Lesson Info
Types of Meetings
Okay, we're gonna keep marching along. We've got a bulk of this stuff handled from the get-go. Always add the S.A.L.T., you wanna make sure that your meetings that you attend or invite people to have the summary, the agenda, the logistics handled, the timeframe that you have. Make sure that you know what kind of a conversation you're in. Literally, when I am in a phone conversation, I'll track that conversation through, oh, look it, we just entered R, how are you, what's the last vacation you took? What's the next passport stamp you're gonna get? Oooh, opportunity, opportunity. That's a book I need to read because she just brought up that book title again. And T, I need to go fill out the form and send the coaching report, whatever. Now let's talk about the four kinds of meetings that we've experiment, that we've found that people attend or lead through the day, through the week, through the job, through the career. And there's four of these that we're gonna start with. Now as you're g...
oing through this little process when you're thinking to yourself, okay, what's on my calendar for this week, this month, this year? What projects do I wanna be apart of? What kinds of goals I'm I working on? Am I working on product goals? Am I working on process goals? So for those of you who are working in an organization where you're going to publish something, present something, or deliver something. For those of us who work in an organization where we support people through time and we carry them along. What kinds of a conversation do we need to have? Now, I'm not gonna go in any particular order, other than the order that's printed in the workbook and the order that I'll present up here. One kind of meeting that I can attend is where we are, they are, or I am giving information. So usually this looks like this, it's a class. Now remember a meeting is any time two or more people are gathered and one or more person walks away with a task. We're in a meeting. Now this is a 90 minute meeting that's happening live, recorded and in studio. But what you're doing is you're experiencing this first slide. You've got here the three bullet points, the three areas down below. This came from me studying communication, communication styles, and help people receive and give information. I will share with you, a lot of the work that we have, a lot of the meetings that you'll attend, actually, you know what, let me not tell, let me ask. How many of you attend meetings where you're on the phone, no video, and people are distributed? How many of you are attending those kinds of meetings? So early in the process when I start working with someone across the phone lines, I'm listening to their vocabulary because they will share with me, with their vocabulary, how they like to receive information I give. So for example, if someone says, "Jason, that sounds great. "Will you tell me a story of you working with someone else? "Will you give me an overview of your program?" They are on that auditory track, that if I can tell them more about what I do, then I have a greater chance of being able to do that for them. If I hear someone say something like, "Oh, I see what you're saying. "Can you send me something to look at? "Oh, I can picture it, do you have a video I can watch?" I know that they are more of a visual. Now it's not that they're one or the other. But they will demonstrate, it's like in poker, their tell is show me something so I can see it. If I'm on the phone with someone and I know that they're in an office and I'm talking to them and I find out, they'll say things like, "Show me, let me see, I see what you're saying." Has anyone ever heard someone say that? "I see what you're." What are you looking at? (audience laughing) How are you seeing what I'm saying? Oh, you're a visual. Or I'll have people stand up in their office and I'll say, "Hey, put me on speaker phone, "go to your white board and draw a triangle." And I'll lead them through so they can see what I'm trying to say. We've made special websites behind our website that have the slash. So getmomentum.com slash, and then what I'll do is I'll just put things there so that when someone says, "Can I see?" It's like do you want the video, do you want the PDF, do you want the visual, do you want the...? And then there's the third one where someone will say, "Ah." (snaps) "That makes sense, I get it. "I can feel that, that feels right." "You know, Jason, something's off about this." They're on that kinesthetic side. They're more of the I need to feel it, get it, rock it, do it, do something with it. By the way, if I'm meeting with someone to give them information and I hear them say that third one, that's when I'll put something in overnight express mail. That's when I'll fax them something that they have to get up from their desk and go pick up. The next kind of a meeting is to get information. And I'm not gonna go through every one of these. I'm gonna spot check a couple of these. But if I'm going to a meeting, if I'm invited to an all-call, staff, client, industry, conference, meeting, if I'm there to get information, I'm gonna do everything I can to be as prepared as possible. So I might do things like what can I look at before the meeting? And with a group this size, I feel confident in this, but before this meeting class started, did anybody google Jason Womack, get momentum, the stuff that I'll be talking about today? And you're here, right? That's good news. But what can I do ahead of time so that I either can ignore what I already saw online, and double down, or deepen whatever that topic is. And then I'll go to the third one, show up early, stay late, and follow up. If I get invited to a meeting where someone else is giving information, darn it, if the doors open at seven, I will be there at seven. Sometimes I'll offer to help (laughs). I know I'm attending this conference, I'm attending this meeting, do you need any help? I want that person to know that Jason's there. I stay late. Who's been to a conference where the speakers were okay, the panels were kinda nice, but it was the person you met in the hallway in between sessions that really opened up that conference for you? And then follow up, someone gives me their business card, someone asks me a question. What can I do to continue and keep that motion going forward? The third kind of a meeting is one where you get motivated. Let's just call it like you see it. Every now and then someone from above, outside, inside, they wanna pull everyone together, they wanna celebrate a recent win, they wanna talk about the momentum that we've got, they want people to leave that with a little bit more energy than when they walked in. And then fourth, is to solve a problem and be creative. And this is always where I put my little asterisk, I always put my little star. Whoever is facilitating a solve a problem be creative meeting, I really want her or him to be trained in that kind of brainstorming, in that kind of creative development. I've seen too many meetings get shut down where the facilitator wanted to get a bunch of creative ideas quick. I don't know if anyone's ever been in that, quick, how do we solve this problem? Hurry up, who has a good idea? You're like, well hold on a second, I gotta have a bunch of bad ideas before I can have a good idea. But if I can't have a bad idea, I'm not gonna have any ideas at all. And so how do I began that process of moving through? So let me move towards the end of this part of the class where I'm talking about attending and leading effective meetings. And as far as a couple of things that I want you to think about, the first thing, your known-for is what's gonna get you invited to meetings. Anyone ever worked in an organization or been part of a volunteer organization? Anyone ever hear about a meeting that happened last week that you didn't get invited to that you wish you were invited to? Has anyone ever had that? Alright, someone's talking and you're like, oh man, I wish I could've got invited to that meeting. That would've been cool to be a part of. They didn't know that you wanted your known-for to be a part of it. And so this is a topic that we're gonna talk as we continue this course around getting momentum at work. The rule that I can give you that will help you develop, deepen, or strengthen your known-for is what we call the 30-30 Rule. The 30-30 Rule I'm gonna go into in more detail a little bit later in the course. But what I want you to think about to yourself is 30 days from today, so today in studio, or today, when you're watching this recorded version of the CreativeLive session, 30 days from today, what will you wish you had thought about a little more, talked about a little bit more, researched a little bit more, given yourself time for? Now I know for me whenever I do this, the TRO is always a part of it. 'Cause if I go out over four weeks or six weeks or eight weeks, it doesn't matter, as long as I'm 30 days or more away, there's going to be a task or a to-do that I can check off, make a hotel reservation, make a restaurant reservation, make an airline reservation, they usually have to do, for me, with travel. R, while I'm in New York, or London, or Spain who do I wanna call to see if we can go to coffee or lunch or dinner? They just get more expensive through the day, by the way, that's how I distinguish. Oh, over the next 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, what opportunities do I wanna create?
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Ratings and Reviews
Sheethal Francis
A great take on what should be the guidelines for an effective meeting and how to engage the participants of the meeting. This course provides an insight about encouraging healthy discussions with specific objectives.
Fantastic class! Highly recommend- Jason has such positive energy and enthusiasm, all his courses have been fun to watch and very informative.
Riva Robinson
This class was AMAZING! I went into this class not thinking that it might not get as much out of it because I'm not a part of an organization where meetings are a regular part of my day. But I left realizing that SO MUCH of my day, I'm in meetings: at the gym, coffee shop, co-working space...you name it! Knowing how to direct meetings to expedite getting what I want is going to be a game-changer for my business!
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