Class Introduction
07:00 2The Management Mindset
10:40 3Common Pitfalls for Managers
08:29 4The 8 Tenets of Great Managers
11:54 5How to Increase Your Manager Ratings
04:15 6Styles of Leadership
11:01 7Authentic Leadership
11:21 8Vulnerability
10:04Lesson Info
The Management Mindset
What's different about the work of a manager? So we sort of have this role we play. Thank you. So what's different about being a manager? You're responsible for more people's work, and not just yours. Yeah, responsible. And then there's sort of like more people, right? And I would say even more work that you said, which I think it really important. Okay, what else? There's a another hand, yeah. Networking. Yes, absolutely. And what's important about networking as a manager? Why is that important? It promotes business. Yeah, it helps things grow, right? You make connections and bring people together, absolutely. What else is different? You have to be removing roadblocks from the path of the people that work with you. Yeah, you're like this big problem solver, huh? Remove roadblocks, people come to you. So you spend a lot of your day living in the world of roadblocks. And one thing that's important about that is hey, if I'm moving roadblocks all day, that's great, and som...
etimes that can feel really satisfying, but do I leave enough time to do some of the other work that's less service oriented, and maybe more strategic? We're gonna talk about that. Anything else you want to add about what's different? Yeah! Role model, people follow you follow your actions. Yeah, they're watching, right? They're always watching. You know the thing that I tell my leaders that I coach, is that they're always watching. So instead of being anxious about that, that you're always being judged, it is human to judge, or to judge is to be human. So just embrace that you're being judged and what's more important is be intentional with how you're acting so that you're being judged in the way that you would like to be judged, right? One thing I should also add for people online and people in the room here is what I'm bringing you today comes from what is being taught to the top leaders in the top organizations primarily in tech, but also in other industries such as fashion and beauty as well. This comes from hundreds and thousands of hours coaching and hundreds of hours of training, right? So you're getting the sort of amalgamated wisdom of many smart people, many leaders in conjunction with my own stuff. You'll hear me refer back to common things. So great, let's keep moving and I'll show a few pieces that I want to also add about what's different. You're job is now, as a manager, or leader is to organize. You have all these different lemmings, or little squirrels that are running around, everyone with their own agenda. We all have our own agendas. We have our own ideas, our wants, our dreams our goals, and our job is to try to bring people together around a common goal. You don't need to be in a power position to be an organizer, but to be an organizer is to be a leader, right? It's this role of "How do we bring people together?" And if you take your hand off the wheel when you organize, people tend to scatter again, so it's an ongoing process to organize. That work is never done. Coach, we're gonna get into this a lot more later, but this is a key, the key probably, skill of being a manager and we'll go into more why. I won't spend too much time now because we're gonna spend a lot of time later. Politics. I hear so commonly people hate the politics of being a leader or manager, they don't want to do it. So what I'm gonna invite us to do today is to think about politics a little bit differently. What politics are is really around building alliances, consensus, communicating. It's part of organizing, right? If we aren't willing to play the politic game, then someone else is, and we're not gonna be able to have the impact that we want. I suggest we play politics to have intentional impact, not to be a political animal. Okay, build culture. We talked about being a role model. That's part of building culture. What kind of culture is being reflected by your leadership? Today organizations or teams take on the culture of their leadership, so ask yourself "What am I bringing everyday? 'What's the energy I'm bringing?" And maybe also "What is the culture I'm already inside of?" So there's usually an existing culture that you're participating inside of, but you can still have some control over what, in your influence circle, that culture becomes. Networking, we said that one, that's great. We have to go out and meet people and connect people, because that's how we figure out who we need to talk to, who's doing what, where we might need to communicate, and we get ahead of things, and most importantly we build trust and friendship that allows for a lot of capital in crisis or when things go wrong, and things will inevitably go wrong, because things aren't perfect. If we plan for perfection, we're gonna be in bad shape, but if we plan for things, things are gonna go wrong, then we're not in a bad spot. We've built up our capital to spend when things are tight. This one's really important. I'm seeing all the faces here, and I bet, and the people who come to creative live, I'm gonna guess, are very nice people. They tend to be people who want to grow, wanna do something good in this world. That's why you're here trying to learn more. That's why you signed up to be here in the room, or signed up online to watch this. You're probably more of a person who's really interested in growth, service, things like that. Delegation becomes really hard, so we're gonna go into delegation, and get you to be proficient so you can actually get everything done you need to get done, and help people grow, and be effective. And the last is facilitate. So are you able to be present enough, plus do you have the skills to be able to pull the best out of the group, the room? Whether it's a team meeting, a project, can you facilitate the outcome you're looking for? Let's talk about mindset. Just for a second, I'm gonna erase this. What kind of different mindsets do you need to have as a a manager? Way of approaching things It's not about your personal performance anymore. It becomes about the performance of the entire team. Yeah. I'm gonna write this down as shifted success metrics, because that's what you're getting at. It's not just about how well you're doing in your day. How much did you get done today? If it's just about you, it doesn't really matter as much. It's how much is everyone getting done? How is everyone doing? Is that kind of what you're saying? Absolutely. Okay, great. What else? You have to be creative. Yeah, and in what ways do you need to be creative? Anything that stands out to you as a leader? How you approach things. How you, events, you have to be creative. Yeah, because if you try to do everything with everyone the same way every time, it's not gonna work, right? Yeah Because people are diverse, so you gotta have that creative approach like "How are we gonna do right now?" Yeah yeah yeah. Absolutely. What else? Yeah I guess be more empathetic towards people. Maybe you're not, (laughs) I hope you were before too, but as a manager, I think it becomes more important to be empathetic. Yeah, and we're gonna talk about emotional intelligence, and we're gonna talk about sympathy, empathy, compassion and the differences, so we'll give a fine tooth comb on that and a finer understanding, but exactly. Connecting to people and how people feel matters. It's not just about the work or the strategy, it's about how people feel day to day, and how they feel overall. What story are they telling themselves? What's their experience? Huge. Anything else we want to add before I show you some good ones? Alright, let's keep moving, and we'll show you some of the ones that I was thinking of. Management has been described as getting work done through other people. Getting work done through other people. So that's one way to think about it. It's a little simplistic, but it helps remind us to not be focused on what I need to do. So remember to use all of your resources and tools and the people. So we have to work through others and having that mindset. We talked about changing success measures, super important. We have different kinds of responsibility, and we're gonna be judged differently, so we have to change what success looks like. We used to feel like success was coming in and doing these things, but now it's like "OK, did I communicate well enough today? "Did I have all my one on ones? "Did I ignite the passion of my team today, and keep their spirits up so they could go work?" First is, how many things did I knock off my to do list? How many hours did I work? These aren't great metrics, right? We want to flip our metrics, so we'll talk more about that. Become a coach, so taking on the identity of "I am already a coach, let me get better at it" rather than "What is coaching? "That's for other people." "I don't have time to be a coach." No no no. Become a coach mindset. This one's key. A lot of people back away from, especially early on in the leadership, setting the vision. Yes, there's probably a vision from senior leadership, but part of your job is to interpret that, and filter it through you, and have your own personal version of that vision that comes out of you. That's very important, okay? So being a visionary, it's not just for Steve Jobs wearing a black turtleneck on a giant stage talking to millions of people. We can all be visionaries in a small, medium, and big ways. And lastly, manage outcomes not process. Now, if someone's process is broken, you may need to become a coach and coach them on the process, but most importantly you don't care how they do it, necessarily, as long as they're not violating any laws, or any ethics (laughs), company culture things, as long as they get it done. So someone may do something completely different than you, they may be way more messy, but if the outcome is where we want it to be, then great, right? For the most part. So be thinking more about outcomes than processes, but you can still engage in the process and coach the process.
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Ratings and Reviews
Mandy Hamilton
I absolutely love this course. Cory is such a good speaker/teacher. He seamlessly pulls in useful frameworks and how-to instructions throughout. I highly recommend this program to existing managers or aspiring managers. It will benefit those who have been in leadership for years or those who are just stepping into the role.
Sylvie Leroy
Super interesting. Clear explanations on the process to become a manager. Lot of useful information and exercices. Highly comprehensive. Thank you!
Tatie Diallo
wow amazing class and content and Cory is making it sounds so easy. Thanks