Lesson Info
19. Driving Traffic To A Landing Page
Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
1Why Lead Generation Is Important To Businesses
03:28 2Understanding The Market
05:29 3The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
03:57 4There Are Many Ways To Drive Leads.
01:59 5The Framework Of Lead Generation
02:17 6Quiz: Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
What’s a Lead worth?
The Value Of A Lead Depends On The Business
07:26 8Positioning Your Services (4;12)
04:12 9Quiz: What’s a Lead worth?
Driving leads with a chatbot
10Why Chatbots Are Effective
03:04 11How To Set Up A Chatbot For Your Client
10:04 12Growing A High-Quality Messenger List
06:18 13Tracking Success With Your Chatbot
07:55 14Building A Loyal Fanbase
04:31 15Quiz: Driving leads with a chatbot
Driving leads natively on Facebook
16An Introduction To Lead Forms And Facebook Canvas
06:00 17How To Set Up Lead Forms
05:29 18How To Set Up Facebook Canvas
04:23 19Driving Traffic To A Landing Page
10:18 20Retargeting Lead Generation Audiences
12:09 21Monitoring The Success Of Your Lead Generation Campaigns.
09:21 22Quiz: Driving leads natively on Facebook
How to drive high quality traffic
23How Do You Define A Good Lead
04:21 24How to use Attributes with your Chatbot
07:13 25Filtering Traffic With Attributes In Messenger.
05:41 26Quiz: How to drive high quality traffic
Tracking and adding value
27How To Track Lead Completions
16:25 28Optimizing Your Lead Campaigns
13:43 29Have Something To Offer
07:26 30How Leads Upsell To Future Sales.
05:16 31Quiz: Tracking and adding value
How to be an all-star freelancer
32Knowing Your Clients and Their Pain Points
04:26 33Delivering Through A Painless Process.
07:53 34Checklists - A Map To Driving Results
04:11 35Troubleshooting - When Things Go Wrong, Since They Do
03:50 36Quiz: How to be an all-star freelancer
05:11Final Quiz
38Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Driving Traffic To A Landing Page
Welcome to the video today, we're gonna talk about how to drive traffic to a landing page. So now we've moved off of facebook Natively and we're running an ad to get your client's website and there's no more chatbots or instant experiences were trying to get people from an ad to a web page and the most important aspect of a web page, there are three components. 1st there's a google, there's page speed and I'm here in google's page speed tool and you can find this tool just by googling it, just type in page speed. It will probably be one of the first in this case it is right here, it's the second one page speed insights. And now that we're here, page speed insights is going to help us determine what the low time on the pages because if we go here into facebook, say we're running an ad, there are two columns that we want to look at, lean clicks and landing page views. So link clicks is when someone sees your ad and they click on the link and landing. Page view is when someone actually la...
nds on the page And ideally we don't want this to be exactly the same 67 here, 67 over here, But it's not a perfect world and people bounce off. So you'll see here, there's 11 people who didn't end up landing on the landing page and for there can be many reasons. One, maybe their connection is slow or to the website speed is slow and maybe it took so long and they ended up clicking the back button or they closed out because they didn't want to wait any longer because if you don't have a friction less experience, if you don't have a smooth experience to potential customers are going to leave the site and that's money on the table. So let's just get an example here I'm gonna use or let's just type in martial arts and try to find a school we can see and we test, let's do this one and let's paste it in google speed and sites. There's another tool we can use to, it's called GT metrics. I have it here loaded, we can analyze this one as well in another aspect of the page speed, that's important if facebook or even if you're using google or any other platforms, if they notice there's a drop off a heavy drop off, they're going to penalize your ad and the relevancy score, which is what determines if the ad is good or not. If they should show it to more people will go down. That relevancy score will go down if you have too many people bouncing off the site. So that's why you want to make sure that the pages optimized on desktop, it's optimized on mobile, meaning it's running fast and to move. So here we populated the site, It's getting 11 and that's out of 100. So it's very, very slow and you know, this is on the phone, mobile device and the first meaningful paint, which is a measure of the primary content of page. So it's loading about seven pages to see the most important info on the site. If we go to desktop here, it's a little bit better, but it's still in the red 46 at 100 And it takes about two seconds so so faster here. But ideally we want it to be more efficient. Let's go to GT metrics to see They say it's taking eight seconds to load, which is if you have to ask yourself if you were to click and add and it took eight seconds to load. That's a long time. Most people they're going to click off in this case, it's measuring the desktop so you want to factor that too. But cool thing is these tools like GT metrics and google page speed insights, They'll have recommendations on what you can do to optimize the speed on your website. So it gets more technical but they'll say, hey, you can cut down on the image size by reducing it or you can minimize redirects. Maybe you don't want people clicking too much too many links to click at us. Whatever it might be dual speed insights has the same details detailing what you can do and this is something you can look in yourself or you have someone else who's a web developer. Just know these are the components you want to do next. After you have the page speed insights down, you've optimized the speed on desktop and phone because phone is more than half of the traffic on the internet now. You'll want to check for pixels. So I'm going to go on this site here and we're gonna use a tool called facebook pixel helper which is a cool chrome extension right here and we can click on it to see if there's a facebook pixel installed in this case one pixel found, which is great. This allows the customer to track their clients but also to retarget people who have ever landed here with facebook ads. That's a very easy way to get purchases or easy wins by nabbing the easy ones who people who already visit people who are already interested. Then we have this google tag assistant. Another tool that allows us to check if they have google tag manager installed and google analytics. We like to have google tag manager is basically a tool where we can have all our pixels in a very effective way just to copy and paste it on each website and google analytics to see the the volume and the sources of your traffic in this case. This site doesn't have that. So we'd recommend google tag manager and google analytics here and the third component of wanting to get people traffic to landing page is the actual content of the page. So I'm going to introduce two sites. One is blitz nation, this is promoting our marketing community and another one is trying to generate leads through a webinar and I'm going to just name a couple core essential details for landing pages that are universal. So one is the headline. You want to have a crunchy, juicy headline that captivates people because this is the first thing people are going to read. And if that doesn't engage someone then then they're not going to scroll down to read more. Then you want to have to make sure that everything is above the fold. So you'll notice the headlines above the fold. This video is above the fold and the social proof is above the fold and even the call to action. If it's not above the food, that means someone has to scroll down to see the next components. We want everything to be loaded already on this first section here, which is above the phone. Third is we find that having a video on the lining page above the photo works really well, especially if it's a long it's the product or the service takes more commitment. In this case we're selling a higher ticket item that can range up to $5,000 and $20,000 a year. So by having a video we can demonstrate professionalism and seriousness. So people are more interested to read more and then we have a call to action on top of the page, let's say someone already visited this site but they're ready to make a purchase. They can just click this call to action and they'll get navigated to the purchase options. And if we go over here, this one's trying to sell a product, an online product. This one's trying to generate a lead. So it's a different objective and you'll notice this one is much shorter, much more concise because we're just trying to garner awareness, trying to get people interested. This one we're really having them commit. So you'll see this landing page is in depth because it's talking about pain points was talking about the story and why this is important and relevant to you in the first place and then and only then can you offer the solution this one. It's more straight to the point. A little bit of copy just to hook people and you'll see the same components, the headline here, the million dollar client. A peek inside how we actually landed our clients ranging from industry leaders to Fortune 500. That's the first thing they're going to read. So you want a crunchy juicy headline and we have a call to action above the page. One thing we can do if we really wanted to make this Excel is we can add a video above the fold. So maybe here just made me shrink this talking about the webinar and this can technically be social proof because we have here Dennis with the former VP of marketing for the Golden State Warriors. So that social proof. These components are all important when it comes to landing page. Now there are many different components that you want to look at when it comes to the landing page. And that is something we encourage you to look into because it's it's much an art when you're working with the copy, the imagery, the video, the format of the landing page. But for our case there are three things you want to make sure and let's recap when you're sending traffic to a landing page, you want to have your speed, your page speed optimized. That means a fast, low time then second. You want to have your necessary pixels and google tag manager, google analytics installed so you can track your customer and retarget people. Third is having the necessary content. That makes sense. On the landing page we talked about a few of these components today. The headlines, a video call to action social proof, being above the fold and working on the copy. So take these three insights from what we learned today and implement it for you and your clients and I don't think you have great results, hope you enjoyed and see you on the next lesson
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