Lesson Info
5. The Framework Of Lead Generation
Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
1Why Lead Generation Is Important To Businesses
03:28 2Understanding The Market
05:29 3The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
03:57 4There Are Many Ways To Drive Leads.
01:59 5The Framework Of Lead Generation
02:17 6Quiz: Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
What’s a Lead worth?
The Value Of A Lead Depends On The Business
07:26 8Positioning Your Services (4;12)
04:12 9Quiz: What’s a Lead worth?
Driving leads with a chatbot
10Why Chatbots Are Effective
03:04 11How To Set Up A Chatbot For Your Client
10:04 12Growing A High-Quality Messenger List
06:18 13Tracking Success With Your Chatbot
07:55 14Building A Loyal Fanbase
04:31 15Quiz: Driving leads with a chatbot
Driving leads natively on Facebook
16An Introduction To Lead Forms And Facebook Canvas
06:00 17How To Set Up Lead Forms
05:29 18How To Set Up Facebook Canvas
04:23 19Driving Traffic To A Landing Page
10:18 20Retargeting Lead Generation Audiences
12:09 21Monitoring The Success Of Your Lead Generation Campaigns.
09:21 22Quiz: Driving leads natively on Facebook
How to drive high quality traffic
23How Do You Define A Good Lead
04:21 24How to use Attributes with your Chatbot
07:13 25Filtering Traffic With Attributes In Messenger.
05:41 26Quiz: How to drive high quality traffic
Tracking and adding value
27How To Track Lead Completions
16:25 28Optimizing Your Lead Campaigns
13:43 29Have Something To Offer
07:26 30How Leads Upsell To Future Sales.
05:16 31Quiz: Tracking and adding value
How to be an all-star freelancer
32Knowing Your Clients and Their Pain Points
04:26 33Delivering Through A Painless Process.
07:53 34Checklists - A Map To Driving Results
04:11 35Troubleshooting - When Things Go Wrong, Since They Do
03:50 36Quiz: How to be an all-star freelancer
05:11Final Quiz
38Final Quiz
Lesson Info
The Framework Of Lead Generation
there are three major components that you need to have set up. If you want to drive leads successfully first is the setup, that's the plumbing, the tracking, the coordination between different channels you tm parameters two is you have to have that content, the boosted post the landing page, the facebook ad, the offer and three you need the fulfillment, which is where you're collecting that email address and making sure that it makes it into their email system. Maybe it's male chimp or goes to dial the owner's phone number and they're able to reply. It's seeing the fulfillment all the way through down to the sale. When you can bridge those three components, you're demonstrating to the business that you're generating roo I and the cool thing is that you're doing this on facebook and you're using facebook's tools using facebook's data, allowing facebook to do that optimization for you. But one thing that you might not know and that most businesses don't know is that when you set that up,...
it actually works across all the channels because why wouldn't you need that when you're running google ads when you're running email campaigns when you're running on twitter or instagram or Snapchat or whatever linkedin wherever a lot of people think Linkedin is where you go to do B2B, you can but you still need that same three part framework, you still need that setup, you still need that content and creative and you still need that follow up to drive to sail. What's cool is that when you get this thing working, starting with facebook, which is the best way to start, you can replicate this across all the other channels using the same techniques and we call this the social amplification engine. Yeah. And these three steps work sequentially. So make sure you go through these in order for each client you have, if you don't, you're gonna have problems down the line, if you don't have things set up in terms of tracking your numbers will be off, it'll just cause a lot of headaches. So we've spent over a billion dollars on facebook. We collected a ton of leads, learn from our mistakes. These are the challenges we have that we're trying to help you guys prevent. And when you follow these three sequentially, then you'll be on the path of success, you'll be setting yourself up for big wins, So that's the first chapter and we're gonna hop over into Chapter two and discuss what elite is worth
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