Lessons in Business and Life with Richard Branson
Lesson 1 from: Lessons in Business and LifeRichard Branson, Chase Jarvis

Lessons in Business and Life with Richard Branson
Lesson 1 from: Lessons in Business and LifeRichard Branson, Chase Jarvis
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1. Lessons in Business and Life with Richard Branson
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Lessons in Business and Life with Richard Branson
Everybody has a going I'm chase Welcome. Another episode of the Chase Travis Live show here on Creativelive. You guys know the show? This is where I sit down with the world's top creators onto boners and thought leaders and I do everything I can't unpacked their brains to help you live your dreams and career and hobby And in life, my guest today is probably will definitely needs no introduction, But I'm just going to try and actually not given introduction because you'll know who he is. The second I say his name, it is the guest today, Sir Richard Branson. I see you love you. Welcome. You just got in yesterday from the other side of the pond I got in from Washington. Actually, I was trying to see if we could rally the World Bank and the IMF to help the Caribbean. That's been trashed from the Hurricanes. So And then, of course, I came here to watch Virgin Sport do a great performance. And now, uh, no Sonoma and Napa Valley being trashed as well. So strange. A strange The world is strang...
e forces. That s so many, so many strange things happening right now. Your book just dropped a congratulations. You 1st 1 losing my virginity 20 years ago this year, I think, Um, so we'll talk about that and a little bit, but I did want to mention I like to open the show when I can with, um, current events. Most recently. I think it was two days ago now, maybe three. You introduced Hyperloop one now in partnership with Virgin. So it's virgin Hyperloop one. How long has that been in the works? You've got some of summers. Things only things going. What was the? Well, uh, there's a guy called Show In Who took me out Teoh the Nevada desert some months ago. Andi, I saw this wonderful tunnel on outside Las Vegas where they were test running Hyperloop one on on the chief engineer happened to be somebody I knew from Virgin Galactic before. Andi. It was very exciting. And I'm in the rail business. We have the number one rail network in the UK, but all trains restricted to about 135 miles an hour because of the track. So the idea of being able to transport people that 606 150 miles an hour was it was too good to miss. So eso virgin Hyperloop has been born, um Andi, Their countries all over the world have expressed an interest in Take it. It'll transport both freight on transport passengers. Andi, it'll I think transfer transform, You know, like cities, lights, places like Scotland that miles from from London. Suddenly there will only be 45 minutes away on DSO. It'll make such a such a big difference in bringing people closer to each other. Yeah, just the fact that cities that were separated by states or vast spaces were going to be like metro stops. Basically, it's 700 miles an hour and, you know, I mean, actually, technically, it's a straight line. You could almost go 1000 miles and it is just the G forces if you've got corners. So but so anyway, realistically, 606 50 which is pretty damn good. Sure when Ah, founder of Sherpa Ventures, And I'm sure in a little bit also early in instant prayer in, uh uh, uber and a couple other investments. Super smart guy. Was that a relationship? I think a lot of folks at home are curious about how that kind of stuff happens. Is it just because you're you and and you've transcended all kinds of different transportation environments that you get, you get to be on the inside of this. I think where I think we're lucky that the people trust the virgin brand. Um eso you know, like you know, whether it's Virgin Atlantic, Virgin America, Virgin Australia. Um uh, are your previous Transportacion businesses have been successful on DSO companies that have got to come up with cutting edge technology, I think quite like the idea of being associated with the Virgin brand on. So, yes, you know, we put investment in the company, But the thing that excites me the most was the fact that it became virgin Hyperloop Bond that, you know, A So long as we put the brand onto products that are exciting, that enables us. Then, um you know, the next exciting project that comes through it makes it that much easier for us. Well, one of the things that we serve sort of a couple of different audiences here Creativelive I think of them and certainly two buckets. One is the bucket of people from 01 and the people are just figuring out what they want to do. And can they make the leap from their full time job to do something more entrepreneurial or as a creator? And then there are people who are already identify with with being a creator, and and I think you stand as an inspiration to both of those groups. Um, what? You've talked a lot about your dyslexia and I I surveyed some of the folks in our community and said, If you know, if you could sit down with Sir Richard as I have the good fortune of being, what would you talk him about? And that was one of the things I think when people think about moving on in their career, they think about their barriers first. And, um, you've talked at length about it and in other interviews. But I was wondering if you could just put a little context on this, Um, what would is like, What was it like in school? And then how did you, in a sense of what you talked about, using your dyslexia to your advantage? And how do you How do you think about that? Or how should folks at home. It says. Interesting. Three days ago, I climb a mountain in Morocco. It was 18 hours up and up and down on but a lot of times on my on my feet and the on guy talked at great length about dyslexia. Andi personal. Just the basic name dislikes here is you know why? Why have they come up with the name that is so negative and so difficult to spell and so difficult to to pronounce for dyslexic? So by the time we got to the bottom, we thought, right, we're gonna push alternative thinker Azaz the new name for dislikes. Dyslexia on gonna block about the next few days if anyone's gonna need better names for dyslexia, we thought would that has to be brand new that I mean, maybe 10 or 20 years old probably didn't have the true when you were. No, they didn't have it when I was here. Aan den. I think this anything it sounds pretty nasty, but anyway, eso Yes. So I think I I was pretty hopeless at school. Uh, you know, the conventional education passed me by, um, Andi, but I think it was a good thing because you know, Come 15. I decided to quit school. Andi Um, bizarrely, for a dyslexic started magazine to campaign against the Vietnamese war on day on, My dyslexia really helped me become a really good delegator, and I think that's been one of my great strength. So I've had to find brilliant people around me over the last 50 years and all the different ventures we've done, um, on and be willing to give them a lot of freedom freedom to do good things in freedom to make mistakes on Ben on By and large, it's worked on bats freed me up to you. Don't worry about next Hyperloop one the next projects, but also just to look after oneself. Look, you spent time with one's family, Andi on Be ready to troubleshoot when something goes wrong. So eso not to get bogged down by the minute I onda Andi, I think the best bit of advice I could give in anybody, any entrepreneurs, you find somebody better than yourself. Uh, give them the freedom to step into your shoes on. Then you clear the decks yourself and all those things that you were doing hand over to them on then you'll you'll find very quickly. You know that the desk will be full up with new ideas, which you could then hand over again. And you can keep doing that. Andi on. Then you could become, you know, a serial philanthropists as well as a serial entrepreneur. So let's go back to speaking of entrepreneur, go back to the magazine for just a second. Because often people's first projects are indicative of where they're going to go. And and that was in publishing, right? You published, Ah, student magazine. Um, why magazines and you know, how did you get it off the ground? I think people interested in the tactics that yeah, you actually do. So, um, so the last thing I thought was that I was becoming a businessman or entrepreneur. I just wanted to be on editor of a campaigning magazine to campaign against the Vietnamese war, which was one of the most unjust wars ever. Impact pretty well. Every war is unjust, but this was a ghastly, ghastly war. Onda, um, young people between the age of and 30 were away marching on streets and trying to bring the water to an end. Andi, I didn't have any money? Um, there weren't such things as mobile phones in those days. We had a mobile phone box at the school, Um, with a fixed line telephone on. If you wanted to make a call, you had to keep putting money into into the phone box. Andi on If I chose the times a day where other kids were not using the phone box to go bring up advertised potential advertisers to see if I could persuade them to advertise in my magazine on does one occasion where I was putting money in on, I lost the money on like, didn't get through. And I rang up the operator and they said, Oh, don't worry, We'll put you through. So then I started using The operator is my secretary. I just ring up. Said lost the money, never put any money on dso. I had this posh these posh operators being put through. I've got Mr Branson for you s o. I finally had my free three telephone calls. Andi, I just had to hope that I didn't get the same the same operators of two or three times in a row. Um on guy would talk coca Cola and say, You know, Pepsi's just taken a full page ad as I learned the sick tricks quite early on Andi. Oh, well, if Pepsi doing it, we will have to do it. And, uh, National Westminster Bank A. Well, if they're doing it, then Barclays would do it. And so on. Andi, when I got about 4.5 £1000 of advertising, I promised I was 15 on the huge brands from big. I think they I think, you know, there was this young enthusiastic, but actually they wanted to get to young people. So there wasn't a magazine for young people in those days. So somehow we persuaded them on day, and then the headmaster had being and said, Look, come, you either run this magazine, Andi leave school or you stay at school and you don't run the magazine. I went. Thank you. I waved him goodbye on the magazine, became my education. And Andi I suppose I became an entrepreneur by defaults because I had to worry about the appetizing worry about the distribution. Worry about the printing of the paper manufacturing. Um, on being an editor was important, but if it it it was. It was at least 50% of the time. Was being becoming an entrepreneur a word that didn't exist 50 years ago, becoming by mistake? Some French dictionary probably headed in there. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure the friends see what entrepreneurs. But in those days every company in Britain was run by government ready. So you had British Telecom Bush's gas, but she's still British coal, you know, They were awful, Badly run, Um, on Duh on. Then it myself and a woman called Anita Roddick who started body Shop. It was just the two of us as entrepreneurs. Andi, Anybody want to interview? The woman interviewed the eat if they want to interview a man interviewed me. So we got more than our fair share of publicity for what we were doing on the fact that I was young, you know, gave me an added It added advantage to, um on dumb. And then just one thing led on to another room. And, you know, I found that music was really expensive to buy, so I thought Screw that. Lets were used the magazine to start selling music much more cheaply than anybody else and course We were selling music we liked so it didn't have it wouldn't we? Wouldn't have had handy. Williams would be Frank Zapper. It would be it would start having a credit. We've got a lot of credibility by the quality of the music resolved, Stones say, Stand exactly on day And then we started. You know, we came across tapes of artists that we loved and nobody would put out. So we thought, Screw, That was set a record company and Virgin Records was born, and it became the most successful independent record label Watch in the World With You, Janet Jackson's and anyway, a whole lot of Phil Collins pedic, April Boy George, etcetera, etcetera. On um on was a lot of a lot of fun. What you said two things in there that I want to hold onto. One was that the magazine was your education. So you do what you have to say about traditional education. Frankly, creativelive exists because I don't I don't feel like that. The traditional education is preparing people for the future and features skill based on went on, and obviously you're an investor and creative life, so there's an overlap there. But talk to me about how you think about tradition. Education versus just the doing. Um, way. One of the one of the reasons we started the magazine was because, uh, I couldn't stand the education system at school. You know, people left left school after years and years. Three years of learning French, but hardly speaking a word of it. Um, people left school after years and years of learning latin and hardly spoke a word of it. Andi, it was just facts being crammed into on day. One of the reasons started the magazine was to campaign against the system many, many years later. You know, we're still having reimagining education conferences on Necker Island and things, and I just didn't, you know, still think, you know, we ain't sorted the problem out yet. What you're doing is tremendous, Andi, there needs to be more more of what you're doing, But school schools Still a very fact fact based on exam based on bond. So, uh, you know, So I'm I'm Yeah, determined to see in the next 10 years of my life whether we can, you know, really make a difference. And maybe we love to work with you and thinking how we can properly reimagine education and, um, on dumb make kids bounce into school. Uh, really being stimulated, uh, in a wonderful way. You call yourself a grand dude, get a couple of grandchildren and as do you think about the world that they'll go to school? And do you think it'll look anything like the one that we're in now Or how do you think about what I think I mean in Britain and education system has not changed that much in the last 50 years. So, uh, yeah, and and and it still needs to Onda. Yeah, with four grandchildren a little two years old. I would like to try to get it helped get it right, Sooner rather later. All right, we're on it. Um, in the second thread that you were working off of that I wanna pull on is you started with the magazine. The magazine allowed you to sell music music transfer translated into a record out. A record label used the financing, as I understand from the record labels sale record label for the airline and etcetera, etcetera. Is that a, um is that what you prescribe? Because everyone wants to. Not everyone but the people that are at least listening and watching to the show here like they want to find their thing. And that is a question that I hear so often in entrepreneurial circles is how do I know what to focus on? What advice would you give someone who's wondering? Like, how do I find my passion and Haddaway pull on these threads and where they're going to lead to help us understand how you got started and how they should think about it? Well, I think I mean, most. Most people listen to this show. No, no. What their passion is Andi on? Then it could be a Hopi. It could be, um, they could love reading. They could love playing tennis. They could have passions. Um, And if you have a passion, uh, it makes sense to spend a lot of your life and involved in that passion. Um, Andi, quite often you can tell your passion into a business You can see um, that maybe there's some aspect of your passion that people are not doing that well. Andi. Andi, you can save. Screw it. I could do it better. Andi, Think Well, if you spend your life with your eyes open looking for, um, looking for things that frustrate you, looking for a gap gaps in the market. That's all the businesses. Is it? It's fulfilling that filling in a gap, doing it better than it's being done by anybody else. Um, Andi Onda and it People who don't have closed minds will most likely find find better find those opportunities. Now, I suspect there will be 100 people who would have come up with that idea before you. But those 100 people, um, you know what won't have had the courage just to go and do something about it. So, um, you know, So it's that those few people who just say right, you know, that I'm going to give it a go that and often end up, you know, being being successful, you starting small, I think, is another thing that I see. I see people miss. This is the second time you've been on the show. And we recounted this the how you got started with Virgin with you in Puerto Rico and all that. Folks, go listen to the other show for that story. It's a beautiful story. Um, but you had one plane. You were an airline with one plane, and I think that's to me. That's remarkable. That the concept of an airline you think of American airlines or something has, you know, vast fleets of planes and is is starting small Hyperloop one. It's not exactly small, right. There's now you've got this massive vision. But, I mean, how do people go from 0 to like you have to start somewhere and you happen to start with the 7 47 So it's not like it's a small plane, but is there any advice that you have on getting started? Cause I think that first step paralyzes so many people. Yeah. I mean, the rules I set myself was 1st 1st Well, I was sure that, uh, that the l am business stank, and it was It was the quality was ghastly. And Andi, it wasn't fun. And it was yeah, pretty pretty miserable experience to travel from A to B on British Airways or any of the other airlines. Eso eso I thought if we could throw into the mix Ah, plane. That was great fund which was beautifully designed. That had staff that really loved what they were doing. Um, where the food was Great. Wherever. The seating was nice, where there was stand up bars. Whether you know, just your entertainment was great that we were They would have a chance. We couldn't be sure. Um uh, on dso first of all, I did a deal with Boeing that so I could have the plane back to Boeing at the end of the 12 months. You know, if I was wrong about this and that was protecting the downside. So at least I knew the worst that could happen was about 50% of the profits of virgin records for the year if it all went wrong. Um, and then we through this one plane in against PanAm with three under planes, TW with 300 planes, Berge weighs planes. Um, f florida with a couple of 100 planes. People expressed a couple 100 planes. British Caledonian with 100 planes on Air Europe down air, etcetera. Um, on dad's talk about on we on people loved it. Um on. Do you know, I used myself to make sure we got on the front pages of the newspapers. Not on the back pages. Um, Andi, uh, on and come the end of the first year, um, we rang up Boeing and asked for a couple more. 747 for Florida and for a couple more routes on dso leave. But surely we grew on as we were growing, British Airways decided they didn't. They didn't like this at all. Andi, even although we were only had sort of four. If I planes Andi, they launch what famously became known as the dirty tricks campaign. Onda um you know, we took them to court. We won the biggest libel damages in history. We were distributed at Christmas time and on on became known as the British Airways Christmas bonus on Ben on a less Stauffer smiling and happy on Ben Uh, on and, uh, on bond on British Airways. Backed off somewhat. Andi. Uh, And as we were growing, um, every one of our other competitors went bankrupt to t w went bankrupt. PanAm uh rich Caledonia. Anyway, the whole lot Air Florida, the lot disappeared. Onda. The only reason I think British Airways survived was they had a monopoly of slots at the main airport. Andi Andi s. So it is possible for a much smaller company, you know, to be the David taking on the big lives on As long as you've got quality and panache and fun and style, you can actually beat them. Or at least yeah, you could beat most them on. That's what Virgin Landing did. And the fact that you you've done that in so many different industries is that a method like you've always had Apple needed Microsoft. There is always a bad guy and clearly British. There was this crappy service stucked about, you know, state run or state subsidized, and you talked about panache and style and and all these other things does. Is that a requirement to the dynamic that there's something that needs changing or disrupting? Or is that just the way that you think or build businesses? I think it's not a requirement, but I think competition is good for everybody. On Ben Andi, having a bigger competitive with a fat belly to prod makes a lot more fun than if you just suddenly had had a monopoly in a whole whole new industry. It makes you much more sleek of foot than I think if you were if you were the only player in town. So 20 years later, you, ah, have written finding my virginity after the losing my virginity release. Um, let me get a good shot of the cover there for the folks that are watching, um, explain the concept behind the book, which it was finding my virginity. It I thought virginity could only be lost. Well, im I'm sort of finding my virginity along the time with new new ventures. Andi, my final book make in another 20 years will most likely be virginity found. Hopefully, I'll finally get they'll finally get there on but 10. But the, um personal. I think everybody should write a book. I think every single person on this has great stories to tell which they can share with their Children and their grandchildren. Andi, Andi, It's a pity that these everybody's life is not is not captured on day on that the stories your parents taught you when you were young? Um uh, your friendships, everything I think of worth capturing. I mean, I've, um I've led. Uh, I've been lucky enough to have a very full on, I think Quite interesting. life. Andi Um and therefore I think sharing sharing my stories with, um you know, with without with without this hopefully people can learn something from them. Losing my virginity were sold millions of copies on Ben Onda. I bet a lot of people who said it affected their lives. They may be dropped. Everything started there in business. They've done very well. As a result, on by Hope, finding my virginity will have the same sort of effect on people's lives and that they will take a few few bits from it on. Do you learn? Permit? I'm a storyteller. I love telling stories. I think that's the best way of getting messages across. Um, humor is important. Ondas Quite a lot of humorous moments as well. Well, having steamrolled through in the last 72 hours, thank you for doing that. That was brilliant. And also speaking of the other books, like, I've collected, um, biographies of amazing artists and entrepreneurs my whole life those have been inspirational to me. And so yours. Your original book. It certainly did that This strikes me as a little bit more almost of a leadership book. Um, there's so many in modern times where we're our own leaders were able to start a company with basically nothing. We've got more access to tools and technologies, and we ever have before all these things air democratized folks who used to be followers are now becoming leaders. And I feel like leadership is a huge area of growth and opportunity. I myself had to figure out how to be a leader as creativelive and turning to you and others. You taught me how to mitigate the downside and went on, But what? And do you have information or ideas or any advice for the folks that are leaders in business Is that you feel, like is often missed or ignored or what has been the key to your success in leadership? Um, well, I think Ah, yeah, A good leader is a bit like being a good father, Ready or good, mother. You know, I think what you do at home and what you do at work, um should be former. Almost one at one and the same. Uh, you know. So if you're a good father, you you look for the for the best in your kids. You praise your kids, you you. Uh uh You love your kids on and on a good leaders. Exactly the same. You got to love it. Lavish praise on the people that you're working with. You've got to be a good listener. May make sure that you're listening all the time. You're absorbing what? What you learn from from the people who you're working with. Um uh um e I just hate when I see, um, leaders jumping down people's throats or lording it over people, uh, or not listening, you know, hearing their own voices all the time. Um, on bond on, It's so counterproductive. Andi. So I think the the traditional sort of stereotype of, you know, the sort of Dallas anybody remember that TV syriza leader that trades all over people to get to the top eyes? The absolute opposite of what? What one needs. And leaders today, um uh, yeah, Trump Trump is Trump, I suspect, is the absolute opposite of what one needs in a leader today on. But fortunately that that's the exception to the rule. You know, most, most modern day leaders of great with people on bring out the best in that people, and therefore they get a really loyal group of people around them. On toe ask somebody to leave a company. It should be so rare. I mean, generally speaking, you can if you're talking about a company is a real family. You find it, you find another position for them within the company that suits their role better than the one. But maybe they're not working out in Andi. This whole sort of slightly more American approach of firing and firing people about too readily is, I think, very Rome. How important is vulnerability and authenticity toe leadership? You've, You've you show great empathy whenever you're. You know, I've spent time a lot of time with you, and you're always concerned about folks. As you said, Like firing. Is that Ah, Is that something you're very cognizant off like empathy and vulnerability you share a lot about, you know, being scared, and then wine cellar when the hurricane hits your house. Um, just how important is that for folks at home? That are. I think, you know, I think I think you need todo again. Yeah, you need to be human. You need to you know, you need to be willing to cry on occasions. I mean, if you know, you know, we're not. When our spaceship went down, you know, I met. Talk about in the book. Met the engineers on, you know, we all cried together. We will have a big hug together on then we picked ourselves up on Do you know, we moved on to create the assess unity. A new spaceship which will hopefully get be going up in a few months time. Um so, uh, eso don't be People shouldn't be afraid of being human. Human beings on Goa. Andi, with all the vulnerabilities that human beings have, this space component was also really big. I think you're Can you talk to me about your fascination with space? Is it literally space and of itself? Or is it the concept of space being something that's so vast? And that's the next frontier for you? Besides, of course, hyper live one. But why? Why space way? Why, you miss, uh, Why not? I suppose I would say I mean, like, I think, um uh, it's something that, um I was 80% of the people I meet would love to go to space. Uh um and it's up to us to produce, um uh, spaceships. And that would enable them to go safely and on affordably on. That's the challenge that we've set ourselves on Andi, you know, creating a space line. It look, it's fun, you know, like, you know, you only live once and if if I did, if I'd done nothing else my life created space line that you could take people into space. I feel pretty chuffed on bond, Andi. There's a lot that can be achieved through it. I mean, you know, we're putting up, you know, 2000 satellites around the world with with one web assed part of part of way have a company called Virgin Orbit that is putting, you know, putting up satellites and on that will make a big difference back here on Earth, Andi, because our spaceships designed like, you know, the rial spaceships, like in the shape of airplanes, weaken you move it, move into point to point travel one day. So it's ridiculously good fun. It'll be great for the Virgin brand Onda. You only live once on. It's horribly expensive, but you know well, if you can pull off the best in an industry. Um, generally, speaking of time that you'll get your money about one day, and so you just got to create the best in the first place, which we're nearly there in doing. Ah, final theme on exploring the book is that of that you talked about the elders. Folks like Nelson Mandela have been a big inspiration to you. Um, how important is mentorship and a peer group and community to you and to building Not just a brand, but a life that you're proud of? Um, yeah, really important. I mean, um, they I was lucky enough to get to know Nelson Mandela really well on, um, Andi, hey, has a wonderful sense of humor. As as Archbishop Tutu. Who? Both Very both very close. Um, Andi, you know, building the eldest with them. Uh, you know, I think it's one of the most important things that we've done that Peter Gabriel myself done in our lifetimes. Um, Andi, um, on the they elders have been going about 10 years. They go into conflict regions, try to resolve conflicts, they set up some wonderful organizations, things like girls, girls, not brides and so on. You know, they've spoken out strongly on things like climate change and on DSO Uh oh. Its magical being involved with that Andi, about 50% of my time is now spent on not for profit ventures like campaigning against the war on drugs and trying to get government street drugs. The health problem, not a criminal problem trying to protect the species in the oceans, through oceans, unite and the oceans. Elders trying to rally business is to become forces for good and make a difference in the world through the B team. Um, you know, getting the Carbon War Room and the Virgin Earth price to try to help tackle climate change. So there's a lot of a lot of really, really great people running these wonderful not for profit organizations that that hopefully can make a difference as well. So you've Your Chronicles as an entrepreneur are well documented and also all reference our earlier conversation. Um, it's been very popular is a lot of talk about your near death experiences. Your film had just come out at that time, and so if folks want to hear all the numerous ways that you you've almost done yourself in from ballooning, I want to flip the script in this particular And I think so much of your world is is is giant for people in a wildly aspirational. But you have to get out of bed just like everybody else. You have to put your pants on one leg at a time. What are some of the tactical things that you do like? Maybe, for example, in the morning. How do you get started with your day? What are some things that you do that have provided a really good life for you? And health is dramatically you really important to you. I know that. Yeah. I mean, I, um good. I mean, looking after yourself. Your body is the most important thing you can do. Because if you don't look up to yourself, you can't look up to your Children. You can't look after your wife. You can't look after businesses. Everything else falls apart. So, you know. So the first thing I do in the morning is get up early. Going plays tennis with somebody That's tennis pros better than me. And we have a full on a couple of sets of singles tennis, and I'll do the same again in the evening. Then if the wind is up ago kite surfing on and on, then I would have done a lot by by seven o'clock. I think I would have some breakfast. Andi trying to make sure the breakfast is relatively healthy. Um, on Ben, you know, I'm set up for, you know, set up for really full on day. Andi, at least once a year, we set ourselves as a family big challenge. So, uh, on we try to raise money for a new organization for young people that my Children's set up called Strive On to Do with education, actually, for young people. Andi. So last year, the kids rang me up and said, Dad, I'm not sure you're gonna want to come on this one. But you can if you want it so foolishly I said yes. So we started at the Matterhorn. We did an eight day hike across than the Italian Swiss Alps. We then did a 2.5 1000 kilometer bike ride through the mountains to the sub from the north of Italy to the Southerners Step of Italy. We then swam to Sicily with ended a marathon, another hike than a mountain bike and then a hike up to the top of Mount Etna. On on. At the end of it, I felt like a 25 year old. I had a body of a 25 year old. I've never felt so fit for years. Andi, Andi in the great thing is, by setting these challenges, you've got to train for them. On Ben. Last week we just went. We dis climbed the highest mountain in the North Africa called Man. Typical and 80 18 hours on their feet. And Andi, Andi, you curse and swear at the time. But afterwards, it just feels so good. S o, I think setting setting yourself family challenges or, you know, just just every year just started set a challenge, which you can work towards is a good idea. It's all that's well chronicled in here as well. Um, so let last point, like Teoh here for me, that in the last interview, we also, um I asked you to tell me something you hadn't told anyone else in a different interview and that he struggled with that for just 2030 seconds. And you came up with the great story. You decided yourself a storyteller about, um um getting pulled over by a copper. And I want you pounded a buddy in the stomach and still and you were speeding. I'll, I'll leave it at that. But it was a great story. Um, instead of, ah, story that no one else had heard. One thing I haven't heard from it is in previous interviews is what's the most important thing to you. You talk a lot about building businesses and you're so I think about, I mean in the end. In the end, everything comes down to your your family and friends and there's nothing. Yeah, that's that's all that A What matters in the end. Andi. So we've been very lucky. You know, my parents were very lucky. They loved each other throughout their lives. I've been with Joan for 40 years on bond, and as I told that last week, she's still a sexy beast. Andi, Andi, Andi it because we're happy together that is help, you know, helped with our kids and help with their relationships and on. And my guess is that they'll stay together and they're very, very happy, and that'll help with their Children and so as a But we've just been very lucky in that way. I mean, obviously 50% of families are not so lucky, and then they have to pick themselves up and tried it. So keep keep that those friendships and and there's family together. Um, I'll end with one fun story s Oh, my, which had told in the book. But my dad when he was about 86 87 I took him on a, uh, hike through Africa following the migration of the of the world a beast. Andi, Andi, Andi loved Africa. It was pissing with rain every day and for a poor 87 year old have to get up, Go and try to squat down over a hole in the ground in the middle of the night in the pouring rain was not much fun for him, but but anyway, he was you know, it was it was it was a wonderful thing for a father and son to dio Andi. Anyway, on the last day, he woke up and he had the biggest smile on his face because sharing a tent Onda and I said to Dad, You did you have a happy dream. He said Yes, a zit. Did it involve a women said Yes. Uh, I said, did you misbehave with her? He said no. He said, but she misbehaved with me. Outrageous. Anyway, so, yeah, Huma Huma is important to the book is laced with its speaking of sexy beast. You've got to pick up the book. Um, if you're watching, listening, finding my virginity by Sir Richard Branson. Um, I know we want people to pick up a copy of the book. I want to say thanks for supporting kit of Live. Of course. Um, there's another way that I've heard you asking people to get involved. And that's your building. That rebuilding the Caribbean or doing something toe help. What is a way, you know, after recent devastation from the hurricane there, Is there a particular way that people could could donate funds or time? Or what would wouldn't ask me there for the community? Um well, the there so many causes that here in San Francisco, and you've got Napa Valley and Sonoma on far onder so many causes for for people to to help. Um, they there is a tiny little foundation called Unite BB. I that's trying to help rebuild the Virgin Islands, but waken we can put our resources into that. Um uh, So, um uh, yeah. So look, just I think every every every everybody out there have got very important courses that they'll put their spare pennies towards. And, um, right now, what we're trying to do is get the well bank and the I m f etcetera to look after the Caribbean as a whole and really try to get in there and try to move the Caribbean into becoming being part by clean energy. And you get to help get it back on its feet in a big way. Andi, Andi! You know, actually, the best thing you can all do is in a year's time. Months before worlds. We've got it rebuilt. Come and visit us in the Caribbean because that that will. That's what the car that's what people get in need could we need They're gonna need to get to respect. Thank you so much. You all will see another dime, probably tomorrow. Thanks
Ratings and Reviews
Robin Spencer
Such a great interview. I have read all of RB books but still learned a lot and was re-inspired. I sat up and smiled at list new term "Alternative Thinker" for dyslexics. I am one.