Class Introduction
02:57 2Understand How Elements Works
05:53 3Importing Images
11:31 4Workspace Basics: Organizer
14:47 5Workspace Basics: Editor
16:12 6Tonal Adjustments in Quick Fix
09:59 7Color Adjustments in Quick Fix
07:58 8Apply Black & White Filters
04:01Sharpen an Image
03:33 10Fix Red Eye & Pet Eye
03:05 11Straighten an Image in Quick Fix
03:01 12Explanation of Photoshop Elements
08:23 13Basic Cropping in Quick Fix
14:13 14Guided Edit Overview
02:46 15Guided Edit: Tilt Shift
04:07 16Ways to Save Files
14:37 17Layers & Simple Selections
20:47 18Combine Images with Layers
15:34 19How to Use Layer Styles
15:11 20Make Selections with Layers
11:05 21Make Selection with Lasso
10:43 22Compositing with Multiple Images
17:11 23Refine Edge Selection on Image
19:52 24Use Refine Edge on Images
12:40 25Create Gradient in Image
02:35 26Gradient Map Differences
42:38 27Options for Saving
11:40 28Brushes Overview
15:12 29Creatively Use Brushes
07:19 30How to Change Brush Settings
07:17 31Use Shape Tool with Brushes
08:22 32Work with Multiple Shape Layers
08:53 33Finish Image with Custom Shape Tool
03:21 34How to Load Brushes into Elements
04:59 35Add Layer Style to Image
04:46 36Clip Image to Shape & Use as Template
05:49 37Retouching Overview
04:11 38How to Use Content-Aware Fill
05:47 39How to Use Content-Aware Move Tool
09:38 40Spot Healing Brush on Blemishes
08:53 41Remove Frown Lines with Retouching
05:51 42How to Remove Tattoos
20:32 43Remove a Gap in Teeth
03:52 44How to Whiten Teeth
07:17 45Adjust Facial Features
03:29 46Working with Type Overview
23:17 47Match Type for Image
12:11 48How to Manipulate Type Layers
08:02 49Create Postcard with Type
16:08 50Add Type on a Path
16:59 51Organizing Images in Elements
16:03 52Add Keywords to Images
19:49 53Smart Tags Overview
07:51 54Using Albums in Elements
24:52 55Places Workspace Overview
06:20 56Use Event Tags on Images
04:56 57Timeline for Image Organization
02:45 58Recommended Workflow
07:26Lesson Info
Options for Saving
While we're here let's take one more time to talk about these file formats again just because, I think, we touched on it before, but I think we can just cover it one more time and see it in this environment, it's a little bit different. So, we need to talk about how we save these files so that you have access to it again because this is beautiful. I would totally wanna save this. And a little bit about the workflow of it, right? So, we started, when we created this image, we started with three different jpegs. We had the sky image here, we had the cloud image, and then we had the castle. So, we wanna maintain each of those three images just as they were. So, I wanna save this composite image now as something different. So, I would come up to the file menu and choose "save as." And again we can decide if we wanna include it in the organizer in a version set. And I would say, "yes," let's do that. So, most of the time I'd say just leave all these settings alone, unless you really have a ...
reason to change it. If I wanted to rename the file something else, I could do that here. But I'll go ahead and let it be called the same thing. And you'll notice as we talked about before, photoshop is suggesting ever so gently, that I should choose the photoshop option for the format. If I click this drop-down, there's a number of different formats that are available to me. So, you can see those here, the ones that you're probably most familiar with, just having had whatever experience you've had or hearing people talk about it, is the photoshop format in maybe a jpeg. So, that's what we're just gonna focus on in this course are just those two file formats. But anytime that you've got a document with layers, or if you save in these selections, like we did in the tulip picture where we selected all the different tulips and I showed you how you could save them and then recall them later, anytime you have that kinda stuff going on in an image, you wanna save it as a photoshop document. So, just to make this easy to find... Well, we'll leave it where it is I guess in the organizer. We'll save this as a photoshop, I'm gonna go ahead and hit "save." So, it's gonna be part of a version set with the original sky image here that we started with. So, that's got all these files, all these layers and everything. Then, let's go ahead and save this as a jpeg and see what happens. So, now I'll come back up and choose "file, save as" again. And this time, instead of photoshop for the format, I'm gonna choose jpeg. And...oooh, photoshop's gonna yell at me, and it's like, "hey, this file must be saved as a copy." That's fine. So, it's gonna make this a different file. So we'll have our original sky, we'll have our photoshop version, and then we're gonna have this jpeg. So, format jpeg is warning me that the layers have a problem. That's because jpegs can not have layers. And I'll show you what that means in a minute. So, we'll just pretend that we're not paying attention, and we're like, "yeah, yeah, jpeg, I'm gonna choose jpeg." So, we'll hit "save." These are our jpeg options. So, we saw these earlier, about quality we want this to be a high-quality jpeg, so we'll leave it here to the maximum setting of 12. I'm gonna click "okay." Notice my layers panel has smashed down into just a background. So, I'm gonna click "okay." And then it magically unsmashed again. And this gets a little bit confusing for people, because you think I just made a jpeg and you told me the jpeg can't have layers and now I'm looking at this and I see layers over here. But, here's the catch. We're not looking at the jpeg that we just made. How do I know that? Because up here, in the tab, I can see all kinds of information about my image. I can see the name of the file. It tells me over here that it's a .psd. So I know that this is a photoshop document. This is not a jpeg, it's a psd file. That's what that is referring to. So, let's go ahead and close this file. I'll come up here and choose "file, close." And we should see this now in our organizer. And again, it takes a minute to render some of these jpegs, or some of the psds. But if we pop this open, you can see that we now have three versions. We've got this one here, this one here, and this is our original down here. And I'm thinking, maybe this is a function of my computer that's choking along ever so cooperatively today. Maybe, that's why we're not seeing these thumbnails. But, hopefully on your machines you will see them at home. So, let's go back to the editor, and I'm gonna show you another way of opening these images. So, all this whole time, we've been clicking on the images in the organizer and clicking the editor button to bring it over. But, we can also, of course, come up here to the file menu and just choose open. And then we can just, just like you would be used to doing with any other program, you could just navigate to those files and grab what you need to. So, let me pull this open. We have our original file is down here somewhere among the mix of things. There's our unsplashed sky. "Above the clouds," I guess it's called. So, our original is down there, it's a jpeg. But, what we are looking at is our edited psd and our edited jpeg that we just made. So, I'm gonna open both of these so you can see the difference in what happens when you save a psd and when you save a jpeg. And while we're here, I'd also like to point out the size difference, especially since you've seen that the capacity of your computer to chew through these files is pretty important. So, we can see here that this psd file has a size of a 121 megabytes, whereas the jpeg file which has the same number of pixels, it's the same resolution, it's the same physical size in terms of dimension, but the jpeg only takes up only four megabytes. So, the psd files are going to be much larger than the jpegs. That's because it's got all that layer information, and the jpegs don't. So, let's take a peak at how they look when we reopen them in photoshop after having closed them. So, here we see that the psd is open, so I'm looking at that. I know that's what I'm looking at because it's the highlighted tab up here and it says .psd. And if we look over in our layers panel, we have that whole mess going on with our castle, we have our cloud, we have this regular gradient that's just painted across here, we have our mapped gradient adjustment layer, and then we have our rainbow that we created also using the gradient tool. So, I can still edit this, if I wanna edit this gradient map, I can just double-click that thumbnail and here's that gradient again. And I can still make changes to this. Let's check out these color harmonies. Whoo. Ugh. I don't know. (laugh) That's gonna take some more experimentation and probably a change in blend mode. So, interesting. But, the point is, it's still editable. We'll go back to our pastels. I'm just loving some of this. "Reverse," there we go. So, it's still editable. Let's compare and contrast that now with our jpeg that's sitting over here. Ooooh, look at that. There are no more layers. We still have the effect of all the layers. So, if you toggle between these two images, you can not tell them apart if you're only looking right here. They look the same. However, of course, if we look in our layers panel, there's a huge difference. So, this image, I mean this is like cooked, basically. The goose is cooked for this guy, it's just done. I can't go in and just move this rainbow, for example. I can't go in and just change the gradient because all of those nice layers have been smashed down, boiled down and condensed into just this background. And that's a great thing when your done with your piece. So, if I was going to send this to some place to be printed, now, maybe I wanna hang it up on my wall, or turn it into a postcard or something, if I wanted to go print this, this is the file I would send to the lab or the printer, I would send them the flat jpeg. The psd file is not intended to be your final finished file. The psd file is mostly for just you, that is your work in progress master file. So, when your working with these things, if your creating a composite, you wanna keep that in mind. And when your organizing your folders on your hard drive and working with the actual files, your gonna have your originals, that are probably gonna be jpegs, right? If you're shooting jpegs, that's what you're getting. Or even if you're shooting raw, they're eventually gonna end up as jpegs. So, you've got your original jpeg files, you drag those all together and make something new, in this case we made this castle on a cloud picture, that becomes our work in progress. So, that we save as a psd. We don't even have to worry about the original jpegs, we don't need to re-save them. We wanna leave them as originals. So, then we have our psd. Then, we have our final jpeg. So, a bunch of original jpegs, psd, work in progress, final, print-ready, finished jpeg. What that means is, if we decide, now that we prepared this, let's pretend we're gonna send it to the printer, and at the very last minute we're like, "oh, wait, I wanna move the rainbow," or "I wanna change this gradient," "stop the press," I wouldn't open that final jpeg to make those changes, because that would be so much work. Can you imagine that flat file, if I tried to go in now and take the rainbow out, I'd have to dissect it and it'd be a big mess and a lot of work. So, instead of opening the jpeg, I would go back and open the psd file where all the layers are there, I can make any changes I want, re-save the psd, not making a new psd but just updating the psd that I save on my system, and then resaving a new jpeg and that new jpeg would replace the previous jpeg. And that updated new jpeg, that's the one I would send to the printer.
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Ratings and Reviews
Just watching this class live. It's my first class with Khara; she is a wonderful teacher, moving at a steady speed but always being careful to let us know what she's doing in the moment. I would classify myself as intermediate in terms of PSE but I've learned lots of little things that will make further use even easier and more fun. I really appreciated her descriptions of the difference between PS and PSE and her encouragement in using Photoshop Elements and all that it can do.
I have only been able to watch portions of this class but every single part that I have watched has been technically clear and inspiring to me. Based on this experience and the thorough, 58 item list of lessons, I will surely be buying this class soon! Thank you Khara and Creativelive for making a class on this topic and making it be super!!
Ven S
Great course. You can tell she knows the programme inside out.