Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
1Why Lead Generation Is Important To Businesses
03:28 2Understanding The Market
05:29 3The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
03:57 4There Are Many Ways To Drive Leads.
01:59 5The Framework Of Lead Generation
02:17 6Quiz: Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
What’s a Lead worth?
The Value Of A Lead Depends On The Business
07:26 8Positioning Your Services (4;12)
04:12 9Quiz: What’s a Lead worth?
Driving leads with a chatbot
10Why Chatbots Are Effective
03:04 11How To Set Up A Chatbot For Your Client
10:04 12Growing A High-Quality Messenger List
06:18 13Tracking Success With Your Chatbot
07:55 14Building A Loyal Fanbase
04:31 15Quiz: Driving leads with a chatbot
Driving leads natively on Facebook
16An Introduction To Lead Forms And Facebook Canvas
06:00 17How To Set Up Lead Forms
05:29 18How To Set Up Facebook Canvas
04:23 19Driving Traffic To A Landing Page
10:18 20Retargeting Lead Generation Audiences
12:09 21Monitoring The Success Of Your Lead Generation Campaigns.
09:21 22Quiz: Driving leads natively on Facebook
How to drive high quality traffic
23How Do You Define A Good Lead
04:21 24How to use Attributes with your Chatbot
07:13 25Filtering Traffic With Attributes In Messenger.
05:41 26Quiz: How to drive high quality traffic
Tracking and adding value
27How To Track Lead Completions
16:25 28Optimizing Your Lead Campaigns
13:43 29Have Something To Offer
07:26 30How Leads Upsell To Future Sales.
05:16 31Quiz: Tracking and adding value
How to be an all-star freelancer
32Knowing Your Clients and Their Pain Points
04:26 33Delivering Through A Painless Process.
07:53 34Checklists - A Map To Driving Results
04:11 35Troubleshooting - When Things Go Wrong, Since They Do
03:50 36Quiz: How to be an all-star freelancer
05:11Final Quiz
38Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How To Track Lead Completions
this ties back to the six phases we were talking about earlier, the social amplification engine, which we said breaks into three parts. The first is your setup, which is your plumbing, getting your tracking in place, we talked about how you need to be able to go from driving the lead, which is the middle of funnel consideration down to the conversion path at the end in order to do this to find out the quality of the leads. If they're converting, you need to make sure you have tracking in place, we're gonna take this time again to dive under the laptop and show you how to set up things on the landing page. Or if you're in ads manager, what metrics you need to look at to know, you know what your cost per lead is, how to look at that and basically just how to make sure these ads are, these leads are converting and how to see what's happening after they sign up. Hi, my name is Daniel Goodrich and I'm gonna be running you through the plumbing side of generating leads in digital marketing. W...
hen you're running league campaigns, there's going to be two main types of leads that you're going to be going after. The first is lead forms on facebook where people provide their information actually in the facebook interface. They don't have to lead their facebook page and then the second is the lead form on your website. In this video, we're going to go over a couple of tools that we use to make it really easy to track and report both of these lead types and we're gonna start off with lead forms on facebook. Now, if you're familiar with lead forms, you go in, you create the form, you ask all the questions that you want and then facebook's going to auto fill any of the information that it has access to. And these are really nice. Like I said, because they don't have to leave their their facebook page, it eliminates a lot of friction. They don't have to go to a new site. They just fill in the lead, provide their info right there on facebook. One of the tricky things is is that even though you're gonna be able to really easily see these leads reported into your ads manager. It can be a little bit of a hassle gathering those leads so you can actually follow up with them. I would have to go in on a regular basis and download them from the back end of facebook and then you could contact him. One of the things that we like to do is we have a tool called leeds bridge. And what leads bridge does is it takes those leads from the facebook form and then sends them to whatever crm system you're using. So I just wanted to show you really quick what leeds Bridge looks like. It's really simple, really easy to use. The first thing you do is you come and you name your lead, adding labels, you want to do, you don't have to do that. And then you select your source and you select your destination. It's going to ask you to connect to facebook, log in through your your profile, same thing with whatever with whatever crm system you're using. We have infusion soft or keep and yeah so then you go to the next you're gonna select your source. You're gonna log in as a specific facebook account. You're gonna pick which page and then you're gonna pick which lead form you want to use. And you can actually use multiple lead forms. If you got different versions you're gonna have them all going to the same place. Next you're gonna select a destination. Where do you want it to go? You can choose a segment you wanted to go to if you want. You can set up so you'll receive an email receipt for each lead that gets passed into your crm. And then the next piece is called fields matching. This is where you line up your fields within your facebook form. So in this case it's just email with whatever the field is in your crm software, maybe it's phone number, maybe it's email and you do that just simply by selecting a value and then attaching it to one of the pieces of information passed by the facebook lead form. And then you can test your lead within the infusion soft interface. You can click test. Now you can test with a new lead where it'll create, take whatever email you type in here and act as if that's come from facebook or you can do it with existing leads and you save and publish. So let's leave bridge. It's going to make a cut out a lot of of legwork for you where you have to go in and download the leads and upload them to your crm. So your your sales people or you can follow up with them and it's really nice with lead forms hosted on your website. There's a couple other tracking pieces you need to be aware of now because those leads aren't dynamically reported in ads manager without any extra effort. One of the things we like to do is we like to use google tag manager to implement our tracking for lead forms that are hosted on your website. There's a couple extra steps you need to take to make sure that you can properly optimize and so that your leads are reported back to facebook Now it's basic conversion tracking if you've been around the facebook interface for a while, you know that you have to set up standard events that report back to facebook when certain things happen on your website. And one of the tools we like to use to keep that really nice and simple is google tag manager right? It makes it simple. So you can keep all your conversion tracking in one place and you can set up really simple rules to help identify when leads happen to keep your life simple. When you have a lead form on your website you should make sure you have a thank you page. That's the easiest way to track when the league has been completed. Because when somebody successfully submits the form you can set up an event that says when somebody reaches this U. R. L. We know they're there a lead, We know they've given us their information. There are other tools within google tag manager. You can have different clicks, you can have different order forms that are submitted but the thank you page is the easiest way. So if your lead form is hosted on a specific landing page, I would create a view content event that is triggered by anyone who lands on that landing page. That way you can see how many people land on the page and then how many people actually fill out the form and provide their information and land on the following. Thank you page. Alright, so I'm gonna walk you through this process really quickly. It's a really simple, really easy but we'll walk you through it. So first thing you do is you're gonna click new, you'll name your tag, let's call it lead form, landing page. You're gonna click tag configuration, Go down to custom html and then you're gonna go to your facebook, your business dot facebook dot com. You're gonna go to Events Manager and then pixels, you're going to select your pixel and then if you click on setup and then set up new events, it's going to take you to this page right here we're going to do manually install the event code. And then since we're doing the landing page one we're gonna click view content. I will say that set a value of 2 50 for this. You can kind of Play with that a little bit. You want to have some kind of value in there so it may be estimate your close rate. Right? So if you have 10 people on the who land on the on the landing page and two of them are gonna actually provide their information. figure out what 20% of the leads value is to you and put it in there currency whatever your currency code is. And then if you want you can add in an identifying piece of information here. It's not required for leeds, it's mostly it required for dynamic product ads but that's up to you. And then all you're going to use you to copy that come back over here. You'll paste it right there and then we're going to set up a trigger to say when this event should fire. We'll click on this little plus in the upper right hand corner and we'll call this the need for landing page. You can name it whatever you want. You should probably be more specific about what the lead is what the landing pages. But in our case since this is just an example it doesn't matter and then we'll do a page view right? So it's not on all page views. It's on some page views. And then you just want to do when the U. R. L. You can either do equals or contains and this case equals is probably better. And then just type in your U. R. L. So if it's if it's us adobe dot com slash you know Dennis lead right? And then you click save and then whenever somebody visited landed on that landing page it would fire a view content event four That's worth $2.50 and report this back to Facebook. Now you would just repeat this process with the lead event. Right? So if you go here you probably have to click and drop down. If we do all other business categories shows all of them. Then you just find lead and same thing you type in how much delete is worth. You type in the currency code if you want to add another parameter that tells facebook what lead it is you can it's not required and then you just type it in and then you add a new trigger in the same way but it would contain the Thank you page you are l that's the simplest way to do it. That's the easiest way to set up that tracking and then it will report back to facebook how many leads you generated and it will also attribute it back to the ad campaigns. The ad sets the ads that actually generated those leads for you. So with those events set up on your page there's a couple of cool things you can do within facebook analytics and google analytics. It'll help you visualize and see how people are interacting with your lead form and your lead content landing page and the lead form. So within facebook analytics which you can get through by clicking here, measure report analytics and then under funnels this is a cool tool that's going to help you see how people are, how many people are dropping off within your lead funnels. So what you can do is if you come here you're gonna be able to select the events you just created and it's going to create a visual and a funnel to show you the percentages of people that moved from each step. So let's just show you a simple ones. Will do add to cart and then will do purchase purchases. This is just an example obviously for you to use view content and then leads. But what this is going to do is this going to show you okay based on the people who added the or viewed our lead, what percentage of them actually submitted the form and made it to the thank you page. It'll give you events per person. It'll give you conversion rates this one is always gonna be 100% your first one but then each percentage going down will give you the totals. And then one cool thing you can do is you can then break these apart by different demographics. You can break it apart by channels. You can break it apart by U. T. M. Parameters. If you have them in there you're gonna have it breaking apart by traffic source. It's just a really cool tool that allows you to visualize how people are interacting with your lead content while also being able to break it apart by different variables. Alright so think google analytics you can do a similar thing that you did with the facebook analytics but you can see a little bit more specificity when it comes to the U. R. L. S. And stuff. So if you click on the admin gear right here and then click on goals you're going to come to this page. And what you can do is you can click new goal. We're going to set up a goal for when somebody reaches the thank you page. I always like to do custom it. You can select one of these but it restricts the options you have. So I like to custom because it gives me the full range. We're just gonna name this lead. We'll go with Dennis. You lied just because that's what we're pretending we're working with. We'll just leave it at goal I. D. One goal set one. Unless you have other goals and then what you can do is you can do a destination and if you click continue and then you're gonna type in the thank you page that you had. So right, if it's slash thank you whatever your thank you page is great. You can assign a value that's also optional. And then what you can do is that there's this funnel option right here and you can specify a path you expect traffic to take towards the destination and you can use it to analyze entrance and exit points. So if you have a little bit of a longer funnel lead funnel with lots of different informational pages. This is going to be really nice for you. So if you click on then what you can do is you can name the different steps, right? So if you've got two different landing pages, right? So Oh, landing page one you can type in the U. R. L. Landing page to type in the URL. And then finally the actual Thank you page. And what this is going to do is it's going to allow you to see where people dropped off and where people entered. Right? So Right here this is a different example. This is one skin tivo. Okay, so we're trying to, the goal we're looking at is the purchase complete. Somebody actually buys a box. So once you have that set up it's going to show you what you are, less people came from or what pages they landed on. It's going to count how many of them actually viewed the lead form and then it's going to show you how many people actually completed the lead and it's going to show you where they left. It's going to show you they exited. Okay. People saw that lead for them, then they wanted to go to different pages because they need more information and that's gonna really help you understand what kind of behavior people exhibit when they are going through your lead funnel. It's also going to show you potentially other pieces of information you need to tell them if you see that there's a ton of people who are landing on your page and then they're going to research other things. You know that you probably need to add a little bit more information to your landing page with those events set up in google tag manager and your lead forms connected to your crm using leeds bridge, you're ready to start optimizing your campaigns. Now you're gonna be able to see this data in a couple different places. So I'm just going to click on customize columns and then just for simplicity's sake, I'm going to remove most of these pieces of information once the screen loads. But what you can do is you can create a we'll go impressions and we'll get to that. You can create a column set that's going to give you all the information to show you all of your leads data in one simple place. So I left impressions amount spent and link clicks. But then if you click on conversions right here and what you can do is you can add leads and you can add lead farms and if you click save us preset, you can name it and then you can type in a name, we'll say it's leads view whatever. I'm actually not actually going to save this within this account. So they actually click, apply. What it's gonna do is it's going to show you How many leads you had within whatever time frame you had. So right, see in this one we're only running lead forms in this account. But you can see we've got 30 lead forms and then if we were running on site leads, you would start to see those pop up right here. Right. Website leads, you can see the total. If you had any offline leads that you were uploading through the offline events, they'd show up here as well. But then you can really start to optimize and see, okay, how are people, how are these ads doing at generating leads? You can also add in different metrics. So let's go to our lead forums again, really let's go to our conversions again, really quick. You can add in other pieces of information about these leads. Right? So let's say we want to see how much it cost per lead form. We'll get rid of these website lead since we're not looking at them. But You can add in cost and you can see, Okay, it's cost, we are paying $7.49 for a lead. Now this is a real estate lead, so $7.49 is fantastic because these leads are worth thousands and thousands of dollars. With all those pieces set up, you are now ready to be able to analyze and attribute your leads back to ads and see which ads which audiences are performing well for your lead campaigns.
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