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Understand & Work with Front Light

Lesson 8 from: Landscapes and Light

Matt Kloskowski

Understand & Work with Front Light

Lesson 8 from: Landscapes and Light

Matt Kloskowski

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8. Understand & Work with Front Light

Lesson Info

Understand & Work with Front Light

we have front Lee. So front light is probably one of the more boring ones. And a lot of times it's what we start with. Somebody tells us, you know, So the sons back here, So shoot this way because the sun's shining on things good. It's kind of flat. It's not bad. I don't want it. That's I'm making a blanket statement, but it is kind of flat. So uh, so what works for front? Like mountains, Hills said. The architecture. Different shots like that. But this is front lit, these air painted hills and Oregon just, you know, I'm shooting at the right time. If you look at the shadows, this is sunset. You know there's their shadows coming across there. There's warm light on these hills, but it's almost like that. Remember that arch shot that I showed you earlier with sidelight one and then the flat one? That's front Lee, and it's the same thing here, like it's not grabbing me. It's just kind of block. And a lot of times with front Lee, when the sun's behind you, you're gonna get that shadow thro...

ugh something and not to me is really, really tedious. In a photo. It doesn't look good when you see that harsh shadow go through something, um, gets a little bit better if you can start shooting mawr toward sunrise or sunset. All right, so I'd be happy with that photo. It's not a sunrise or sunset photo. It's still very front lit. But, um, it's it's still a nice photo. It's got nice color with nice trees, a lot of good things going on there. And then if you're going to shoot something front lit sunrise, sunset, that's one of the times where you really need to do it. Okay, so if you're out somewhere and you're kind of struggling on what to shoot, just think. All right, where is the son gonna be at sunset? By the way, there's an app that I use on my phone, which is in there. There's an apple using my phone called Sun Seeker. All right, Sunseeker. And you can hold it up and it gives you a three D view like a real picture, like it uses your camera on your phone to let you look through the lens, and it shows you where the sun's gonna be at certain times. So I can hold it up and say, OK, the sun's gonna go set there. It's gonna light something. What's over here that it's gonna like, is that interesting? Okay, just think to kind of run through is what's over there. Interesting, because as soon as that son gets really low, it's You see the color on here, you're going to get that nice warm color on something. It could be a building. Could be architecture. Could be city. Could be mountains could be trees, but that's something to look for again. Front lit, just kind of flat. But depends what you're shooting. Sometimes that's that's That's the point. That's what's gonna happen combined front lit with some stormy clouds. So you're starting. Make something. You get that nice, warm light and get the dark clouds behind it. Make some cool photos, so how to capture it if there's no clouds and sun, or if there's clouds and sun bracket, because you're gonna have a lot of contrast ing highlights and shadows. Um, if not one meter and you point your camera one meter exposure will usually dio if there's not any clouds or sun that there's not gonna be that big of a range you can get away with one photo and then post processing shadows Highlights, contrast and warmth. Pretty, pretty simple, almost kind of along the lines of what we did. But, you know, bring up those shadows a little bit. Here, tone down the highlights. Optional. Click. I probably sound like a broken record cause it's It's like the same things for you, but if I get anything across, I hope that's it. It's like it is the same things. There's a formula you can follow for the most part, and then because it's front lit because we're not quite right at sunrise or sunset, add some warmth to it. It will give you more of a sunrise sunset. Feel to it all right, without that warmth you can see here. It's got a little bit to it, but it's still kind of. It's got a little bit of a cool feeling, so add some of that warm through it, especially for the shadows, because your shadows, they're going to get cold. They're gonna get a cool feeling to We can crank up the clarity, and that will give us a little snap back there. And then what do you guys think then yet? Okay, you insist? Here we go. So I got a little bit of edge been getting there. Um, if I ever see that usually with a wide angle lens and go toe lens corrections and just click that check box, enable profile corrections and get rid of most of it. And if it doesn't, you can go down here and try to circumvent I like vignette ing that gradually kind of brings you into the photo. Been getting from a lens. That harsh edge. That's bad. We've got to get rid of that in order to add more. If that makes sense, so but, yeah, there's Ah, there's your before after, okay?

Ratings and Reviews

Trisha Davis

A lot of helpful tips and tricks to get the shot you need, even if you arent in the perfect location at the perfect time. There is beauty everywhere, you dont always have to travel to find it. Overall I enjoy Matt's classes because he stays on topic and speaks clearly.


Excellent class. I especially appreciated the specifics of what types of subjects work best in each light, as well as the Lightroom tweaks that work best with each. This is a very helpful guide.


Short, sweet and to the point. Packed with useful information on which subjects work best in each type of light, how to capture them in camera, and how to post process to get the best end result. Recommended!

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