Day 1
1Why Podcasting
18:13 2Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
19:06 3Students Goals for Podcasting
19:58 4Q&A
07:54 5Interview with Guest Srini Rao
19:33 63 Questions to Ask Before Launching a Podcast
23:55 7Listener Avatar Exercise
18:25Student Hot Seats
21:58 9Interview with Guest Bridget Chambers
14:25 10The Foundation Formula
19:16 11Show Theme Creations
08:39 12Keyword Research
32:15 13Interview with Guest Abel James
26:24 14Content Curation & Creation
40:46 15Content Strategy & Q&A
13:02Day 2
163 Formulas to Create a Magnetic Show Title
40:38 17Cover Album Design
42:39 18Video SEO Formula with Wendy Stevens
34:11 19Video SEO Formula (Part 2)
36:22 20How to Create Epic Interviews
23:32 21Your Delivery Style
43:43 22Doing Epic Interviews
19:05 23Setting up a Home Studio
07:57 24Interview with Guest Jason Van Orden
11:42 25Setting up a Home Studio (Part 2)
09:18 26Using Audacity
13:25 27Exporting Your Content
17:19Day 3
28Hosting Your Show in Libsyn
41:31 29Uploading & Scheduling Episodes in Libsyn
35:14 30Interview with Guest Rob Walch
33:48 319 Steps to a Successful Launch
41:58 325 Surefire Marketing Strategies
34:19 33Marketing Strategies Q&A
13:46 34Mock Podcast
19:26 35Monetization Overview
07:21 36Interview with Guest John Lee Dumas
23:18 377 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast
34:45Lesson Info
Mock Podcast
This is going to be like a really live podcast, so like they're either live or skype so he's going to go into his introduction about a show and then go right into the interview and really have a riel live interviews to just let it rip have fun with it on all right, and we get out of the way, yeah, that that would be great, beautiful, all right and seen welcome to rethink true health. My name is nathan brah meyer, co owner of crossfit adventure, as well as rethink true health. My goal with this podcast is to teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle that results in gaining energy and vitality, the same energy and vitality that you need to live that healthy lifestyle and to just live your passion. I want to help people to live their passions and realize all of their dreams and all of their goals. So for those of you that have not heard from me before, I want to go into my background just a little bit. I started off in organic chemistry. I don't recommend that to anybody but that's where ...
I began and through that I got a job in the biotech field doing pharmaceuticals, mainly oncology, so I worked in their oncology department and I thought it was ironic that here I am working to find the cure for cancer and everything that I'm working with all these chemicals and things well, they're going to give me cancer, so I knew I had to make a change. I had to get out of there started going back to school for nutrition, and I started to seeking out new ways, this alternative ways to get healthy, and a lot of people say, well, you know, you evermore the prevention field, and I was like, I don't really want to be in prevention I'm not worried about, you know, getting are avoiding diseases and sickness. What I want is that energy, that vitality, I want it, I want to know howto live and in searching for this, I came across my good friend here, chris jennings, a world class runner, and we're very excited to have you on the show, chris today. Thank you for joining us for having me now. Absolutely. So we're going to talk to you a little bit today about just your background and running answer. Oh, my guess they want to know how you got into the field of running in the first place. I mean, how do you how do you get to the point where you run several marathons, it's just interesting how you kind of get into that field. It's a long evolution at least for me and I think a lot of long distance runners have sort of migrated from other sports that they worked on I know I played basketball for a long time and running in basketball was kind of treated like punishment if you do something wrong do some wind sprints take laps around the gym so I I enjoyed that aspect of basketball and then, you know, after a couple of years realized that was not very tall, not very coordinated I'm gonna stick to the running I'm gonna leave the basket ball on the floor so I started to get anyway, I did track in school for a number of years I really got into that the cross country team as well. And then as I grew older it was more of a just relaxing kind of getting out there running on the trails and it gradually moved from five k's to ten k's a half marathons to full marathons and it was just a natural evolution, great gray and that's. What we talk a lot about is not not just about running for the sake of exercise but also running for the sake of relaxation and stress management. So could you go just a little bit into how effective it's been for you and in terms of that stress management in terms of zoning out kind of separating from your own mind for me, I don't think there's anything better than to just go out for a run, sometimes with headphones on, maybe listening to audio books. A lot of times I'll just have no music, no audio books just out listening to the sounds of the street. The sounds of nature mean, after a long day of work, if I've been really focused on something, it helps clear my mind to just get out there, not think about it, not thinking about anything in particular just clear my mind, putting one foot in front of the other and just running for a while. So do you prefer the trail running or just kind of running through the streets with the busy traffic that help you zone out more or the sounds of nature? I like variety. I think if you run the same route over and over, it can get a little bit stale, so I do try to mix it up. I will do days where I go to the track and run laps or do specific cede workouts. Other times I have specific routes that I like to do over and over. Usually they do go through the park, you know, here in san francisco, I love going through golden gate park along the embarcadero. You're doing hill workouts from time to time. I think variety is key for me to keep it interesting, great, and I like that you kind of touched on that fact of keeping him keeping the variety because we have heard, of course, that exercise is it gets pretty monotonous, especially if you don't change it up a little bit. You need to kind of keep your body on its toes. So have you noticed that with your training basically, do you change it up a little bit too long? Distance runs short sprints? Do you do anything like that to kind of keep your body guessing? Yeah, I do. I think I try to tailor it to whatever that I'm training for the time. If I'm doing a shorter event like a five k, I'm focused more on speed. I'm on the track, I'm doing four hundred meter repeats. Sometimes I'm doing just hill repeats, focusing on short distances at a higher speed, but what I'm training for a marathon a lot of times, it's just sort of. Long slow distance monotonous I'll just go on a really slow pace for as long as I'm comfortable and kind of work on my distance training so it depends on what I'm training for and sometimes when I'm not training for anything it's whatever my body feels like that day, you know I just sort of go with the flow and see what works right and you bring up the training for certain events the short events, the long events is there a difference between the way you prepare nutritionally for the long events versus the short events and then when you get into those events how do you how do you handle the nutrition during the actual events? Yeah, it changes a lot I think people often forget that when you are using that much energy you're burning a ton of calories I mean your body needs to be replenished absolute and even when you're running for marathon and I've been doing this for a while now but you still forget sometimes you have to remind yourself hey, I just burned three thousand calories I need to put it back back in my body so I do try to think about that you know you do higher amounts of carbs, I think when you're at like the longer portions of your training and then you taper off as you decrease the training, you don't need as much calories but when it comes to the actual races, you know, a lot of people have their preferences of what they like to eat during the race, that goo man to do that I've tried them all, I've done the goose, I've done the shot blocks, I've done the gels, I've done it all, and I think the key for me is just practicing first, like you don't wantto be there the day of the race, trying a new product that you've never had before, who knows what it's gonna do to your body so as long as you use them and your training runs and then replicate everything on race day, you know, hopefully that that will work for you. Great. So how does that corley to your every day lifestyle than just eating in terms of keeping it individualized to you? Have you having noticed different things when you try one diet versus another diet? Yeah, I think so. I mean, I've tried a number of different diets, I've done varying levels of vegetarianism over the years, strictly vegan for a while, I've done some of the slow carbs stuff I've done a little bit some aspects of the paleo, but, you know, I think it's just it's, always trying something new, adding in one ingredient of time, seeing how it affects my body, knowing that there really is no definite one way of doing it and from one week to the next I may want to change different things in my body depending on what I'm doing and what I need so I don't have a lot of hard fast rules I mean, I have a lot of guidelines and I try to follow certain ideas, but they're always changing based on research based on how I'm feeling that day, right? Absolutely. Is there anything right now that you can tell our listeners that will benefit them in terms of extending the length of their their runs? You know, people that want to do the long distance runners have you noticed a certain night that works better for that? Or is it still just individualized? I think you have to try try a lot of different things, see how they impact your body but it's important to research, you know, there's a lot of research being done, whether that's, you know, actual medical journal, scientific studies or else we've been talking a lot about podcast blog's things like that there are many runners out there who are putting out blog's who have these ideas and you know, you can try to emulate them, but I think at the end of the day you need to just come up with your own idea and maybe that's gonna be shaped by things that you read in your research but you need to always be reflecting on how you're doing your personal regime and your regimen and try to get it down to what works for you and tinker as you see fit absolutely. And for all those listening out there that do want to kind of create their own podcast, but we're lucky enough to be here with chris, chris gilbertson and and her podcast blood also with through creative live plugged them on, and I think one last question for all of our listeners want to know footwear so there's a big difference between, you know, the vibrant five fingers, the minimalist shoes on, then even those sketches the big round once, I don't even know what those are. Yeah, do you have a preference for those? Have you noticed anything that works better than anything else? A very good question. I've tried a lot of different things I mean, I kind of treat footwear like I treat the diet, you try different things, you you work on it for a while, you see what it works for you, I mean, I've for longest time, it was a lot of a six traditional heavy sort of running shoes well padded, I did gradually go to more minimal shoes I have done, I've done a lot of merrill shoes recently, their trail runners are really great I like the minimal I like the thin so I haven't really done the five finger to me. I like it minimal, but I want all of my toes just to be in one problem. They don't lead individual toe pocket, right? That's just one of those things where, you know, I wear those around. My girlfriend looks at me and says, no, take those off, those don't work. The toe shoes are not flattering for a lot of people, but I like the way they feel for long runs. I think the minimal a cz longs you gradually build up to it. I think it could be really beneficial for your running. That sounds great. Well, thank you very much, chris, for coming here. And if anybody wants more information on just running chris jennings at creative live dot com thank you. Thank you. Here. Thanks for having me. Thank you very much. So what I loved about what just happened here is if you notice how relaxed it wass and how fluid it wass. So the one thing that nathan did amazingly is that you'd ask your questions, and then you'd have engagement with that gas, but you let them finish their sentence, you let him finish going through it, and then you segue wade into the next question beautifully, but I just yeah, and you both are perfect for if you're doing a video like you hated hunch of the camera. I mean, that's that's great. So when you're doing skype interviews to make sure you're looking into the camera because that's what? Because if you look off your eyes, look, it looks weird to try to do that because your guests will be down below. But I always try to look tonight. I mean, it's always a work in progress of doing that. But the other thing, too, is that you when you want, when you're asking your questions, then you had a soft plug. And so that's what's great with podcasting, it's. Not a hard sell, it's. Not like, oh, you've got to do this. Go over here. It was just hey, if you like this learn mohr, go check out more. You can kind of plug that so it's not doesn't have to be a sales the way. Can you really fun, really engaging and in incorporate that. So I just want to give you another round of a fight, eh? Absolutely. Appreciate nicely done. All right, back to the desk. I mean, it's. Fine. Because you'll get into interviews. I mean, I could interview people all day long because of what you learned. What you learn yourself of being able to do that, like I said with podcast and you become a better communicator, a better speaker and the other thing I wanted to talk about, we're talking about this at lunch is making the interviewer, so if you're going to go on someone's podcast, make them look good to an answer, great questions, but also refer back to that person, especially because it lets this is more for like, if you're going on tv or for broadcasting, it makes the interview er look really, really good and you get asked back, so if you want to get booked on media and keep coming back, make that person look really good with great answers and then compliment them that's a great question, because the producers are all watching you and that's what's going to give you more feedback, and I learned that just at this last event with a lot of people that have been on tv, so great tips to help you with that. So I just I just want to give you another deposits awesome! You guys are doing so great, and I know coming up here just impromptu is a lot so let's talk about with the psychology of interviewing people, anybody have any questions or anything else that they're a little bit more? They have questions on with interviewing people because I know that can be a big question on what to do, because if you want to think about it, think of your ritual. Well, actually, I want to talk about something quick, so before we go do the interview, a lot of people just want to get right on the mic, go right, boom and do that as an athlete growing up, what I used to do as I used to visualize the court that I'm gonna go play tennis on or I'm gonna go play basketball and I visualized what it was going to be like without opponent what feelings I'm going through actually going through the play's, going through the movements, and so what happens is I want you to do the same thing when you're setting up to go through your interview, practice your questions, practice your intro, okay, and have that set up so that when you are in the state of the game, when you're right on the plainfield, you delivering it's that relaxed, calm states your mind doesn't know when you're when you're thinking about something and visualizing that. To the actual act it's the same thing to your mind so what happens is your conditioning your state your body toe already be ready for that so that when you go out here and your perform and you actually step up to the plate it's actually national for you if your body is already going to be ready for any of that tension that bubbles up or maybe you've got that one question and then also in that in that moment or maybe one of the people that you're interviewing you're kind of like trying to pull it out but it's not really going with them that well then you're going to be a little bit more comfortable with that so make sure that you take a breath okay take a bride oh you keep saying that but take a breath and then go on to the camera time you're a little warm up and then give your gassed a three to one we're gonna get started here in three two one with and well I mean we're gonna get started have your countdown, take a breath, go into your intro and then actually introduced them sometime cristian our chat room had there was so many positive comments about this interview but I'm christy it's a great question phrasing about for the benefit of our listeners tell us and they thought that was really incredible I mean there's plenty of compliments in there but absolutely, because you have to think about this to some of the guests you're going to be bringing on. You may already know the answers to and so just fast forty that's. Why the listener avatar exercises so crucial to understand where your listeners are at, meet them where they're at and take them through that journey with you. So for your listeners, you know the questions that you wanna have them, then they already know that you're opening that door up to help them and that's going to allow them to want to engage with you more to okay, but great job. Um, when you're interviewing someone and they give an answer and that sparked something in your mind, that might be your next question might be something a little deeper that you don't know that they be okay with you asking or not, but it is recorded, so if they were okay with asking could edit it out. Is there a good way to say to sort of segue way into that to give them permission to say no? If they you can ask them to expand on that, are you going to hit? You know, do you mind if we go a little bit deeper into this and you know what interviews where you put a little tension? On the gas that's actually good that's a good interview that's b and I don't mean it in a rude way when you're like, you know, trying to make them if you've already gone down deep with the question not like not like broadcasting where you're like cameron in on something and then oftheir they're like I love you, but I can't talk about that over here, so I mean you're helping them open that up and it's absolutely okay to say that would you mind going deeper in that? Would you mind sharing more about what that really means or explaining because they all want to do that because they know that other listeners are having those same questions that go through that you can point that out? Another thing that nathan did brilliantly too is letting them know last question the last question we're gonna talk about today let your guests know when you're wrapping up. I've done that with almost every gas to let them know when we're finishing off saying that you want to do on your podcast okay, so that wraps up so it has a cohesive nd and so you're not kind of going to a climax on the gas still has like five other things and like the other live audience member said, is there any other last things that you'd like to share that lets them wrap that up really nicely put a bow on it and then you can refer back to where to grab more information about them or dr travel back to your website with any other bonuses that they may have for your audience specifically that's another great tool tohave as well is if your guests are open to sharing anything that they particularly have going on, you can have that connected back where they go back to your website to learn more about that for your first few interviews do you recommend planning on an hour or short having an interview be shorter for your first? I think start shorter yeah and also you're going to get more of your guest to say yes not having like a hole our like letting them know you know hey, we understand you're busy thirty forty minutes, thirty minutes whatever works best for you kind of give your timeframe window but know that you can whatever whatever they can to commit to because even fifteen minute interviews if you could get deep into it right away with some great questions, those could be great but to start practice with some others and then have that set up where it's not too long because then you're just throwing questions out there and you'll naturally start to feel when if you have a guest where you've covered all their content and that's pretty much it, you can start to wrap it up so you'll start to get used to that the more more that you interview, all right? Oh, yeah. Do you have any, like, great sort of generic questions that you get really good answers out of people like that? We could take it out? Yeah, well, I think it comes down, teo, you can have a format of your show where you asked the same type of questions over and over again or you can actually have a couple staples. Usually what I do is I have a couple staples I used and then I always going off the flying because that's, what I like to do keeps it fun for me, otherwise I get to keep it the same, but that's going to be up to you what you're going to feel most comfortable with in the style of show that you want to have I always I mean, I've been asking for years, you know, if you started over, what would you d'oh people love to know that what happened, especially the expert world? You know, we see these people that are are on stage or doing different events even in this type of scenario, and you're like, oh, I could never do that if you hear from that expert cause we all started somewhere we all started from a mess, you know, every disaster you know, you turn into to a master by getting organized, so everybody has those moments of transition. And so if you could take that expert back to where they were at at the beginning, where your audience can relate to that and then have them share what they did or their biggest ah ha moment other things that are that are great is just, you know, they're they're stories like we talked about their david vs goliath story, they're won'th a win, you know, every expert has a signature story, so having them share their story, and I know some people say not to start out with that, but it depends on your audience. So a lot of guests I bring on our necessarily the traditional top experts have everybody interviews, so they haven't heard their story, so letting them share that and go through that because a lot of them will have that already set up so you can start to think about those different questions that you want to ask, but also go look at other interviews, other interview styles and pick up questions there's great books out there that you can get different ideas for different questions to spin it for you that you can use as well.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
This is the best $149 I've spent on my blogging/podcasting journey so far. The course was so rich, so jam-packed with information and ideas. I am on fire with ideas (couldn't get to sleep last night because so many ideas were rattling around my brain!) and truly inspired to go out there and do it. I'll be posting my podcast launch on the Facebook Group when the time comes. Thank you, Kris!