foot as you do what I want you to pull that right thigh bone up. Reach your left like to the wall and maybe bring the left heel up. If you can reach to the wall, hold on to the well with your toes. Bend your knees so that your knees end up right over your pelvis. Squeeze of thighs together. Pull the ribs and inhale and exhale. Bring the feet down. Step back through your genius downward facing doc taking a moment to feel grateful for the wall for our strong bodies that are helping us conquer or at least work through the fear that we might have involved in doing these inversions and arm balances. Bring your feet together. Inhale left leg rises instead of opening the hip. I want you to square the hips because that's what we're gonna use in our handstand. Hops in a second. Press the chest back, Draw the outer right hip back in hands. Exhale. Need to nose push down, Spread the shoulder blades and step your left foot forward. Spin the right heel down. Inhale Rise up Vera Bad Rocinha one. Now the squaring of the hips and warrior one helps a lot with the handstand hops because you really want your hips squared. So think about rolling the right inner thigh back, pulling the left outer hip back and getting nice and straight in the torso, lengthening the back ribs. Inhale, Gaze up at the palms touch. Exhale. Find that supported warrior. Three. Slide your left with back, lift your right leg up. Squeeze the inner thighs towards one another and plant your hands. Flak on the mat, about up forearm. Assistance from the wall pushed down through the hands so you look between the wrists instead of between the thumbs. Rise to the ball of the left foot, bend the left knee and take a few hops as you reach your right leg up. Try to pull your left thigh bone into the hip socket to to lift all the way up into your hand. Stand from here. Notice that if I try to balance, I'm in a back bend. That's why I like to bend my knees. Squeeze my thighs together, pull my ribs and look between the wrists and maybe one day, one leg at a time. Begin to balance off the wall. One day, Step back down onto the math and back through your vineyard downward facing dog deep inhalation through your nose. Sigh it out when we get another opportunity. Toe hop forward, so make sure that your hands are about of four out of forums. Distance for the pike, but a palm assistance from the wall. Bring your feet together. You choose either straight leg or bent. Leg will take three hops. Come to your toes, bend your knees and exhale. Hop up. Try to bring your toes to the wall. Do that two more times. Hop up. Tap the toes to the wall and land at the front of the mat. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale to fold. Inhale rising up. Exhale hands to your heart we'll do one more round. Situate your blocks. Four. Bacchus, Anna. Even if you can do it like I said back asana or cock Katsina. This is really, really helpful. Stand on the block, squat down. Open the knees. Place a knees up high on the triceps. Put your hands down and lean forward till your head is on the block. Bring your toes up and either practice balancing and crow, lifting your head off the block. Or see if you can push down and spread the shoulder blades so much that your arms straightened for cock asana or Bacchus in Acri. Put your feet down. Move the blocks out of the way. Step back, Vignes. Downward facing dog One more round. Inhale right leg rises. Exhale. Step forward. Spend your left heel down. Inhale rise up. Warrior one. Exhale. Bring your hands down about a four arm's distance from the wall and take a few hops up towards that wall. If you can get there once again, bend the knees pushed down. Draw the ribs and the naval in and see if maybe one foot can come off the wall, maybe the other. If you confined that straight handstand squeeze the thighs together and then step down. Take it back, Vignes Downward facing dog. Let's move to the left side. Inhale left leg rises exhaling too knows protract the shoulders. Step forward, right heel spins down. Inhale rising up. Exhale. Take your hands down about a forearm. Assistance from the wall. Lift your right leg up. Pantic. A few hops up towards that wall. Remember, not just the right leg reaching up, but so is that left leg pulling up? Maybe try the other leg off the wall first with the knees bent one day, getting to that straight handstand and then stepping back through that thin yasa child's posts. Just taking a moment to give yourself credit for working on things that might of typically brought fear into the practice. And maybe if there isn't fear involved, you're just working on really building your confidence by collecting the tools and the knowledge that you need to do these poses. Take a deep inhalation through your nose, side out fingertips underneath your shoulders, inhale lift up to seated. So the next thing we're going to approach or the last thing really is tripod headstand. Now tripod headstand is seemingly easier than your share sauce in a because there's more to balance on. Right? Your salsa. You've got this tiny point of balance and tripod. You have your head in your hands in more of a triangle. But it's actually a little bit more detrimental to your neck because there's less support right around your head. So it's even more important that you focus on the right engagement of your arms, the right, really the engagement of your arms in the core and the shoulder blades. So I'm going to show you that now. Okay, so in prepping four tripod headstand, you want to make sure that your arms feel like they're doing chat. Teranga. They are in a check to run the shape, but so many of us forget about our arms on letter elbow splay out. And what that happens, more than 50% of the weight is on your head. When really when you do tripod had sand. You want at least 60% of the weight on your head, right? So you're gonna come into a short tabletop position on your knees with your hands just slightly closer to your niece. And from here, you're gonna lean forward like a chat. Teranga. Draw your chin to your chest and begin to bend your elbow, slowly, bringing the crown of the head down. Then you're gonna push all the way back up. So if you can do this without banging your head on the ground a few times, then you know you're ready for tripod headstand. So let's try it together. Shift the shoulders forward, inhale squeezy elbows and draw your chin to your chest and exhale. Slowly. Begin to go forward until you feel the weight in your fingertips. That's how far forward you need to go. Notice it as my head comes down my elbows or over my wrist. If you don't go far forward enough, then you'll probably end up with your elbows behind your wrists. Okay, one more time. Lean forward chin to chest, bend the elbows and keep shifting the weight forward until the weight is in your fingertips and slowly lower down. Once you get there and you feel like you're in the right alignment, squeezy elbows and I symmetrically lift the shoulder blades up, lift the knees up and walk the feet in. So what you don't want is this you don't want to push yourself into your chin to your chest. You want to make sure that you push the hands down to keep the shoulder blades lifting, walking the feed in, placing the knees on the triceps and squeezing the elbows. And from here, you can practice pushing down once again through your hands to lift your knees off your triceps. Just a bit heels, too, but and lower back down. This is a great way to help you gain the confidence and the strength to do tripod without the wall, But you could always use the wall. Any time you're feeling like you might fall, it's not wrong to fall. Tripod is a great place to fall from because it's a little bit closer to the ground, unlike your ham stand. But building that strength and that confidence near the wall is so great so that you can really learn the correct alignment. The correct engagement. Okay, so we'll flow through our externals or warrior twos or Trico Dossena's, and we'll get into tripod headstand from a wide leg position. Find downward facing dog. Take a deep inhalation here, sigh it out, bring your feet together. Inhale right leg rises up in back on the knee Opened the hip. Exhale me to nose Step your right foot forward. Spin your left heel down, bend into your right knee Lineup, heel, toe arch in inhale when mill all the way up Warrior two sink into that bend in the right knee is you flip your right palm. Inhale. Reverse your warrior. Exhale. Straighten your right. Like find tricorn asana right Fingertips Come down to the outside of your right shin, your left arm up engaging your core here, gazing up towards the sky past the left fingertips, drawing your shoulder blades down. Push down through the right heels. You bend into the right knee. Inhale back up to your warrior. Two. Exhale hands to the hips straight in your legs. Turn your toes and heels out. Lift your heart up, Aziz. You inhale and exhale. Fold all the way down process. Read opponents and awesome. Now, if you know that tripod headstand is a bit scary for you, feel free to move yourself to the wall and just get the back of your head to touch the wall. That will probably be the most supportive place to be If you're in process Rita pots in Austin, a crown of the head comes down. Place your hands down right underneath your elbows and really focus on squeezing the elbows in. Now. From here, you can always push down through the hands, keeping that action of pushing down. You can tip your butt up and over, stacking your hips first. If that's not possible, you can bring your knees onto your triceps once again and practice pushing down as you squeeze the elbows in to lift your knees up. If you want to go all the way upside down, do so. As long as you keep your hands glued to the mat, your elbow squeezing and your shoulder blades lifted. You'll be in a really solid position, and it's the same as your hand stand in the upper or lower body that IHS Pull the ribs in the naval in, squeeze the inner thighs together and engage your butt. Then slowly reach the legs out wide. Come all the way back down to your process. Rita products innocent, inhale to a flat back, exhale hands to the hips and inhale rise all the way up to standing great job turning back into your warrior Tuas, you inhale. Exhale, windmill your hands down Take it back through your vineyard Downward facing dog last side Inhale left like rises Bend the knee opened the hip. Exhale, step forward. Spend your right heel down, line it up heels arch and inhale when mill up. Warrior two. Bending into your left knee as you foot the left palm. Reverse your warrior. Straighten your left leg. Exhale tree Conason A triangle Posts left fingertips down, right fingertips up towards the sky. Pull the ribs in the naval in, bending into your left knee. Inhale back to your warrior. Two. Exhale hands to hips. Straighten the left leg, turn the toes and inhale. Lift your heart up high. Exhale, folding all the way down Once again, if you're more comfortable at the wall, this is your home practice, so feel free to move to the wall. If you're looking to move away from the wall here, just take it really slowly. I promise you. Any changes you make in your yoga practice should be really, really small. So any time you're changing your position from being on the ground off the ground, make sure it's very slow, unconscious. So then you won't be flying over right? So if you can place the crown of your head down, plant your palms flat down. Make sure your hands underneath your elbow squeezy elbows in instead of just kicking your legs up off the ground. Pushed through the hands. Lift the shoulder blades is you tip onto the balls of your feet and see what it's like. Just a lift your feet slightly off the ground. And if you're approaching it from that, because in a shape which is a little bit safer, see what it's like to push just slightly and lift your knees a tiny, tiny bit off your elbows, squeezing the elbows and those small little corrections Those small little directional movements really help you gain that control. You need to go all the way upside down. Take it slow. A slow is your breathing is. Then slowly come on back down. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale, handsy your hips and inhale. Rise all the way back up to standing Great job. Turn your left host forward. Bend into your left knee, Inhale, Reach the arms. Exhale windmill your hands down and step back. This time into child's posts needs together. Bring your forehead down, relax your neck, your shoulders and just breathe here. We did a lot of poses in this practice that might have brought up some fears that you might have of falling or failing, and maybe you might feel a little deflated if you couldn't do something is to your own expectations. But remember that our expectations are always going to disappoint us. But if we are present enough to see the small success to celebrate the small victories you might have, maybe we got off the ground a little further or we understood on alignment point a little better. We celebrate those victories than we direct our mind towards the positive, and that's really the last box I'd like to check in this practice. Celebrate those small victories. Take your fingertips underneath your shoulders, Inhale lift up to seat it. Sit on to your hips. Send your legs out in front of you. Shake them out. Flex your feet, big toes touching as you inhale. Reach your arms up and as you exhale, fold all the way down. Paschke, matzo Knussen Grab a hold of what you can, whether it's your feet, your ankles or your calves. As you inhale, Lengthen the crown of the head towards your toes as you exhale. Fold a little bit deeper and then he'll look forward. Exhale, Lie all the way down onto your back. Hug your knees into your chest. Give yourself a big squeeze and extend your legs one by one into chef Lassana. Let's your feet drop. Open your arms by your side. Close your eyes. Take a deep inhalation through your nose. May be acknowledging one of those fears that sticks with you through your practice and then open your mouth. Try to let it go. Feel free to take Shiva Sena for as long as it serves you. Thank you so much for practicing with me nomis day.