Selling Your Prints Online
Lesson 71 from: Launch a Successful Photography BusinessPhilip Ebiner, Will Carnahan

Selling Your Prints Online
Lesson 71 from: Launch a Successful Photography BusinessPhilip Ebiner, Will Carnahan
Chapter 1: Introduction to Starting a Photography Business
02:26 2Why Do You Want to Start a Photography Business
04:40 3What Kind of Photography Business Do You Want to Start
05:38 4Important Personal Note from Instructor Will
02:25 5Case Study Starting a Photography Business
07:43 6Quiz - Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Basics of Starting a Photography Business
Introduction to Basics of Starting a Photography Business
00:52 8Choose Your Business Name
05:29 9Choose Your Business Structure
06:12 10Register Your Business Name
01:47 11Get Your Federal Tax ID
01:39 12Get Your Business License
01:16 13Get Your Business Bank Account
02:16 14Register Your Online Accounts
02:17 15Branding Your Business
02:18 16Set Your Prices
12:56 17The Photography Gear You Need to Start a Business
03:42 18Case Study - Business Basics
24:42 19Case Study - Equipment
10:05 20Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Get Your First Paying Clients
21Intro to Getting Your First Paying Clients
00:44 22You Need to Prove Yourself
01:30 23The Best Place to Find Your First Clients
02:36 24What to Charge for Your First Clients
02:44 25On Set - Partnering with Other Creatives
01:57 26On Set - Getting Work in a Competitive Environment
02:38 27Use Your First Shoot Wisely
01:20 28Case Study - Getting Your First Clients
07:55 29Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Create Your Photography Business Website
30Introduction to Create Your Photography Business Website
01:05 31Why You Need a Website and Platform Options
04:30 32What Needs to Be On Your Website
07:32 33Design the Perfect Portfolio
03:17 34Case Study - Looking at Photography Websites
12:56 35Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Expanding Your Online Presence
36Introduction to Expanding Your Online Presence
00:55 37Use Instagram to Grow Your Business
02:29 38Use Facebook to Grow Your Business
01:21 39Get Listed on Google
03:53 40Get Listed on Yelp
03:20 41Get Listed on Review Sites
04:06 42Using Craigslist to Get Work
03:01 43Case Study - Expanding Your Online Presence
13:16 44Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6: The Photography Business Workflow
45Introduction to the Photography Business Workflow
00:54 46Step 1 - Meeting Your Client
03:32 47Step 2 - Booking Your Client
05:53 48Step 3 - The Shoot
02:28 49Step 4 - Editing Your Photos
06:34 50Step 5 - Delivering Your Photos
01:05 51Case Study - Business Workflow
15:54 52On Set - the Shoot
02:50 53On Set - Backdrop Placement
01:13 54On Set - Paper Backdrop Rolls
02:01 55On Set - The Back Light
00:46 56On Set - Interacting with Clients
04:58 57Quiz - Chapter 6
Chapter 7:Scaling Your Business with Better Infrastructure
58Intro to Business Infrastructure and Continued Growth
00:46 59Productivity Tools to Make Your More Efficient
06:21 60Get Business Insurance
03:55 61Accounting Tools & Tips
04:20 62Business Tax Tips
03:38 63Scaling Your Prices Up
02:56 64Use Conventions and Meet Ups to Grow Your Business
04:01 65Case Study - Business Growth
11:04 66Quiz - Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Selling Your Prints
67Intro to the Selling Prints Section
00:56 68Why Should You Sell Your Prints
02:18 69Choose a Printer
02:59 70How to Price Your Prints
05:33 71Selling Your Prints Online
08:06 72Selling Your Prints in Person
02:38 73Wrapping up This Section
01:26 74Quiz - Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Conclusion
75Tips for Personal and Creative Well Being
04:38 76Conclusion
01:45Final Quiz
77Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Selling Your Prints Online
Alright welcome to this lesson on selling your prints online. I just want to go over some of the tools that I know that you can use to sell your prints online. These are going to be a variety of tools. Some are marketplaces where you can actually post your images and people are there and concert if they're searching for your image or your type of image then you can't they'll they might find it and buy it from you. Others are websites where it's just for you to set up a way where you can actually host a picture. People can see that picture and ask you to buy it. It might be a way that from your website you send people to the storefront. Um we'll get more into that. There's other more photos specific tools that make it a little bit easier that are have good tools just for photographers. And then lastly if you're using a website, like a Wordpress website, there are plug ins that you can use to add add the option to sell prints and sell photos through your Wordpress website. So the first i...
s etc. And I know will mentioned it but I really think it is probably the best option for getting started. It's similar to like Ebay but for more creative type things. And so they have an R. N. Collectibles category on here. And so if we go under photography you can see the types of photographs that are on sale. And so as we go on one of these listings, this is basically what you can do, you can put up your photo, it shows the photo example, you can have it set up with different sizes and people can choose the size they want, the quantity they want. There's reviews, everything you need and it's a marketplace. So people are here ready to buy, which helps. It's easier to sell to people if they're ready to buy. And if people are on Etsy, they're ready to buy with any of these websites, you're gonna have to find the printer yourself. So we'll talk about printers generally you'll print the image out yourself and ship it as well. So to set up a business, just go up to Etsy dot com, click sell on Etsy. The first listing is I think 20 cents right now at the time and then it costs a 5% transaction fee um and a payment processing fee of 3%. So it's about nine or 10% depending on how much you're charging for your photo that Etsy is going to be taking for providing the marketplace for providing an audience of people that are already willing to buy stuff from you a lot easier than probably just putting it up on your website and waiting for someone in the world to find your website to find to buy your photo. Even though it is competitive and it is marketplace, there's lots of photographers on there. Um it's definitely probably the best one to get started at the next kind of tool that you might consider using is something like Shopify. Shopify is basically a its own sort of website where you can create your own storefront. So this could be your main website. You could actually use Shopify as your main website. If you're more of a fine art type of photographer, Stock photographer um where you're selling prints through your website rather than directly to clients. As you can see here though, it's a lot of people use Shopify if they're selling things like t shirts, furniture, really, anything, any type of business. Um And there's lots of tools for photographers here. They have templates to set up photography websites and the whole payments and processing. That's what's beautiful about Shopify. It takes care of all of that. It does cost though, it does cost to get started. There is a free trial, but If you want to just have a basic storefront it's $29 a month at this time. Um and that gets you your online store and things like that. But if you want more options, you have to pay for the more advanced plans. Now gum Road dot com is a more basic option. Now, basically what it allows you to do is just set up a listing for a product and sell it. So it again takes care of the payment processing and everything like that. Um But it's a lot more simple, so what you might do is set up a product here on gum road and then you would have your main website and you would set up a gallery with links to the image on gum road where you could sell it. So it's free to get started, which is pretty cool. Um and you can just start listing and see how it goes. Of course, like everything, if you pay for the monthly plan, you get more features. But yeah, it's cool because it allows you to accept credit cards, paypal, different types of payment options no matter what people are wanting to pay with. Now, one of the coolest ones that I've waited to mention is Visual society. Visual society dot com is built for photographers to sell high quality prints. The cool thing about visual society is that they take care of the printing, the processing, everything you put up your work and everything basically happens automatically. And again, you can send people from your website to your profile on visual society, you can use it as your own website if you are selling kind of like your own fine art or things like that and you can get started for free, which is awesome and it's worldwide fulfillment. So wherever you are in the world, you can use this to sell your photos, you the free plan only has six product uploads, so it is a little bit limited there, but for five bucks a month, you can have 100 products. So it's a really cool thing. Let me just show you um let's go here cell. So I want to show you. So you have options to sell fine art with frames, canvases, poster prints merged, like cellphone color covers Or just digital downloads. And you can choose if you want to mark it up at a certain percentage. So if you want to mark up the price 100%, you can see actually the cause what you'd be making. So if you want to sell for completely free or without making profits, you can see the actual cost that it cost them to make these things. But say you wanna, you know, Make $40 from an acrylic print or whatever. You can choose how much you want to make per different item. You can just show and see how much market you have and it's free to get started. So definitely I would recommend visual society as one of the best places to set up your photos. The last options I want to mention are a couple. Wordpress plug ins. Now this is only specific to you if you are using a website built on Wordpress, these are plug ins that allow you to basically sell photos on your website. So there are lots of different plug ins that allow you to sell products on your website. But these ones are specific to photos in vera gallery. It does cost to install this plug in but it allows you to do things like create albums, have image proofs, it does all the e commerce of the payments and processing all kinds of things like that. And then sell media by Graph Paper. is another one. And the cool thing about using a plug in like this is that you keep 100% of any sale. So there's no transaction fees, there's no fees other than what you have to pay to print it or if you're selling digital files then there's no extra cost to you at all. So these are just a lot of options. There's so many and there's so many additional ones out there to help you sell your photos, your prints, your downloads online. But I definitely recommend checking out visual society and etc. As my favorite options for selling photos online. Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you in another lesson.
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